Posted 猴健居士
web部件是ASP.NET WebForm里面的服务器控件,它涵盖的内容比较多,鉴于这种状况的话鄙人不打算深究下去了,只是局限于了解web.config配置里面的配置内容则可。
那么也得稍微说说啥是Web部件。引用MSDN的话:ASP.NET Web 部件是一组集成控件,用于创建网站使最终用户可以直接从浏览器修改网页的内容、外观和行为。这些修改可以应用于网站上的所有用户或个别用户。还有引用它上面的插图
用于展现用户个性化设置的自定义控件 Color
<%@ Control Language="C#" %> <script runat="server"> // User a field to reference the current WebPartManager. private WebPartManager _manager; // Defines personalized property for User scope. In this case, the property is // the background color of the text box. [Personalizable(PersonalizationScope.User)] public System.Drawing.Color UserColorChoice { get { return _coloruserTextBox.BackColor; } set { _coloruserTextBox.BackColor = value; } } // Defines personalized property for Shared scope. In this case, the property is // the background color of the text box. [Personalizable(PersonalizationScope.Shared) ] public System.Drawing.Color SharedColorChoice { get { return _colorsharedTextBox.BackColor; } set { _colorsharedTextBox.BackColor = value; } } void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { _manager = WebPartManager.GetCurrentWebPartManager(Page); } protected void Page_Load(object src, EventArgs e) { // If Web Parts manager scope is User, hide the button that changes shared control. if (_manager.Personalization.Scope == PersonalizationScope.User) { _sharedchangeButton.Visible = false; if (!_manager.Personalization.IsModifiable) _userchangeButton.Enabled = false; } else { _sharedchangeButton.Visible = true; if (!_manager.Personalization.IsModifiable) { _sharedchangeButton.Enabled = false; _userchangeButton.Enabled = false; } } } // Changes color of the User text box background when button clicked by authorized user. protected void _userButton_Click(object src, EventArgs e) { switch(_coloruserTextBox.BackColor.Name) { case "Red": _coloruserTextBox.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow; break; case "Yellow": _coloruserTextBox.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; break; case "Green": _coloruserTextBox.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; break; } } // Changes color of the Shared text box background when button clicked by authorized user. protected void _sharedButton_Click(object src, EventArgs e) { switch (_colorsharedTextBox.BackColor.Name) { case "Red": _colorsharedTextBox.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow; break; case "Yellow": _colorsharedTextBox.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; break; case "Green": _colorsharedTextBox.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; break; } } </script> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>WebParts Personalization Example</title> </head> <body> <p> <asp:LoginName ID="LoginName1" runat="server" BorderWidth="500" BorderStyle="none" /> <asp:LoginStatus ID="LoginStatus1" LogoutAction="RedirectToLoginPage" runat="server" /> </p> <asp:Label ID="ScopeLabel" Text="Scoped Properties:" runat="server" Width="289px"></asp:Label> <br /> <table style="width: 226px"> <tr> <td> <asp:TextBox ID="_coloruserTextBox" Font-Bold="True" Height="110px" runat="server" Text="User Property" BackColor="red" Width="110px" /> </td> <td> <asp:TextBox ID="_colorsharedTextBox" runat="server" Height="110px" Width="110px" Text="Shared Property" BackColor="red" Font-Bold="true" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <asp:Button Text="Change User Color" ID="_userchangeButton" runat="server" OnClick="_userButton_Click" /> </td> <td > <asp:Button Text="Change Shared Color" ID="_sharedchangeButton" runat="server" OnClick="_sharedButton_Click" /> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>
1 <%@ control language="C#" %> 2 3 <script runat="server"> 4 5 // Use a field to reference the current WebPartManager. 6 private WebPartManager _manager; 7 8 protected void Page_Load(object src, EventArgs e) 9 { 10 // Get the current Web Parts manager. 11 _manager = WebPartManager.GetCurrentWebPartManager(Page); 12 13 // All radio buttons are disabled; the button settings show what the current state is. 14 EnterSharedRadioButton.Enabled = false; 15 ModifyStateRadioButton.Enabled = false; 16 17 // If Web Parts manager is in User scope, set scope button. 18 if (_manager.Personalization.Scope == PersonalizationScope.User) 19 UserScopeRadioButton.Checked = true; 20 else 21 SharedScopeRadioButton.Checked = true; 22 23 // Based on current user rights to enter Shared scope, set buttons. 24 if (_manager.Personalization.CanEnterSharedScope) 25 { 26 EnterSharedRadioButton.Checked = true; 27 No_Shared_Scope_Label.Visible = false; 28 Toggle_Scope_Button.Enabled = true; 29 } 30 else 31 { 32 EnterSharedRadioButton.Checked = false; 33 No_Shared_Scope_Label.Visible = true; 34 Toggle_Scope_Button.Enabled = false; 35 } 36 37 // Based on current user rights to modify personalization state, set buttons. 38 if (_manager.Personalization.IsModifiable) 39 { 40 ModifyStateRadioButton.Checked = true; 41 Reset_User_Button.Enabled = true; 42 } 43 else 44 { 45 ModifyStateRadioButton.Checked = false; 46 Reset_User_Button.Enabled = false; 47 } 48 } 49 // Resets all of a user and shared personalization data for the page. 50 protected void Reset_CurrentState_Button_Click(object src, EventArgs e) 51 { 52 // User must be authorized to modify state before a reset can occur. 53 //When in user scope, all users by default can change their own data. 54 if (_manager.Personalization.IsModifiable) 55 { 56 _manager.Personalization.ResetPersonalizationState(); 57 } 58 } 59 60 // Allows authorized user to change personalization scope. 61 protected void Toggle_Scope_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 62 { 63 if (_manager.Personalization.CanEnterSharedScope) 64 { 65 _manager.Personalization.ToggleScope(); 66 } 67 68 } 69 </script> 70 <div> 71 <asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" 72 Borderwidth="1" 73 Width="208px" 74 BackColor="lightgray" 75 Font-Names="Verdana, Arial, Sans Serif" Height="214px" > 76 <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" 77 Text="Page Scope" 78 Font-Bold="True" 79 Font-Size="8pt" 80 Width="120px" /> <br /> 81 82 83 <asp:RadioButton ID="UserScopeRadioButton" runat="server" 84 Text="User" 85 AutoPostBack="true" 86 GroupName="Scope" 87 Enabled="false" /> 88 <asp:RadioButton ID="SharedScopeRadioButton" runat="server" 89 Text="Shared" 90 AutoPostBack="true" 91 GroupName="Scope" 92 Enabled="false" /> 93 <br /> 94 <asp:Label BorderStyle="None" Font-Bold="True" Font-Names="Courier New" ID="No_Shared_Scope_Label" Font-Size="Smaller" ForeColor="red" 95 runat="server" Visible="false" Width="179px">User cannot enter Shared scope</asp:Label> 96 <br /> 97 <asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" 98 Text="Current User Can:" 99 Font-Bold="True" 100 Font-Size="8pt" 101 Width="165px" /> 102 <br /> 103 <asp:RadioButton ID="ModifyStateRadioButton" runat="server" 104 Text="Modify State" Width="138px" /> 105 <br /> 106 <asp:RadioButton ID="EnterSharedRadioButton" runat="server" 107 Text="Enter Shared Scope" 108 AutoPostBack="true" /> <br /> 109 <br /> 110 <asp:Button ID="Toggle_Scope_Button" OnClick="Toggle_Scope_Button_Click" runat="server" 111 Text="Change Scope" Width="186px" /><br /> 112 <br /> 113 <asp:Button ID="Reset_User_Button" OnClick="Reset_CurrentState_Button_Click" runat="server" 114 Text="Reset Current Personalization" Width="185px" /></asp:Panel> 115 116 </div>
您可以从其中 PersonalizationProvider ,并提供仅在此类中定义的抽象方法的实现。 抽象方法处理专门与保存和加载数据写入物理数据存储,以及数据存储区管理。 自定义提供程序必须能够处理可区分的方式的个性化信息 Shared 中的数据 User 数据。 此外,提供程序必须段个性化数据页以及按应用程序。
实现 PersonalizationProvider 紧密耦合的实现与 PersonalizationState 由于某些个性化设置提供程序方法返回的实例 PersonalizationState的派生类。 为了便于开发自定义提供程序, PersonalizationProvider 基类包括个性化设置逻辑和序列化/反序列化逻辑,直接使用的默认实现WebPartPersonalization 类。 结果是,创作专门用于使用不同的数据存储区的自定义提供只需要下列抽象方法的实现︰
- GetCountOfState -此方法需要能够在数据库中为提供的查询参数的个性化数据行的数目进行计数。
- LoadPersonalizationBlobs -在给定路径和用户名的情况下,此方法从数据库中加载两个二进制大型对象 (Blob): 一个用于共享的数据,另一个用于用户数据的 BLOB。 如果您提供的用户名称和路径,则不需要 WebPartManager 控件,用于访问可以提供的用户文件名/路径信息的页信息。
- ResetPersonalizationBlob -在给定路径和用户名的情况下,此方法中删除数据库中相应的行。 如果您提供的用户名称和路径,则不需要WebPartManager 控件,用于访问可以提供的用户文件名/路径信息的页信息。
- SavePersonalizationBlob导出 Web 部件功能不会创建 .WebPart 文件
SharePoint Survey WebPart 调查 Web部件