Posted 树
1 <?php 2 /** 3 * create by jxkshu 4 * Date 2017-09-28 5 * 用户签到领取红包 6 */ 7 /** 8 Redis 9 set: key signed:user:mark 标记已签到用户 10 val user_id 11 12 zset key signed:user:today:share:num 记录当天用户分享的次数,凌晨4点删除 13 score 分享的次数 14 val 用户ID 15 zset key signed:user:today:replenishment:num 记录当天用户已经补签的次数,凌晨4点删除 16 score 当天补签的次数 17 val 用户ID 18 */ 19 header("content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); 20 require_once(\'api.base.php\'); 21 22 class m_signed extends base 23 { 24 private $redis = null; 25 private $log_dir = null; 26 27 public function __construct(){ 28 parent::__construct(); 29 30 $this->init(); 31 // parent::signer($_POST); 32 // parent::tokengoon($_POST); 33 34 // 连接redis 35 $this->redis = new MyRedis; 36 $this->redis = $this->redis->getRedisCli(); 37 38 // 创建单个文件夹 39 $this->log_dir = __DIR__ . \'/../log/return_red_envelope/signed/\'; 40 if(!is_dir($this->log_dir)): 41 mkdir($this->log_dir); 42 chmod($this->log_dir, 0777); 43 endif; 44 } 45 46 47 /** 48 * 用户 签到或者补签 49 * @param array $post 客户端传递的数据 50 * @return array 抢红包后的数据 51 */ 52 public function signed($post){ 53 54 parent::signer($_POST); 55 parent::tokengoon($_POST); 56 $user_id = (int)trim($post[\'user_id\']); 57 58 // 延迟0.2秒,防并发 59 usleep(200000); 60 // 判断用户是签到还是补签 61 if( empty($post[\'type\']) || $post[\'type\']==0): 62 // 判断用户是否已签 63 $key = \'signed:user:mark\'; 64 if(($this->redis->sIsMember($key, $user_id))): 65 return [\'status\'=>\'fail\', \'msg\'=>\'已签到\']; 66 else: 67 // 二次判断用户是否已经签到 68 $day_start = strtotime(date(\'Y-m-d 0:0:0\',time())); 69 $day_end = strtotime(date(\'Y-m-d 0:0:0\',time()))+86399; 70 $sql = "SELECT count(id) as total from sign_red_envelopes where uid=$user_id and time>=$day_start and time<=$day_end and amount>0"; 71 $sign_num = (int) parent::result_first($sql); 72 if($sign_num>0): 73 return [\'status\'=>\'fail\', \'msg\'=>\'已签到\']; 74 endif; 75 endif; 76 // 用户签到 77 $res = $this->userSigned($user_id, $post[\'time\']); 78 else: 79 if( $post[\'time\'] >= strtotime(date(\'Y-m-d 0:0:0\'))): 80 return [\'status\'=>\'fail\', \'msg\'=>\'日期错误\']; 81 endif; 82 $res = $this->userReplenishment($user_id, $post[\'time\']); 83 endif; 84 85 if($res[\'status\']==\'fail\'): 86 $this->writeLog(__FILE__, __LINE__, $res[\'msg\']); 87 endif; 88 return $res; 89 } 90 91 92 /** 93 * 用户补签 94 * @param int $user_id 用户ID 95 * @param int $time 用户签到时间 96 * @return array status:状态、msg:信息、amount:奖励金额、replenishment_num:剩余可以补签的次数 97 */ 98 protected function userReplenishment($user_id, $time){ 99 100 // 获取用户当天已经补签的次数 101 $replenishment = $this->redis->zScore(\'signed:user:today:replenishment:num\', $user_id); 102 // 获取用户当天线下消费额度 103 $tim = date(\'Ymd\'); 104 $sql = "SELECT sum(amount) as total_amount FROM payinfo where pay_dateint=\'$tim\' and uid=$user_id and status=1 and is_ol_verify=0"; 105 $total_amount = (int) parent::result_first($sql); 106 107 // 判断用户补签次数是否超出 108 $total_amount = (int) ($total_amount/58); 109 $replenishment = (int)$replenishment; 110 if( $total_amount<=$replenishment ): 111 return [\'status\'=>\'fail\', \'msg\'=>\'补签失败,消费额度不足!\']; 112 endif; 113 114 // 补签次数累加1 115 $res = $this->redis->zIncrBy(\'signed:user:today:replenishment:num\', 1, $user_id); 116 if(empty($res)): 117 return [\'status\'=>\'fail\', \'msg\'=>\'补签次数累加失败!\']; 118 endif; 119 120 //获取用户补签奖励金额 121 $amount = mt_rand(50, 100) / 100; 122 123 // 记录用户补签信息 124 $data = [ 125 \'uid\' => $user_id, 126 \'type\' => 1, 127 \'amount\' => $amount, 128 \'time\' => $time, 129 ]; 130 $res = parent::insert(\'sign_red_envelopes\', $data); 131 if(empty($res)): 132 return [\'status\'=>\'fail\', \'msg\'=>\'写入补签红包记录数据库失败!\']; 133 endif; 134 135 // 累加用户签到奖励 136 $sql = "UPDATE userinfo SET sign_reward=(sign_reward+$amount),total_sign_reward=(total_sign_reward+$amount) where id=$user_id limit 1"; 137 $res = parent::query($sql); 138 if(empty($res)): 139 return [\'status\'=>\'fail\', \'msg\'=>\'累加用户补签奖励失败!\']; 140 endif; 141 return [\'status\'=>\'success\', \'msg\'=>\'用户补签成功\', \'amount\'=>$amount, \'replenishment_num\'=>($total_amount-$replenishment)]; 142 } 143 144 145 146 /** 147 * 用户签到 148 * @param int $user_id 用户ID 149 * @param int $time 用户签到时间 150 * @return array 151 */ 152 protected function userSigned($user_id, $time){ 153 154 // 获取签到奖励金额 155 $amount = self::getSignedAmount($user_id); 156 $data = [ 157 \'uid\' => $user_id, 158 \'amount\' => $amount, 159 \'time\' => $time, 160 ]; 161 $res = parent::insert(\'sign_red_envelopes\', $data); 162 if(empty($res)): 163 return [\'status\'=>\'fail\', \'msg\'=>\'写入签到红包记录数据库失败!\']; 164 endif; 165 166 // 累加用户签到奖励 167 $sql = "UPDATE userinfo SET sign_reward=(sign_reward+$amount),total_sign_reward=(total_sign_reward+$amount) where id=$user_id limit 1"; 168 $res = parent::query($sql); 169 if(empty($res)): 170 return [\'status\'=>\'fail\', \'msg\'=>\'累加用户签到奖励失败!\']; 171 endif; 172 173 // 标记用户已经签到 174 $res = $this->redis->sAdd(\'signed:user:mark\', $user_id); 175 return [\'status\'=>\'success\', \'amount\'=>$amount]; 176 } 177 178 179 /** 180 * 获取用户签到奖励金额 181 * @param int $user_id 182 * @return float 奖励金额 183 */ 184 protected static function getSignedAmount($user_id){ 185 186 // 判断用户是不是第一次签到 187 $sql = "SELECT count(id) as total FROM sign_red_envelopes where uid=$user_id limit 1"; 188 $total = parent::result_first($sql); 189 190 // 获取签到奖励金额 191 if(empty($total)): 192 // 首次签到 193 $amount = mt_rand(1,2); 194 else: 195 //提升红包额度 196 $sql = "SELECT share_num from userinfo where id=$user_id limit 1"; 197 $share_num = parent::result_first($sql); 198 $share_num = ($share_num>20 ? 20 : $share_num); 199 $min = (0.1 + (0.1 * ($share_num*0.1))) * 100; 200 $max = (1 + (1*($share_num*0.05))) * 100; 201 $max = ($max>200 ? 200 : $max); 202 203 $amount = mt_rand($min, $max) / 100; 204 $amount = number_format($amount, 2); 205 endif; 206 207 return $amount; 208 } 209 210 211 // -------------------------------- 用户将奖励提转到58券 212 213 214 /** 215 * 用户将奖励提转到58券 216 * @param array $post=>user_id 用户id 217 * @return array 218 */ 219 public function rewardTo58voucher($post){ 220 221 parent::signer($_POST); 222 parent::tokengoon($_POST); 223 // 获取用户已经累计的签到红包 224 $sql = \'SELECT id,sign_reward FROM userinfo WHERE id=\'.$post[\'user_id\'].\' limit 1\'; 225 $userinfo = parent::fetch_first($sql); 226 if($userinfo[\'sign_reward\']<20): 227 return [\'errcode\'=>\'44\',\'msg\'=>\'代金券未满20\']; 228 endif; 229 230 // 红包转换成58券 231 $sql=\'UPDATE userinfo SET sign_reward=0, red_reward=(red_reward+\'.$userinfo[\'sign_reward\'].\') WHERE id=\'.$post[\'user_id\'].\' LIMIT 1\'; 232 $res = parent::query($sql); 233 if(empty($res)): 234 return [\'errcode\'=>\'3\',\'msg\'=>\'服务器异常!\']; 235 endif; 236 // 记录行为到红包 237 $tim = time(); 238 $data = [ 239 \'uid\'=>$post[\'user_id\'], 240 \'orderid\'=>\'\', 241 \'amount\'=>$userinfo[\'sign_reward\'], 242 \'packet_status\'=>1, 243 \'receive_time\'=>date(\'Y-m-d H:i:s\', $tim), 244 \'packet_type\'=>6, 245 \'add_time\'=>date(\'Y-m-d H:i:s\', $tim), 246 \'dateint\'=>date(\'Ymd\', $tim), 247 ]; 248 $res = parent::insert(\'redpacket\', $data); 249 if(empty($res)): 250 return [\'errcode\'=>\'400\',\'msg\'=>\'提转成功!但记录提转信息失败!\']; 251 endif; 252 return [\'errcode\'=>0,\'msg\'=>\'提转成功!\']; 253 } 254 255 256 /** 257 * 获取剩余补签次数 258 * @param int $user_id 用户ID 259 * @return array 260 */ 261 public function getSignCard($user_id){ 262 263 parent::signer($_POST); 264 parent::tokengoon($_POST); 265 // 获取用户当天已经补签的次数 266 $replenishment = $this->redis->zScore(\'signed:user:today:replenishment:num\', $user_id); 267 // 获取用户当天线下消费额度 268 $tim = date(\'Ymd\'); 269 //$sql = "SELECT sum(amount) as total_amount FROM payinfo where pay_dateint=\'$tim\' and uid=$user_id and status=1 and (order_type=0 or order_type=4)"; 270 $sql = "SELECT sum(amount) as total_amount FROM payinfo where pay_dateint=\'$tim\' and uid=$user_id and status=1 "; 271 272 $total_amount = (int) parent::result_first($sql); 273 274 // 判断用户补签次数是否超出 275 $total_amount = (int) ($total_amount/58); 276 $replenishment = (int) $replenishment; 277 278 return [\'card_num\'=>($total_amount - $replenishment)]; 279 } 280 281 282 // 用户分享朋友圈来提升签到红包额度 283 public function userShareAppToPeople($user_id){ 284 285 parent::signer($_POST); 286 // 将分享次数暂时记录到redis,每天凌晨定时任务在写入数据库 287 $key = \'signed:user:today:share:num\'; 288 $res = $this->redis->zIncrBy($key, 1, $user_id); 289 return [\'signed_num\'=>$res]; 290 } 291 292 293 // 写日志 294 private function writeLog($fil, $row, $remarks=\'\'){ 295 $file = $this->log_dir . \'signed-\'.date(\'Y-m\').\'.txt\'; 296 $content = $fil.\' Line \' . $row . \' failed \'.date(\'Y-m-d H:i:s\')." $remarks \\n\\r"; 297 file_put_contents($file, $content, FILE_APPEND); 298 } 299 300 301 302 303 //---------------------------- 获取用户签到界面的信息 304 305 public function getSignPageInfo($post){ 306 307 parent::signer($_POST); 308 parent::tokengoon($_POST); 309 $user_id = parent::parseuid($post); 310 $data = []; 311 312 // 分享URL 313 $tim = time(); 314 $salt = \'58_life_circle_sign_share\'; 315 $sign = mb_strcut(md5(\'58_life_circle_sign_share\'.$tim), 0, 6, \'utf8\'); 316 $data[\'share_url\'] = \'\'.$user_id.\'&time=\'.$tim.\'&sign=\'.$sign; 317 // 广告图 318 $data[\'header_advert\'] = [ 319 // [ 320 // \'img\'=> \'\', 321 // \'url\'=> \'app_web_$$$$$$\', 322 // ], 323 // [ 324 // \'img\'=> \'\', 325 // \'url\'=> \'app_web_>>><<<\', 326 // ], 327 [ 328 \'img\'=> \'\', 329 \'url\'=> \'app_web_>>><<<\', 330 ], 331 332 ]; 333 // 获取累计签到奖励 334 $sql = \'SELECT sign_reward,total_sign_reward FROM userinfo WHERE id=\'.$user_id.\' limit 1\'; 335 $temp_user_sign = parent::fetch_first($sql); 336 $data[\'sign_reward\'] = $temp_user_sign[\'sign_reward\']; 337 $data[\'total_sign_reward\'] = $temp_user_sign[\'total_sign_reward\']; 338 339 // 签到奖励提取状态【是否可提取】 340 $data[\'extract_status\'] = 0; 341 if($temp_user_sign[\'sign_reward\']>=20): 342 $data[\'extract_status\'] = 1; 343 endif; 344 345 346 // 签到说明 347 $data[\'sign_explain\'] = \'1、签到后可抢代金券红包,满20券可用 348 2、用户每天可签到一次,每次可获得随机劵奖励 349 3、代金券每月15号自动清零,满20券请及时领取 350 4、线下消费满58元,可手动补签1次,当天有效 351 5、签到后分享好友,好友参与可提高次日红包金额\'; 352 353 // 签到状态 354 // 判断用户是否已签 355 $data[\'signed_status\'] = 0; 356 $key = \'signed:user:mark\'; 357 if(($this->redis->sIsMember($key, $user_id))): 358 $data[\'signed_status\'] = 1; 359 endif; 360 // // 二次判断用户是否已经签到 2017-11-01屏蔽 361 $day_start = strtotime(date(\'Y-m-d 0:0:0\',time())); 362 $day_end = strtotime(date(\'Y-m-d 0:0:0\',time()))+86399; 363 $sql = "SELECT count(id) as total from sign_red_envelopes where uid=$user_id and time>=$day_start and time<=$day_end and amount>0"; 364 $sign_num = (int) parent::result_first($sql); 365 if($sign_num<1): 366 微信现金红包接口实现红包发放