炫“库”行动-人大金仓有奖征文-KingbaseES V8R6 手工创建主备流复制集群案例

Posted 客居天涯


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了炫“库”行动-人大金仓有奖征文-KingbaseES V8R6 手工创建主备流复制集群案例相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。



    KingbaseES V8R6集群部署一般可采用图形化方式快速部署,但在生产一线,有的服务器系统未启用图形化环境或无法启用图形界面,所以对于KingbaseES V8R6集群部署需采用手工字符界面方式部署,本次文档记录了在生产环境下的字符界面部署操作步骤及部署中的注意事项和故障案例。

    2)需要首先安装KingbaseES V8R6 Cluster版本的软件包。

一、    系统环境
1.1    集群架构

 图1-1 KingbaseES V8R6集群架构

       如图1-1所示,KingbaseES V8R6采用开源repmgr架构,repmgr流复制管理系统有repmgr和repmgrd两个命令。其中repmgr命令实现对集群节点的管理,如注册(Register)主/备节点、克隆(Clone)Standby节点、提升(Promote)Standby为Primary节点、切换新主(Follow)节点以及在线切换(Switchover)主备操作等;repmgrd命令用来启动repmgr系统的守护进程,用以对集群节点的监控。



1.2    数据库版本


1.3    系统CPU架构(鲲鹏920)

[root@ECOLABAPP37 ~]# lscpu
Architecture:                    aarch64
CPU op-mode(s):                  64-bit
Byte Order:                      Little Endian
CPU(s):                          192
On-line CPU(s) list:             0-191
Thread(s) per core:              1
Core(s) per socket:              48
Socket(s):                       4
NUMA node(s):                    8
Vendor ID:                       HiSilicon
Model:                           0
Model name:                      Kunpeng-920
Stepping:                        0x1
CPU max MHz:                     3000.0000
CPU min MHz:                     200.0000

1.4    系统内存信息

[root@ECOLABAPP37 ~]# free -m
                      total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:         522103       18400      501575          63        2127     501458
Swap:         65535           0       65535 

1.5    网卡信息

nm-bond: flags=5187<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MASTER,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet 10.248.52.*  netmask  broadcast
        inet6 fe80::1728:3b0b:9694:6c2c  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
        ether 00:07:45:c2:d1:20  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 83667032  bytes 5305257118 (4.9 GiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 16629  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 513509  bytes 44561399 (42.4 MiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

1.6    系统内核信息

[root@ECOLABAPP37 ~]# uname -a
Linux ECOLABAPP37 4.19.90-2003.4.0.0036.oe1.aarch64 #1 SMP Mon Mar 23 19:06:43 UTC 2020 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux

二、    配置系统环境(all nodes)
2.1 创建kingbase用户

[root@ECOLABAPP37 ~]# id kingbase
uid=1002(kingbase) gid=1002(kingbase) groups=1002(kingbase)   

2.2 关闭主机系统防火墙

[root@ECOLABAPP37 Scripts]# systemctl stop firewalld
[root@ECOLABAPP37 Scripts]# systemctl disable firewalld
[root@ECOLABAPP38 ~]# systemctl status firewalld
 firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)
     Docs: man:firewalld(1)

2.3 配置selinux

[kingbase@node3 ~]$ cat /etc/sysconfig/selinux |grep -v  ^#|grep -v ^$

三、    通过脚本构建集群
3.1  配置部署环境

=== 相关集群部署脚本,在集群软件包安装后,在集群软件安装目录下可以查找到===

[kingbase@ECOLABAPP37 ~] mkdir R6_install
[kingbase@ECOLABAPP37 ~]$ cd R6_install/
[kingbase@ECOLABAPP37 R6_install]$ ls -lh
total 80K
-rw------- 1 kingbase kingbase 5.0K Apr 19 17:28 install.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 kingbase kingbase 2.9K Apr 19 17:20 license.dat
-r-xr-xr-x 1 kingbase kingbase 2.1K Apr 19 16:57 trust_cluster.sh
-rw------- 1 kingbase kingbase  32K Apr 19 16:57 V8R6_cluster_install.sh
-rw------- 1 kingbase kingbase  31K Apr 19 16:57 V8R6一键部署集群脚本操作手册.docx

1) 查看和编辑集群配置文件(根据系统环境进行修改)

 [kingbase@node3 ~]$ cat install.conf |grep -v ^#|grep -v ^$
db_user="system"                 # the user name of database
db_password="123456"             # the password of database
db_port="54321"                  # the port of database, defaults is 54321
db_mode="oracle"                 # database mode: pg, oracle
db_auth="scram-sha-256"          # database authority: scram-sha-256, md5, default is scram-sha-256
net_device=(nm-bond nm-bond)
reconnect_attempts="6"           # the number of retries in the event of an error
reconnect_interval="10"          # retry interval
recovery="manual"                # the way of cluster recovery: automatic/manual
ssh_port="22"                    # the port of ssh, default is 22

2) 配置主机间ssh互信(可以手工配置,也可以通过以下脚本配置,建议手工配置)

[kingbase@ECOLABAPP37 R6_install]$ cat trust_cluster.sh
# you should change two parameters: general_user and all_ip
# general_user is the general user which you want to config SSH password free
# all_ip is the devices that you want to config SSH password free
shell_folder=$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0"))
for ips in $all_ip[@]
    ssh -p $ssh_port root@$ips "cp -r /root/.ssh /home/$general_user/"
    ssh -p $ssh_port root@$ips "chmod 700 /home/$general_user/.ssh/"
    ssh -p $ssh_port root@$ips "chown -R $general_user:$general_user /home/$general_user/.ssh/"


[kingbase@ECOLABAPP37 R6_install]$ cat V8R6_cluster_install.sh
shell_folder=$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0"))
#BMJ Kingbase install path
    # start up the cluster
    echo "[INSTALL] start up the whole cluster ..."
    execute_command $execute_user $all_ip[-2] "$sys_bindir/sys_monitor.sh start"
    [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 1
    echo "[INSTALL] start up the whole cluster ... OK"

exit 0

3.2 执行脚本部署

[kingbase@ECOLABAPP37 ~]$ cd R6_install/
[kingbase@ECOLABAPP37 R6_install]$ ls -lh
total 80K
-rw------- 1 kingbase kingbase 5.0K Apr 19 17:28 install.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 kingbase kingbase 2.9K Apr 19 17:20 license.dat
-r-xr-xr-x 1 kingbase kingbase 2.1K Apr 19 16:57 trust_cluster.sh
-rw------- 1 kingbase kingbase  32K Apr 19 16:57 V8R6_cluster_install.sh
-rw------- 1 kingbase kingbase  31K Apr 19 16:57 V8R6一键部署集群脚本操作手册.docx


[kingbase@ECOLABAPP37 ~]$ cd R6_install/
[kingbase@ECOLABAPP37 R6_install]$ sh V8R6_cluster_install.sh 

[CONFIG_CHECK] file format is correct ... OK
[CONFIG_CHECK] check if the virtual ip "10.248.52.*" already exist ...
[CONFIG_CHECK] there is no "10.248.52.*" on any host, OK
[CONFIG_CHECK] the number of net_device matches the length of all_ip or the number of net_device is 1 ... OK
[CONFIG_CHECK] the number of license_num matches the length of all_ip or the number of license_num is 1 ... OK
[RUNNING] check if the host can be reached ...
[RUNNING] success connect to the target "10.248.52.*" ..... OK
[RUNNING] success connect to the target "10.248.52.*" ..... OK
[RUNNING] check the db is running or not...
[RUNNING] the db is not running on "10.248.52.*:54321" ..... OK
[RUNNING] the db is not running on "10.248.52.*:54321" ..... OK
[RUNNING] check if the install dir is already exist ...
[RUNNING] the install dir is not exist on "10.248.52.*" ..... OK
[RUNNING] the install dir is not exist on "10.248.52.*" ..... OK
[INSTALL] create the install dir "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase" on every host ...
[INSTALL] success to create the install dir "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase" on "10.248.52.*" ..... OK
[INSTALL] success to create the install dir "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase" on "10.248.52.*" ..... OK
[INSTALL] decompress the "/opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/DeployTools/zip/Aarch64/db.zip" to "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase"
[INSTALL] success to decompress the "/opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/DeployTools/zip/Aarch64/db.zip" to "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase" on "10.248.52.*"..... OK
[INSTALL] create the dir "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/etc" on all host
[INSTALL] scp the dir "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase" to other host
[INSTALL] try to copy the install dir "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase" to "10.248.52.*" .....
[INSTALL] success to scp the install dir "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase" to "10.248.52.*" ..... OK
[RUNNING] chmod u+s for "/sbin" and "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/bin"
[RUNNING] chmod u+s /sbin/ip on "10.248.52.*" ..... OK
[RUNNING] chmod u+s /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/bin/arping on "10.248.52.*" ..... OK
[RUNNING] chmod u+s /sbin/ip on "10.248.52.*" ..... OK
[RUNNING] chmod u+s /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/bin/arping on "10.248.52.*" ..... OK
[INSTALL] check license_file "license.dat"
[INSTALL] success to access license_file: /home/kingbase/R6_install/license.dat
[INSTALL] Copy license to /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/../: license.dat
[INSTALL] success to copy /home/kingbase/R6_install/license.dat to /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/../ on 10.248.52.*
[INSTALL] check license_file "license.dat"
[INSTALL] success to access license_file: /home/kingbase/R6_install/license.dat
[INSTALL] Copy license to /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/../: license.dat
[INSTALL] success to copy /home/kingbase/R6_install/license.dat to /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/../ on 10.248.52.*

=== 初始化primary节点数据库,并启动数据库服务===
[INSTALL] begin to init the database on "10.248.52.*" ...
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "kingbase".
This user must also own the server process.
The database cluster will be initialized with locale "en_US.UTF-8".
The default database encoding has accordingly been set to "UTF8".
The default text search configuration will be set to "english".
Data page checksums are disabled.
creating directory /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/data ... ok
creating subdirectories ... ok
selecting dynamic shared memory implementation ... posix
selecting default max_connections ... 100
selecting default shared_buffers ... 128MB
selecting default time zone ... Asia/Shanghai
creating configuration files ... ok
Begin setup encrypt device
initializing the encrypt device ... ok
running bootstrap script ... ok
performing post-bootstrap initialization ... ok
create security database ... ok
load security database ... ok
create initial audit rules ... ok
syncing data to disk ... ok

Success. You can now start the database server using:
    /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/bin/sys_ctl -D /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/data -l logfile start

[INSTALL] end to init the database on "10.248.52.*" ... OK
[INSTALL] wirte the kingbase.conf on "10.248.52.*" ...
[INSTALL] wirte the kingbase.conf on "10.248.52.*" ... OK
[INSTALL] wirte the es_rep.conf on "10.248.52.*" ...
[INSTALL] wirte the es_rep.conf on "10.248.52.*" ... OK
[INSTALL] wirte the sys_hba.conf on "10.248.52.*" ...
[INSTALL] wirte the sys_hba.conf on "10.248.52.*" ... OK
[INSTALL] wirte the .encpwd on every host
[INSTALL] write the repmgr.conf on every host
[INSTALL] write the repmgr.conf on "10.248.52.*" ...
[INSTALL] write the repmgr.conf on "10.248.52.*" ... OK
[INSTALL] write the repmgr.conf on "10.248.52.*" ...
[INSTALL] write the repmgr.conf on "10.248.52.*" ... OK
[INSTALL] start up the database on "10.248.52.*" ...
[INSTALL] /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/bin/sys_ctl -w -t 60 -l /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/logfile -D /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/data start
waiting for server to start.... done
server started
[INSTALL] start up the database on "10.248.52.*" ... OK

=== 创建repmgr元数据库===
[INSTALL] create the database "esrep" and user "esrep" for repmgr ...
[INSTALL] create the database "esrep" and user "esrep" for repmgr ... OK
[INSTALL] register the primary on "10.248.52.*" ...
INFO: connecting to primary database...
NOTICE: attempting to install extension "repmgr"
NOTICE: "repmgr" extension successfully installed

=== 注册primary库,并clone and register standby库===
NOTICE: PING 10.248.52.* (10.248.52.*) 56(84) bytes of data.

--- 10.248.52.* ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 1005ms

WARNING: ping host"10.248.52.*" failed
DETAIL: average RTT value is not greater than zero
INFO: loadvip result: 1, arping result: 1
NOTICE: node (ID: 1) acquire the virtual ip 10.248.52.* success
NOTICE: primary node record (ID: 1) registered
[INSTALL] register the primary on "10.248.52.*" ... OK
[INSTALL] clone and start up the standby ...
clone the standby on "10.248.52.*" ...
/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/bin/repmgr -h 10.248.52.* -U esrep -d esrep -p 54321 standby clone
NOTICE: destination directory "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/data" provided
INFO: connecting to source node
DETAIL: connection string is: host=10.248.52.* user=esrep port=54321 dbname=esrep
DETAIL: current installation size is 64 MB
NOTICE: checking for available walsenders on the source node (2 required)
NOTICE: checking replication connections can be made to the source server (2 required)
INFO: creating directory "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/data"...
NOTICE: starting backup (using sys_basebackup)...
HINT: this may take some time; consider using the -c/--fast-checkpoint option
INFO: executing:
  /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/bin/sys_basebackup -l "repmgr base backup"  -D /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/data -h 10.248.52.* -p 54321 -U esrep -X stream -S repmgr_slot_2 
NOTICE: standby clone (using sys_basebackup) complete
NOTICE: you can now start your Kingbase server
HINT: for example: sys_ctl -D /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/data start
HINT: after starting the server, you need to register this standby with "repmgr standby register"
clone the standby on "10.248.52.*" ... OK
start up the standby on "10.248.52.*" ...
/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/bin/sys_ctl -w -t 60 -l /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/logfile -D /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/data start
waiting for server to start.... done
server started
start up the standby on "10.248.52.*" ... OK
register the standby on "10.248.52.*" ...
INFO: connecting to local node "node2" (ID: 2)
INFO: connecting to primary database
WARNING: --upstream-node-id not supplied, assuming upstream node is primary (node ID 1)
INFO: standby registration complete
NOTICE: standby node "node2" (ID: 2) successfully registered
[INSTALL] register the standby on "10.248.52.*" ... OK

[INSTALL] start up the whole cluster ...
2021-04-19 17:31:58 Ready to start all DB ...
2021-04-19 17:31:58 begin to start DB on "[10.248.52.*]".
2021-04-19 17:31:59 DB on "[10.248.52.*]" already started, connect to check it.
2021-04-19 17:32:00 DB on "[10.248.52.*]" start success.
2021-04-19 17:32:00 Try to ping trusted_servers on host 10.248.52.* ...
2021-04-19 17:32:02 Try to ping trusted_servers on host 10.248.52.* ...
2021-04-19 17:32:05 begin to start DB on "[10.248.52.*]".
2021-04-19 17:32:05 DB on "[10.248.52.*]" already started, connect to check it.
2021-04-19 17:32:06 DB on "[10.248.52.*]" start success.
 ID | Name  | Role    | Status    | Upstream | Location | Priority | Timeline | Connection string                                                                                                                                
 1  | node1 | primary | * running |          | default  | 100      | 1        | user=esrep dbname=esrep port=54321 host=10.248.52.* connect_timeout=10 keepalives=1 keepalives_idle=10 keepalives_interval=1 keepalives_count=3
 2  | node2 | standby |   running | node1    | default  | 100      | 1        | user=esrep dbname=esrep port=54321 host=10.248.52.* connect_timeout=10 keepalives=1 keepalives_idle=10 keepalives_interval=1 keepalives_count=3
2021-04-19 17:32:06 The primary DB is started.
2021-04-19 17:32:12 Success to load virtual ip [10.248.52.*] on primary host [10.248.52.*].
2021-04-19 17:32:12 Try to ping vip on host 10.248.52.* ...
2021-04-19 17:32:14 Try to ping vip on host 10.248.52.* ...
2021-04-19 17:32:17 begin to start repmgrd on "[10.248.52.*]".
[2021-04-19 17:32:17] [NOTICE] using provided configuration file "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/bin/../etc/repmgr.conf"
[2021-04-19 17:32:17] [NOTICE] redirecting logging output to "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/hamgr.log"

2021-04-19 17:32:17 repmgrd on "[10.248.52.*]" start success.
2021-04-19 17:32:17 begin to start repmgrd on "[10.248.52.*]".
[2021-04-19 15:15:45] [NOTICE] using provided configuration file "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/bin/../etc/repmgr.conf"
[2021-04-19 15:15:45] [NOTICE] redirecting logging output to "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/hamgr.log"

=== 查看集群节点状态,集群部署完成===

2021-04-19 17:32:18 repmgrd on "[10.248.52.*]" start success.
 ID | Name  | Role    | Status    | Upstream | repmgrd | PID   | Paused? | Upstream last seen
 1  | node1 | primary | * running |          | running | 62956 | no      | n/a                
 2  | node2 | standby |   running | node1    | running | 25769 | no      | 0 second(s) ago    
/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/bin/../etc/all_nodes_tools.conf does not exist
/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/bin/../etc/all_nodes_tools.conf does not exist
2021-04-19 17:32:22 Done.
[INSTALL] start up the whole cluster ... OK
=== 根据以上信息获知,集群手工部署成功!===

4.1 查看数据库服务状态(主库)

[kingbase@ECOLABAPP37 ~]$ ps -ef |grep kingbase
kingbase   62335       1  0 17:31 ?        00:00:00 /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/bin/kingbase -D /home/kingbas/cluster/kingbase/data
kingbase   62336   62335  0 17:31 ?        00:00:00 kingbase: logger   
kingbase   62338   62335  0 17:31 ?        00:00:00 kingbase: checkpointer   
kingbase   62339   62335  0 17:31 ?        00:00:00 kingbase: background writer   
kingbase   62340   62335  0 17:31 ?        00:00:00 kingbase: walwriter   
kingbase   62341   62335  0 17:31 ?        00:00:00 kingbase: autovacuum launcher   
kingbase   62342   62335  0 17:31 ?        00:00:00 kingbase: archiver   last was 000000010000000000000002.00000028.backup
kingbase   62343   62335  0 17:31 ?        00:00:00 kingbase: stats collector   
kingbase   62344   62335  0 17:31 ?        00:00:00 kingbase: ksh writer   
kingbase   62345   62335  0 17:31 ?        00:00:00 kingbase: ksh collector   
kingbase   62346   62335  0 17:31 ?        00:00:00 kingbase: sys_kwr collector   
kingbase   62347   62335  0 17:31 ?        00:00:00 kingbase: logical replication launcher   
kingbase   62426   62335  0 17:31 ?        00:00:00 kingbase: walsender esrep 10.248.52.*(52926) streaming 0/300B810
kingbase   62954   62335  0 17:32 ?        00:00:00 kingbase: esrep esrep 10.248.52.*(47290) idle
kingbase   62956       1  0 17:32 ?        00:00:00 /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/bin/repmgrd -d -v -f /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/bin/../etc/repmgr.conf
kingbase   62966   62335  0 17:32 ?        00:00:00 kingbase: esrep esrep 10.248.52.*(52934) idle
kingbase   63178       1  0 17:32 ?        00:00:00 /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/bin/kbha -A daemon -f /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/bin/../etc/repmgr.conf
kingbase   63822   63178  0 17:35 ?        00:00:00 ping -q -c3 -w2 10.248.48.*

4.2 主备流复制状态

[kingbase@ECOLABAPP37 ~]$ ksql -U system test
ksql (V8.0)
Type "help" for help.
test=# select * from sys_stat_replication;
  pid  | usesysid | usename | application_name |  client_addr  | client_hostname | client_port |         backend_s
tart         | backend_xmin |   state   | sent_lsn  | write_lsn | flush_lsn | replay_lsn | write_lag | flush_lag |
 replay_lag | sync_priority | sync_state |          reply_time           
 62426 |    16385 | esrep   | node2            | 10.248.52.* |                 |       52926 | 2021-04-19 17:31:
57.986053+08 |              | streaming | 0/300B810 | 0/300B810 | 0/300B810 | 0/300B810  |           |           |
            |             1 | quorum     | 2021-04-19 15:19:35.941223+08
(1 row)

4.3 查看集群节点状态

[kingbase@ECOLABAPP37 ~]$ repmgr cluster show
 ID | Name  | Role    | Status    | Upstream | Location | Priority | Timeline | Connection string                                                                                                                                
 1  | node1 | primary | * running |          | default  | 100      | 1        | user=esrep dbname=esrep port=54321 host=10.248.52.* connect_timeout=10 keepalives=1 keepalives_idle=10 keepalives_interval=1 keepalives_count=3
 2  | node2 | standby |   running | node1    | default  | 100      | 1        | user=esrep dbname=esrep port=54321 host=10.248.52.* connect_timeout=10 keepalives=1 keepalives_idle=10 keepalives_interval=1 keepalives_count=3

4.4 测试主备流复制同步

test=# create database prod;
test=# \\c prod;
You are now connected to database "prod" as user "system".

prod=# create table t1 (id int);
prod=# insert into t1 values (10),(20),(30);
prod=# select * from t1;
(3 rows)

[kingbase@ECOLABAPP38 ~]$ ksql -U system test
ksql (V8.0)
Type "help" for help.

test=# \\c prod
You are now connected to database "prod" as user "system".
prod=# select * from t1;
(3    rows)



[kingbase@ECOLABAPP37 ~]$ cd R6_install/
[kingbase@ECOLABAPP37 R6_install]$ ls -lh
total 80K
-rw------- 1 kingbase kingbase 5.0K Apr 19 17:28 install.conf
-r-xr-xr-x 1 kingbase kingbase 2.1K Apr 19 16:57 trust_cluster.sh
-rw------- 1 kingbase kingbase  32K Apr 19 16:57 V8R6_cluster_install.sh
-rw------- 1 kingbase kingbase  31K Apr 19 16:57 V8R6一键部署集群脚本操作手册.docx
[kingbase@ECOLABAPP37 R6_install]$ sh V8R6_cluster_install.sh 
[CONFIG_CHECK] file format is correct ... OK
[CONFIG_CHECK] check if the virtual ip "10.248.52.*" already exist ...
[CONFIG_CHECK] there is no "10.248.52.*" on any host, OK
[CONFIG_CHECK] the number of net_device matches the length of all_ip or the number of net_device is 1 ... OK
[CONFIG_CHECK] the number of license_num matches the length of all_ip or the number of license_num is 1 ... OK
[RUNNING] check if the host can be reached ...
[RUNNING] success connect to the target "10.248.52.*" ..... OK
[RUNNING] success connect to the target "10.248.52.*" ..... OK
[RUNNING] check the db is running or not...
[RUNNING] the db is not running on "10.248.52.*:54321" ..... OK
[RUNNING] the db is not running on "10.248.52.*:54321" ..... OK
[RUNNING] check if the install dir is already exist ...
[RUNNING] the install dir is not exist on "10.248.52.*" ..... OK
[RUNNING] the install dir is not exist on "10.248.52.*" ..... OK
[INSTALL] create the install dir "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase" on every host ...
[INSTALL] success to create the install dir "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase" on "10.248.52.*" ..... OK
[INSTALL] success to create the install dir "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase" on "10.248.52.*" ..... OK
[INSTALL] decompress the "/opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/DeployTools/zip/Aarch64/db.zip" to "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase"
[INSTALL] success to decompress the "/opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/DeployTools/zip/Aarch64/db.zip" to "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase" on "10.248.52.*"..... OK
[INSTALL] create the dir "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/etc" on all host
[INSTALL] scp the dir "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase" to other host
[INSTALL] try to copy the install dir "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase" to "10.248.52.*" .....
[INSTALL] success to scp the install dir "/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase" to "10.248.52.*" ..... OK
[RUNNING] chmod u+s for "/sbin" and "/usr/sbin"
[RUNNING] chmod u+s /sbin/ip on "10.248.52.*" ..... OK
[RUNNING] chmod u+s /usr/sbin/arping on "10.248.52.*" ..... OK
[RUNNING] chmod u+s /sbin/ip on "10.248.52.*" ..... OK
[RUNNING] chmod u+s /usr/sbin/arping on "10.248.52.*" ..... OK
[INSTALL] check license_file "license.dat"
[INSTALL] Copy license to /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/../: license.dat
[INSTALL] success to copy /home/kingbase/R6_install/license.dat to /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/../ on 10.248.52.*
[INSTALL] check license_file "license.dat"
[INSTALL] Copy license to /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/../: license.dat
[INSTALL] success to copy /home/kingbase/R6_install/license.dat to /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/../ on 10.248.52.*
[INSTALL] begin to init the database on "10.248.52.*" ...
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "kingbase".
This user must also own the server process.
The database cluster will be initialized with locale "en_US.UTF-8".
The default database encoding has accordingly been set to "UTF8".
The default text search configuration will be set to "english".
Data page checksums are disabled.
creating directory /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/data ... ok
creating subdirectories ... ok
selecting dynamic shared memory implementation ... posix
selecting default max_connections ... 100
selecting default shared_buffers ... 128MB
selecting default time zone ... Asia/Shanghai
creating configuration files ... ok
Begin setup encrypt device
initializing the encrypt device ... ok
running bootstrap script ... ok
performing post-bootstrap initialization ... ok
create security database ... ok
load security database ... ok
create initial audit rules ... ok
syncing data to disk ... ok
Success. You can now start the database server using:
    /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/bin/sys_ctl -D /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/data -l logfile start

[INSTALL] end to init the database on "10.248.52.*" ... OK
[INSTALL] wirte the kingbase.conf on "10.248.52.*" ...
[INSTALL] wirte the kingbase.conf on "10.248.52.*" ... OK
[INSTALL] wirte the es_rep.conf on "10.248.52.*" ...
[INSTALL] wirte the es_rep.conf on "10.248.52.*" ... OK
[INSTALL] wirte the sys_hba.conf on "10.248.52.*" ...
[INSTALL] wirte the sys_hba.conf on "10.248.52.*" ... OK
[INSTALL] wirte the .encpwd on every host
[INSTALL] write the repmgr.conf on every host
[INSTALL] write the repmgr.conf on "10.248.52.*" ...
[INSTALL] write the repmgr.conf on "10.248.52.*" ... OK
[INSTALL] write the repmgr.conf on "10.248.52.*" ...
[INSTALL] write the repmgr.conf on "10.248.52.*" ... OK
[INSTALL] start up the database on "10.248.52.*" ...
[INSTALL] /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/bin/sys_ctl -w -t 60 -l /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/logfile -D /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/data start
waiting for server to start.... stopped waiting
sys_ctl: could not start server
Examine the log output.



/home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/bin/sys_ctl -w -t 60 -l /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/logfile -D /home/kingbase/cluster/kingbase/data



以上是关于炫“库”行动-人大金仓有奖征文-KingbaseES V8R6 手工创建主备流复制集群案例的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

炫“库”行动—人大金仓有奖征文—SQL LIKE的使用



炫“库”行动-人大金仓有奖征文-KingbaseES V8R3 读写分离集群在线扩容案例

炫“库”行动-人大金仓有奖征文-KingbaseES V8R3 读写分离集群在线扩容案例

炫“库”行动-人大金仓有奖征文-KingbaseES V8R3 读写分离集群在线扩容案例