



▉ 个人概况 (Personal Data)
姓 名:王世起 民 族: 汉
性 别: 男 住 址:北京市天通西苑
政治面貌:团员 出生年月:1985-12-27
专 业:计算机科学与技术 联系方式:
学 历:本科
▉ 求职意向 (Job Intention)
▉ 专业技能 (Professional Skills)
精通Core Java,熟练掌握Jsp,Servlet,JDBC,应用html,XML等技术
自学C++、VB、C# 、javascript等,可进行简单运用

▉ 语言水平(Language Level)
英语四级 ( 389 ) 普通话流利 SCJP(83)
▉ 项目经验 (Project Experience)
项目一:电信级用户管理和计费管理系统(NetCT OSS)----- 2009年6月份
项目描述:该系统主要完成公司在线实验室出租业务的计费、 管理以及访问统计,基于Unix平台、Mysql数据库、Web界面,MVC结构实现。实现用到了servlet,struts,hibernate,jsp,ajax等技术。能够灵活添加、修改资费定价信息和促销信息;增、删、查、改用户信息、管理员信息;按月生成用户月帐单;按月、年分别生成月帐务信息统计报表和年帐务信息统计报表并允许用户通过Internet自查询自己当前或历史帐单。
项目二:网上购物系统(Shopping Cart)----2009年5月份
项目三:NetCT OSS后台数据自动整合系统 ---- 2009年4月份

▉ 教育背景 (Education Background)
2009年1月-2009年5月 加拿大达内外企IT培训 基于Unix的Java的软件开发
2005年9月--2009年6月 计算机科学与技术(软件方向) 本科
▉ 社会实践及所获奖励 (Social Practice & Rewards)
▉ 自我评价 (Personal Valuation)


参考技术A ▉ personal profiles (Personal Data)
Name: Wang from National: Han
Sex: Male Address: Beijing Xiyuan Thienthong
Political landscape: member date of birth :1985-12-27
Profession: Computer Science and Technology Contact:
Education: Undergraduate
Intention ▉ job (Job Intention)
Look forward to the goal posts: JAVA Development Engineer
▉ professional skills (Professional Skills)
Proficient in Core Java, master Jsp, Servlet, JDBC, the application of Html, XML and other technologies
Self-learning C + +, VB, C #, JavaScript and so on, can be simple to use
Proficiency in the use of Struts, Struts2, Hibernate, Spring open source framework
Familiar with MySql, SQLServer, Oracle database, master database based on Oracle programming: SQL, PL / SQL
▉ level language (Language Level)
English 4 (389) fluent Putonghua SCJP (83)
▉ project experience (Project Experience)
Project: carrier-class subscriber management and billing management system (NetCT OSS )----- 2009 years 6 month
Project Description: The system is mainly to complete online rental business laboratory billing, management, and access to statistics, based on the Unix platform, Mysql database, Web interface, MVC structure. To achieve using a servlet, struts, hibernate, jsp, ajax and other technologies. Flexibility to add, modify tariff pricing information and promotional information; by, delete, search, change user information, the administrator information; billing on a monthly basis to generate the user; a monthly basis, the annual accounts on the respective information to generate statistical reports and annual accounts statistical information and allows the user to query through the Internet from their current or historical bills.
Responsibility Description: As the system modules and sub-modules are more group development process is achieved. Individuals completed the login system as well as the rights management module of the seven sub-module (permission to view, increased authority, authority to delete, the role of browsing, the role of increasing the role of changes to the role of the deletion).
Project II: online shopping system (Shopping Cart )---- 2009 month 5 years
Project Description: Small-line shopping system, the use of Tomcat server and mysql database, the main achievement of the online shopping cart features, including a dynamic display of goods, information, products, shopping cart add, delete, modify products, as well as the generation of orders, inquiries functions. The entire system using MVC design pattern, database access using Hibernate to achieve, control part of the use of Servlet and struts2 (Main) combined to complete the proper use of ajax technology
Responsibility Description: The project is a small-scale projects, individuals independently completed the landing system, registration, dynamic display of goods, the shopping cart to add, delete, modify products, after the number of total function ajax partial modification
Project III: NetCT OSS background data integration system automatically 4 years month ---- 2009
Project Description: The original collection java regular billing system log file (UNIX systems / var / adm / wtmpx document) and data collection and classification of a set package to deal with, and then the final result set to upload through the Socket central processing system, the central processing system to collect information and data saved to the MySQL database, and finally collected and deposited in the database integration of the cyclical data, respectively, into the corresponding year, month, day in the tables.
Responsibility Description: In this project, completed its own independent function of all (the background part of the binary data analysis, data transfer and data integration of three major auto-cycle)

Other small items: a user information management system, the console version of two-plane Gobang
▉ educational background (Education Background)
January 2009 -2009 Canada in May of the year foreign IT training within the Java-based Unix software development
September 2005 - June 2009 Computer Science and Technology (software orientation) undergraduate
Add: ▉ of social practice and receive incentives (Social Practice & Rewards)
Social practice:
Junior summer: java speaker based on the teacher training courses
Sophomore summer: C language teachers for secondary examination
School experience:
First year due to the outstanding performance of military men was selected as captain side
In 2006 during the celebration of 55 years was named outstanding school volunteers, and presented a certificate of outstanding volunteers
Self-evaluation ▉ (Personal Valuation)
More traditional, his easy-going, responsible, have a strong team spirit and ability to cooperate.
The issue of good organizational skills, software development skills, and good programming habits.
Stable peace of mind, like problem-solving, innovative, loving to learn, to constantly learning and mastering new technologies.
The work of a conscientious and responsible, patient
(* Note: PowerWord online automatic translation made on the other, I used this is the candidate of the, software very far-fetched translation)
参考技术B individual general situation (Personal Data) full name: Wang Shi Qination: Chinese sex: Male address: The Beijing sky exchanges west gardens politics face: League member year and month of birth: 1985-12-27 special field: Computer science and the technology contact way: Educational background: Regular college course 1 7
job wanted intention (Job Intention) expectation target post: JAVA develops the engineer
special field technical ability (Professional Skills) to be good at Core Java , skilled grasp Jsp , Servlet , JDBC , apply Html, XML waits for a technology to study C + + , VB , C # , JavaScript etc. independently , may carry out the data base programming applying skilled usage Struts , Struts2 , Hibernate , Spring to open the source frame knowing well that MySql , SQLServer , Oracle data base, grasp Oracle-based simplely: SQL , PL/SQL Fluent
language level (Language Level) English level Four (389) putonghua SCJP (83)
project experience (Project Experience) project one: The project managing and counting management system (NetCT OSS)- - - --consuming- share in June , 2009 describes the telecommunication level consumer: Waste , manage and visit the plan being system's turn to accomplish online company laboratory leasing mainly owing to that Unix platform , Mysql data base , Web interface , MVC structure come true to count. Come true with having arrived at servlet , struts , technologies such as hibernate , jsp , ajax. Be able to add , revise price fixed price information and to promote the sales of information nimbly; Increase , delete , check , change the consumer information , administrative person information; Generate the consumer month bill monthly; Monthly, annual respectively generate month account affairs information counting a form for report and annual account affairs information counts a form for report and allows a consumer to inquire about self present or the history bill certainly by Internet. Responsibility is described: Since this system module and you module is more,exploitation process is that the group comes true. The individual has accomplished seven systematic log on a module and within the power of administrative build module (extent of authority browse, extent of authority increases by , extent of authority deletes , the role browses , the role increases by , the role revises , the role deletes). Project two: In May , 2009 the share project describes web shopping system (Shopping Cart)- - - : Minitype web shopping system, uses the Tomcat server and the mysql data base, function having realized web shopping vehicle mainly, include merchandise news development display, the product addition, deletes in shopping vehicle, product quantity modification and the order form functions such as coming into being , inquiring about. Entire system has adopt MVC to design a pattern , data base pay a visit to has used Hibernate to come true , Servlet and struts2 (main) control section is made use of have combined being completed, appropriate the responsibility wielding the ajax technology describes that: Be a project's turn to be a minitype project, the individual has accomplished the systematic landing , logon , commodity development display on one's own , shopping vehicle addition, has deleted, ajax part revises the total function after product quantity revises Project three: The data integrates the system- - - - share in April , 2009 project voluntarily on NetCT OSS backstage describe that: And then waste (lower/ var/adm/wtmpx of PowerOpen document) daily record document by the fact that java system collects the primitive plan at the regular intervals , package the data collecting with aggregation and then classify and handling and, ultimate result assemble gives central authority treatment system by Socket upload, in the information central authority treatment system is collected and the data base a data is preserved to MySQL , in the statistical graph carrying out the cyclicity integrating on to collecting data in arriving at and depositing to a data base , depositing to the corresponding year , month , Japan respectively finally. Responsibility is described: In the project, self has accomplished all functions here on one's own (part binary system data analysis , data transfer and data automation period integrate three major part on the backstage) Other small project: Consumer information the five son board game
managing two machine of system, control station printing plate educates background (Education Background) Canada in January , 2009- in May , 2009 reaches inside and outside anxiously expecting IT training the Unix Java-based software the computer science and technology (software direction) developing June , 2009 in September , 2005- - regular college course
参考技术C ▉ personal profiles (Personal Data)
Name: Wang shi qi from National: Han
Sex: Male Address: Beijing Xiyuan Thienthong
Political landscape: member date of birth :1985-12-27
Profession: Computer Science and Technology Contact:
Education: Undergraduate
Intention ▉ job (Job Intention)
Look forward to the goal posts: JAVA Development Engineer
▉ professional skills (Professional Skills)
Proficient in Core Java, master Jsp, Servlet, JDBC, the application of Html, XML and other technologies
Self-learning C + +, VB, C #, JavaScript and so on, can be simple to use
Proficiency in the use of Struts, Struts2, Hibernate, Spring open source framework
Familiar with MySql, SQLServer, Oracle database, master database based on Oracle programming: SQL, PL / SQL

▉ level language (Language Level)
English 4 (389) fluent Putonghua SCJP (83)
▉ project experience (Project Experience)
Project: carrier-class subscriber management and billing management system (NetCT OSS )----- 2009 years 6 month
Project Description: The system is mainly to complete online rental business laboratory billing, management, and access to statistics, based on the Unix platform, Mysql database, Web interface, MVC structure. To achieve using a servlet, struts, hibernate, jsp, ajax and other technologies. Flexibility to add, modify tariff pricing information and promotional information; by, delete, search, change user information, the administrator information; billing on a monthly basis to generate the user; a monthly basis, the annual accounts on the respective information to generate statistical reports and annual accounts statistical information and allows the user to query through the Internet from their current or historical bills.
Responsibility Description: As the system modules and sub-modules are more group development process is achieved. Individuals completed the login system as well as the rights management module of the seven sub-module (permission to view, increased authority, authority to delete, the role of browsing, the role of increasing the role of changes to the role of the deletion).
Project II: online shopping system (Shopping Cart )---- 2009 month 5 years
Project Description: Small-line shopping system, the use of Tomcat server and mysql database, the main achievement of the online shopping cart features, including a dynamic display of goods, information, products, shopping cart add, delete, modify products, as well as the generation of orders, inquiries functions. The entire system using MVC design pattern, database access using Hibernate to achieve, control part of the use of Servlet and struts2 (Main) combined to complete the proper use of ajax technology
Responsibility Description: The project is a small-scale projects, individuals independently completed the landing system, registration, dynamic display of goods, the shopping cart to add, delete, modify products, after the number of total function ajax partial modification
Project III: NetCT OSS background data integration system automatically 4 years month ---- 2009
Project Description: The original collection java regular billing system log file (UNIX systems / var / adm / wtmpx document) and data collection and classification of a set package to deal with, and then the final result set to upload through the Socket central processing system, the central processing system to collect information and data saved to the MySQL database, and finally collected and deposited in the database integration of the cyclical data, respectively, into the corresponding year, month, day in the tables.
Responsibility Description: In this project, completed its own independent function of all (the background part of the binary data analysis, data transfer and data integration of three major auto-cycle)

Other small items: a user information management system, the console version of two-plane Gobang
▉ educational background (Education Background)
January 2009 -2009 Canada in May of the year foreign IT training within the Java-based Unix software development
September 2005 - June 2009 Computer Science and Technology (software orientation) undergraduate
Add: ▉ of social practice and receive incentives (Social Practice & Rewards)
Social practice:
Junior summer: java speaker based on the teacher training courses
Sophomore summer: C language teachers for secondary examination
School experience:
First year due to the outstanding performance of military men was selected as captain side
In 2006 during the celebration of 55 years was named outstanding school volunteers, and presented a certificate of outstanding volunteers
Self-evaluation ▉ (Personal Valuation)
More traditional, his easy-going, responsible, have a strong team spirit and ability to cooperate.
The issue of good organizational skills, software development skills, and good programming habits.
Stable peace of mind, like problem-solving, innovative, loving to learn, to constantly learning and mastering new technologies.
The work of a conscientious and responsible, patient
参考技术D ▉ personal profiles (Personal Data)
Name: Wang from National: Han
Sex: Male Address: Beijing Xiyuan Thienthong
Political landscape: member date of birth :1985-12-27
Profession: Computer Science and Technology Contact:
Education: Undergraduate
Intention ▉ job (Job Intention)
Look forward to the goal posts: JAVA Development Engineer
▉ professional skills (Professional Skills)
Proficient in Core Java, master Jsp, Servlet, JDBC, the application of Html, XML and other technologies
Self-learning C + +, VB, C #, JavaScript and so on, can be simple to use
Proficiency in the use of Struts, Struts2, Hibernate, Spring open source framework
Familiar with MySql, SQLServer, Oracle database, master database based on Oracle programming: SQL, PL / SQL

▉ level language (Language Level)
English 4 (389) fluent Putonghua SCJP (83)
▉ project experience (Project Experience)
Project: carrier-class subscriber management and billing management system (NetCT OSS )----- 2009 years 6 month
Project Description: The system is mainly to complete online rental business laboratory billing, management, and access to statistics, based on the Unix platform, Mysql database, Web interface, MVC structure. To achieve using a servlet, struts, hibernate, jsp, ajax and other technologies. Flexibility to add, modify tariff pricing information and promotional information; by, delete, search, change user information, the administrator information; billing on a monthly basis to generate the user; a monthly basis, the annual accounts on the respective information to generate statistical reports and annual accounts statistical information and allows the user to query through the Internet from their current or historical bills.
Responsibility Description: As the system modules and sub-modules are more group development process is achieved. Individuals completed the login system as well as the rights management module of the seven sub-module (permission to view, increased authority, authority to delete, the role of browsing, the role of increasing the role of changes to the role of the deletion).
Project II: online shopping system (Shopping Cart )---- 2009 month 5 years
Project Description: Small-line shopping system, the use of Tomcat server and mysql database, the main achievement of the online shopping cart features, including a dynamic display of goods, information, products, shopping cart add, delete, modify products, as well as the generation of orders, inquiries functions. The entire system using MVC design pattern, database access using Hibernate to achieve, control part of the use of Servlet and struts2 (Main) combined to complete the proper use of ajax technology
Responsibility Description: The project is a small-scale projects, individuals independently completed the landing system, registration, dynamic display of goods, the shopping cart to add, delete, modify products, after the number of total function ajax partial modification
Project III: NetCT OSS background data integration system automatically 4 years month ---- 2009
Project Description: The original collection java regular billing system log file (UNIX systems / var / adm / wtmpx document) and data collection and classification of a set package to deal with, and then the final result set to upload through the Socket central processing system, the central processing system to collect information and data saved to the MySQL database, and finally collected and deposited in the database integration of the cyclical data, respectively, into the corresponding year, month, day in the tables.
Responsibility Description: In this project, completed its own independent function of all (the background part of the binary data analysis, data transfer and data integration of three major auto-cycle)

Other small items: a user information management system, the console version of two-plane Gobang
▉ educational background (Education Background)
January 2009 -2009 Canada in May of the year foreign IT training within the Java-based Unix software development
September 2005 - June 2009 Computer Science and Technology (software orientation) undergraduate

第5个回答  2009-07-04 http://www.hao123.com/ss/fy.htm利用这个,不用求人,哈哈

请帮忙把中文简历翻译成英文简历 谢谢

姓名:** 性别:** 出生日期:1984年06月
居住地:北京 户口:** 手机:** 电子邮件:**
现从事行业:计算机软件 期望工作性质:全职
2006.08-2009.02 北京无限立通通讯技术有限责任公司
研发部/测试部 工作地点:北京朝阳国贸 万达广场
计算机软件 | 外商独资 | 规模:1000-9999人
项目经验: 2、经营监控中心系统
2002/9-2006/7 中国管理软件学院 计算机应用
软件方面:数据结构,SQL SERVER ,ACESS数据库,C/C++,汇编语言,操作系统,JAVA,计算机网络与通迅,系统结构,微机原理与接口技术,计算机组成原理,面向对象,软件工程
1.熟练的使用Windows 系列的操作系统

Personal profile:
Name: * * * * * * * gender, date of birth: on June 1984
Residence: Beijing hukou: * * * * * * * mobile: email: * *
In computer software industry: nature of work: full-time expectations
Engaged in profession: software testing expectations
Work experience:
2006.08-2009.02 Beijing infinite set through communication technology Co., LTD
Description: for the company mainly engaged in end-to-end China mobile, wireless Internet phone email services
R&d/testing department working location: Beijing chaoyang guomao wanda plaza
Experience: 1, the enterprise mail gateway management system
Computer software | | foreign-owned scale: 10-9999
Job duties:
1 testing program and formulating and discuss the plan, test cases and evaluation work,
2 integration testing, assist to system developers function modules integrated validation,
3 system test, the test function of each respect such as test index
4 use QTP test automation part cases and analysis of errors; submit bug
5. Use the CRT monitor tools, log server backstage timing task, service process, etc; print
6 the system test analysis report writing, and report to the superior leadership abilities whether China mobile system for business standards
Experience: 2, operation monitoring center system
Project description: the subsystem is OCC market personnel master of business development, and leadership change rules of data security decisions. Mainly used to complete all the provinces and cities, Mas enterprise, Mig business enterprise statistics and Adc subscribers TAB, points, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly report ICONS displayed
Job duties:
1 create test environment, testing scheme of writing and review test plans
2 write with demand and arrange demand function test points, test cases
3 organization review test cases and timely modified cases, master schedule and testing
4 write your SQL statements TOAD verified through a database of data accuracy
Responsible for 5 to communicate with the developers, and project manager project issues
Education background:
September 2002-2006 July / / Chinese management software college computer applications
Software: data structure, database SQL SERVER, ACESS, C/C + +, assembly language, operating system, JAVA, computer network and newsletter, system structure, microcomputer principle andconnection technology, computer principle, object-oriented software engineering
Special skills:
A test tools and relevant skills:
1. Familiar with LoadRunner QTP, such test tool
2 can use TD, BugZilla defects such as management tools
Second, the operating system related skills
1 the use of skilled operating systems. A series of Windows
2 skilled USES Linux operating system, skilled in the use of basic commands Linux system, shell scripts
Third, database related skills
1 the installation and use of skilled MySql and Oracle
2 can use SQL update the database query, etc
Four, the test of vocational skills
1. Familiar with the basic theory of software testing, methods and skills
2. Understand the software lifecycle of content and nature of the work
3 I can use the boundary value analysis, equivalence partitioning method and orthogonal test method, the scene design method design test cases
4 skilled through software requirements book, user manual and design document analysis and test requirements for test plans and test plan, test and functional test cases
Self assessment:
Have strong ability of self-study and adaptability, The interest hobby is widespread, strong ability to accept new things
2 composed carefully, honest enthusiastic, Cheerful generosity, communication ability
3 strong team spirit of cooperation and coordination
4. Good communication and expression ability
5 for software defect (Bug) strong sharpness, and the problem is intense curiosity
6 have comparative, contact analysis question ability
7. Strong sense of responsibility and team
8. A professional written expression ability
参考技术A Personal Profile:
Name: ** Gender: ** Date of Birth: June 1984
Place of residence: Beijing accounts: ** Mobile: ** E-mail: **
Job search intention:
Are engaged in industries: computer software expectations of the nature of work: Full-time
Expect to engage in Occupation: Software Test Engineer
Work experience:
2006.08-2009.02 Beijing unlimited MediaRing Communications Technology Co., Ltd.
A brief description of the company: China Mobile mainly engaged in end-to-end mobile wireless Internet mail business
R & D / Testing Department job Location: Beijing Wanda Plaza Chaoyang Guomao
Project experience: 1, enterprise push e-mail gateway management system
Computer Software | wholly foreign-owned | scale :1000-9999 people
Job duties:
1. Test project planning and program development and discuss the implementation of test case preparation and evaluation;
2. Integration testing to help developers of the system function modules integrated authentication;
3. System testing, the certification function, and other test indicators
4. Using QTP test automation part of use cases, and error analysis to submit bug;
5. The use of CRT monitor server instrument Backgrounds mission from time to time, log printing, Service process;
6. System Testing analysis report writing, and superior reporting system Leaders of China Mobile's ability to achieve the required standards of business
Project experience: 2, operation control center system
Project Description: OCC market by subsystems are personnel changes in the laws of business development, as well as leaders at all levels of decision-making data protection. Mainly used for the completion of the various provinces and municipalities Mig enterprises, Mas Enterprises, Adc Enterprises few tables and user tables, sub-day, week, month, quarter, the Report icon in the form shown
Job duties:
1. To build a test environment to test the program to write the test plan and assessment to discuss
2. Arrangements for staff familiar with the needs and demand Writing functional test points, test cases
3. Accreditation test cases and modified in a timely manner with problem cases, master and manage the progress test
4. Through the preparation of TOAD database SQL statements to verify the accuracy of the data within
5. Is responsible for communication with the developers of projects reporting to Project Manager in a variety of questions
Educational Background:
2002/9-2006/7 Chinese Institute of Computer Application management software
Software: data structures, SQL SERVER, ACESS database, C / C + +, assembly language, operating system, JAVA, Computer Network and communication, the system structure, Microcomputer Principle and Interface Technology, Principles of computer components, object-oriented, software engineering
Special skills:
First, test instrument-related skills:
1. Be able to skillfully use LoadRunner, QTP testing tools, etc.
2. Be able to skillfully use the TD, BugZilla defect management tools, etc.
Second, the operating system-related skills
1. Proficiency in the use of Windows family of operating systems
2. Proficiency in the use of Linux operating systems, proficiency in Linux system using the basic commands, shell scripts
Three, database-related skills
1. Skilled installation and use of MySql and Oracle
2. Be able to skillfully use the SQL statement on the database query and update operation, etc.
Four test vocational skills
1. Familiar with the software testing basic theory, skills and methods
2. Learn all aspects of software life cycle of the job content and the nature of the work
3. Be able to skillfully use boundary value analysis, equivalence class division method, orthogonal design, scene design design test cases
4. Skilled software requirements through the book, user manuals and design documents for testing needs analysis, and develop test plans and test programs, functional test points and test cases
1. Have a strong self-learning ability and adaptability; hobbies broad, strong ability to accept new things
2. Calm and carefully, and being sincere enthusiasm; cheerful generous, communicative ability
3. Has a strong team spirit of cooperation and coordination capacity
4. Good communication and oral communication skills
5. Of software defects (Bug) has a strong sensitivity to the problem has more curiosity
6. With contrast analysis of contact problems
7. The team has a strong sense of honor and responsibility
8. With a written expression of a more professional capacity
参考技术B 你好 爱情就像等巴士


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