eclipse怎么设置 monokai 配色方案
篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了eclipse怎么设置 monokai 配色方案相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
参考技术A Eclipse多种配色方案任你选:public class Demo
private static final String CONSTANT = "String";
private Objecto;
* Creates a new demo.
* @param o The object to demonstrate.
public Demo(Objecto)
this.o =o;
String s = CONSTANT;
int i = 1;
public static void main(String[] args)
Demo demo = new Demo();
css Monokai配色方案(由github条提供匹配)
/* Monokai color Scheme Syntax Highlight Overrides ( REQUIRES 'body' TAGS TO WORK) */
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body .gist .pl-kou,
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body .gist .pl-iu {
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/* Make powered by github bar match */
/* Monokai color Scheme Syntax Highlight Overrides ( REQUIRES 'body' TAGS TO WORK) */
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body .gist .pl-kou,
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body .gist .pl-mq,
body .gist .pl-pde,
body .gist .pl-pse,
body .gist .pl-pse .pl-s2,
body .gist .pl-mp .pl-s3,
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body .gist .pl-stp,
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body .gist .pl-mai .pl-sf,
body .gist .pl-mm,
body .gist .pl-pdv,
body .gist .pl-som,
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color: #a6e22e;
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body .gist .pl-eoa,
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body .gist .pl-eoai .pl-pde,
body .gist .pl-k,
body .gist .pl-ko,
body .gist .pl-kolp,
body .gist .pl-mc,
body .gist .pl-mr,
body .gist .pl-ms,
body .gist .pl-s3,
body .gist .pl-smc,
body .gist .pl-smp,
body .gist .pl-sok,
body .gist .pl-sra,
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以上是关于eclipse怎么设置 monokai 配色方案的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
xml 用于深色配色方案的GitGutter样式(从Monokai Extended中提取)
apache_conf 基于SublimeText的Monokai配色方案,深入突出Python IDLE的主题