OP-TEE xtest 功能记录

Posted Q7318


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了OP-TEE xtest 功能记录相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

现有的用于测试的xtest TA(Trusted Application)共有8个,分别涵盖了内核测试、内部API测试、客户端API测试、加密测试、创建失败测试、安全测试等方面,笔者对各测试功能进行统计,用于对TA以及OP-TEE的学习。xtest已经成功在HIKEY、QEMU、FVP等平台上运行通过。

一. xtest_1000.c

xtest 1001: Core self tests

xtest 1004: Test User Crypt TA

xtest 1005: Many sessions

xtest 1006: Test Basic OS features

xtest 1007: Test Panic

xtest 1008: TEE internal client API

xtest 1009: TEE Wait

xtest 1010: Invalid memory access

xtest 1011: Test RPC features with User Crypt TA

xtest 1012: Test Single Instance Multi Session features with SIMS TA

xtest 1013: Test concurency with concurrent TA


xtest 4001: Test TEE Internal API hash operations

xtest 4002: Test TEE Internal API MAC operations

xtest 4003 no xts: Test TEE Internal API cipher operations without AES XTS

xtest 4003 xts: Test TEE Internal API cipher operations for AES XTS

xtest 4004: Test TEE Internal API get random

xtest 4005: Test TEE Internal API Authenticated Encryption operations

xtest 4006: Test TEE Internal API Asymmetric Cipher operations

xtest 4007: Test TEE Internal API Generate key

xtest 4008: Test TEE Internal API Derive key

xtest 4009: Test TEE Internal API Derive key ECDH

三. xtest_5000.c

xtest 5006:Tests for Global platform TEEC
注意:Invocation of all tests for TEE Client API

四. xtest_6000.c

xtest 6001: Test TEE_CreatePersistentObject

xtest 6002: Test TEE_OpenPersistentObject

xtest 6003: Test TEE_ReadObjectData

xtest 6004: Test TEE_WriteObjectData

xtest 6005: Test TEE_SeekObjectData

xtest 6006: Test TEE_CloseAndDeletePersistentObject

xtest 6007: Test TEE_TruncateObjectData

xtest 6008: Test TEE_RenamePersistentObject

xtest 6009: Test TEE Internal API Persistent Object Enumeration Functions

xtest 6010: Test TEE GP TTA DS storage

xtest 6011: Test TEE GP TTA DS init objects

五. xtest_7000.c


六. xtest_10000.c

xtest 10001: Test TEE Internal API key derivation extensions

xtest 10002: Secure Storage Key Manager API Self Test

七. xtest_20000.c

xtest 20001: Sanity Test Corrupt Meta Encrypted Key

xtest 20002: Sanity Test Corrupt Meta IV

xtest 20003: Sanity Test Corrupt Meta Tag

xtest 20004: Sanity Test Corrupt Meta Data

xtest 20021: Sanity Test Corrupt Meta File : first byte

xtest 20022: Sanity Test Corrupt Meta File : last byte

xtest 20023: Sanity Test Corrupt Meta File : random byte

xtest 20501: Sanity Test Corrupt Block IV

xtest 20502: Sanity Test Corrupt Block Tag

xtest 20503: Sanity Test Corrupt Block Data

xtest 20521: Sanity Test Corrupt Block File : first byte

xtest 20522: Sanity Test Corrupt Block File : last byte

xtest 20523: Sanity Test Corrupt Block File : random byte

八. xtest_benchmark_1000.c

xtest benchmark 1001: TEE Trusted Storage Performance Test (WRITE)

xtest benchmark 1002: TEE Trusted Storage Performance Test (READ)

xtest benchmark 1003: TEE Trusted Storage Performance Test (REWRITE)

以上是关于OP-TEE xtest 功能记录的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

TrustZone OP-TEE 在 FVP 编译与测试



Hikey OP-TEE Helloworld.TA移植和运行

OP-TEE TA:读写寄存器数据

OP-TEE TA:读写寄存器数据