Wat?? 完全不能代入到代码里去理解啊,这些参数难道是计算弹头内的炸药含量的么?在一番Google之后,终于在 stackexchange 找到了一份还算靠谱的答案。
首先解释一下什么是 payload,payload 在这里却是可以理解为有效载重,但是这只是字面意思。对于程序员来说,有效载重究竟是个什么玩意儿,又是一个新的问题(调用栈又多了一层……)。
所以抽象一下,payload 可以理解为一系列信息中最为关键的信息。
回到代码中,举一个最简单的例子,一个 ajax 请求返回一个 JSON 格式的对象
status: 200,
hasError: false,
userId: 1,
name: 'undefined'
这里的 data 就是 payload,也就是关键信息。而 status、hasError等信息是load,虽然也是信息,但相对没有那么重要。
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知乎用户 it民工 payload英语单词意思是有效载荷,在http中,应该是post请求时,所携带的有效数据的意思,比如你post请求上传文件,用谷歌浏览器抓包可以看到payload相关信息,它分成了多组数据描述信息,用类似于“------WebKitFormBoundaryaL7XJASi3bOcnKjn”这样的字符串分割,Content-Disposition: form-data; name="localUrl"这个是描述上传的文件的本地路径,Content-Disposition: form-data; name="imgFile"; filename="1.png"Content-Type: image/png这个是描述上传的图片的mime类型 发布于 2016-04-21 米如松payload就是协议报文中的有效载荷所占报文的百分比,用报文中去除协议的长度/报文总长度,协议设计的时候需要考虑到有效载荷所占的比重,避免出现payload很小的情况,比如TCP在设计的时候,就考虑在发送报文过程中,增加了接收报文的确认,而不是单独发送一个确认,因为单独发送一个报文的payload太低。
发布于 2017-04-16 Kimtto1.
In computing and telecommunications, the payload is the part of transmitted data that is the actual intended message. The payload excludes any headers or metadata sent solely to facilitate payload delivery.
In computer security, the payload is the part of malware such as worms or viruses which performs the malicious action; deleting data, sending spam or encrypting data. In addition to the payload, such malware also typically has overhead code aimed at simply spreading itself, or avoiding detection.
In the computer networking, data to be transmitted is the payload, but is almost always encapsulated in some type of a "frame" composed of framing bits and a frame check sequence.Examples are Ethernet frames, Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) frames, Fibre Channel frames, and V.42 modem frames.
In computer programming, the most common usage of the term is in the context of message protocols, to differentiate the protocol overhead from the actual data. For example, a JSONweb serviceresponse might be:
"message":"Hello, world!"
The string "Hello, world!" is the payload, while the rest is protocol overhead.
发布于 2016-10-08 包zt 刚刚工作On the Internet, a payload is either:
1) The essential data that is being carried within a packet or other transmission unit. The payload does not include the "overhead" data required to get the packet to its destination. Note that what constitutes the payload may depend on the point-of-view. To a communications layer that needs some of the overhead data to do its job, the payload is sometimes considered to include the part of the overhead data that this layer handles. However, in more general usage, the payload is the bits that get delivered to the end user at the destination.
2) The eventual effect of a software virus that has been delivered to a user's computer.
发布于 2016-10-13 创作打卡挑战赛 赢取流量/现金/CSDN周边激励大奖以上是关于payload是啥意思的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
ecshop 2.x 3.x sql injection/rce payload