









参考技术A 好的追问





参考技术A Standard Verilog-VHDL
Interoperabili ty
Victor Be r man
Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
1.0 Abstract
During the last few years HDLs have become the driver
behind the move to top down design in the electronic
design industry. Two HDLs, VHDL and Verilog HDL have
become the dominant de facto industry standard HDLs.
Since the industry has made a hugh investment in both
HDLs and there is every indication that each will retain
significant market share for the foreseeable future, it is
critical that there exist a standard methodology for
interoperability between the two languages. This paper
describes the relevant issues for interoperability and suggests
solutions where they currently exist. It further summarizes
the work which needs to be done for a complete
solution and the groups who are involved in achieving this
goal. Please note that the emphasis in this paper is on simulation
since the semantics of the two languages are specijied
only for that discipline. ‘While the importance of other
disciplines such as logic synthesis cannot be underestimated
in the top down design process, the lack of standard
language semantics makes general analysis problematic.
2.0 lnteroperability Requirements
The problem of interoperability between VHDL and Verilog
HDL is bounded by the usage scenarios which are significant
to designers. The general problem of
unconstrained design development in both languages is
troublesome but fortunately rarely occurs in industry. The
scenarios which we envision as being of most immediate
importance to the designer are:
A Verilog design which must refcrcnces VHDL models
A VHDL design which must refercnce Verilog models
A VHDL design where Verilog netlists are synthesized.
Design groups tend to adopt a singlc language for development
and then define discrete integration checkpoints to
deal with modcls which were extcmally generated. While
this situation may change over timc most current needs for
VHDLNerilog interoperability are driven by ASIC library
availability in Verilog and system lcvel component availability
in VHDL. The specification of high level designs
and test benches in VHDL which require ASIC library
components available in Verilog drive the rcquirement for
verification of synthesized Verilog nctlist in a VHDL simulation
environment. Focusing on these scenarios allows
the problem to be bounded in a manageablc way and we
divide it into two major segments
Verilog Import
2.1 Verilog Import
Two usage scenarios must be supported. In the first one,
the user is incrementally synthesizing Verilog gate-level
netlists from the VHDL model input and desires verification
of the synthesized netlist with the unsynthesized
VHDL; in the second one, the user dcsires to use a Verilog
modcl as an element of a VHDL design.
In the first scenario, a logic synthcsis tool is used to incrementally
synthesize portions of a largc design into Verilog.
0-8 186-5655-7194 $03.00 0 1994 IEEE
Progressively larger and larger portions of the design will
be synthesized. The user will wish to verify the accuracy
of the synthesis output through the use of simulation of
regression tests using the VHDL design with Verilog gatelevel
net lists synthesized from progressively more of the
VHDL design. The use of Verilog within this process
should be hidden as much as possible to the user in this
scenario since the user may have little or no knowledge of
Verilog. Thus, the VHDL debugger should be able to display
and manipulate the synthesized Verilog netlist as if it
were a VHDL netlist.
In the second scenario, a user will wish to utilize an existing
Verilog design as an element in their VHDL design or
test bench. The user in this case will wish to treat the Verilog
model as relatively fixed. The user should not be
required to know how 'Verilog works, but may want some
limited visibility into the model to display important
model data that may be: known to exist within the model.
2.2 VHDL Import
The scenario of primary importance to potential users of
this functionality is the ability to use externally provided
VHDL models as part (of a Verilog model simulation. The
user in this scenario will, in general, not be knowledgeable
of VHDL. It is expected that the VHDL modcls will be
large, fairly high level models of components such as
CPUs and that the purpose of the simulation will be to
assess the behavior of the Verilog models within the context
of a larger system. In this scenario, the VHDL models
will be treated as "library modules" and will change infrequently,
Verilog models will be the elements under development
and will change rather more frequently and
simulations with different stimuli will be common. The
end user will be unconlcemed about VHDL model implementation
particulars, but may want visibility to important
VHDL model data such as register values. The user will
want to access any such values in the same manner as
access to other Verilog data is provided.
3.0 Proposed Approach
The general approach laken is to define an interface or
encapsulation layer between the unlike language models
so that issues such as synchronization, signal resolution,
and timing concepts can be handled systematically. Due to
the differences in the languages, slightly different strategies
are used for the two types of import. They are
described below.
3.1 Verilog Import Approach
VHDL models may import Verilog models into a VHDL
design through the use of the foreign attribute defined
in the IEE_1076/93Verilog models to bc incorporated into
a VHDL design will have a corresponding entity-architecture
pair declared in VHDL Ports must all be of the Verilog
logic types as declared in the package XL-STD (this
package is a VHDL definition of the Verilog logic types),
or the types declared in the IEEE 1164 package. In the latter
case, conversions between the Verilog type and the
IEEE 1164 type will be performed according to mapping
rules dcfined later. It is assumed that tools which implement
this approach will have this conversion built in for
efficiency. The architecture body must contain an attribute
specification for the foreign attribute. Semantics associated
wilh any other VHDL language constructs within
the entity declaration or architecture body are ignored. The
Verilog module name within the Verilog input file being
imported must be the same as the VHDI, entity name.
An example of a Verilog module and its corresponding
VHDL shell are shown below:
module vxl-cpu (MemData, MemGrant,
IOBusy, MemRw, MemReq, IOReq,
MemAddr, IOAddr, IOOper) )
inout [31:01 MemData;
input MemGrant, IOBusy;
output MemRW, MemReq, IOReq;
output [16:0] MemAddr, IOAddr;
output [l : 03 IOOper;
endmodu 1 e
Figure 7 : Example Verilog input file module. v.
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std-logic-ll64.all;
entity vxl-cpu is
port( MemData :
downto 0)
end ;
architecture verilog of vxl-cpu is
The shell model contains only port definitions. The
attribute "simulator" defines the name of the VHDL simulator.
The attribute ''model" is used to specify the name of
the VHDL library, entity, and architecture of your VHDL
Ports declared in the root entity must be either scalars or
Port modes are mapped as follows: VHDL ports of mode
in are mapped to Verilog input pons. VHDL ports of mode
inout are mapped to Verilog inout ports. VHDL ports of
modes out or buffer are mapped to Verilog output port?.
Verilog ports are declared in the same order as they appear
in the corresponding VHDL.
preceded by a T and the Y's surrounding the extended
Figure 2: Example VHDL design file module.vhd identifier are removed.
created for Verilog input file of Figure 7.
3.2 VHDL Import Approach
Since Verilog does not have a pre-defined attribute such as
Foreign the correspondence between Verilog and VHDL
modules is done by convention using an attribute notation
as shown below:
module vhdl-part
(inA, in8 , outA, outB, inout8)
( * integer simulator = "Leapfrog";
integer model=
"mylib.myentity :myarchitecture"; *) ;
input inA;
input [7:01 in8;
output outA, outB;
inout [ 7 : 03 inout8 :
e ndmodule
FIGURE 3. Model Organization for VHDL Import
Since Verilog and VHDL define signals differently, defining
signal resolution is an essential part of the interoperability
definition. Verilog, signals can be defined as either
compdt or non-compact. Compact values contain just
logically values and no saength information (1, 0, X, or
Z). These values are defined as being strong in strength.
Non-compact values contain both a logical value and
strength information (Stl, WeO, Pul, 63X, etc.).
0 0
1 1
The interface between Verilog and the VHDL will only be
defined here for two types of VHDL signals. These are the
IEEE std-logic and vlbit signal types.
The IEEE std-logic has 9 states: U, X, 0, 1,Z, W, L, H,
and -. “U’ (un-initialized) is an unknown. “X” (strong
unknown), “0” (strong zero), “1” (strong one), and “ Z
(high-impedance) are similar to Verilog-XL values. The
“W” (weak unknown), “L” (weak zero), and “H” (weak
one) are weak states. The “-” state is also unknown.
The vlbit has just 4 states: X, Z, 0, 1. The explanation for
these values are the m e as for std-logic. The proposed
mapping tx
Z w
een the two systems is shown below:
non-compact compact
StX X s t3: X
s to 0
Stl 1
WeX X*
Welo O*
We 1 1”
St X
non -compactcompact
s tx: X
s to 0
Stl 1
* Weak strength is lost in these cases.
Mapping the Verilog compact values into VHDL values is
straightforward as show below:
compact I std-logic vlbit
non-compact I vlbit
any 0
any 1
any X
only HiZ
Mapping the Verilog non-compact values to VHDL
std-logic is more complex. Verilog strengths of Supply,
Strong, and Pull are mapped to strong std-logic values.
Verilog-XL strengths of Large, Weak, Medium, and Small
are mapped to weak std-logic values. The HiZ strength in
Verilog-XL is mapped to a “Z” std-logic value. A sum
mary of this information is shown below:
non -compac t strength
Supply (7)
Strong (6)
Pull (5)
Large (4)
Weak (3)
Medium (2)
Small (1)
std-logic strength
When Verilog values have ambiguous strength, the mapping
is less intuitive. In Verilog-XL, a net may have a
value of 630 (logical value of 0 with a strength between
strong and weak). This value could bc mapped as either a
strong 0 or a weak 0. The mapping uses the maximum
strength. In this case the maximum strength is strong, so
therefore the result will be a strong 0 in VHDL
The Verilog timescale is used to determine the
resolution for communication between Verilog-
XL and Leapfrog. VHDL simulation does not
have any notion of “smallest simulation time
unit” other the what is defined in the VHDL
language (femto-seconds).
The two possibilities are that Verilog has a time
resolution smaller than that used in the VHDL
model or that the VHDL model may have its time
resolution smaller than that used by Verilog. In the
first case, the VHDL simulator does not have any
problems if it receives Verilog interrupts more
than it sees events in a VHDL model.
In the following discussion, “time tick” means the
instant when a time unit ends and another time unit
begins. There is a problem where the VHDL
activity occurs between the Verilog simulation
time ticks. In this case, the events from VHDL will
be recognized by Verilog at the next simulation
time tick.
There iVsE & LoO Ga possibility that VHDL will schedule multiple events in-between two successive time
ticks. In this case, the latest value is passed to Verilog. Each of these can be erroneous.
If there is a problem with events from VHDL occurring too rapidly for the Verilog model, increasing
the Verilog time resolution is a remedy. This is done by modifying a ’timescale directive in one of the
Verilog models.
The time resolution for the Verilog simulation could be increased by a factor of 10. Doing this with
the previous two examples, would generate the following waveforms:
By increasing the time resolution within Verilog, the signals between the simulators are passed at
more accurate times. There is a trade-off with making this adjustment. The memory usage may be
increased and the simulation’s duration may increase.
If the Verilog models do not contain any ‘timescale directive, then a default timescale of lSEC/lSEC
is used. Naturally this will cause incorrect results. Therefore the ‘timescale directive must be used
when importing models into Verilog.
In such cases a resolution warning message is similar to the following should be issued so that the
modeler understands the situation:
Warning! Event(s) happened in a finer resolution.
Since the model for synchronization of time and event processing
in VHDL and Verilog is somewhat different, it is
important for the modeler to understand the strategy proposed.
Signals which pass between Verilog and VHDL are
updated after both simulators have completed all of their
currently active events. In response, the Verilog and
VHDL simulators will process these incoming events. It is
possible for the new events to cause more boundary signals
to change. Once all of the events are processed, the
boundary signal changes are exchanged again. Once again
the simulations will be run in response to the signal
changes. This process is repeated until ALL events are
processed for the current time unit.
This synchronization strategy has a side effect on the
$monitor task output. When Verilog completes all of its
active events, it does not know if it will be called back due
to the VHDL simulator passing changes on their port signals.
Therefore, the $monitor statement outputs a line
when Verilog completes all of its activity. However, the
VHDL simulator may pass back some more data and this
can cause some of the monitored signals to change. In
which case, the $monitor statement will produce another
line of data. This can produce results similar to the following:
450 clk= 1 enable=O data=zz
500 ck=l enable=l data=zz
500 clk=l enable=l data=52
At time 500, Verilog-XL evaluated the signal “enable” and
assigned its new value of 1. Verilog complctcd its evaluations
and printed its monitor statement. The signal change
on “enable” was passed to the VHDL model. Thc VHDL
model responded by calculating a new value for the data
bus. The new value was passed back to Vcrilog-XL. Since
Verilog-XL was also monitoring the data bus, it produces a
new output line when it changed.
Another issue conceming synchronimtion deals with
event order dependencies. The events from the VHDL
model will always change after all of the Verilog events
are processed.
my-vhdl vhdll( .... ,data , ...) ;
my-verilog vlogl( .... , clk , ...) ;
always @(posedge clk) out = data;
In the model above, if both “clk” and “data” change during
the same time slice, the old value of “data” will always be
clocked. If the VHDL model was modellcd in Verilog,
then it is possible for the new valuc of “data” to be
7.0 Conclusions and Future Work
The ideas presented in this paper givc a starting point for a
standard method of interoperability between VHDL and
Verilog. I would like to stress the importance of gaining
industry support for such a common mcthodology before
thc inevitable market forces lead to disparate proprictary
implementation driven approaches which hamper modcl
intcroperability. A very significant amount of work in this
area has already been done at Cadence to solve the technical
problems involved in modeling and simulation for
mixed language systems including VHDL and Verilog. It
is the intention of Cadence to make as much of this material
public as is needed to solve this important problem for
Currently, a working group under thc auspices of the IEEE
DASC has begun to investigate the issues involvcd in
VHDL Verilog interoperability. We plan to work closely
with this group and share our findings with them in the
interest of quickly arriving at a useful standard in this area.
Wc feel that a phased approach to the problem has the best
chance for early success and therefore have suggestcd in
this paper that the problems which are confronting design-
ers today be solved first before the more general prob- 8.0 References
lems of multi-language design be tackled.
[l “IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual
IEEE Std 1076-1987”, 1988, The Institute of Elechcal and
Electronics Engineers, Inc. New York, NY.
[2) “IEEE Draft Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual
IEEE Std 1076-1992B”,1993, The Institute of Elecwical
and Electronics Engineers. Inc. New York, NY.
We are currently prototyping the ideas discussed in
this paper with Cadence’s VHDL and Verilog simulators
md look forward to reporting on the results of
these efforts in the near Ifuture.
131 “Verilog Hardware Description Language Reference Manual.
Version 2.0”. March 1993, Open Verilog International,
San Jose, CA.
