Theano-Deep Learning Tutorials 笔记:LSTM Networks for Sentiment Analysis
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Geoffrey Hinton在coursera上的Neural Networks for Machine Learning课程第7课介绍了RNN以及LSTM:
Large Movie Review Dataset 数据集:用爬虫在IMDB上收集的影评文字,根据评分情况分为两类。数据集的下载使用及预处理脚本代码详见教程(本节教材提供的代码imdb.py中会自动从网上下载预处理过的数据集)
In a traditional recurrent neural network, during the gradient back-propagation phase, the gradient signal can end up being multiplied a large number of times (as many as the number of timesteps) by the weight matrix associated with the connections between the neurons of the recurrent hidden layer. This means that, the magnitude of weights in the transition matrix can have a strong impact on the learning process.
传统RNN的训练是Back propagation Through Time,即跨时间步的反向传导,这就导致了梯度会被图中紫色权重乘好多好多次(时间跨度多少次就被乘多少次)。紫色权重对学习过程的影响就非常大了。
If the weights in this matrix are small (or, more formally, if the leading eigenvalue of the weight matrix is smaller than 1.0), it can lead to a situation called vanishing gradients where the gradient signal gets so small that learning either becomes very slow or stops working altogether. It can also make more difficult the task of learning long-term dependencies in the data.Conversely, if the weights in this matrix are large (or, again, more formally, if the leading eigenvalue of the weight matrix is larger than 1.0), it can lead to a situation where the gradient signal is so large that it can cause learning to diverge. This is often referred to asexploding gradients.
如果权重小,不断的乘,会导致梯度越来越小,学习越来越慢甚至停止,这使得学习数据间长时间跨度的关系变得更加困难,这叫 vanishing gradients;
如果权重大,会导致梯度太大而无法收敛,这叫 exploding gradients 。
因为上述原因,才有了 LSTM 以及其重要组成结构 memory cell:
Figure 1 : Illustration of an LSTM memory cell.
memory cell 由4部分组成:an input gate, a neuron with a self-recurrent connection (a connection to itself), a forget gate and an output gate
The self-recurrent connection 权重为1,并不受外界干扰,the state of a memory cell can remain constant from one timestep to another.
The gates 负责调控 memory cell 自身和周围环境的交互。
The input gate can allow incoming signal to alter the state of the memory cell or block it.
the output gate can allow the state of the memory cell to have an effect on other neurons or prevent it.
the forget gate can modulate the memory cell’s self-recurrent connection, allowing the cell to remember or forget its previous state, as needed.
每个时间步,一层 memory cells 的更新规则:
is the input to the memory cell layer at time
are weight matrices
are bias vectors
First, we compute the values for
, the input gate, and
the candidate value for the states of the memory cells at time
Second, we compute the value for
, the activation of the memory cells’ forget gates at time
Given the value of the input gate activation
, the forget gate activation
and the candidate state value
, we can compute
the memory cells’ new state at time
With the new state of the memory cells, we can compute the value of their output gates and, subsequently, their outputs :
Our model
出于计算效率上的考虑,教程的实现对标准LSTM有小小的修改:the activation of a cell’s output gate does not depend on the memory cell’s state
there is no matrix
and equation (5) is replaced by equation (7) :
模型结构如下:一层 LSTM + 一个 mean pooling + 一个 logistic 回归来分类。
(n 表示 timestep),输出 representation 序列
,This representation sequence is then averaged over all timesteps resulting in representation h ,再把 h 给 logistic 回归进行分类。图中每个 x 都是一个128维i向量(由句子中某个单词 wordembbedding得到,向量维度在本教程代码中设为了128),0-n个x表示句子中n+1个单词,单词在句子中的顺序表现为 timestep 的时间顺序。0-n 每个 h 也是128维向量, 最后mean pooling 后输入LR分类器的 h 也是一个128维向量。
Implementation note : 公式 (1), (2), (3) and (7) 之间并没有相互关系,可以并行计算提高效率。
公式(1), (2), (3) and (7)可以统一为一个公式:(这就是为什么(5)被改成了(7))
, and
Note : 代码中有3个优化方法: Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), AdaDelta and RMSProp(Neural Networks for Machine Learning 第6课有介绍) optimization methods.
以上是关于Theano-Deep Learning Tutorials 笔记:LSTM Networks for Sentiment Analysis的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
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