BUG YII2.0 $ is not defined

Posted pengcx


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了BUG YII2.0 $ is not defined相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


BUG描述:$ is not defined 没有加载jquery成功



第一种方案:最简单方法是在 assets\\AppAsset.php 中加上,页面前加载

public $jsOptions = array(
    \'position\' => \\yii\\web\\View::POS_HEAD

 第二种方案:But in production you usually want the scripts to load last, and instead you let Yii2 handle your javascript:

    \'$("document").ready(function(){ alert("hi"); });\'

Now Yii will handle this js and place it after anything important (like jQuery).

You\'ll however soon notice that IDE\'s are usually bad at handling this kind of language nesting (JavaScript inside PHP) so the syntax highlighting is likely to break. One way to solve it is to register your script in a separate file:


$this->registerJsFile( \'myScript.js\' );


 If you want even more control about which order to load your scripts, you can add dependencies as your second argument, and additional options as the third:

    [\'position\' => \'\\yii\\web\\View::POS_END\']

 If you for some reason absolutely want the script to be rendered inline you can do:

$this->registerJs( $this->renderPartial(\'myScript.js\') );

 The recommended way to add your scripts is to use AssetBundles. Look in assets/AppAssets.php and add your js-file to the $js-array.


以上是关于BUG YII2.0 $ is not defined的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

找bug - Target runtime Apache Tomcat v7.0 is not defined

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