FTP 的主要操作都是基于各种命令基础之上的。常用的命令有: · 设置传输模式,它包括ASCⅡ(文本) 和BINARY 二进制模式; · 目录操作,改变或显示远程计算机的当前目录(cd、dir/ls 命令); · 连接操作,open命令用于建立同远程计算机的连接;close命令用于关闭连接; · 发送操作,put命令用于传送文件到远程计算机;mput 命令用于传送多个文件到远程计算机; · 获取操作,get命令用于接收一个文件;mget命令用于接收多个文件。 编程思路 根据FTP 的工作原理,在主函数中建立一个服务器套接字端口,等待客户端请求,一旦客户端请求被接受,服务器程序就建立一个服务器分线程,处理客户端的命令。如果客户端需要和服务器端进行文件的传输,则建立一个新的套接字连接来完成文件的操作。 编程技巧说明 http://www.jacken.com.cn/Programming/Java/2008-10-24/Java-Articlea7b870512fe2bce0ffefc95c6800ca5d.html 参考技术A 楼上的答案不够严谨。忽略了FTP的协议的内容。实际上真正的FTP server都要实现FTP协议约定的内容。所以建议你找开源的代码结合FTP协议仔细学习。 参考技术B 1.主函数设计
在主函数中,完成服务器端口的侦听和服务线程的创建。我们利用一个静态字符串变量initDir 来保存服务器线程运行时所在的工作目录。服务器的初始工作目录是由程序运行时用户输入的,缺省为C盘的根目录。
public class ftpServer extends Thread
private Socket socketClient;
private int counter;
private static String initDir;
public static void main(String[] args)
if(args.length != 0)
initDir = args[0];
else initDir = "c:";
int i = 1;
System.out.println("ftp server started!");
ServerSocket s = new ServerSocket(21);
Socket incoming = s.accept();
new ftpServer(incoming,i).start();
catch(Exception e)
参考技术C 去这里参考一下 http://tech.techweb.com.cn/thread-224066-1-1.html
如何用Java Socket实现一个简单的Redis客户端工具
Redis是最常见的缓存服务中间件,在java开发中,一般使用 jredis 来实现。
状态回复(status reply)的第一个字节是 "+"
错误回复(error reply)的第一个字节是 "-"
整数回复(integer reply)的第一个字节是 ":"
批量回复(bulk reply)的第一个字节是 "$"
多条批量回复(multi bulk reply)的第一个字节是 "*"
package tebon.kjcrm; import java.io.Closeable; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.Socket; import java.util.List; public class SimpleRedisClient implements Closeable { private String host; private int port; private String auth; private Socket socket = null; public SimpleRedisClient(String host, int port, String auth) { this.host = host; this.port = port; this.auth = auth; try { socket = new Socket(this.host, this.port); socket.setSoTimeout(60 * 1000); socket.setSendBufferSize(102400); socket.setReceiveBufferSize(102400); } catch (Exception ex) { socket = null; ex.printStackTrace(); } } public boolean connect() throws IOException { if (socket == null || auth == null || auth.length() <= 0) { return false; } String response = execute("AUTH", auth); if (response == null || response.length() <= 0) { return false; } Object data = new SimpleRedisData(response).getObject(); String res = data != null ? data.toString() : null; return "OK".compareTo(res) == 0; } @Override public void close() { try { if (socket != null) { socket.shutdownOutput(); socket.close(); } //System.out.println("closed"); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public String getString(String key) { if (socket == null || key == null || key.isEmpty()) { return null; } try { String response = execute("GET", key); Object data = new SimpleRedisData(response).getObject(); return data != null ? data.toString() : null; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public String setString(String key, String value) { if (socket == null || key == null || key.isEmpty()) { return null; } try { String response = execute("SET", key, value); if (response == null || response.length() <= 0) { return null; } Object data = new SimpleRedisData(response).getObject(); return data != null ? data.toString() : null; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public String deleteKey(String key) throws IOException { if (socket == null || key == null || key.isEmpty()) { return null; } String response = execute("DEL", key); if (response == null || response.length() <= 0) { return null; } Object data = new SimpleRedisData(response).getObject(); return data != null ? data.toString() : null; } public List<String> getKeys(String pattern) throws IOException { if (socket == null || pattern == null || pattern.isEmpty()) { return null; } String response = execute("KEYS", pattern); if (response == null || response.length() <= 0) { return null; } Object data = new SimpleRedisData(response).getObject(); return data != null ? (List<String>)data : null; } public String execute(String... args) throws IOException { if (socket == null || args == null || args.length <= 0) { return null; } //System.out.println(StringUtil.join(args, " ")); StringBuilder request = new StringBuilder(); request.append("*" + args.length).append("\\r\\n");//参数的数量 for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { request.append("$" + args[i].getBytes("utf8").length).append("\\r\\n");//参数的长度 request.append(args[i]).append("\\r\\n");//参数的内容 } socket.getOutputStream().write(request.toString().getBytes()); socket.getOutputStream().flush(); StringBuilder reply = new StringBuilder(); int bufSize = 1024; while (true) { byte[] buf = new byte[bufSize]; int len = socket.getInputStream().read(buf); if (len < 0) { break; } String str = new String(buf, 0, len); reply.append(str); if (str.endsWith("\\r\\n")) { break; } } String response = reply.toString(); //System.out.println("response: " + response); return response; } }
package tebon.kjcrm; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class SimpleRedisData { public SimpleRedisData(String rawData) { this.rawData = rawData; //System.out.println(rawData); } private int pos; private String rawData; public Object getObject() { if (rawData == null || rawData.length() <= 0) { return null; } char c = rawData.charAt(pos); if (c == \'+\') { return getSingleLineString(); } else if (c == \'-\') { return getErrorString(); } else if (c == \':\') { return getNumberString(); } else if (c == \'$\') { return getBlukString(); } else if (c == \'*\') { return getMultiBulkStringList(); } else { return null; } } private String getSingleLineString() { int i = rawData.indexOf("\\r\\n", pos); if (i > 0) { int from = pos + 1; int to = i; String v = rawData.substring(from, to); pos = to + 2; return v; } return null; } private String getErrorString() { int i = rawData.indexOf("\\r\\n", pos); if (i > 0) { int from = pos + 1; int to = i; String v = rawData.substring(from, to); pos = to + 2; return v; } return null; } private String getNumberString() { int i = rawData.indexOf("\\r\\n", pos); if (i > 0) { int from = pos + 1; int to = i; String v = rawData.substring(from, to); pos = to + 2; return v; } return null; } private String getBlukString() { int i = rawData.indexOf("\\r\\n", pos); if (i > 0) { int from = pos + 1; int to = i; int bulkSize = Integer.parseInt(rawData.substring(from, to)); pos = to + 2; from = pos; to = pos + bulkSize; try { //$符号后面的数值是指内容的字节长度,而不是字符数量,所以要转换为二进制字节数组,再取指定长度的数据 byte[] buf = rawData.substring(from).getBytes("utf-8"); String v = new String(buf, 0, bulkSize); pos = to + 2; return v; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } return null; } private List<String> getMultiBulkStringList() { int i = rawData.indexOf("\\r\\n", pos); if (i > 0) { List<String> values = new ArrayList<>(); int from = pos + 1; int to = i; int multSize = Integer.parseInt(rawData.substring(from, to)); pos = to + 2; for (int index = 0; index < multSize; index++) { values.add(getBlukString()); } return values; } return null; } }
package tebon.kjcrm; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import java.util.List; public class RedisTest { @Test public void test() { SimpleRedisClient client = null; try { client = new SimpleRedisClient("", 6379, "Tebon@2019"); System.out.println("connected: " + client.connect()); List<String> keyList = client.getKeys("api_*"); for (int i = 0; i < keyList.size(); i++) { System.out.println((i + 1) + "\\t" + keyList.get(i)); } System.out.println("keys: " + keyList != null ? keyList.size() : "null"); System.out.println(client.getString("api_getCustomerName")); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (client != null) { client.close(); } } } }