sql 分组后怎么把结果合并到一个类别下啊
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了sql 分组后怎么把结果合并到一个类别下啊相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
Create Table T
商品 Varchar(10),
类别 Varchar(10),
数量 Int
Insert Into T Values('苹果','水果',10)
Insert Into T Values('葡萄','水果',20)
Insert Into T Values('西红柿','蔬菜',30)
--方法一,按商品类别分类求和,加with cube选项
Select ISNULL(商品,'分类-'+类别) As 商品,数量
From (
Select 商品,类别,SUM(数量) As 数量 From T
Group By 商品,类别
With Cube
) S
Where 类别 Is Not Null
Select 商品,数量
From (
Select 商品,Max(类别)As 类别,SUM(数量) As 数量 From T
Group By 商品
Union All
Select '分类-'+类别,类别+'Z',SUM(数量) As 数量 From T
Group By 类别
) S
Order By 类别
Create Table M
商品 Varchar(10),
类别 Varchar(10)
Create Table N
商品 Varchar(10),
数量 Int
Insert Into M Values('苹果','水果')
Insert Into M Values('葡萄','水果')
Insert Into M Values('西红柿','蔬菜')
Insert Into N Values('苹果',10)
Insert Into N Values('葡萄',20)
Insert Into N Values('西红柿',30)
Insert Into N Values('苹果',15)
Select IsNull(商品,'分类-'+类别) As 商品,数量
From (
Select n.商品,类别,SUM(数量) As 数量 From n Left Join m
on m.商品=n.商品
Group By n.商品,类别
With Cube
) s
Where 类别 is not null
将 JSON 结果分组到类别中
【中文标题】将 JSON 结果分组到类别中【英文标题】:Grouping JSON results into categories 【发布时间】:2022-01-18 23:06:51 【问题描述】:我正在尝试从 JSON 结果集中对一些类似的数字进行分组。我需要将所有 [1, X] 分组到小型/大型组中,将 [0, X] 分组到小型/中型/大型组中。
$results = json_decode("data": [[0, 2960], [1, 768], [0, 592], [1, 384], [0, 592], [1, 400], [0, 208], [1, 384], [0, 208], [1, 384], [0, 320], [1, 1056], [0, 576], [1, 400], [0, 208], [1, 384], [0, 592], [1, 768], [0, 208], [1, 400], [0, 592], [1, 768], [0, 208], [1, 768], [0, 208], [1, 400], [0, 1360], [1, 384], [0, 208], [1, 400], [0, 192], [1, 784], [0, 208], [1, 384], [0, 592], [1, 768], [0, 224], [1, 768], [0, 208], [1, 768], [0, 592], [1, 384], [0, 208], [1, 768], [0, 224], [1, 368], [0, 1376], [1, 784], [0, 208], [1, 384], [0, 224], [1, 768], [0, 208], [1, 768], [0, 592], [1, 768], [0, 224], [1, 768], [0, 208], [1, 768], [0, 592], [1, 400], [0, 96], [1, 16], [0, 16], [1, 464], [0, 32], [1, 944], [0, 1968], [1, 0]]);
foreach($flashes as $values)
$flash_status = $values[0];
$length = $values[1];
// flashing
if($flash_status == 1)
if($length is short)
// do something
elseif($length is long)
// do something
// pausing
if($length is short)
// do something
elseif($length is medium)
// do something
elseif($length is long)
// do something
你如何定义什么是短/中/长? 【参考方案1】:这就是最终为我工作的原因。对于 180 跳跃仍有硬编码检查,但它现在可以满足我的需要。
array_multisort($ordering, array_column($ordering, 0));
$flash_categories = array(
1 => array (
'short' => array('min'=> 0,'max'=> 0,),
'long' => array('min'=> 0,'max'=> 0,),
0 => array (
'short' => array('min'=> 0,'max'=> 0,),
'medium' => array('min'=> 0,'max'=> 0,),
'long' => array('min'=> 0,'max'=> 0,),
$previous_value = 0;
$previous_flash = 0;
$flash_heading_index = 0;
$flash_headings = array(
1 => array ('short','long'),
0 => array ('short','medium','long'),
foreach($ordering as $values)
$flash_status = $values[0];
$length = $values[1];
// skip errors
if($length < 100 || $length > 2000)
if($previous_flash != $flash_status)
$previous_flash = $flash_status;
$flash_heading_index = 0;
$previous_value = 0;
// check to see how much difference there is in time
if($length - $previous_value > 180 && $previous_value != 0)
// cap off the heading index
$flash_heading_index = sizeof($flash_headings[$flash_status])-1;
// set min and max threshold to values
if($flash_categories[$flash_status][$flash_headings[$flash_status][$flash_heading_index]]['min'] == 0)
$flash_categories[$flash_status][$flash_headings[$flash_status][$flash_heading_index]]['min'] = $length;
$flash_categories[$flash_status][$flash_headings[$flash_status][$flash_heading_index]]['max'] = $length;
$flash_categories[$flash_status][$flash_headings[$flash_status][$flash_heading_index]]['max'] = $length;
$previous_value = $length;
以上是关于sql 分组后怎么把结果合并到一个类别下啊的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章