



装什么驱动器 ? 可以说明白点好吗?3Q

The most common objects with the name of RMCAST.SYS have yet to be classified as safe by our research department. 最常见的物体的名称RMCAST.SYS还没有被列为安全我们的研究部。

If you are concerned that your PC might be infected why not try our Free Prevx Scanner.如果您担心您的电脑可能感染何不尝试我们的免费Prevx扫描。 It will thoroughly check your PC for millions of active Spyware and malware infections and takes less than 2 minutes.这将彻底检查您的电脑数以百万计的积极的间谍软件和恶意软件感染,并在不到2分钟。 Don't put your confidential data, or your identity at risk, check your PC now with Prevx.不要把你的机密数据,或您的身份的危险,请检查您的电脑现在Prevx 。

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File Behavior文件行为
RMCAST.SYS has been seen to perform the following behavior: RMCAST.SYS一直被执行下列行为:

RMCAST.SYS has been the subject of the following behavior: RMCAST.SYS一直受到下列行为:

Created as a new Background Service on the machine创建一个新的后台服务的机器上
Created as a process on disk创建磁盘上的一个进程
Deleted as a process from disk删除一个进程从磁盘
Country Of Origin原产国
The filename RMCAST.SYS was first seen on Nov 11 2007 in the following geographical regions of the Prevx community:文件名RMCAST.SYS是第一次看到关于07年11月11号在下列地理区域Prevx社区:

SINGAPORE on Nov 11 2007新加坡2007年11月11号
SPAIN on Nov 11 2007西班牙07年11月11号
GERMANY on Nov 14 2007德国2007年11月14号
POLAND on Nov 17 2007波兰2007年11月17号
The UNITED STATES on Sep 2 2008美国在2008年2月09月
File Name Aliases文件名别名
RMCAST.SYS can also use the following file names: RMCAST.SYS也可以使用以下文件名:

15679762.SYS 15679762.SYS Filesizes Filesizes
The following file size has been seen:下列文件的大小被认为:

202,240 bytes二十点二二四万字节 113,664 bytes 113664字节 113,152 bytes 113152字节 200,064 bytes 200064字节 203,008 bytes 203008字节 98,304 bytes 98,304字节 202,496 bytes 202496字节 Vendor, Product and Version Information供应商,产品和版本信息
Files with the name RMCAST.SYS have been seen to have the following Vendor, Product and Version Information in the file header:文件的名称RMCAST.SYS已被视为具有以下的供应商,产品和版本信息文件中的标题:

Microsoft Corporation; Reliable Multicast Transport; 5.1.2600.2951 (xpsp_sp2_gdr.060713-0009)微软公司;可靠组播传输; 5.1.2600.2951 ( xpsp_sp2_gdr.060713 - 0009 )
Microsoft Corporation; Reliable Multicast Transport; 6.0.6001.17042微软公司;可靠组播传输; 6.0.6001.17042
Microsoft Corporation; Reliable Multicast Transport; 6.0.6001.17042 (longhorn_rc1.071107-1618)微软公司;可靠组播传输; 6.0.6001.17042 ( longhorn_rc1.071107 - 1618 )
Microsoft Corporation; Reliable Multicast Transport; 6.0.6001.16606 (longhorn.070619-1930)微软公司;可靠组播传输; 6.0.6001.16606 ( longhorn.070619 - 1930 )
Microsoft Corporation; Reliable Multicast Transport; 5.1.2600.0微软公司;可靠组播传输; 5.1.2600.0
Microsoft Corporation; Reliable Multicast Transport; 5.1.2600.2951微软公司;可靠组播传输; 5.1.2600.2951
File Type文件类型
The filename RMCAST.SYS refers to many versions of an object.文件名RMCAST.SYS提到许多版本的一个对象。
参考技术A 那是微软的Window操作系统,需要装驱动器本回答被提问者采纳 参考技术B 不是什么病毒






