DailyInterested Bug in NetEase Online

Posted 囚生CY


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了DailyInterested Bug in NetEase Online相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Maybe English is the only open language in the world, where some blogs related to sensitive topics cannot be easily released in public using Chinese characters. Actually I just would like to share something interested and common on the Internet nowadays.

This issue origins from my two recent blogs https://blog.csdn.net/CY19980216/article/details/104028709 and https://blog.csdn.net/CY19980216/article/details/104033618 , where I found an approach, which sounded unbelievable but was really simple, to freely downloading the musics on 91flac website. However, my blog introducing this approach did not pass the CSDN audit. As a result, I wrote the two blogs above in an unusual way, just for passing the CSDN audit.

After this issue, I further researched on some other music websites, such as NetEase, QQ music, Kugou and Kuwo, and surprisingly found that there are also similar approaches to freely downloading the music resource. How horrible it is! Paid resource can be freely downloaded with just a little trick. What on earth is it that who fooled who?

I will show you the procedure below using NetEase Online for an example.

1. Search any music and get to the music page in NetEase Online. (Here I just take 起风了 as an instance)

2. Click F12 on the keyboard to open the Web Developping Mode


3. Click on the Play Button and switch to the XHR see the requests and responses during the loading of this page.


4. (Because there are some other requests happened later, so the picture below is not the same as the picture above). Let us find those with filename ended with .m4a (just as circled below), and check their response content. If the response content is a long string(which we call them base16 coding), then you get it.


5.  Just find the request URL of the request you get in the procedure 4, copy it

6. Paste it in a new window.

 7. Ctrl+S to save the page (remember to save it as a .m4a file)

 8. Then here you go.

Just enjoy yourselves. 

以上是关于DailyInterested Bug in NetEase Online的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Bug 20114306 Objects left in recyclebin

Bug in Currency InputNumber

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