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<!--index.wxml--> <map markers="{{markers}}" show-location></map> // pages/chooseCart/chooseCart.js const API = require(‘../request/api.js‘) const UI = require(‘../../utils/common.js‘) onLoad: function (options) { var that = this; that.getCartList(); }, getCartList(){ var that = this; var params = {}; //请求后端接口获取数据,把参数一次赋值进去(这里我封装了wx.request) API.vehicleStatus(params).then(res => { console.log(res); res.forEach((item,index) => { item[‘id‘] = index + 1; item[‘width‘] = ‘20px‘; item[‘height‘] = ‘20px‘; item[‘latitude‘] = item.wd; item[‘longitude‘] = item.jd; item[‘iconPath‘] = ‘/images/hint.png‘; item[‘callout‘] = {}; item[‘callout‘][‘content‘] = item.pos.length > 10 ? item.pos.substring(0,18) + ‘ ‘ + item.pos.substring(18,item.pos.length) : item.pos; item[‘callout‘][‘bgColor‘] = ‘#fff‘; item[‘callout‘][‘padding‘] = ‘5px‘; item[‘callout‘][‘borderRadius‘] = ‘2px‘; item[‘callout‘][‘borderWidth‘] = ‘1px‘; item[‘callout‘][‘borderColor‘] = ‘#fff‘; }) that.setData({ markers:res, }) }) }, //common.js var toast = function toast(title){ wx.showToast({ icon:‘none‘, title: title, duration:2000, }) } var loading = function toast(title) { wx.showLoading({ title: title, }) } module.exports.toast = toast; module.exports.loading = loading; //api.js var request = require(‘./http.js‘); var api = { vehicleStatus: data => { return request(‘vehicleStatus‘, data) }, } module.exports = api //导出所有请求接口 //http.js var host = ‘https://www.xxx.com/api/xcx/‘;//请求地址 module.exports = function (url, data, method) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { wx.request({ url: `${host}/${url}`, data: data, method: method || ‘GET‘, header: { ‘Content-Type‘: ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8‘, }, success: function (res) { resolve(res.data); }, complete:function(){ wx.hideLoading(); }, fail: reject, }) }) }