Posted 一根PHP
所谓链式操作最简单的理解就是 操作完毕之后再返回对象$this 想必大家工作中基本都快用烂了得东西。
最常见的链式操作 每一个方法操作之后,返回一个对象,直到最后一个方法才是执行和返回整个链式操作的结果。
use PDO; class CyDB extends PDO { private $config = null; public $table; //当前操作的数据表名字 protected $fields; private $where = array(); private $select = ‘*‘; public $sql; public $msg; private $stmt; //PDOStatement实例 private $param = array(); /** * 初始化一个数据库实例 * @return db */ public function __construct() { $this->config[‘dsn‘] = \Cy\CyConfig::getConfig(‘DataBase‘, ‘DSN‘); $this->config[‘user‘] = \Cy\CyConfig::getConfig(‘DataBase‘, ‘USER‘); $this->config[‘pass‘] = \Cy\CyConfig::getConfig(‘DataBase‘, ‘PASSWD‘); $this->config[‘options‘] = \Cy\CyConfig::getConfig(‘DataBase‘, ‘OPTIONS‘); try { parent::__construct($this->config[‘dsn‘], $this->config[‘user‘], $this->config[‘pass‘], $this->config[‘options‘]); } catch (\PDOException $e) { throw new \Exception(‘数据库连接失败‘ . $e->getMessage()); } } /** * 重建连接 */ public function reConnect() { $attr = array(); foreach ($this as $k => $v) { $attr[$k] = $v; } parent::__construct($this->config[‘dsn‘], $this->config[‘user‘], $this->config[‘pass‘], $this->config[‘options‘]); foreach ($attr as $k => $v) { $this->$k = $v; } } /** * 插入数据 * @param array $data */ public function insert($data = array()) { $this->sql = sprintf(‘INSERT INTO `%s` SET %s‘, $this->table, implode(‘,‘, $this->joinKeyVal($data))); if (!$this->query($this->sql)) { return false; } return $this->lastInsertId(); } /** * 插入数据,当出现key重复时更新数据 * INSERT ... tbl_name SET ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ... * @param array $insertData 不存在记录时的新增数据 * @param array $updateData 存在记录时的更新数据 * @return int 新增记录id */ public function insertDuplicate(array $insertData, array $updateData) { $this->sql = sprintf(‘INSERT INTO %s SET %s ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE %s‘, $this->table, implode(‘,‘, $this->joinKeyVal($insertData)), implode(‘,‘, $this->joinKeyVal($updateData))); if (!$this->query($this->sql)) { return false; } return $this->lastInsertId(); } /** * 计算有多少条记录 */ public function count($strCountSql = ‘count(*)‘) { $this->sql = sprintf(‘SELECT %s FROM %s %s‘, $strCountSql, $this->table, $this->condition()); $sth = $this->query($this->sql); $res = $sth->fetchColumn(0); return (int)$res; } /** * @param $sql * @param int $type * @param int $returnType 1 默认(sql错误时返回空数组,没查到数据时返回false) ,2 (sql错误时返回 false,没查到数据时返回空数组) * @return array|bool|mixed */ public function row($sql, $type = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, $returnType = 1) { $this->sql = $sql; $sth = $this->query($this->sql); if (!$sth) { return $returnType == 1 ? array() : false; } $res = $sth->fetch($type); return ($returnType == 1 || !empty($res)) ? $res : array(); } public function rows($sql, $start = 0, $size = 0, $orderBy = ‘‘, $groupBy = ‘‘, $type = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) { $this->sql = $sql; if ($groupBy) { $this->sql = sprintf(‘%s GROUP BY %s‘, $this->sql, $groupBy); } if ($orderBy) { $this->sql = sprintf(‘%s ORDER BY %s‘, $this->sql, $orderBy); } if ($size > 0) { //$this->sql = sprintf(‘%s LIMIT %d,%d‘, $this->sql, $start, ($size>1000?1000:$size)); $this->sql = sprintf(‘%s LIMIT %d,%d‘, $this->sql, $start, $size); } $sth = $this->query($this->sql); if (!$sth) { return array(); } return $sth->fetchAll($type); } /** * 更新数据 * @param array $data * 返回受影响的行数/出错返回false */ public function update($data = array()) { $this->sql = sprintf(‘UPDATE %s SET %s %s‘, $this->table, implode(‘,‘, $this->joinKeyVal($data)), $this->condition()); return $this->exec($this->sql); } /** * 根据查询条件返回一条记录 * @param int $returnType 参见 $this->row() 注释 * @return array|mixed */ public function find($returnType = 1) { $this->sql = ‘SELECT ‘ . $this->select . ‘ FROM ‘ . $this->table . $this->condition(); return $this->row($this->sql, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, $returnType); } /** * 根据查询条件返回多条记录 */ public function findAll($offset = 0, $limit = 0, $orderBy = ‘‘, $groupBy = ‘‘) { $this->sql = ‘SELECT ‘ . $this->select . ‘ FROM ‘ . $this->table . $this->condition(); return $this->rows($this->sql, $offset, $limit, $orderBy, $groupBy); } /** * 删除数据 */ public function delete() { $this->sql = ‘DELETE FROM ‘ . $this->table . $this->condition(); $ret = $this->exec($this->sql); return $ret !== false; } /** * 设置各种查询条件 * @param mixed $input */ public function where(array $input) { $this->where = array_merge($this->where, $input); return $this; } /** * WHERE array 转换 SQL字符串 * @return string */ public function condition() { $condStr = ‘‘; if (!count($this->where)) return $condStr; $condStr = ‘ WHERE ‘; foreach ($this->where as $filed => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $operator => $operatorValue) { $operator = strtoupper($operator); if (is_array($operatorValue)) { //IN NOT IN 数组条件 $operatorValue = array_map(function ($mapValue) { return $this->quote($mapValue); }, $operatorValue); $operatorValue = implode(‘,‘, $operatorValue); $condStr .= ‘`‘ . $filed . ‘` ‘ . $operator . ‘ (‘ . $operatorValue . ‘) AND ‘; } else { //LIKE <= >= < > <>等符号 $operatorValue = $this->quote($operatorValue); $condStr .= ‘`‘ . $filed . ‘` ‘ . $operator . ‘ ‘ . $operatorValue . ‘ AND ‘; } } } else { // = 号 $value = $this->quote($value); $condStr .= "`$filed` = $value AND "; } } //消除 AND return substr($condStr, 0, -4); } public function select($fields) { if (is_array($fields) && $fields) { $this->select = ‘`‘ . implode(‘`,`‘, $fields) . ‘`‘; } else { $this->select = $fields; } return $this; } /** * 设置数据表名称,值 * @param bool $name * @param mixed $fields */ public function table($name, $fields = array()) { $this->table = $name; $this->fields = $fields; return $this; } /** * 重置条件 * @return $this */ public function reset() { $this->sql = ‘‘; $this->select = ‘*‘; $this->where = array(); return $this; } /** * @param array $data * 拼接key valure 数组为 = 连接的数据 */ public function joinKeyVal($data) { $arr = array(); foreach ($data as $k => $v) { if ($this->fields && is_array($this->fields) && is_string($k)) { if (in_array($k, $this->fields)) { if (is_null($v)) { array_push($arr, sprintf("`%s`=NULL", $k)); } else { array_push($arr, sprintf("`%s`=%s", $k, $this->quote($v))); } } else { continue; } } elseif (is_int($k)) { array_push($arr, $v); } else { array_push($arr, sprintf("`%s`=%s", $k, $this->quote($v))); } } return $arr; } /** * 给字符串,添加‘ */ public static function q($v) { return "‘" . str_replace(array("\\", "‘"), array(‘‘, "\\‘"), trim($v, "‘")) . "‘"; } //当发生错误 STATE[HY000] CODE[2006] MSG[MySQL server has gone away] //时重建连接,检测到此错误时,调用方可以重试查询 public function errorInfo() { $errInfo = parent::errorInfo(); if ($errInfo[0] == ‘HY000‘ && $errInfo[1] == 2006) { $this->reConnect(); } if ($this->stmt instanceof PDOStatement) { //绑定参数的方式执行sql出错 $errInfo = $this->stmt->errorInfo(); $errInfo[‘param‘] = $this->param; } $errInfo[‘sql‘] = $this->sql; return $errInfo; } public function exec($statement) { //$this->debug($statement); $this->msg = null; $ret = parent::exec($statement); if ($ret === false) { $this->msg = $this->errorInfo(); //重试 if ($this->msg[0] == ‘HY000‘ && $this->msg[1] == 2006) { $ret = parent::exec($statement); if ($ret !== false) { $this->msg = null; } } } return $ret; } public function query($statement) { //$this->debug($statement); $this->msg = null; $ret = parent::query($statement); if ($ret === false) { $this->msg = $this->errorInfo(); //重试 if ($this->msg[0] == ‘HY000‘ && $this->msg[1] == 2006) { $ret = parent::query($statement); if ($ret !== false) { $this->msg = null; } } } return $ret; } /** * 执行一条SQL语句并返回影响的行数,执行成功可能也返回0,执行失败则返回false * @param $sql * @param array $param * @return bool|int */ public function execute($sql, $param = array()) { $this->msg = null; $stmt = $this->prepareStatement($sql, $param); if ($stmt->execute()) { return intval($stmt->rowCount()); } else { $this->msg = $this->errorInfo(); //重试 if ($this->msg[0] == ‘HY000‘ && $this->msg[1] == 2006) { $stmt = $this->prepareStatement($sql, $param); if ($stmt->execute()) { $this->msg = null; return intval($stmt->rowCount()); } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } } /** * 返回一个PDOStatement实例 * @param $sql string,SQL语句,可以带占位符 * @param array $param * @return bool|PDOStatement */ private function prepareStatement($sql, $param = array()) { try { $this->msg = null; $this->sql = $sql; $this->param = $param; $stmt = $this->prepare($sql); foreach ($param as $k => $v) { if (is_string($k) && substr($k, 0, 5) == ‘:INT_‘) { $stmt->bindValue($k, $v, PDO::PARAM_INT); } elseif (is_int($k)) { $stmt->bindValue($k + 1, $v, PDO::PARAM_STR); } else { $stmt->bindValue($k, $v, PDO::PARAM_STR); } } $this->stmt = $stmt; return $stmt; } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->msg = $this->errorInfo(); //重试 if ($this->msg[0] == ‘HY000‘ && $this->msg[1] == 2006) { try { $stmt = $this->prepare($sql); foreach ($param as $k => $v) { if (is_string($k) && substr($k, 0, 5) == ‘:INT_‘) { $stmt->bindValue($k, $v, PDO::PARAM_INT); } elseif (is_int($k)) { $stmt->bindValue($k + 1, $v, PDO::PARAM_STR); } else { $stmt->bindValue($k, $v, PDO::PARAM_STR); } } $this->stmt = $stmt; $this->msg = null; return $stmt; } catch (\Exception $e) { return false; } } else { return false; } } } }