



网上有人说可以加一行这个就好 ((DataTable)dataGridView1.DataSource).Rows.Add("row");
可是调试结果显示 无法将类型为“System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource”的对象强制转换为类型“System.Data.DataTable”。 求大神帮忙给出详细解答(本人完全菜鸟一名!) 或者还有没有其他更好的办法如题??!!


    把添加的行添加到数据源里   datatable1.Rows.Add("row").




【中文标题】数据绑定期间如何在datagridview中自定义格式数据【英文标题】:How to custom format data in datagridview during databinding 【发布时间】:2011-01-08 04:49:39 【问题描述】:

我正在寻找一种格式化 DataGridViewTextBoxColumn 的方法,以便在数据绑定期间格式化要数据绑定的值。例如,我有一个 CompanyName 属性,当数据绑定发生时,我需要从 CompanyName 中获取前 5 个字母。

我可以挂钩不同的 DataGridView 事件(例如 RowsAdded)并遍历所有行并完成此操作,但我想找到更复杂的方法来做到这一点。由于我决定使用数据绑定,因此循环访问数据并对其进行修改有点违反数据绑定的概念。


dataGridView1.Columns[colSomeDate.Index].DataPropertyName = "SomeDate";
colSomeDate.DefaultCellStyle.Format = "yyyy";

我认为我应该实现 IFormatProvider,但我不太明白我应该如何实现它。

dataGridView1.Columns[companyName.Index].DataPropertyName = "CompanyName";
companyName.DefaultCellStyle.FormatProvider = new ShortText(); // ShortText should implement IFormatProvider



我不知道 IFormatProvider,但是 DataGridViews CellFormatting-event 能帮到你吗?

private void dataGridView1_CellFormatting(object sender,
    DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs e)

    if (e.ColumnIndex == 0)
        e.Value = e.Value.ToString().Substring(0, 5); // apply formating here
        e.FormattingApplied = true;



另外,如果您通过设计器指定其他格式(例如数字应显示为“N4”),请不要使用e.FormattingApplied=true,否则不会应用此类其他格式。 #gotcha【参考方案2】:





public class MyFormatProvider : IFormatProvider, ICustomFormatter  
   public object GetFormat(Type formatType)  
     if (formatType == typeof(ICustomFormatter))  
        return this;  
        return null;  

   public string Format(string format, object arg, IFormatProvider formatProvider)  
     // Check whether this is an appropriate callback               
     if (!this.Equals(formatProvider))  
        return null;  

     //if argument/ value is null we return empty string  
     if (arg == null)  
        return null;  

     string resultString = arg.ToString();  

     //transform resultString any way you want (could do operations based on given format parameter)  

     //return the resultant string  
     return resultString;  


//In your datagridview, handle the cell formatting event in required cell as  
if (e.ColumnIndex == dgvPayments.Columns["amount"].Index)  
  e.Value = String.Format(new MyFormatProvider (), "0:U", e.Value);  
  e.FormattingApplied = true;  



听起来 IFormatProvider 正是您所需要的。然后,您可以为不同的视图定义不同的代码。


public override string ToString()

    return ToString("g", null); // Always support "g" as default format.

public string ToString(string format)

  return ToString(format, null);

public string ToString(IFormatProvider formatProvider)

  return ToString(null, formatProvider);

public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)

  if (format == null) format = "g"; // Set default format, which is always "g".
  // Continue formatting by checking format specifiers and options.



这是我用于实现IFormattableICustomFormatter 的示例的代码sn-p。

Implements IFormattable
Implements ICustomFormatter

Public Function Format(ByVal formatExpression As String, ByVal arg As Object, ByVal formatProvider As System.IFormatProvider) As String Implements System.ICustomFormatter.Format
    'type is currently ignored
    '   if type is international then "USPS" should result in international address
    '   if type is international then "US" should result in international address
    '   and so on

    '.NET Framework Class Library
    'IFormattable Interface
    'Remarks - A class that implements IFormattable must support the "G" (general) formatting code. Besides the "G" code, the class can define the list of formatting codes that it supports.

    'is G and g the same?
    '   yes for numeric
    '   no for date/time

    'Standard Numeric Format Strings
    '   G or g - both are the same
    'Standard DateTime Format Strings
    '   g - General date/time pattern (short time)
    '   G - General date/time pattern (long time)

    If Len(formatExpression) = 0 Then
        Return String.Format("0", arg)
    End If

    'usps - standardized
    'us - address less country
    'international - all address lines

    If formatExpression.Equals("g") Then
        'general formatting code
        '   as per documentation
        Return GatherAddress(_line1, _line2, _city, _state, _zip, _country, _type, AddressFormat.StandardUS)

    ElseIf formatExpression.Equals("G") Then
        'general formatting code
        '   as per documentation
        Return GatherAddress(_line1, _line2, _city, _state, _zip, _country, _type, AddressFormat.Standardized)

    ElseIf formatExpression.ToUpper.Equals("USPS") Then
        Return GatherAddress(_line1, _line2, _city, _state, _zip, _country, _type, AddressFormat.Standardized)

    ElseIf formatExpression.ToUpper.Equals("US") Then
        Return GatherAddress(_line1, _line2, _city, _state, _zip, _country, _type, AddressFormat.StandardUS)

    ElseIf formatExpression.ToUpper.Equals("INTERNATIONAL") Then
        Return GatherAddress(_line1, _line2, _city, _state, _zip, _country, _type, AddressFormat.International)

        Return MyBase.ToString()

    End If

End Function

Public Overloads Function ToString(ByVal format As String, ByVal formatProvider As System.IFormatProvider) As String Implements System.IFormattable.ToString
    Return Me.Format(format, Nothing, formatProvider)
End Function



您总是可以像这样从您的 aspx 页面调用自定义格式函数:

<asp:GridView ID="gvPlatforms" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false"
    <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Icon">
            <asp:Image ID="imgPlatformLogo" runat="server" ImageUrl='<%#GetImagePath(Eval("Abbr")) %>' />


protected string GetImagePath(object abbr)
return string.Format("01.gif", Constants.URLs.PLATFORM_LOGOS, abbr.ToString());


我正在使用 Windows 窗体,因此 ASP.NET 样式的解决方案不起作用。 它会告诉你,对于一个拿着 asp.net 锤子的人来说,一切看起来都像一个网页。【参考方案7】:

我通常将 ValueConverters 用于此类行为。


<DataGridTextColumn Binding=Binding CompanyName, Converter=StaticResource CompanyNameShortenerConverter />


<local:CompanyNameConverter x:Key="CompanyNameShortenerConverter" />

CompanyNameShortenerConverter 应该实现 IValueConverter,您可以添加逻辑来“缩短”在“Convert”方法中传入的公司名称。

这使格式化/UI 逻辑与业务逻辑分开(即无需添加缩短名称的“辅助属性”)。


@lc。是正确的,除非你有一个在 WinForms 中使用的 ValueConverter 的例子,否则这个答案是没有帮助的。


如何从没有绑定源 C# 生成的 datagridview 中检索数据源?


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