helm3 方式安装 grafana

Posted 临江仙我亦是行人


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了helm3 方式安装 grafana相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。



获取 repo

helm repo add grafana https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update
helm search repo grafana
# 指定版本,导致 yaml 文件
helm show values grafana/grafana  --version 6.24.1 > granfa-values.yaml

根据需求修改 yaml 文件

vim granfa-values.yaml
  create: true
  ## Use an existing ClusterRole/Role (depending on rbac.namespaced false/true)
  # useExistingRole: name-of-some-(cluster)role
  pspEnabled: true
  pspUseAppArmor: true
  namespaced: false
  extraRoleRules: []
  # - apiGroups: []
  #   resources: []
  #   verbs: []
  extraClusterRoleRules: []
  # - apiGroups: []
  #   resources: []
  #   verbs: []
  create: true
#  annotations:
#    eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn: arn:aws:iam::123456789000:role/iam-role-name-here
  autoMount: true

replicas: 1

## Create a headless service for the deployment
headlessService: false

## Create HorizontalPodAutoscaler object for deployment type
  enabled: false
#   minReplicas: 1
#   maxReplicas: 10
#   metrics:
#   - type: Resource
#     resource:
#       name: cpu
#       targetAverageUtilization: 60
#   - type: Resource
#     resource:
#       name: memory
#       targetAverageUtilization: 60

## See `kubectl explain poddisruptionbudget.spec` for more
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/run-application/configure-pdb/
#  minAvailable: 1
#  maxUnavailable: 1

## See `kubectl explain deployment.spec.strategy` for more
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/deployment/#strategy
  type: RollingUpdate

    path: /api/health
    port: 3000

    path: /api/health
    port: 3000
  initialDelaySeconds: 60
  timeoutSeconds: 30
  failureThreshold: 10

## Use an alternate scheduler, e.g. "stork".
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/configure-multiple-schedulers/
# schedulerName: "default-scheduler"
# 修改镜像,从内部 harbor 下载(需要先 retag 并 push 上去)
  repository: harbor.test.com.cn/mirrors/grafana/grafana
  tag: 8.4.2
  sha: ""
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent

  ## Optionally specify an array of imagePullSecrets.
  ## Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
  ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/
  # 需要创建 secret
  - harbordull

  enabled: true
  image: "bats/bats"
  tag: "v1.4.1"
  imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

  runAsUser: 472
  runAsGroup: 472
  fsGroup: 472


extraConfigmapMounts: []
  # - name: certs-configmap
  #   mountPath: /etc/grafana/ssl/
  #   subPath: certificates.crt # (optional)
  #   configMap: certs-configmap
  #   readOnly: true

extraEmptyDirMounts: []
  # - name: provisioning-notifiers
  #   mountPath: /etc/grafana/provisioning/notifiers

# Apply extra labels to common labels.

## Assign a PriorityClassName to pods if set
# priorityClassName:

  repository: curlimages/curl
  tag: 7.73.0
  sha: ""
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent

  envFromSecret: ""

## Pod Annotations
# podAnnotations: 

## Pod Labels
# podLabels: 

podPortName: grafana

## Deployment annotations
# annotations: 

## Expose the grafana service to be accessed from outside the cluster (LoadBalancer service).
## or access it from within the cluster (ClusterIP service). Set the service type and the port to serve it.
## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/services/
  enabled: true
  type: ClusterIP
  port: 80
  targetPort: 3000
    # targetPort: 4181 To be used with a proxy extraContainer
  portName: service

  ## If true, a ServiceMonitor CRD is created for a prometheus operator
  ## https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator
  enabled: false
  path: /metrics
  #  namespace: monitoring  (defaults to use the namespace this chart is deployed to)
  interval: 1m
  scheme: http
  scrapeTimeout: 30s
  relabelings: []

extraExposePorts: []
 # - name: keycloak
 #   port: 8080
 #   targetPort: 8080
 #   type: ClusterIP

# overrides pod.spec.hostAliases in the grafana deployment's pods
hostAliases: []
  # - ip: ""
  #   hostnames:
  #     - "my.host.com"
# 启用并配置 ingress
  enabled: true
  # For Kubernetes >= 1.18 you should specify the ingress-controller via the field ingressClassName
  # See https://kubernetes.io/blog/2020/04/02/improvements-to-the-ingress-api-in-kubernetes-1.18/#specifying-the-class-of-an-ingress
  # ingressClassName: nginx
  # Values can be templated
    # kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
    # kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true"
  path: /

  # pathType is only for k8s >= 1.1=
  pathType: Prefix
  # 配置 ingress 地址
    - grafana.test.com.cn
  ## Extra paths to prepend to every host configuration. This is useful when working with annotation based services.
  extraPaths: []
  # - path: /*
  #   backend:
  #     serviceName: ssl-redirect
  #     servicePort: use-annotation
  ## Or for k8s > 1.19
  # - path: /*
  #   pathType: Prefix
  #   backend:
  #     service:
  #       name: ssl-redirect
  #       port:
  #         name: use-annotation

  tls: []
  #  - secretName: chart-example-tls
  #    hosts:
  #      - chart-example.local

#  limits:
#    cpu: 100m
#    memory: 128Mi
#  requests:
#    cpu: 100m
#    memory: 128Mi

## Node labels for pod assignment
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/

## Tolerations for pod assignment
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/
tolerations: []

## Affinity for pod assignment
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity

extraInitContainers: []

## Enable an Specify container in extraContainers. This is meant to allow adding an authentication proxy to a grafana pod
extraContainers: ""
# extraContainers: |
# - name: proxy
#   image: quay.io/gambol99/keycloak-proxy:latest
#   args:
#   - -provider=github
#   - -client-id=
#   - -client-secret=
#   - -github-org=<ORG_NAME>
#   - -email-domain=*
#   - -cookie-secret=
#   - -http-address=
#   - -upstream-url=
#   ports:
#     - name: proxy-web
#       containerPort: 4181

## Volumes that can be used in init containers that will not be mounted to deployment pods
extraContainerVolumes: []
#  - name: volume-from-secret
#    secret:
#      secretName: secret-to-mount
#  - name: empty-dir-volume
#    emptyDir: 

## Enable persistence using Persistent Volume Claims
## ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/persistent-volumes/
# 设置 pvc(需要提前创建好 storageClass)
  type: pvc
  enabled: true
  storageClassName: nas-dmp-prototype
    - ReadWriteOnce
  size: 10Gi
  # annotations: 
    - kubernetes.io/pvc-protection
  # selectorLabels: 
  # subPath: ""
  # existingClaim:

  ## If persistence is not enabled, this allows to mount the
  ## local storage in-memory to improve performance
    enabled: false
    ## The maximum usage on memory medium EmptyDir would be
    ## the minimum value between the SizeLimit specified
    ## here and the sum of memory limits of all containers in a pod
    # sizeLimit: 300Mi

  ## If false, data ownership will not be reset at startup
  ## This allows the prometheus-server to be run with an arbitrary user
  enabled: true

  ## initChownData container image
    repository: busybox
    tag: "1.31.1"
    sha: ""
    pullPolicy: IfNotPresent

  ## initChownData resource requests and limits
  ## Ref: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/
  #  limits:
  #    cpu: 100m
  #    memory: 128Mi
  #  requests:
  #    cpu: 100m
  #    memory: 128Mi

# Administrator credentials when not using an existing secret (see below)
adminUser: admin
# adminPassword: strongpassword

# Use an existing secret for the admin user.
  existingSecret: ""
  userKey: admin-user
  passwordKey: admin-password

## Define command to be executed at startup by grafana container
## Needed if using `vault-env` to manage secrets (ref: https://banzaicloud.com/blog/inject-secrets-into-pods-vault/)
## Default is "run.sh" as defined in grafana's Dockerfile
# command:
# - "sh"
# - "/run.sh"

## Use an alternate scheduler, e.g. "stork".
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/configure-multiple-schedulers/
# schedulerName:

## Extra environment variables that will be pass onto deployment pods
## to provide grafana with access to CloudWatch on AWS EKS:
## 1. create an iam role of type "Web identity" with provider oidc.eks.* (note the provider for later)
## 2. edit the "Trust relationships" of the role, add a line inside the StringEquals clause using the
## same oidc eks provider as noted before (same as the existing line)
## also, replace NAMESPACE and prometheus-operator-grafana with the service account namespace and name
##  "oidc.eks.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/id/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:sub": "system:serviceaccount:NAMESPACE:prometheus-operator-grafana",
## 3. attach a policy to the role, you can use a built in policy called CloudWatchReadOnlyAccess
## 4. use the following env: (replace 123456789000 and iam-role-name-here with your aws account number and role name)
## env:
##   AWS_ROLE_ARN: arn:aws:iam::123456789000:role/iam-role-name-here
##   AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE: /var/run/secrets/eks.amazonaws.com/serviceaccount/token
##   AWS_REGION: us-east-1
## 5. uncomment the EKS section in extraSecretMounts: below
## 6. uncomment the annotation section in the serviceAccount: above
## make sure to replace arn:aws:iam::123456789000:role/iam-role-name-here with your role arn

#value: "true"

## "valueFrom" environment variable references that will be added to deployment pods
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.19/#envvarsource-v1-core
## Renders in container spec as:
##   env:
##     ...
##     - name: <key>
##       valueFrom:
##         <value rendered as YAML>
  #  ENV_NAME:
  #    configMapKeyRef:
  #      name: configmap-name
  #      key: value_key

## The name of a secret in the same kubernetes namespace which contain values to be added to the environment
## This can be useful for auth tokens, etc. Value is templated.
envFromSecret: ""

## Sensible environment variables that will be rendered as new secret object
## This can be useful for auth tokens, etc

## The names of secrets in the same kubernetes namespace which contain values to be added to the environment
## Each entry should contain a name key, and can optionally specify whether the secret must be defined with an optional key.
envFromSecrets: []
## - name: secret-name
##   optional: true

# Inject Kubernetes services as environment variables.
# See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/connect-applications-service/#environment-variables
enableServiceLinks: true

## Additional grafana server secret mounts
# Defines additional mounts with secrets. Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
extraSecretMounts: []
  # - name: secret-files
  #   mountPath: /etc/secrets
  #   secretName: grafana-secret-files
  #   readOnly: true
  #   subPath: ""
  # for AWS EKS (cloudwatch) use the following (see also instruction in env: above)
  # - name: aws-iam-token
  #   mountPath: /var/run/secrets/eks.amazonaws.com/serviceaccount
  #   readOnly: true
  #   projected:
  #     defaultMode: 420
  #     sources:
  #       - serviceAccountToken:
  #           audience: sts.amazonaws.com
  #           expirationSeconds: 86400
  #           path: token
  # for CSI e.g. Azure Key Vault use the following
  # - name: secrets-store-inline
  #  mountPath: /run/secrets
  #  readOnly: true
  #  csi:
  #    driver: secrets-store.csi.k8s.io
  #    readOnly: true
  #    volumeAttributes:
  #      secretProviderClass: "akv-grafana-spc"
  #    nodePublishSecretRef:                       # Only required when using service principal mode
  #       name: grafana-akv-creds                  # Only required when using service principal mode

## Additional grafana server volume mounts
# Defines additional volume mounts.
extraVolumeMounts: []
  # - name: extra-volume-0
  #   mountPath: /mnt/volume0
  #   readOnly: true
  #   existingClaim: volume-claim
  # - name: extra-volume-1
  #   mountPath: /mnt/volume1
  #   readOnly: true
  #   hostPath: /usr/shared/

## Pass the plugins you want installed as a list.
plugins: []
  # - digrich-bubblechart-panel
  # - grafana-clock-panel

## Configure grafana datasources
## ref: http://docs.grafana.org/administration/provisioning/#datasources
#  datasources.yaml:
#    apiVersion: 1
#    datasources:
#    - name: Prometheus
#      type: prometheus
#      url: http://prometheus-prometheus-server
#      access: proxy
#      isDefault: true
#    - name: CloudWatch
#      type: cloudwatch
#      access: proxy
#      uid: cloudwatch
#      editable: false
#      jsonData:
#        authType: default
#        defaultRegion: us-east-1

## Configure notifiers
## ref: http://docs.grafana.org/administration/provisioning/#alert-notification-channels
#  notifiers.yaml:
#    notifiers:
#    - name: email-notifier
#      type: email
#      uid: email1
#      # either:
#      org_id: 1
#      # or
#      org_name: Main Org.
#      is_default: true
#      settings:
#        addresses: an_email_address@example.com
#    delete_notifiers:

## Configure grafana dashboard providers
## ref: http://docs.grafana.org/administration/provisioning/#dashboards
## `path` must be /var/lib/grafana/dashboards/<provider_name>
#  dashboardproviders.yaml:
#    apiVersion: 1
#    providers:
#    - name: 'default'
#      orgId: 1
#      folder: ''
#      type: file
#      disableDeletion: false
#      editable: true
#      options:
#        path: /var/lib/grafana/dashboards/default

## Configure grafana dashboard to import
## NOTE: To use dashboards you must also enable/configure dashboardProviders
## ref: https://grafana.com/dashboards
## dashboards per provider, use provider name as key.
  # default:
  #   some-dashboard:
  #     json: |
  #       $RAW_JSON
  #   custom-dashboard:
  #     file: dashboards/custom-dashboard.json
  #   prometheus-stats:
  #     gnetId: 2
  #     revision: 2
  #     datasource: Prometheus
  #   local-dashboard:
  #     url: https://example.com/repository/test.json
  #     token: ''
  #   local-dashboard-base64:
  #     url: https://example.com/repository/test-b64.json
  #     token: ''
  #     b64content: true

## Reference to external ConfigMap per provider. Use provider name as key and ConfigMap name as value.
## A provider dashboards must be defined either by external ConfigMaps or in values.yaml, not in both.
## ConfigMap data example:
## data:
##   example-dashboard.json: |
##     RAW_JSON
#  default: ""

## Grafana's primary configuration
## NOTE: values in map will be converted to ini format
## ref: http://docs.grafana.org/installation/configuration/
    data: /var/lib/grafana/
    logs: /var/log/grafana
    plugins: /var/lib/grafana/plugins
    provisioning: /etc/grafana/provisioning
    check_for_updates: true
    mode: console
    url: https://grafana.net
## grafana Authentication can be enabled with the following values on grafana.ini
 # server:
      # The full public facing url you use in browser, used for redirects and emails
 #    root_url:
 # https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/auth/github/#enable-github-in-grafana
 # auth.github:
 #    enabled: false
 #    allow_sign_up: false
 #    scopes: user:email,read:org
 #    auth_url: https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize
 #    token_url: https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token
 #    api_url: https://api.github.com/user
 #    team_ids:
 #    allowed_organizations:
 #    client_id:
 #    client_secret:
## LDAP Authentication can be enabled with the following values on grafana.ini
## NOTE: Grafana will fail to start if the value for ldap.toml is invalid
  # auth.ldap:
  #   enabled: true
  #   allow_sign_up: true
  #   config_file: /etc/grafana/ldap.toml

## Grafana's LDAP configuration
## Templated by the template in _helpers.tpl
## NOTE: To enable the grafana.ini must be configured with auth.ldap.enabled
## ref: http://docs.grafana.org/installation/configuration/#auth-ldap
## ref: http://docs.grafana.org/installation/ldap/#configuration
  enabled: false
  # `existingSecret` is a reference to an existing secret containing the ldap configuration
  # for Grafana in a key `ldap-toml`.
  existingSecret: ""
  # `config` is the content of `ldap.toml` that will be stored in the created secret
  config: ""
  # config: |-
  #   verbose_logging = true

  #   [[servers]]
  #   host = "my-ldap-server"
  #   port = 636
  #   use_ssl = true
  #   start_tls = false
  #   ssl_skip_verify = false
  #   bind_dn = "uid=%s,ou=users,dc=myorg,dc=com"

## Grafana's SMTP configuration
## NOTE: To enable, grafana.ini must be configured with smtp.enabled
## ref: http://docs.grafana.org/installation/configuration/#smtp
  # `existingSecret` is a reference to an existing secret containing the smtp configuration
  # for Grafana.
  existingSecret: ""
  userKey: "user"
  passwordKey: "password"

## Sidecars that collect the configmaps with specified label and stores the included files them into the respective folders
## Requires at least Grafana 5 to work and can't be used together with parameters dashboardProviders, datasources and dashboards
    repository: quay.io/kiwigrid/k8s-sidecar
    tag: 1.15.6
    sha: ""
  imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
#   limits:
#     cpu: 100m
#     memory: 100Mi
#   requests:
#     cpu: 50m
#     memory: 50Mi
  # skipTlsVerify Set to true to skip tls verification for kube api calls
  # skipTlsVerify: true
  enableUniqueFilenames: false
    enabled: false
    SCProvider: true
    # label that the configmaps with dashboards are marked with
    label: grafana_dashboard
    # value of label that the configmaps with dashboards are set to
    labelValue: null
    # folder in the pod that should hold the collected dashboards (unless `defaultFolderName` is set)
    folder: /tmp/dashboards
    # The default folder name, it will create a subfolder under the `folder` and put dashboards in there instead
    defaultFolderName: null
    # Namespaces list. If specified, the sidecar will search for config-maps/secrets inside these namespaces.
    # Otherwise the namespace in which the sidecar is running will be used.
    # It's also possible to specify ALL to search in all namespaces.
    searchNamespace: null
    # Method to use to detect ConfigMap changes. With WATCH the sidecar will do a WATCH requests, with SLEEP it will list all ConfigMaps, then sleep for 60 seconds.
    watchMethod: WATCH
    # search in configmap, secret or both
    resource: both
    # If specified, the sidecar will look for annotation with this name to create folder and put graph here.
    # You can use this parameter together with `provider.foldersFromFilesStructure`to annotate configmaps and create folder structure.
    folderAnnotation: null
    # Absolute path to shell script to execute after a configmap got reloaded
    script: null
    # watchServerTimeout: request to the server, asking it to cleanly close the connection after that.
    # defaults to 60sec; much higher values like 3600 seconds (1h) are feasible for non-Azure K8S
    # watchServerTimeout: 3600
    # watchClientTimeout: is a client-side timeout, configuring your local socket.
    # If you have a network outage dropping all packets with no RST/FIN,
    # this is how long your client waits before realizing & dropping the connection.
    # defaults to 66sec (sic!)
    # watchClientTimeout: 60
    # provider configuration that lets grafana manage the dashboards
      # name of the provider, should be unique
      name: sidecarProvider
      # orgid as configured in grafana
      orgid: 1
      # folder in which the dashboards should be imported in grafana
      folder: ''
      # type of the provider
      type: file
      # disableDelete to activate a import-only behaviour
      disableDelete: false
      # allow updating provisioned dashboards from the UI
      allowUiUpdates: false
      # allow Grafana to replicate dashboard structure from filesystem
      foldersFromFilesStructure: false
    # Additional dashboard sidecar volume mounts
    extraMounts: []
    enabled: false
    # label that the configmaps with datasources are marked with
    label: grafana_datasource
    # value of label that the configmaps with datasources are set to
    labelValue: null
    # If specified, the sidecar will search for datasource config-maps inside this namespace.
    # Otherwise the namespace in which the sidecar is running will be used.
    # It's also possible to specify ALL to search in all namespaces
    searchNamespace: null
    # Method to use to detect ConfigMap changes. With WATCH the sidecar will do a WATCH requests, with SLEEP it will list all ConfigMaps, then sleep for 60 seconds.
    watchMethod: WATCH
    # search in configmap, secret or both
    resource: both
    # Endpoint to send request to reload datasources
    reloadURL: "http://localhost:3000/api/admin/provisioning/datasources/reload"
    skipReload: false
    # Deploy the datasource sidecar as an initContainer in addition to a container.
    # This is needed if skipReload is true, to load any datasources defined at startup time.
    initDatasources: false
    enabled: false
    # label that the configmaps with plugins are marked with
    label: grafana_plugin
    # value of label that the configmaps with plugins are set to
    labelValue: null
    # If specified, the sidecar will search for plugin config-maps inside this namespace.
    # Otherwise the namespace in which the sidecar is running will be used.
    # It's also possible to specify ALL to search in all namespaces
    searchNamespace: null
    # Method to use to detect ConfigMap changes. With WATCH the sidecar will do a WATCH requests, with SLEEP it will list all ConfigMaps, then sleep for 60 seconds.
    watchMethod: WATCH
    # search in configmap, secret or both
    resource: both
    # Endpoint to send request to reload plugins
    reloadURL: "http://localhost:3000/api/admin/provisioning/plugins/reload"
    skipReload: false
    # Deploy the datasource sidecar as an initContainer in addition to a container.
    # This is needed if skipReload is true, to load any plugins defined at startup time.
    initPlugins: false
    enabled: false
    # label that the configmaps with notifiers are marked with
    label: grafana_notifier
    # If specified, the sidecar will search for notifier config-maps inside this namespace.
    # Otherwise the namespace in which the sidecar is running will be used.
    # It's also possible to specify ALL to search in all namespaces
    searchNamespace: null
    # search in configmap, secret or both
    resource: both

## Override the deployment namespace
namespaceOverride: ""

## Number of old ReplicaSets to retain
revisionHistoryLimit: 10

## Add a seperate remote image renderer deployment/service
  # Enable the image-renderer deployment & service
  enabled: false
  replicas: 1
    # image-renderer Image repository
    repository: grafana/grafana-image-renderer
    # image-renderer Image tag
    tag以上是关于helm3 方式安装 grafana的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


openshift 4.3中安装helm3并通过helm方式部署应用



