



  楼主 注意注意:

  1 table

  1.1.1 the upper surface of the table called table games, should be parallel with the horizontal rectangle, 274 meters long, 1.525 meters wide, 76 cm high to high ground.
  1.1.2 game table does not include the top side of the table.
  1.1.3 table games can be made from any material, should have the same flexibility that is standard when the ball away from the table down to 30 cm above the table, up to a high of about 23 cm.
  1.1.4 table games should be uniform was dark, dull, 2.74 meters along each side of the game together have the edge of a 2 cm wide white line, 1.525 meters each along the top edge of each race a 2 cm wide White end line.
  1.1.5 table games by the end of a line parallel to the vertical net is divided into two equal areas of Taiwan, the Taiwan area as a whole should be a whole area.
  1.1.6 doubles, the Taiwan area should be a 3 mm wide white center line, divided into two equal, "the district and a half." The center line and parallel to the line and should be seen as part of the right areas.

  Net 1.2 device
  1.2.1 net installations, including the net, hanging rope net, net-chu and fixed them on the stage in the ball part of the clamp.
  1.2.2 should fly ball in the net on a rope, both ends of the rope line in 15.25 cm high vertical pillar network, the network of the outer edge of the column away from the outer edge of the left sideline for the 15.25 cm.
  1.2.3 net throughout the game away from the top of the table 15.25 cm.
  1.2.4 net as a whole should be close to the bottom of the table match, the two ends of the column should be close to the net.

  1.3 ball
  1.3.1 ball for a ball, with a diameter of 38 mm.
  1.3.2 ball weight 2.5 grams.
  1.3.3 Application of the ball game Lulu, or similar material, white, yellow or orange and matte.

  1.4 racket
  1.4.1 racket size, shape and weight are not limited, but the floor should be smooth, hard.
  1.4.2 thickness of the floor at least 85% of the natural wood floor to strengthen the bonding layer can be used such as carbon fiber, fiberglass or compressed paper fiber material, each layer adhesion does not exceed the total thickness of the floor, or 7.5% 0.35 mm.
  1.4.3 used to hitting the applied side to shoot a layer of particles out of the ordinary particles plastic cover, together with the thickness of the adhesive is not more than 2 mm; or particles inside or outside of the sponge rubber covering, together with the adhesive, the thickness of non - More than 4 mm. "ordinary plastic particles" is not a bubble of natural rubber or synthetic rubber, the particles must be not less than every 10 square centimeters, 50 more than the average density of the entire surface. "sponge rubber" that is, in a layer of foam rubber, plastic covered with a layer of ordinary particles, the thickness of the plastic particles generally not more than 2 millimeters.
  1.4.4 should cover the entire surface film, but not exceed its marginal. Paibing close to some of the finger, as well as they may be holding some of the coverage, can also be used for any material covered.
  1.4.5 floor, mezzanine floor any, as well as cover for the adhesive layer should be a uniform thickness as a whole.
  1.4.6 racket on both sides with or without the cover must be dull, and for a bright red, black on the other side. Making body on the edge of the package should be dull side may not be white.
  1.4.7 as a result of the accident damage, wear or fade, resulting in the surface film as a whole and the color consistency on the minor differences. Did not change significantly as long as the film's surface properties, can be allowed to use.
  1.4.8 match at the beginning of the process of competition and the athletes need to be replaced racket, it is important to the other party to the referee and he will have to demonstrate the use of the racket, and allow them to check.

  1.5 Definition
  1.5.1 "Round": the ball is in a state of the game for some time.
  1.5.2 "Department ball game," from the service, the ball was intended to toss up, still in the hand not holding the hands of the moment. Round the scoring or sentenced to serve.
  1.5.3 "severe service": no sub-contracting of the round.
  1.5.4 "a": sub-contractor of the round.
  1.5.5, "picking hands": the racket hand is holding.
  1.5.6, "they are not afraid of hands": not holding the racket hand.
  1.5.7 "hit" by holding hands in the hands of the executive wrists racket or part of the following ball.
  1.5.8 "block": hitting each other after the game in the state have not yet touched the ball side of the Taiwan area did not exceed the table games or end line, that is, the touch of the athletes to wear or any of the items.
  1.5.9 "made the players": a round, the first batter of the athletes.
  1.5.10, "then made the players: a round, the second batter of the athletes.
  1.5.11 "referee: Management has been designated a game,
  1.5.12 "assistant referee": in some areas are designated to assist the work of the referees.
  1.5.13 athletes, "wearing a belt or" any items, including a round he started to wear or take any items.
  1.5.14 ball from the outside to highlight Taiwan's device under the net or outside or back of the net after the ball crossed the ball rebound over the net, should be treated as if it had "more than bypass or" net device.
  1.5.15 of the table, "end line" end line, including both ends of the unlimited extension of the line.

  1.6 legal service
  1.6.1 serve, the ball should be placed on non-enforcement of clapping hands, with open palm and shen-ping. The ball is still in service to the end line and after the game together on the surface of the water level.
  1.6.2 made the players have to hand the ball toss up almost vertically, so that can not spin the ball and the ball in the left hand not holding the hands of not less than 16 centimeters after rise.
  1.6.3 When the ball toss from the highest point down, the players can be hit, the ball hit the first side of the Taiwan area, and then crossed the ball to bypass the network or device, and then touch the players made the Taiwan area. In the doubles, hit the ball should have made the players and then players made the right area.
  1.6.4 drop from the stationary ball before the final moment to the ball, racket ball and the game should be above the level of the table.
  1.6.5 ball, the ball should be in service to the end line, but it can not be made the players more than the body (arms, legs or head except for) the farthest away from the end line.
  1.6.6 serve athletes, the responsibility to let the referee or umpire to see whether he was vice in accordance with legal provisions serve serve. If the referees made the players doubt the correctness of a service action, and his deputy or the judge can not be sure that the action does not serve the legitimate, this game is the first time, the referee issued a warning to the players and No sub-contracting. At the same game, if athletes serve once again the correctness of action under suspicion, no matter whether for the same reason, no warning and sentenced to a loss. whether or not the first time or at any time as long as the players made no apparent serve in accordance with legal provisions serve, he was sentenced to a loss without warning.
  1.6.7 athletes as a result of physical injury and can not legally serve in strict compliance with certain provisions, the referee may decide to waive, subject to the referee before the game description.

  1.7 legitimate to fight back
  1.7.1 or serve each other's back, side of the athletes have to hit the ball directly over the ball or to bypass the network devices, network devices, or touch the ball and then hit the other areas of Taiwan.

  Match the order of 1.8
  1.8.1 In the singles, the first player made by the legal service, then re-issued by the legitimate players to fight back, and then alternate between the two legitimate to fight back.
  1.8.2 In the doubles, the first player made by the legal service, then re-issued by the legitimate players to fight back, and then by the players of his legal fight back, and then made by the player's legal partner returned fire, after which players take turns lawful order of this fight back .

  1.9 re-serve
  1.9.1 Round the following sentence should be re-serve: If the player sent the ball, or to bypass the ball over the net device, the device hit the net since then become a legitimate service or receiving player or his companion to stop. If the player then made his or not ready when the ball has been issued: and then made the players or their companions did not attempt to hit. As a result of the athletes beyond the control of the interference, which can not legally serve athletes. To fight back legally or abide by the rules. referee or umpire to suspend play vice. In the doubles, the players made the wrong, wrong then.
  1.9.2 can be suspended from competition following circumstances: to correct due to serve, then serve the order or the wrong direction; due to the implementation of the rotation to serve law; because of a warning or punishment athletes; As the race was interfered with the environment, so that the results of the round might be affected.

  1.10 a
  In addition to the 1.1O.1 re-sentenced to serve the round, the following athletes have one: the other athletes can not legally serve;
  1.1O.1.2 other athletes not legitimate to fight back;
  1.1O.1.3 athletes in the service or to fight back, the other players in the batting before the ball hit the net in addition to anything other than the device; hit the other side, the side of the ball crossed the end line and did not touch sides of the Taiwan Area; the other side stop; batter each other; the other party does not comply with provisions of 1.4.3 of the hit film surface; the other athletes to wear his or any of the East so that the two mobile table; the other athletes or wear anything that he touched the ball device; each other's hands touch the athletes they do not match the table; doubles, the other players hit the wrong order; rotation implementation of the law serve, then serve the athletes or their doubles partners, including the return of serve blow to complete the 13 legitimate to fight back.

  1.11 a game
  1.11.1 in a game, one of the first 21 points for the winners, 20-ping, the first of more than 2 minutes a side for the winner.

  1.12 a game
  1.12.1 game should be three games or five games system.
  1.12.2 game in a row should be carried out. But in between the Bureau and the Bureau, any of the athletes have the right to request no more than two minutes rest.

  1.13 service, according to the choice of location and service
  1.13.1 serve option, and then serve the party, that party's power should be decided by drawing lots, selected applicants to choose to serve first or return of serve, or choose a party in the first.
  1.13.2 when the party chose the first athlete to serve or return of serve, or choose a party in the first, the other athletes should have the power to choose another.
  1.13.3 was in every five minutes, then serve to become the driving side, and so on, until the end of its game, or until both sides have scored 20 points, or serve to implement the rotation method, this time, and then serve the order issued Remains the same, but each only made one round-pointers.
  1.13.4 doubles in the first game, first serve to identify the players made the first, and then by the first return of serve to identify the players made the first pick. In the future in the game, I made sure the players after the first Then the players should be made prior to a service bureau to his players.
  1.13.5 In the doubles, for each service, then in front of the players should be made in becoming a player in front of the fat fellow players should be made then the players
  1.13.6 a first serve in the Bureau of the party in the next game should first return of serve. In the doubles tie breaker, when the party first 10 points prior to getting a return of serve should then exchange the order of service.
  1.13.7 a bureau, in the direction of a party game in the next game should change to the other place. In the tie breaker, one of 10 first time the two sides should exchange position.

  1.14 serve, then serve the order and direction of errors
  Once a referee 1.14.1 serve, then serve the order of error should be immediately suspended from competition, and the game at the beginning of the establishment of the order, according to the court by the score should serve or return of serve athletes or serve return of serve; in the doubles in , Was found at the wrong time that the Board has the right to serve first in the party established by the correct order, to continue to race.
  1.14.2 referees should be player if the exchange did not exchange position should be immediately suspended from competition, and the beginning of the game established by order of market players score in the right direction of the station should be carried out to correct, and then continue to race.
  1.14.3 In any case, the mistake was found before the scores were all effective.

  1.15 rotation driving law
  1.15.1 If a game has not yet reached the end of 15 minutes (both at least 19 others with the exception of time-sharing), or any time before that the two athletes should be asked, should serve to implement the rotation method. limited time to time, the ball is still in the game, the referee should immediately suspend the match. Round suspended by the hair of players serve to continue to race. limited time to time, the ball is not in competition, should be a pre-round pick of the players made serve to continue to race.
  1.15.2 Since then, each athlete has made a round ball until the end of the council. If the return of serve to 13 times the legal fight back, the penalty is to lose a serve.
  1.15.3-for-service law, once implemented, the remainder of the game must continue until the end of the game.

  ITTF 11 points on the reform of the new requirements

  To meet the 11 demerit points system, the ITTF Congress to amend its rules. This revision will be on September 1, 2001 from the Executive.

  2.11 a game
  2.11.1 in a game, the first 11 minutes of the party for the winners. 10 level, a more than 2 hours before the party for the winners.

  2.12 a game
  mysql 5.0 2.13 each game by the odd composition of the Board

  2.13 serve, return of serve and the location of the exchange's order
  2.13.3 was in every 2 hours after the return of serve that is to become the service side, and so on, until the end of its game, or until both sides have scored 10 points, or serve to implement the rotation method, this time, and then serve the order of service Remains the same, but every one round of 1-point shots made.
  2.13.6 a first serve in the Bureau of the party in the next game should first return of serve. In the doubles tie breaker, when the party first time 5, return of serve should then exchange the order of service
  2.13.7 a bureau, in the direction of a party game in the next game should change to the other place. In the tie breaker, the party first time 5, the two sides should exchange position.

  2.15 rotation driving law
  2.15.1 If a game has not yet reached the end of 10 minutes (the two sides have been at least 9 with the exception of time-sharing), or any time before that the two athletes should be asked, should serve to implement the rotation method.
  2.15.3 rotation serve as the implementation of a law or a game was 10 minutes of the game remaining bureaux are subject to the law serve the rotation.

  Intermittent 3.4.4 In addition to the party's request, the race should continue. In the Bureau to not more than 1 minute between the time interest rates; each game, each have 6 points after the tie breaker, or the exchange of position, there is a short period of time Cahan.
  ITTF serve on the new requirements of the rules of table tennis competition 2.6.1,2.6.2 and 2.6.5 will be replaced by the following rules: this will be revised September 1, 2002 from the Executive.
  2.6.1 When the ball's in the parking and open extensor flat with the palm of your hand, we can not go on serve.
  2.6.4 the ball away from the athletes to the palm of your hand the moment the ball was hit, the ball should be in the table on a high plane and serve in the player after the end line.
  2.6.5 When the ball was hit, the player or serve his doubles teammate with the clothes of the body can not be any part of the net with the ball in between. The proposal to amend the following purposes: to prevent the return of serve players in the line of sight of the hidden-away service.
  1) to hit the ball was thrown out of the time, must be maintained at levels above the table.
  2) The player's body and clothes were not involved in any part by the net and line up to form the Triangle area. (Imaginary line is: When the ball was hit, the ball with both ends of the composition of net).

参考技术A 只有中文@_@.选我吧!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 球台


1.2 球网装置

1.3 球

1.4 球拍

1.5 定义
1.5.8 "阻挡”:对方击球后,处于比赛状态的球尚未触及本方台区也未超过比赛台面或其端线,即触及本方运动员或其穿带的任何物品。

1.6 合法发球




1.10 一分

1.11 一局比赛

1.12 一场比赛

1.13 发球、按发球和方位的选择

1.14 发球、接发球次序和方位的错误

1.15 轮换发球法



2.11 一局比赛
2.11.1 在一局比赛中,先得11分的一方为胜方。10平后,先多得2分的一方为胜方。

2.12 一场比赛
2.12.1 每场比赛由单数局组成

2.13 发球,接发球和交换位置的顺序
2.13.3 在获得每2分之后,接发球方即成为发球方,依此类推,直至该局比赛结束,或者直至双方比分都达到10分或者实行轮换发球法,这时,发球和接发球次序仍然不变,但每人只轮发1分球。
2.13.6 一局中首先发球的一方,在该场下一局应首先接发球。在双打决胜局中,当一方先得5分时,接发球方应交换接发球次序
2.13.7 一局中,在某一方位比赛的一方,在该场下一局应换到另一方位。在决胜局中,一方先得5分时,双方应交换方位。

2.15 轮换发球法
2.15.1 如果一局比赛进行到10分钟仍未结束(双方都已获得至少9分时除外),或者在此之前任何时间应双方运动员要求,应实行轮换发球法。
2.15.3 轮换发球法一经实行,或一局比赛进行了10分钟,该场比赛剩余的各局都必须实行轮换发球法。

3.4.4 间歇 除了一方选手提出要求外,比赛应该继续进行。 在局与局之间,不超过1分钟的间息时间; 每局比赛中,每得6分后,或决胜局交换方位时,有短暂的时间擦汗。
国际乒联关于发球的新规定 乒乓球竞赛规则中的2.6.1,2.6.2 和 2.6.5 条将由以下规则取代: 此修改将于2002年9月1日起执行。
2.6.1 当球停放在选手张开和伸平的手掌内时,才可以进行发球。
2.6.4 从球离开运动员手掌的那一刻到球被击中,球都应该在球台平面的高度之上和在发球选手的端线之后。
2.6.5 当球被击中时,发球选手或他的双打队友的身体与衣服的任何部分都不能在球与网之间的范围内。 此项提议修改的目的是:防止在接发球选手视线以外的隐蔽式发球。
1) 在球被抛出到击中的时间,都必须保持在球台平面高度之上。
2) 选手的身体及衣服的任何部分都不可介入,由球网与虚构线形成的三角区内。(虚构线是由:当球被击中时,球与球网两端构成的)。
参考技术B 您好。

提问者: BuWood - 秀才 三级 最佳答案
混合双打:Mixed doubles
擦网 NET
爆冲fast loop drive
弧圈球 loop (drive)
摆短 drop shot

长胶:long pips
半长胶semi long pips


侧身:step around
远台 back court
反手削球 backhand chop
中台 middle court
反手抽球 backhand drive
近台 short court
Serve 发球


angle (closed angle; open angle) | 角度(合角/朝下,仰角/朝上) | n.
anti- (anti-topspin; anti-loop) | 防 (上旋,弧旋,旋转) | pref.
antispin | 防转胶皮 | n. an inverted rubber sheet that’s very slick, so spin doesn’t take on it. It usually has a dead sponge underneath. It’s mostly used for defensive shots. Also known as anti.
arc | 弧线 | n.
arm | 手臂 | n. upper arm | 大/上臂 |
assessment | 评估 | n.
attack | 进攻 | v. a devastating ~ (?)
attack after serve | 发抢(发球抢攻的缩略)|
attack on serve | 接发抢 (接发球抢攻的缩略)|
attacker | 攻击型选手, 进攻方 | n.
AUT | 奥地利 | Austria

B English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary

back | 背 | n.
back | 后面的 | a.
backhand | 反手 | n. A shot done with the racket to the left of the left elbow for a right-hander, the reverse for a left-hander.
Backhand backside drive / loop
backing | 抵, 顶 | n.
backspin | 下旋, 下转 | n. A type of spin used mostly on defensive shots. When you chop the ball, you produce backspin. The bottom of the ball will move away from you. This is also called chop or underspin.
backward | 向后 | adv.
ball | 球 | n.
band | 带子,套子 | n. head ~ 额带,wrist ~ 护腕
barrier | 球挡 | n.
bat | 球拍 | n.
bat | 球拍 | n.
bent | 弯曲 | v.
Bergmann, Richard || (AUT) 1937, (ENG) 1939, 1948 and 1950 World Champion (Men’s single)
block | 挡球, 推挡 | v. n. A quick, off the bounce return of an aggressive drive done by holding the racket in the ball’s path.
break | 打破,破坏 | v. to break the looper’s rhythm ||
brush | 摩擦 | v. n.
bucket | 球筐 | n. a ~ of balls for multi-ball practice
center line | 中线 | np.
change line | 变线 |
cheerleader | 啦啦队长 | n.
chest | 胸 | n.
chop | 削球 | v. n. A defensive return of a drive with backspin, usually done from well away from the table. (see backspin)
chop block | 下旋推挡 | np. A block where the racket is chopped down at contact to create backspin.
chopper | 削球选手 | n. A of play where chopping is the primary shot.
closed | (球拍)前倾, (球拍)下压 | a.
closed racket | 前倾的/下压的球拍,压拍型 | np. Racket position in which the hitting surface is aimed downward, with the top edge leaning away from you. comeback | 追上, 扳回 | n.
contact | 接触 | v. n.
control | 控制 | v. n. receive control (接发球控制)
corner | 角落 | n.
counter-attack | 反攻 | n.
counterdrive | 反攻, 对攻 | v. n A drive made against a drive. Some players specialize in counterdriving.
counter-loop | 反拉弧旋,反拉 | v. n. To loop a loop. (see loop)
countersmash | 反攻, 对攻 | v. n. To smash a smash. (see smash)
crosscourt | 球台对角的 | a. A ball that is hit diagonally from corner to corner. ||
crossover | 交叉步 | n. A of footwork for covering the wide forehand.
cut | 削球 | v. n.
diagonal | 斜线的 | a.
diagonally | 斜线地 | adv.
die out | (旋转)消失 | vp.
direction | 方向 | n.
disguise | 装作,假装 | v.n.
disputed edge ball, a | 有争议的擦边球 | np.
double | 连击 | n.
double bounce | 两跳 | np. A ball that hits the same side of the table twice. The person on that side loses the point.
doubles | 双打 | n.
down | 下, 落后 | adv. prep. a.
down the line | 直线 | np. A ball that is hit along one side of the table.
draw | 抽签 | n.
drive | 攻球 | v. n.
drop shot | 吊球,近网短球 | np. Putting the ball so short that the opponent has trouble reaching it. Done when the opponent is away from the table.
dump shot | 勉强的球 | np. All hitters must accept the fact that sometimes you must go for a dump shot to make sure that you don’t miss an opportunity to smash. (Larry, 1993: 119)

E English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary

even up | 打平 | vp.
exert the authority | 执法, 行使职权 | vp.
expedite system / rule | 超时轮换发球制 / 规则 | np. If a game has continued for 15 minutes without the game ending, the expedite rule takes effect. A point is awarded to the receiver who returns 13 consecutive shots after expedite has been called. Players alternate serves after expedite has been called.
explosive | 爆发的 | a. ~ power ||

F English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
Farkas, Gizella || (HUN) 1947, 1948 abd 1949 World Champion (Women’s single)
fast | 快 | a. flat | 平球,不转的球 | n. A ball that has no spin, usually traveling fast. The ball hits the racket straight on, at a perpendicular angle, e.g. a flat shot ||
flexibility | 灵活(性)| n,
flight | (球的)飞行 | n.
flip | (台内)挑攻,旋转球拍 | v. n. An aggressive topspin return of a ball that lands near the net (a short ball). To move in twists and turns
float | 漂,浮 | a. backspin is usually float
follow-through | 手臂击球后的惯性动作 | n. It is the natural progression of the racket forward and up after a stroke
follow-up | 跟进球 | n.
foot | 脚 | n.
footwork (forward, backward, side-to-side) | 步法 | n. How a person moves to make a shot.
forearm | 前臂 | n.
forehand | 正手 | n. Any shot done with the racket to the right of the elbow for a right-hander, to the left for a left-hander.
grip | 执拍法 | n. pen grip ||, pendulum serve grip || (Larry, 1993: 109)
grippy | 粘球的 | a. grippy inverted rubber
groove | 适应,顺手 | n. fig. If a hitter gets into a groove, the game’s over.

H English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary

handle | 球拍的柄 | n. straight (ST) | 直柄 | flare (FL) | 收腰柄 | anatomic (AN) | 葫芦柄 | conical | 锥形柄 |
hanger | ? | n.
hard rubber | 光胶皮球拍 | np. A type of racket covering with pips-out rubber but no sponge underneath. It was the most common covering for many years until the development of sponge rubber but is now rarely used.
Hidden serve | 遮掩式发球 | n
high | 高的 | a.
high kicking loop | 高吊弧旋 | np.
high toss serve | 高抛发球 | n. A serve where the ball is thrown high into the air. This increases both spin and deception.

hit | 击球 | v.
hitter | 击球方,攻击型选手 | n. A of play where hitting is the primary shot.
HUN | 匈牙利 | Hungary inverted racket | 反胶球拍 | np.
inverted sponge | 反胶 | np. The most common racket covering. It consists of a sheet of pimpled rubber on top of a layer of sponge. The pips point inward, toward the sponge, so the surface is smooth. This is the opposite of pips-out sponge, where the pips point outward, away from the sponge.
junk player | 怪球手 | np. A player who uses an unusual racket covering, usually long pips or antispin.
keep | 保持 | v.
Kettnerova, Marie || (TCH) 1933 and 1935 World Champion (Women’s single)
kill off | 扣失 | But Kim Taek Soo kills Liu Guozheng’s serve off. | 但是金泽洙扣杀刘国正的发球失误 |
kill shot | 扣杀球 | np. (see smash)
knee | 膝 | n.
knife grip (See western grip) | 横拍握法 | np.
knock acock | 打败 | vp.
L English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary

late (stage) | 下降期 | a. n.
Leach, Johnny || (ENG) 1949 and 1951 World Champion (Men’s single)
Lead | 领先 | v. a. In the second game, Persson again has a big ~, this time 17-8 and ties it up at 17 all! Nine in a row! But Persson pulls it out, 22-20.
lefthander | 左手运动员 | n.
lefty | 左手选手| n.
leg | 腿 | n.
let | 重发,无效,不算,重新来过 | n. If play is interrupted for any reason during a rally, a let is called and the point does not count.
let serve | 擦网重发 | np. The most common type of let when a serve nicks the net. As with other lets, the serve is taken over again.
light | 轻的,轻微的 | a. light spin
line (side line, endline) | 台边 (边线,底线)| n.
lineman | 底线司线员 | n.
little (spin) | 轻微的(旋转)| a.
Liu Guoliang || gold titleholder of the Olympics, the World Championships, the World Cup
loaded | 加转的 | a. A ball with a great deal of spin.
lob | (放/打) 高球 | v. n. A high defensive return of a smash. Usually done with topspin or sidespin.
lobber | 放高球的选手 | n.
long | 长的 | a. See deep.
long pips | 长胶 | np. A type of pips-out rubber where the pips are long and thin and bend on contact with the ball. It returns the ball with whatever spin was on it at contact and is very difficult to play against if you aren’t used to it.
loop (fast loop; slow loop) | (拉)弧旋球(前冲弧旋,高吊弧旋)| v.n. A heavy topspin shot, usually considered the most important shot in the game. Many players either specialize in looping or in handling the loop. The back-of-racket penhold backhand loop (直板反手反面拉,即为直板横拉)
looper | 弧旋球选手 | n. A of play where the primary shot is the loop.
loose | 松的 | a.
lose | 失利, 输 | v.
low | 低的 | a.
low fast loop | 前冲弧旋 | np.
M English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary
match | 比赛 | n. A two or three or three out of five games contest.
middle game | 过渡球 |
miss | 漏掉,错过 | v.
mixed doubles | 混合双打 | np.
more (spin) | 加转 | a.
Morisawa, Sachiko || (JPN) 1967 World Champion (Women’s single)
move | 移动,使…移动 | v. n. Move your opponent in and out. ||
multi-ball | 多球 | n.

N English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary

neck | 颈 | n.
NED | 荷兰 | Netherlands
net | 球网 | n. the ~ assembly | 网具 | np.
net measurer | 量网器 | np.
nick | 擦,触 | v.
NOR | 挪威 | Norway
no-spin | 不转 | a.

O English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary

one-sided | 单面的 | a. A one-sided looper rushes all over the court trying to use a forehand. ||
open | 向上的 | a.
open racket | 拍面向上的球拍,亮拍型 | np. Racket position in which the hitting surface is aimed upward, with the top edge learning toward you. [参看closed racket |压拍型|]
opening | 空档 | n.
opponent | 对手 | n.

P English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary

penhold backside hit | 直板横打 | penhold backside drive / loop / smash etc.
Pen-hold grip | 直握法 | np.
penholder | 直拍选手 | n. A type of grip used mostly by Asians. It gives the best possible forehand but the most awkward backhand of the conventional grips.
Perry, Fred || (ENG) 1929 World Champion (Men’s single)
pick hitting | 防守中的突击 |
pick-hitting | 挑攻,台内攻球 ?| n.
picky | 挑剔的,讲究的? | a.
pips | 胶粒 | n. The small conical bits of rubber that cover a sheet of table tennis rubber.
pips-out | 正胶 胶粒向外 | a. A type of racket covering. It consists of a sheet of pips-out rubber on top of a layer of sponge. The pips point outward, the opposite of inverted.
placement | 落点 | n. the placement of loops / smash / forehand drive
play | 打,比赛 | n.v. in ~ | 正在比赛中 | play sloppily | 打得稀松 |
playing surface, the | 球台台面 | np. The top of the table, including the upper edges.
point | 得分 | n.
POL | 波兰 | Poland
pop up | (球)高了 | vp. to pop a drop shot up | 短球放高了 |
position | 位置 | n. a ready ~ | 准备位置,预备位置 |
power | 力量 | n. Players are often using the whole of the arm plus the body and a twist of the hips to get power. ||

Pritzi, Gertrude || (AUT) 1937 (co-) and 1938 World Champion (Women’s single)
PRK | 朝鲜 | the Peoples Republic of Korea
pull ahead | 领先 | v.
pull away | 把比分拉开 | v.
push | 搓球 | v. n. A backspin return. Usually defensive. A sidespin ~ | 侧(旋)搓,侧挤 |
pusher | 搓球方,搓球者 | n.
put away | 扣杀 | vp. See smash.
put-away shot | 扣杀球 | np. See smash.
Punch-block | 加力推档 |
racket | 球拍 | n. What you hit the ball with. The blade plus covering. A combination racket | 两面性能不同的球拍 |
racket hand | 执拍手 | np. The hand that holds the racket.
racket holder | 球拍袋/包 | np.
rally | 来回球, 相持球 | n. The hitting of the ball back and forth, commencing with the serve and ending when a point is won. It is the period of during which the ball is in play (See play).
rating events | 排名赛 | np. A tournament event that requires players to be rated under a specified amount.
reaction time | 反应时间 | np.
read | 识别 (旋转)| v. the spin
ready position/home position | 预备位置 | np.
receive | 接发球 | v. n. The return of a serve.
receiver | 接发球方,接发球的选手 | n.
reckless | 粗心的 | a.
recover | 还原 | v.
relax | 放松 | v.
return | 回球 | v.
rhythm | 节奏 | n. to break the looper’s rhythm ||
right-handed | 右手执拍的 | a.
righty | 右手选手 | n
rip | 积极进攻,(侧身)抢攻 | a loop winner | 抢拉赢得一分 |
rotate | 转圈 | v.
Rozeanu, Angelica || (ROM) 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954 and 1955 World Champion (Women’s single)
rubber (backside) | 胶皮 | n. The racket covering. Sometimes refers only to the rubber on top of a sponge base. || pips out ~ | 正胶胶皮 | inverted ~ | 反胶胶皮 | long pips ~ | 长胶胶皮 | semi long pips ~ | 半长胶胶皮 | anti-spin/loop ~ | 防弧胶胶皮 |
rubber clearner | 胶皮清洁擦 | np. Used to keep the surface of inverted rubber clean.
runner-up | 亚军 | n.
sandwich rubber | 套胶 | np. A sponge base covered by a sheet of rubber with pips that point either in or out. If pointed in, it is inverted sponge. If pointed out, it is pips-out sponge.
Satoh, Hiroji || (JPN) 1952 World Champion (Men’s single)
score | 计分,得分 | n.
scorer | 计分器 | n.
scoring system | 记分制 | 11-point ~ | 11分制 | 21-point ~ | 21 分制 |
serve (non-spin; backspin / underspin; side-spin; topspin one; toss; squad; two bounce serve) | 发球 | v. n. The first shot, done by the server. It begins with the ball being tossed from the palm of the hand and struck by the racket. || In the first, Bratanov was leading 19-16, but Placemtini won all five on his ~ to win 21-19. ||
serve off | 发球 | v.
server | 发球方 | n.
service | 发球 | n. ~ change ||
set | 局? | n.
set point | 局点?| np.
severe | 强烈的 | a. ~ spin ||
shadow | 徒手的 | a. a shadow-stroke | 徒手击球 | a ~ practice | 徒手训练 | You can ~ the various shots and techniques without a ball. ||
shakehands grip | 横握法 | np. The most popular grip. It gives the best balance of forehand and backhand.
shift | 移动 (重心)| v.
short | 短的,短球 | a. n. A ball that would bounce twice on the opponent’s side of the table if given the chance.
shot | 好球,击球 | n. a high-risk shot ||
shoulder | 肩 | n.
sidespin | 侧旋 | n. A type of spin most effective on serves. When you use sidespin, that ball spins like a record on a record player.
sidespin loop | 侧旋弧旋 | np.
Sido, Ferenc | 西多 | (HUN) 1953 World Champion (Men’s single)
single | 单打的 | a.
singles | 单打 | n.
Sipos, Anna | ? | (HUN) 1932 and 1933 World Champion (Women’s single)
slow | 慢节奏 | a. ~ pace
smash | 扣杀 | v. n. a smash is a very powerful forehand or backhand attack, also called kill shot or a put-away shot. / Ball is hit with enough speed so opponent cannot make a return. Also called a kill shot or a put-away shot.
smother kill | 近网吊球 | n. a short return, usually used against a lob. / to smash right off the bounce. Usually done against lob.
snap | 挑?| v. a wrist ~ | 翻腕挑(尤指反手的台内挑打)|
souvenir | 礼品 | n.
spare | 备用的 | a.
specialize in | 擅长(训练的结果)| vp.
spectator | 观众 | n.
speed | 速度 | n.
speed glue | 速干胶 | n. A type of glue that can be put under a sheet of table tennis sponge to make it faster and spinier.
spin (topspin; backspin / underspin; sidespin; non-spin; spin combination, crazy spin) | 旋转 | v. n. The rotation of the ball.
sponge | 海绵 | n. The bouncy rubber material used in sandwich covering under a sheet of rubber with pips. It revolutionized the game and ended the hard rubber age in the 1950s.
stable | 稳定的 | a.
stage (early, peak, late, very late) | 击球时期 (上升期, 高点, 下降期, 下降末期) | n.
stamina | 抗击/对抗能力 | n.
stance | 站位 | n. ready stance | 预备站位 |
stand | 观众席, 比赛观看台 | n.
standing | 名次 | n.
step | 移动步伐 | v. Watch to see if they step around the backhand corner too much. If so, return the fast serve wide to the forehand with a quick drive or block. (Larry, 1993: 119)
step around | 侧身 | v.
strategy | 策略 |
strength | 力量,优势 | n. Everyone has his or her strengths and weaknesses. || But the second wasn’t exactly close at first ---- Boll led 17-7, 19-2, and 20-16, mostly on the ~ of his attack.
stretch | 伸展 | v. n.
stroke (preparation; contact; follow-through) | 击球 | n. v. Any shot used in the game, including the serve.
swat | 劈杀 | v.
swing | 摆动 | v.
Szabados, Miklos || (HUN) 1931 World Champion (Men’s single)
参考技术C 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啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥啥 参考技术D 你这问题太专业了。。帮不了你了

LA 4329(树状数组)

算法竞赛入门经典 p197





这样当i为裁判时可以组织的比赛数目为:p[i]*(n-i-s[i]) + (i-1-p[i])*s[i];


ans = 0;
for i -> 1 to n   (i表示选取第i个人作为裁判)
    ans += p[i]*(n-i-s[i]) + (i-1-p[i])*s[i];
  首先确定p[i]的值,令x[j]表示到眼下为止已经考虑过的全部a[i]中是否存在技能值为j的数;(x[j] = 0表示不存在,x[j] = 1表示存在)

memsest(x, 0, sizeof(x));(将x初始化为0);
for i -> 1 to cur    (cur为考虑的当前位置,即选取的裁判位置)
    x[a[i]] = 1;

则有 p[cur] = x[1]+x[2]+.....+x[a[cur]-1];


  如果 n = 4      a[1] = 2, a[2] = 3, a[3] = 5, a[4] = 1;


  选取 cur= 3,a[cur] = 5;  (第三个人做裁判)

  p[3] = x[1]+x[2]+x[3]+x[4] = 0 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 2;(这里 x[1] = 0的原因是没有运行到第4个)


for i -> 1 to n;
    x[a[i]] = 1;
    p[i] = 0;
    for j -> 1 to a[i]-1
        p[i] += x[j]

改动单个元素并求前缀和是树状数组的标准使用方法,能够大幅度缩减时间(时间复杂度从O(nr)降到O(nlogr) );

for i-> 1 to n
    add(a[i], 1); //(点改动)
    p[i] = sum(a[i]-1); //(前缀和);
到这里结果基本上能够求出来了,那s[i]呢?类似的。方向从i -> 1 to n 改为 i -> n todown 1就可以;

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

const int maxn = 20000+10;
const int maxm = 100000+10;
int c[maxm], a[maxn], p[maxn], s[maxn], n;

inline int lowbit(int x){
    return x&-x;

void add(int x, int d){
    while(x <= maxm){    // 一定注意这里是maxm, 原因能够思考一下;
        c[x] += d; x += lowbit(x);

int sum(int x){
    int ret = 0;
    while(x > 0){
        ret += c[x]; x -= lowbit(x);
    return ret;

int main()
    int T;
    scanf("%d", &T);
        scanf("%d", &n);
        for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
            scanf("%d", &a[i]);
        memset(c, 0, sizeof(c));
        for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i){
            add(a[i], 1);
            p[i] = sum(a[i]-1);
        memset(c, 0, sizeof(c));
        for(int i = n; i > 0; --i){
            add(a[i], 1);
            s[i] = sum(a[i]-1);
        long long ans = 0;
        for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i){
            ans += p[i]*(n-i-s[i]) + (i-1-p[i])*s[i];
        printf("%lld\n", ans);
    return 0;


LA 4329(树状数组)




p1217 乒乓球
