Posted 我要出家当道士
虽然 golang 中 net.Interfaces() 函数也提供了方法,但是不包含网卡的IP地址信息,所以我就多做了一步,使用 Addrs() 提取IPV4地址并整合了一下。
package main
import (
type Nic struct
Index int
Name string
Ipv4 *net.IPNet
Mac net.HardwareAddr
Mtu int
Alive bool
Broadcast bool
Loopback bool
PointToPoint bool
Multicast bool
func parseIp(s string) *net.IPNet
i := strings.Index(s, "/")
if i < 0
log.Print("the ip address should be xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/24")
return nil
addr, mask := s[:i], s[i+1:]
ip := net.ParseIP(addr)
n, _ := strconv.Atoi(mask)
if n > 32 || n < 0
log.Print("ipv4 address' mask should be upper than 0 and lower than 32")
return nil
m := net.CIDRMask(n, 8*4)
return &net.IPNetIP: ip, Mask: m
func GetInterface() []Nic
interfaces, err := net.Interfaces()
if err != nil
var nics []Nic
for i := 0; i < len(interfaces); i++
nic := Nic
Index: interfaces[i].Index,
Name: interfaces[i].Name,
Mac: interfaces[i].HardwareAddr,
Mtu: interfaces[i].MTU,
if interfaces[i].Flags & 1 == 1
nic.Alive = true
if interfaces[i].Flags & 2 == 1
nic.Broadcast = true
if interfaces[i].Flags & 4 == 1
nic.Loopback = true
if interfaces[i].Flags & 8 == 1
nic.PointToPoint = true
if interfaces[i].Flags & 16 == 1
nic.Multicast = true
address, _ := interfaces[i].Addrs()
for _, v := range address
ipStr := v.String()
if 4 == len(strings.Split(ipStr,"."))
nic.Ipv4 = parseIp(ipStr)
nics = append(nics, nic)
return nics
func main()
interfaces := GetInterface()
for i := 0; i < len(interfaces); i++