Posted Rainystuday
report zme11_12 no standard page HEADING. type-POOLS:truxs,icon. tables sscrfields. data:begin of it_fname occurs 0, name type char255, end of it_fname. data:bdcdata like bdcdata occurs 0 with header line. "用来存储屏幕字段参数值,传递录屏参数 data:messtab like bdcmsgcoll occurs 0 with header line. "记录执行BDC过程中产生的消息 data:result_mesg type table of string with header line. "结果信息 data: ti_bapicondct like standard table of bapicondct with header line , ti_bapicondhd like standard table of bapicondhd with header line , ti_bapicondit like standard table of bapicondit with header line , ti_bapicondqs like standard table of bapicondqs with header line , ti_bapicondvs like standard table of bapicondvs with header line, bapiret2 like standard table of bapiret2 with header line, to_bapiknumhs like standard table of bapiknumhs with header line, to_mem_initial like standard table of cnd_mem_initial with header line, ls_a017 type a017. data text2 type text1_007s. "附加税值名 data p type i. types:begin of ty_tab1, flag type c, "记录标识 wx type c, "是否外协 eina_mahn1 type mahn1, "CLX eina_urztp type urztp, "价格执行方式 eina_urzzt type urzzt, "编号 eine_norbm type norbm, "标准数量 eine_mwskz type mwskz, "税代码 eine_netpr type iprei, "净价 eine_waers type waers, "净价货币 eine_angnr type angnr, "报价 eine_peinh type epein, "价格单位 * rm06i_ltex1 TYPE ltext, "记录信息文本 rv13a_datab type kodatab, "有效时间从 rv13a_datbi type kodatbi, "有效时间到 * konp_konwa TYPE konwa, "PB00比率单位(货币或百分数) konp_kschl2 type kscha, "条件类型2 konm_kbetr2 type konp-kbetr, "条件金额2 konp_konwa2 type konwa, "ZVA1比率单位(货币或百分数) eina_lifnr type elifn, "供应商 eina_matnr type matnr, "材料 eine_ekorg type ekorg, "采购组织 eine_werks type ewerk, "工厂 konm_kstbm type kstbm, "条件等级数量 konm_kbetr type konp-kbetr, "条件金额 end of ty_tab1. data:gt_tab1 type table of ty_tab1, wa_tab1 type ty_tab1. types:begin of numb_levels, flag type c, "记录标识 eina_lifnr type elifn, "供应商 eina_matnr type matnr, "材料 eine_ekorg type ekorg, "采购组织 eine_werks type ewerk, "工厂 konm_kstbm type kstbm, "条件等级数量 konm_kbetr type kbetr, "条件金额 lifab type eina-lifab, "起始时间 lifbi type eina-lifbi, "截止时间 end of numb_levels. data:gt_nl type table of numb_levels, wa_nl type numb_levels. types:begin of ty_tab2, flag type c, "记录标识 wx type c, "是否外协 lifnr type lfa1-lifnr, matnr type mara-matnr, ekorg type eine-ekorg, werks type eine-werks, netpr type iprei, "PB00金额 konp_konwa type konwa, "比率单位(货币或百分数) peinh like eine-peinh, "价格单位 konp_kschl2 type kscha, "条件类型2 konp_kbetr2 type kbetr_kond, "金额2 konp_konwa2 type konwa, "比率单位(货币或百分数) lifab type eina-lifab, "起始时间 lifbi type eina-lifbi, "截止时间 konm_kstbm type kstbm, "条件等级数量 konm_kbetr type kbetr, "条件金额 end of ty_tab2. data:gt_tab2 type table of ty_tab2, wa_tab2 type ty_tab2. data: aplfzc(3) type c, "计划交货天数 normbc(16) type c , "标准数量 netprc(13) type c, "净价 peinhc(5) type c, "条件定价单位 lv_bprme type bprme. "条件单位 SELECTION-screen begin of block blk_001 with frame title text-001 . parameters:p_file like rlgrap-filename. SELECTION-screen end of block blk_001. SELECTION-screen begin of block blk_002 with frame title text-002. "创建或修改 parameters:radio_1 radiobutton group radi, "创建 radio_2 radiobutton group radi. "修改 SELECTION-screen end of block blk_002. SELECTION-screen function key 1. "应用工具栏增加按钮 initialization. write icon_change_text as icon to sscrfields-functxt_01+0(4). sscrfields-functxt_01+4(*) = \'下载模板\'."分配字符位置 at SELECTION-screen. perform dl_template. "模板下载 at SELECTION-screen on value-REQUEST for p_file . perform open. START-of-SELECTION. if radio_1 = \'X\'. perform upload_file1. perform process_file1. perform create_me11. else. perform upload_file2. perform process_file2. perform update_me12. endif. end-of-SELECTION. perform result_message. "显示执行结果 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form create_me11 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form create_me11. loop at gt_tab1 into wa_tab1 where flag = \'X\'. clear: aplfzc,normbc,netprc,peinhc. aplfzc = wa_tab1-eina_mahn1. normbc = wa_tab1-eine_norbm. netprc = wa_tab1-eine_netpr. "净价 peinhc = wa_tab1-eine_peinh. condense aplfzc no-GAPS. condense normbc no-GAPS. condense netprc no-GAPS. condense peinhc no-GAPS. call function \'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT\' exporting input = wa_tab1-eina_matnr importing output = wa_tab1-eina_matnr. call function \'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT\' exporting input = wa_tab1-eina_lifnr importing output = wa_tab1-eina_lifnr. select single waers from lfm1 into wa_tab1-eine_waers where lifnr = wa_tab1-eina_lifnr and ekorg = wa_tab1-eine_ekorg. if wa_tab1-eine_waers = \'USD\'. wa_tab1-eine_mwskz = \'J0\'. elseif wa_tab1-eine_waers = \'CNY\'. wa_tab1-eine_mwskz = \'J6\'. endif. select single t007s~text1 into text2 from t007s where t007s~mwskz = wa_tab1-eine_mwskz and t007s~spras = sy-langu and t007s~kalsm = \'TAXCN\'. "附加税值名 if text2+1(1) = \'%\'. p = text2+0(1). else. p = text2+0(2). endif. netprc = netprc * ( 1 + ( p / 100 ) ). "增值税 condense netprc no-GAPS. clear: bdcdata,bdcdata[] . perform bdc_dynpro using \'SAPMM06I\' \'0100\'. perform bdc_field using \'BDC_CURSOR\' \'EINE-WERKS\'. perform bdc_field using \'BDC_OKCODE\' \'/00\'. perform bdc_field using \'EINA-LIFNR\' wa_tab1-eina_lifnr."供应商 perform bdc_field using \'EINA-MATNR\' wa_tab1-eina_matnr. "材料 perform bdc_field using \'EINE-EKORG\' wa_tab1-eine_ekorg. "采购组织 perform bdc_field using \'EINE-WERKS\' wa_tab1-eine_werks. "工厂 if wa_tab1-wx = \'X\'. perform bdc_field using \'RM06I-LOHNB\' \'X\'. else. perform bdc_field using \'RM06I-NORMB\' \'X\'. endif. perform bdc_dynpro using \'SAPMM06I\' \'0101\'. perform bdc_field using \'BDC_CURSOR\' \'EINA-URZZT\'. perform bdc_field using \'BDC_OKCODE\' \'/00\'. perform bdc_field using \'EINA-MAHN1\' aplfzc. "CLX perform bdc_field using \'EINA-URZTP\' wa_tab1-eina_urztp. "价格执行方式 perform bdc_field using \'EINA-URZZT\' wa_tab1-eina_urzzt. "编号 perform bdc_dynpro using \'SAPMM06I\' \'0102\'. perform bdc_field using \'BDC_CURSOR\' \'EINE-MWSKZ\'. perform bdc_field using \'BDC_OKCODE\' \'=KO\'. "/00 perform bdc_field using \'EINE-NORBM\' normbc. "标准数量 perform bdc_field using \'EINE-MWSKZ\' wa_tab1-eine_mwskz. "税代码 perform bdc_field using \'EINE-NETPR\' netprc. "净价 perform bdc_field using \'EINE-WAERS\' wa_tab1-eine_waers. "净价货币 perform bdc_dynpro using \'SAPMV13A\' \'0201\'. perform bdc_field using \'BDC_CURSOR\' \'RV13A-DATBI\'. perform bdc_field using \'BDC_OKCODE\' \'=BACK\'. perform bdc_field using \'RV13A-DATAB\' wa_tab1-rv13a_datab. "开始时间 perform bdc_field using \'RV13A-DATBI\' wa_tab1-rv13a_datbi. "结束时间 perform bdc_field using \'KONP-KPEIN(01)\' peinhc. "单位 perform bdc_dynpro using \'SAPMM06I\' \'0102\'. perform bdc_field using \'BDC_CURSOR\' \'EINE-APLFZ\'. perform bdc_field using \'BDC_OKCODE\' \'/00\'. "/00 perform bdc_field using \'EINE-NORBM\' normbc. "标准数量 perform bdc_field using \'EINE-MWSKZ\' wa_tab1-eine_mwskz. "税代码 perform bdc_field using \'EINE-NETPR\' netprc. "净价 perform bdc_dynpro using \'SAPMM06I\' \'0105\'. perform bdc_field using \'BDC_CURSOR\' \'EINE-ANGNR\'. perform bdc_field using \'BDC_OKCODE\' \'/00\'. perform bdc_field using \'EINE-ANGNR\' wa_tab1-eine_angnr. "报价 perform bdc_dynpro using \'SAPMM06I\' \'0103\'. perform bdc_field using \'BDC_CURSOR\' \'RM06I-LTEX1(01)\'. perform bdc_field using \'BDC_OKCODE\' \'=BU\'. * PERFORM bdc_field USING \'RM06I-LTEX1(01)\' wa_tab1-rm06i_ltex1. "记录信息 call transaction \'ME11\' using bdcdata mode \'N\' update \'S\' MESSAGES into messtab. read table messtab with key msgtyp = \'E\'. if sy-subrc = 0. loop at messtab where msgtyp = \'E\'. call function \'MESSAGE_TEXT_BUILD\' "消息编号及变量使用函数转换为消息内容输出 exporting msgid = messtab-msgid msgnr = messtab-msgnr msgv1 = messtab-msgv1 msgv2 = messtab-msgv2 msgv3 = messtab-msgv3 msgv4 = messtab-msgv4 importing message_text_output = result_mesg. endloop. append result_mesg. clear result_mesg. else. perform condition using wa_tab1. endif. endloop. endform. "create_me11 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form CONDITION *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->P_wa_tab1 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form condition using value(lt_tab) type ty_tab1. data num type n LENGTH 4. "数量等级行号 clear:ti_bapicondct[],ti_bapicondct,ti_bapicondhd[],ti_bapicondhd,ti_bapicondit[],ti_bapicondit,ti_bapicondqs[],ti_bapicondqs,lv_bprme. data esokzc type c. if lt_tab-wx = \'X\'. esokzc = \'3\'. else. esokzc = \'0\'. endif. select single * into CORRESPONDING fields of ls_a017 from a017 where kschl = \'PB00\' "条件类型 "kappl = \'M\' "应用:M采购 and lifnr = lt_tab-eina_lifnr "供应商帐户号 and matnr = lt_tab-eina_matnr "物料 and ekorg = lt_tab-eine_ekorg "采购组织 and werks = lt_tab-eine_werks "工厂 and esokz = esokzc. "采购信息记录分类-(0:标准 3:分包合同) clear esokzc. select single kmein into lv_bprme from konp where knumh = ls_a017-knumh. "konp:条件(项目) kmein:条件单位 ti_bapicondct-operation = \'004\' . "004修改 _009创建 ti_bapicondct-cond_usage = \'A\'. "条件表用途:定价 ti_bapicondct-table_no = \'017\' . "条件表 ti_bapicondct-applicatio = \'M\' . ti_bapicondct-cond_type = \'PB00\' . ti_bapicondct-valid_to = lt_tab-rv13a_datbi. "条件记录有效截止日期 ti_bapicondct-valid_from = lt_tab-rv13a_datab. "条件记录有效起始日 ti_bapicondct-cond_no = ls_a017-knumh . "条件记录号 append ti_bapicondct . clear ti_bapicondct . *KONH的BAPI结构----条件( 抬头 ) ti_bapicondhd-operation = \'004\' . ti_bapicondhd-cond_no = ls_a017-knumh . "条件记录号 ti_bapicondhd-created_by = sy-uname. "创建对象的人员名称 ti_bapicondhd-creat_date = sy-datum. "记录的创建日期 ti_bapicondhd-cond_usage = \'A\' . ti_bapicondhd-table_no = \' 017\' . ti_bapicondhd-applicatio = \'M\' . ti_bapicondhd-cond_type = \' PB00\' . ti_bapicondhd-valid_from = lt_tab-rv13a_datbi. ti_bapicondhd-valid_to = lt_tab-rv13a_datab. append ti_bapicondhd. clear ti_bapicondhd. *KONP的BAPI结构 ti_bapicondit-operation = \'004\' . ti_bapicondit-cond_no = ls_a017-knumh. ti_bapicondit-cond_count = \'01\' . "条件的序列号 ti_bapicondit-applicatio = \'M\' . ti_bapicondit-cond_type = \'PB00\' . ti_bapicondit-scaletype = \'A\' . ti_bapicondit-scalebasin = \'C\' . "等级基值指示符,数量规模 ti_bapicondit-scale_qty = 1 . "条件等级数量 ti_bapicondit-calctypcon = \'C\' . "条件计算类型--- C:数量 A:百分比 ti_bapicondit-cond_value = netprc. "BAPIs 的货币金额(带有 9 个小数位)-净价 ti_bapicondit-condcurr = lt_tab-eine_waers. "比率单位(货币或百分数):CNY ti_bapicondit-cond_p_unt = peinhc. "条件定价单位(单位=1) ti_bapicondit-cond_unit = lv_bprme. "条件单位(EA) ti_bapicondit-condcurren = lt_tab-eine_waers. ti_bapicondit-unitmeasur = lv_bprme. "条件等级计量单位 append ti_bapicondit. clear ti_bapicondit. call function \'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_OUTPUT\' exporting input = lt_tab-eina_lifnr importing output = lt_tab-eina_lifnr. call function \'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_OUTPUT\' exporting input = lt_tab-eina_matnr importing output = lt_tab-eina_matnr. *PB00--->设置等级数量 loop at gt_nl into wa_nl where konm_kbetr > 0. "数量等级金额>0 if lt_tab-eina_lifnr = wa_nl-eina_lifnr and lt_tab-eina_matnr = wa_nl-eina_matnr and lt_tab-eine_ekorg = wa_nl-eine_ekorg and lt_tab-eine_werks = wa_nl-eine_werks. num = num + 1. ti_bapicondqs-operation = \'004\' . ti_bapicondqs-cond_no = ls_a017-knumh. ti_bapicondqs-cond_count = \'01\' . ti_bapicondqs-line_no = num. ti_bapicondqs-scale_qty = wa_nl-konm_kstbm. "条件等级数量 ti_bapicondqs-cond_unit = lv_bprme. "条件单位 ti_bapicondqs-currency = wa_nl-konm_kbetr. "BAPIs 的货币金额(带有 9 个小数位) ti_bapicondqs-condcurr = lt_tab-eine_waers. "比率单位(货币或百分数) append ti_bapicondqs . clear ti_bapicondqs . endif. endloop. clear num. if lt_tab-eine_waers = \'CNY\'. *如果货币单位为CNY,添加ZVA1类型 ti_bapicondit-operation = \'004\' . ti_bapicondit-cond_no = ls_a017-knumh. ti_bapicondit-cond_count = \'02\'. "条件的序列号 ti_bapicondit-applicatio = \'M\'. ti_bapicondit-cond_type = \'ZVA1\'. "类型2:ZVA1 ti_bapicondit-scaletype = \'A\'. "A基础等级 ti_bapicondit-scalebasin = \'C\' . "等级基值指示符,数量规模 ti_bapicondit-scale_qty = \'2\'. "条件等级数量 ti_bapicondit-calctypcon = \'A\' . "条件计算类型--- C:数量 A:百分比 if lt_tab-konm_kbetr2 <> 0 or lt_tab-konm_kbetr2 <> \'\'. ti_bapicondit-cond_value = lt_tab-konm_kbetr2. "BAPIs 的货币金额(带有 9 个小数位)-(-5%)konm_kbetr2 endif. ti_bapicondit-condcurr = lt_tab-konp_konwa2. "比率单位(货币或百分数):CNY ti_bapicondit-cond_unit = lt_tab-konp_konwa2. "条件单位 ti_bapicondit-cond_unit = lv_bprme. ti_bapicondit-unitmeasur = lv_bprme. "条件等级计量单位 append ti_bapicondit. clear ti_bapicondit. *ZVA1--->设置等级数量 loop at gt_nl into wa_nl where konm_kbetr < 0. "数量等级金额>0 if lt_tab-eina_lifnr = wa_nl-eina_lifnr and lt_tab-eina_matnr = wa_nl-eina_matnr and lt_tab-eine_ekorg = wa_nl-eine_ekorg and lt_tab-eine_werks = wa_nl-eine_werks. num = num + 1. ti_bapicondqs-operation = \'004\' . ti_bapicondqs-cond_no = ls_a017-knumh. ti_bapicondqs-cond_count = \'02\' . ti_bapicondqs-line_no = num. ti_bapicondqs-scale_qty = wa_nl-konm_kstbm. "条件等级数量 ti_bapicondqs-cond_unit = lv_bprme. "条件单位 ti_bapicondqs-currency = wa_nl-konm_kbetr. "BAPIs 的货币金额(带有 9 个小数位) ti_bapicondqs-condcurr = lt_tab-konp_konwa2. "比率单位(货币或百分数) append ti_bapicondqs . clear ti_bapicondqs . endif. endloop. clear num. endif. call function \'BAPI_PRICES_CONDITIONS\' tables ti_bapicondct = ti_bapicondct ti_bapicondhd = ti_bapicondhd ti_bapicondit = ti_bapicondit ti_bapicondqs = ti_bapicondqs ti_bapicondvs = ti_bapicondvs to_bapiret2 = bapiret2 to_bapiknumhs = to_bapiknumhs to_mem_initial = to_mem_initial exceptions update_error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc = 0. data gv_infnr type infnr. call function \'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT\' exporting input = lt_tab-eina_lifnr importing output = lt_tab-eina_lifnr. call function \'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT\' exporting input = lt_tab-eina_matnr importing output = lt_tab-eina_matnr. select single infnr into gv_infnr from eina where matnr = lt_tab-eina_matnr and lifnr = lt_tab-eina_lifnr. concatenate gv_infnr \' 信息记录已创建!\' into result_mesg. append result_mesg. clear result_mesg. else. call function \'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK\'. result_mesg = \'操作错误!\'. append result_mesg. clear:gv_infnr,result_mesg. endif. endform. " CONDITION *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form UPLOAD_FILE2 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form upload_file2 . data: it_raw_data type truxs_t_text_data. field-SYMBOLS <fs> type ty_tab2. field-SYMBOLS:<fw>. data: i_excel type table of alsmex_tabline,"表格结构。" w_excel type alsmex_tabline. data:num_col type i. refresh: gt_tab2. "调用此函数,将Excel中的内容以类似坐标的形式存储到I_excel内表中。" call function \'ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE\' exporting filename = p_file i_begin_col = 1 i_begin_row = 1 i_end_以上是关于采购信息记录批导BAPI的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章