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在 https://www.wxwidgets.org/downloads/ 下载最新的稳定版 wxWidgets-3.0.4.tar.bz2


sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev build-essential checkinstall


$ make
# ... 略 ...
$ sudo checkinstall 

checkinstall会需要准备好package的描述等, 详细的输入输出. 使用checkinstall会同时生成deb包, 以及安装明细, 将来如何移除的提示

$ sudo checkinstall 
checkinstall 1.6.2, Copyright 2009 Felipe Eduardo Sanchez Diaz Duran
           This software is released under the GNU GPL.
The package documentation directory ./doc-pak does not exist. 
Should I create a default set of package docs?  [y]: 

Preparing package documentation...OK

Please write a description for the package.
End your description with an empty line or EOF.
>> wxWidgets library 3.0.4      
**** Debian package creation selected ***

*** Warning: The package name "wxWidgets" contains upper case
*** Warning: letters. dpkg might not like that so I changed
*** Warning: them to lower case.

This package will be built according to these values: 

0 -  Maintainer: [ [email protected] ]
1 -  Summary: [ wxWidgets library 3.0.4 ]
2 -  Name:    [ wxwidgets ]
3 -  Version: [ 3.0.4 ]
4 -  Release: [ 1 ]
5 -  License: [ GPL ]
6 -  Group:   [ checkinstall ]
7 -  Architecture: [ amd64 ]
8 -  Source location: [ wxWidgets-3.0.4 ]
9 -  Alternate source location: [  ]
10 - Requires: [  ]
11 - Provides: [ wxwidgets ]
12 - Conflicts: [  ]
13 - Replaces: [  ]

Enter a number to change any of them or press ENTER to continue: [Enter]

Installing with make install...

# ... 略 ...

Copying files to the temporary directory...OK

Stripping ELF binaries and libraries...OK

Compressing man pages...OK

Building file list...OK

Building Debian package...OK

Installing Debian package...OK

Erasing temporary files...OK

Deleting temp dir...OK


 Done. The new package has been installed and saved to


 You can remove it from your system anytime using: 

      dpkg -r wxwidgets



$ dpkg -L wxWidgets

这次安装并未按某些网页教程提示的增加 /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ 配置文件并执行sudo ldconfig, 但是可以i正常编译, 所以ldconfig这步应该是不需要了.


wxWidgets源码已经带了一个samples的样例包, 在安装完成后就可以直接编译测试

$ cd samples/
$ make

编译成功后, 里面的子目录会带着编译好的可执行程序, 例如 popup, tarskbar, text, treelist, 等等.



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