百度 api 测试
Posted Donser
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了百度 api 测试相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
from aip import AipSpeech import requests import re from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import time from datetime import datetime import os \'\'\' \'\'\' def gethtmlText(url,code=\'utf-8\'): try: r = requests.get(url) r.raise_for_status() r.encoding = code return r.text except: return \'\' def makeSoup(html): wstr = \'\' if html == \'\': return \'嘤嘤嘤~今天我也不知道海淀天气了\' else: soup = BeautifulSoup(html,\'html.parser\') soup1 = soup.find_all(\'li\',attrs = {\'class\':\'on\'})[1] str1 = re.findall(r\'>(.*)</\',str(soup1)) b = \'\' try: slist = re.findall(r\'^(.*)</span>(.*)<i>(.*)$\',str1[4]) for x in range(len(slist[0])): b += slist[0][x] except: b = str1[4] if \'/\' in b: b = b.replace(\'/\',\'-\') str1[4] = \'海淀的温度是\'+b str1[6] = \',风力是\'+str1[6] donser= str1[6] if "<" in donser: donser=donser.replace("<"," ") str1[6]=donser for i in str1: print(i[:]) if i != \'\': if i[0]==\'&\': # print("###") print("") wstr = wstr +i if \'雨\' in wstr: wstr += \',出门别忘记带雨伞,嘤嘤嘤!\' #print(wstr) return wstr \'\'\' 用百度的AIP 把文字变成mp3文件 \'\'\' def stringToMp3(strings_txt): week=str(datetime.now().weekday()+1) if week=="7": week="日" month=str(datetime.now().strftime(\'%m\')) if month[0]==\'0\': month=month[1:] strings_txt = \'Surprise 兄dei,起床啦~嘤嘤嘤~起床啊~啊~啊~啊~嘤嘤嘤~起床啦~要迟到啦!今天是星期\'+ week + "," + str(month) +"月~"+ strings_txt print(strings_txt) APPID = \'11688959\' APIKey = \'iKX6hukjx9vRPo4VT6x3POKw\' SecretKey = \'pI0VoAXi11YXDtmxyXe2rffUQWvgNgGy\' aipSpeech = AipSpeech(APPID,APIKey,SecretKey) result = aipSpeech.synthesis(strings_txt,\'zh\',\'1\',\\ {\'vol\':8, \'per\':4, \'spd\':5}) if not isinstance(result,dict): with open(\'tep.mp3\',\'wb\') as f: f.write(result) \'\'\' MAIN \'\'\' def main(): url = \'http://www.weather.com.cn/weather/101010200.shtml\' html=getHtmlText(url) stringToMp3(makeSoup(html)) os.system(\'mpg321 tep.mp3\') os.system(\'mpg321 tep.mp3\') #os.system(\'rm -rf tep.mp3\') if __name__ == \'__main__\': main()
crontab -e 设置计划任务 8 22 * * * python3 /home/pi/weather.py #分 时 日 月 周
点击 https://files.cnblogs.com/files/dzzy/tep.zip 查看效果
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- from aip import AipOcr APP_ID = \'10379743\' API_KEY = \'QGGvDG2yYiVFvujo6rlX4SvD\' SECRET_KEY = \'PcEAUvFO0z0TyiCdhwrbG97iVBdyb3Pk\' aipOcr=AipOcr(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY) filePath = "shit.jpg" def get_file_content(filePath): with open(filePath, \'rb\') as fp: return fp.read() options = { \'detect_direction\': \'true\', \'language_type\': \'CHN_ENG\', } result = aipOcr.webImage(get_file_content(filePath),options) # url调用 # result = apiOcr.webImage(\'http://www.?????.com/????.jpg\') print(result)
结果: [{\'words\': \'秘密\'}, {\'words\': \'su seven\'}, {\'words\': \'我有很多秘密我一个人细数\'}, {\'words\': \'从欢笑到哭泣\'}], \'words_result_num\': 4}
以上是关于百度 api 测试的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
Express实战 - 应用案例- realworld-API - 路由设计 - mongoose - 数据验证 - 密码加密 - 登录接口 - 身份认证 - token - 增删改查API(代码片段