怎么使用kiwi syslog,为啥打开某些syslog服务器软件没有显示监听内容



篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了怎么使用kiwi syslog,为啥打开某些syslog服务器软件没有显示监听内容相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


参考技术A 1,Kiwi syslog需要装在某台计算机上(PC或服务器都可),开启服务(可以以服务方式后台运行,否则需一直开启程序,不能关.
2,记住这台装有KIWI SYSLOG 服务的IP地址,配置在要记录的设备上,比如放火墙上的SYSLOG SERVER加入这个地址.
4,在这台装有KIWI SYSLOG 服务的计算机上打开程序,可以实时看到LOG,你可以按设置按钮,设置存入硬盘,可以定义自动时间的文件名,文件大小,空间大小等.

Kiwi Syslog Web Access涓嶢ctive Directory闆嗘垚璁よ瘉

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Kiwi Syslog Server鏄竴娆惧簲鐢ㄤ簬Windows绯荤粺鐨勭郴缁熸棩蹇楀畧鎶よ繘绋嬶紝鑳藉鎺ユ敹骞惰褰曠郴缁熸棩蹇楋紝鍚勭璁惧鐨凷YSLOG娑堟伅锛屽唴缃赴瀵岀殑鏃ュ織璁板綍閫夐」锛岃兘璇︾粏璁板綍鍚勭闃茬伀澧欐棩蹇楋紝骞惰繘琛岀瓫閫夊垎鏋愩€?br/>鏈枃涓昏浠嬬粛Kiwi Syslog Server閰嶇疆Active Directory闆嗘垚韬唤璁よ瘉銆?/p>

瀹夎鏁欑▼锛?br/>銆愰€楄€佸笀甯︿綘瀛T銆慘iwi Syslog Server瀹夎鏁欑▼

鍦ㄥ鐢ㄦ埛鐜涓娇鐢↘iwi Syslog鏃讹紝浣跨敤Active Directory闆嗘垚璁よ瘉鏈夊姪浜庣敤鎴疯处鍙锋巿鏉冪殑绠$悊銆傝繖鏍凤紝鎮ㄥ彲浠ユ帶鍒惰皝鍙互閫氳繃AD璁よ瘉璁块棶Kiwi Syslog Web Access鐣岄潰锛岄伩鍏嶇鐞嗛潪甯稿涓湰鍦板笎鎴峰甫鏉ョ殑楹荤儲銆?/p>


涓€銆並iwi Syslog Web Active Directory闆嗘垚鐨勫墠鎻愭潯浠讹細

1銆並iwi涓殑AD闆嗘垚浣跨敤TCP绔彛389涓婄殑LDAP杩炴帴鍒板煙鎺у埗鍣紝鎻愬墠纭Kiwi Sylog Server璺熷煙鎺т箣闂寸殑TCP 389绔彛姝e父閫氫俊銆?br/>2銆並iwi Syslog鐨勬湇鍔″櫒蹇呴』鍔犲叆鐢ㄤ簬璁よ瘉鐨凙D鍩熴€?/p>

浜屻€丄ctive Directory鍑嗗宸ヤ綔

1銆佸湪Active Directory涓垱寤轰竴涓敤鎴风粍鎴栧畨鍏ㄧ粍锛屼互鐢ㄤ簬鎺у埗瀵筀iwi Syslog鐨勮韩浠介獙璇侊紝鎴栬€呴€夋嫨宸叉湁鐨勭敤鎴风粍鎴栧畨鍏ㄧ粍锛屼緥濡侷T閮ㄩ棬缇ょ粍銆?br/>2銆佸皢鎺堟潈璁块棶Kiwi鐨勭敤鎴峰笎鎴锋坊鍔犲埌涓婇潰鍒涘缓鐨勫畨鍏ㄧ粍涓紝鎮ㄥ笇鏈涘畠浠兘澶熺櫥褰曞埌Kiwi Syslog Web Client銆?/p>

涓夈€並iwi Syslog Web Access涓缃瓵ctive Director鐨勬楠?/h1>

1銆佺櫥褰昁iwi Syslog Web Access

浣跨敤绠$悊鍛樺笎鎴风櫥褰昁iwi Syslog Web Access
鎶€鏈浘鐗? src=Network Pro Guide | How to Integrate Kiwi Syslog Web Access with Active Directory

2.Kiwi web server AD璁よ瘉璁剧疆锛?a href="https://support.solarwinds.com/SuccessCenter/s/article/Active-Directory-Authentication-settings-for-Kiwi-Syslog-Server-Web-Access" rel="nofollow">Solarwinds | Active Directory Authentication setting for Kiwi Syslog Server Web Access
3.Kiwi web Access AD璁よ瘉锛?a href="http://www.solarwinds.com/documentation/kiwi/help/syslogwebaccess/index.html?ad_authentication.htm" rel="nofollow">Solarwinds | Kiwi SyslogTM Web Access - AD Authentication

鎵€鏈夋敮鎸佺殑LDAP璁よ瘉绫诲瀷锛?br/>Auth types description
Anonymous No authentication is performed.
Delegation Enables Active Directory Services Interface (ADSI) to delegate the user鈥榮 security context, which is necessary for moving objects across domains.
Encryption Attaches a cryptographic signature to the message that both identifies the sender and ensures that the message has not been modified in transit.
FastBind Specifies that ADSI will not attempt to query the Active Directory Domain Services objectClass property. Therefore, only the base interfaces that are supported by all ADSI objects will be exposed. Other interfaces that the object supports will not be available. A user can use this option to boost the performance in a series of object manipulations that involve only methods of the base interfaces. However, ADSI does not verify if any of the request objects actually exist on the server.
None Equates to zero, which means to use basic authentication (simple bind) in the LDAP provider.
ReadonlyServer For a WinNT provider, ADSI tries to connect to a domain controller. For Active Directory Domain Services, this flag indicates that a writable server is not required for a serverless binding.
Sealing Encrypts data using Kerberos. The Secure flag must also be set to use sealing.
Secure Requests secure authentication. When this flag is set, the WinNT provider uses NTLM to authenticate the client. Active Directory Domain Services uses Kerberos, and possibly NTLM, to authenticate the client. When the user name and password are a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), ADSI binds to the object using the security context of the calling thread, which is either the security context of the user account under which the application is running or of the client user account that the calling thread is impersonating.
SecureSocketsLayer Attaches a cryptographic signature to the message that both identifies the sender and ensures that the message has not been modified in transit. Active Directory Domain Services requires the Certificate Server be installed to support Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption.
ServerBind If your ADsPath includes a server name, specify this flag when using the LDAP provider. Do not use this flag for paths that include a domain name or for server less paths. Specifying a server name without also specifying this flag results in unnecessary network traffic.
Signing Verifies data integrity to ensure that the data received is the same as the data sent. The Secure flag must also be set to use signing.

銆愰€楄€佸笀甯︿綘瀛T銆慘iwi Syslog Server瀹夎鍜岄厤缃暀绋?/a>
銆愰€楄€佸笀甯︿綘瀛T銆慘iwi Syslog Web Access涓嶢ctive Directory闆嗘垚璁よ瘉
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以上是关于怎么使用kiwi syslog,为啥打开某些syslog服务器软件没有显示监听内容的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

从 PHP 到 Kiwi Syslog 服务器的 Syslog 问题

win7下KiWi Syslog服务器的安装与配置

Kiwi Syslog Web Access涓嶢ctive Directory闆嗘垚璁よ瘉

将防火墙日志从 kiwi syslog 服务器转发到 elasticsearch?


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