Posted yuxi_o
一. 命令行获取
获取IP地址:ifconfig ens33 | awk \'/inet addr/{ print \\$2; }\' | cut -d : -f 2 CPU一分钟平均使用率: cat /proc/loadavg | cut -d \' \' -f 1 CPU当前使用率:IDLE=$(top -b -n 1|grep Cpu|awk \'{print $8; }\' ) (100-IDLE)% CPU当前用户使用率:top -b -n 1|grep Cpu|awk \'{print $2; }\' 总内存:cat /proc/meminfo | awk \'/MemTotal/{print $2}\' 空闲内存:cat /proc/meminfo | awk \'/MemFree/{print $2}\' 磁盘占用率:df -h | grep \'/dev/root\' | awk \'{print \\$5}\' 当前时间:date +%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S 系统运行时间:uptime | awk \'{ print $3; }\' | cut -d \',\' -f1
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #define CMD_BUF_SIZE 256 typedef float (*func_trans)(char *buf, int buf_size); static float trans_cpu_avg_rate(char *buf, int buf_size); static float trans_cpu_now_rate(char *buf, int buf_size); static float trans_mem_rate(char *buf, int buf_size); static int exec_cmd(char *buf, int buf_size, char *cmd) { if(NULL == cmd || NULL == buf || buf_size <= 0){ return -1; } FILE *f = NULL; int len = 0; f= popen(cmd, "r"); if(NULL == f){ return -1; } // memset(buf, \'\\0\', buf_size); if(NULL == fgets(buf, buf_size, f)){ pclose(f); return -1; } pclose(f); len = strlen(buf); if(len > 0 && (buf[len-1] == \'\\n\')){ buf[len-1] = \'\\0\'; len --; } return len; } struct st_cmd_gw{ char *item; char format; char *cmd; func_trans trans; char *factor; } cmd_gw[] = { {"ip1", \'s\', "ifconfig eth0 | awk \'/inet /{ print $2; }\' | cut -d : -f 2", NULL, NULL}, {"wlp1s0", \'s\', "ifconfig wlp1s0 | awk \'/inet /{ print $2; }\' | cut -d : -f 2", NULL, NULL}, {"pppoe", \'s\', "ifconfig ppp0 | awk \'/inet /{ print $2; }\' | cut -d : -f 2", NULL, NULL}, {"time_now", \'s\', "date \'+%Y-%m-\\%d %H:%M:\\%S\'", NULL, NULL}, {"time_up", \'s\', "uptime | awk \'{ print $3; }\' | cut -d \',\' -f1", NULL, NULL}, {"cpu_avg_rate", \'f\', "cat /proc/loadavg | cut -d \' \' -f 1", trans_cpu_avg_rate, "100*\\%f/4"}, {"cpu_now_rate", \'f\', "top -b -n 1|grep Cpu|awk \'{print $8; }\' ", trans_cpu_now_rate, "100.00-\\%f"}, {"cpu_usr_now_rate", \'f\', "top -b -n 1|grep Cpu|awk \'{print $2; }\'", NULL, NULL}, {"disk_rate", \'f\', "df -h | grep \'/dev/root\' | awk \'{print $5}\'", NULL, NULL}, {"disk_use_f", \'f\', "df -h | grep \'/dev/root\' | awk \'{print $3}\'", NULL, NULL}, {"disk_avail_f", \'f\', "df -h | grep \'/dev/root\' | awk \'{print $4}\'", NULL, NULL}, {"disk_use_s", \'s\', "df -h | grep \'/dev/root\' | awk \'{print $3}\'", NULL, NULL}, {"disk_avail_s", \'s\', "df -h | grep \'/dev/root\' | awk \'{print $4}\'", NULL, NULL}, {"ram_rate", \'f\', "cat /proc/meminfo | awk \'/MemTotal/{print $2}\'", trans_mem_rate, NULL}, {"ram_all", \'f\', "cat /proc/meminfo | awk \'/MemTotal/{print $2}\'", NULL, NULL}, {"ram_free", \'f\', "cat /proc/meminfo | awk \'/MemFree/{print $2}\'", NULL, NULL}, {"cpu_num", \'s\', "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep \\"processor\\" | wc -l | awk \'{print $1}\'", NULL, NULL} }; // out: output the result of the string type // f: output the result of the float type int out_gw(char *out, int out_len, const char *in, float *f) { if(NULL == in || NULL == out || out_len <= 0){ return -1; } int i = 0; int len = strlen(in); int count = sizeof(cmd_gw)/sizeof(cmd_gw[0]); for(; i < count; i++){ if(!strncasecmp(in, cmd_gw[i].item, len)){ break; } } if(i >count){ return -1; } int ret = exec_cmd(out, out_len, cmd_gw[i].cmd); if(ret <= 0){ return -1; } *f = 0.0; if(\'f\' == cmd_gw[i].format){ if(cmd_gw[i].trans){ *f = (cmd_gw[i].trans)(out, out_len); } else { *f = atof(out); } } return cmd_gw[i].format; } static float trans_cpu_avg_rate(char *buf, int buf_size) { return 100 * atof(buf) / 4; } static float trans_cpu_now_rate(char *buf, int buf_size) { return 100.00 - atof(buf); } static float trans_mem_rate(char *buf, int buf_size) { float f = 0.0; char out_free[CMD_BUF_SIZE] = {\'\\0\'}; int ret_free = out_gw(out_free, sizeof(out_free), "mem_free", &f); if(\'f\' != (char)ret_free){ return -1; } return 100.00 - 100.00 * atof(out_free) / atof(buf); }
容器信息也可通过docker stats获取到:
docker stats --no-stream --format "{\\"container\\":\\"{{ .Name }}\\",\\"memory\\":{\\"raw\\":\\"{{ .MemUsage }}\\",\\"percent\\":\\"{{ .MemPerc }}\\"},\\"cpu\\":\\"{{ .CPUPerc }}\\",\\"networkIO\\":\\"{{.NetIO}},\\"BlockIO\\":\\"{{.BlockIO}}\\"}" {"container":"cadvisor","memory":{"raw":"40.45MiB / 3.701GiB","percent":"1.07%"},"cpu":"2.40%","networkIO":"11.9MB / 1.27GB,"BlockIO":"0B / 0B"} {"container":"","memory":{"raw":"21.18MiB / 3.701GiB","percent":"0.56%"},"cpu":"0.29%","networkIO":"57.7MB / 57.9MB,"BlockIO":"0B / 0B"} {"container":"","memory":{"raw":"18.62MiB / 3.701GiB","percent":"0.49%"},"cpu":"0.28%","networkIO":"57.5MB / 57.4MB,"BlockIO":"0B / 0B"} {"container":"","memory":{"raw":"18.6MiB / 3.701GiB","percent":"0.49%"},"cpu":"0.32%","networkIO":"57.5MB / 57.4MB,"BlockIO":"0B / 0B"} {"container":"","memory":{"raw":"18.2MiB / 3.701GiB","percent":"0.48%"},"cpu":"0.35%","networkIO":"57.4MB / 57.3MB,"BlockIO":"0B / 0B"} {"container":"","memory":{"raw":"25.19MiB / 3.701GiB","percent":"0.66%"},"cpu":"0.63%","networkIO":"228MB / 229MB,"BlockIO":"0B / 0B"}
当然docker信息可通过dockerAPI或SDK获取,参考:Develop with Docker Engine SDKs and API
cpu使用率:(cpu_stats.total_usage - precpu_stats.total_usage) / (cpu_stats.system_cpu_usage - precpu_stats.system_cpu_usage) * online_cpus * 100 内存:memory_stats.usage / Math.pow(1024,2) { "Name": "flexedge-opcua-server", 容器名称 "Ip": "", docker Ip地址 "Image": "test:latest", 镜像地址 "HostConfig": { "Binds": [ 非必填 "/usr/local/test:/usr/local/test" 映射目录 ], "Memory": 1073741824, 内存上限 MB*Math.pow(1024,2) "NanoCPUs": 200000000, cpu上限 核*Math.pow(10,8) "NetworkMode": "host" 网络模式 } }
二. cadvisor
1. linux内存查看及释放
python BrickstorOS片段用于获取各种文件系统信息。