
Posted 东方甲乙木






(1)pageindex: 1 //第几次加载

(2)callbackcount: 15 //需要返回数据的个数









 1 <view class="search">  
 2   <view class="search-bar">  
 3     <view class="search-wrap">  
 4         <icon type="search" size="16" class="icon-search" />  
 5         <input type="text" placeholder="请输入搜索内容" class="search-input" name="searchKeyword" bindinput="bindKeywordInput" value="{{searchKeyword}}" />  
 6     </view>  
 7     <view class="search-cancel" bindtap="keywordSearch">搜索</view>  
 8   </view>  
 9   <view class="search-result">  
10     <scroll-view scroll-y="true" bindscrolltolower="searchScrollLower">  
11       <view class="result-item" wx:for="{{searchSongList}}" wx:key="unique"  data-data="{{item}}" >  
12         <view class="icon{{item.isonly==\'0\' ? \' nocopyright\' : \'\'}}"></view>  
13         <text class="title">{{item.songname}}</text>  
14         <view class="subtitle">  
15           <text wx:for="{{item.singer}}" wx:key="unique">{{item.name}}</text>  
16         </view>  
17       </view>  
18       <view class="loading" hidden="{{!searchLoading}}">正在载入更多...</view>  
19       <view class="loading complete" hidden="{{!searchLoadingComplete}}">已加载全部</view>  
20     </scroll-view>    
21   </view>  
22 </view>  


 1 var util = require(\'../../utils/util.js\')  
 2 Page({  
 3   data: {  
 4     searchKeyword: \'\',  //需要搜索的字符  
 5     searchSongList: [], //放置返回数据的数组  
 6     isFromSearch: true,   // 用于判断searchSongList数组是不是空数组,默认true,空的数组  
 7     searchPageNum: 1,   // 设置加载的第几次,默认是第一次  
 8     callbackcount: 15,      //返回数据的个数  
 9     searchLoading: false, //"上拉加载"的变量,默认false,隐藏  
10     searchLoadingComplete: false  //“没有数据”的变量,默认false,隐藏  
11   },  
12   //输入框事件,每输入一个字符,就会触发一次  
13   bindKeywordInput: function(e){  
14     console.log("输入框事件")  
15     this.setData({  
16       searchKeyword: e.detail.value  
17     })  
18   },  
19   //搜索,访问网络  
20   fetchSearchList: function(){  
21     let that = this;  
22     let searchKeyword = that.data.searchKeyword,//输入框字符串作为参数  
23         searchPageNum = that.data.searchPageNum,//把第几次加载次数作为参数  
24         callbackcount =that.data.callbackcount; //返回数据的个数  
25     //访问网络  
26     util.getSearchMusic(searchKeyword, searchPageNum,callbackcount, function(data){  
27       console.log(data)  
28       //判断是否有数据,有则取数据  
29       if(data.data.song.curnum != 0){  
30         let searchList = [];  
31         //如果isFromSearch是true从data中取出数据,否则先从原来的数据继续添加  
32         that.data.isFromSearch ? searchList=data.data.song.list : searchList=that.data.searchSongList.concat(data.data.song.list)  
33         that.setData({  
34           searchSongList: searchList, //获取数据数组  
35           zhida: data.data.zhida, //存放歌手属性的对象  
36           searchLoading: true   //把"上拉加载"的变量设为false,显示  
37         });  
38       //没有数据了,把“没有数据”显示,把“上拉加载”隐藏  
39       }else{  
40         that.setData({  
41           searchLoadingComplete: true, //把“没有数据”设为true,显示  
42           searchLoading: false  //把"上拉加载"的变量设为false,隐藏  
43         });  
44       }  
45     })  
46   },  
47   //点击搜索按钮,触发事件  
48   keywordSearch: function(e){  
49     this.setData({    
50       searchPageNum: 1,   //第一次加载,设置1  
51       searchSongList:[],  //放置返回数据的数组,设为空  
52       isFromSearch: true,  //第一次加载,设置true  
53       searchLoading: true,  //把"上拉加载"的变量设为true,显示  
54       searchLoadingComplete:false //把“没有数据”设为false,隐藏  
55     })  
56     this.fetchSearchList();  
57   },  
58   //滚动到底部触发事件  
59   searchScrollLower: function(){  
60     let that = this;  
61     if(that.data.searchLoading && !that.data.searchLoadingComplete){  
62       that.setData({  
63         searchPageNum: that.data.searchPageNum+1,  //每次触发上拉事件,把searchPageNum+1  
64         isFromSearch: false  //触发到上拉事件,把isFromSearch设为为false  
65       });  
66       that.fetchSearchList();  
67     }  
68   }  
69 })  


 1 function getSearchMusic(keyword, pageindex, callbackcount, callback){  
 2   wx.request({  
 3     url: \'https://c.y.qq.com/soso/fcgi-bin/search_for_qq_cp\',  
 4     data: {  
 5       g_tk: 5381,  
 6       uin: 0,  
 7       format: \'json\',  
 8       inCharset: \'utf-8\',  
 9       outCharset: \'utf-8\',  
10       notice: 0,  
11       platform: \'h5\',  
12       needNewCode: 1,  
13       w: keyword,  
14       zhidaqu: 1,  
15       catZhida: 1,  
16       t: 0,  
17       flag: 1,  
18       ie: \'utf-8\',  
19       sem: 1,  
20       aggr: 0,  
21       perpage: 20,  
22       n: callbackcount,  //返回数据的个数  
23       p: pageindex,  
24       remoteplace: \'txt.mqq.all\',  
25       _: Date.now()  
26     },  
27     method: \'GET\',  
28     header: {\'content-Type\': \'application/json\'},  
29     success: function(res){  
30       if(res.statusCode == 200){  
31         callback(res.data);  
32       }  
33     }  
34   })  
35 }  
37 module.exports = {  
38   getSearchMusic: getSearchMusic  
39 }  


  1 page{  
  2   display: flex;  
  3   flex-direction: column;  
  4   height: 100%;  
  5 }  
  7 /*搜索*/  
  8 .search{  
  9   flex: auto;  
 10   display: flex;  
 11   flex-direction: column;  
 12   background: #fff;  
 13 }  
 14 .search-bar{  
 15   flex: none;  
 16   display: flex;  
 17   align-items: center;  
 18   justify-content: space-between;  
 19   padding: 20rpx;  
 20   background: #f4f4f4;  
 21 }  
 22 .search-wrap{  
 23   position: relative;  
 24   flex: auto;  
 25   display: flex;  
 26   align-items: center;  
 27   height: 80rpx;  
 28   padding: 0 20rpx;  
 29   background: #fff;  
 30   border-radius: 6rpx;  
 31 }  
 32 .search-wrap .icon-search{  
 33   margin-right: 10rpx;  
 34 }  
 35 .search-wrap .search-input{  
 36   flex: auto;  
 37   font-size: 28rpx;  
 38 }  
 39 .search-cancel{  
 40   padding: 0 20rpx;  
 41   font-size: 28rpx;  
 42 }  
 44 /*搜索结果*/  
 45 .search-result{  
 46   flex: auto;  
 47   position: relative;  
 48 }  
 49 .search-result scroll-view{  
 50   position: absolute;  
 51   bottom: 0;  
 52   left: 0;  
 53   right: 0;  
 54   top: 0;  
 55 }  
 56 .result-item{  
 57   position: relative;  
 58   display: flex;  
 59   flex-direction: column;  
 60   padding: 20rpx 0 20rpx 110rpx;  
 61   overflow: hidden;  
 62   border-bottom: 2rpx solid #e5e5e5;  
 63 }  
 65 .result-item .media{  
 66   position: absolute;  
 67   left: 16rpx;  
 68   top: 16rpx;  
 69   width: 80rpx;  
 70   height: 80rpx;  
 71   border-radius: 999rpx;  
 72 }  
 73 .result-item .title,  
 74 .result-item .subtitle{  
 75   overflow: hidden;  
 76   text-overflow: ellipsis;  
 77   white-space: nowrap;  
 78   line-height: 36rpx;  
 79 }  
 80 .result-item .title{  
 81   margin-bottom: 4rpx;  
 82   color: #000;  
 83 }  
 84 .result-item .subtitle{  
 85   color: #808080;  
 86   font-size: 24rpx;  
 87 }  
 88 .result-item:first-child .subtitle text{  
 89   margin-right: 20rpx;  
 90 }  
 91 .result-item:not(:first-child) .subtitle text:not(:first-child):before{  
 92   content: \'/\';  
 93   margin: 0 8rpx;  
 94 }  
 95 .loading{  
 96   padding: 10rpx;  
 97   text-align: center;  
 98 }  
 99 .loading:before{  
100   display: inline-block;  
101   margin-right: 5rpx;  
102   vertical-align: middle;  
103   content: \'\';  
104   width: 40rpx;  
105   height: 40rpx;  
106   background: url(../../images/icon-loading.png) no-repeat;  
107   background-size: contain;  
108   animation: rotate 1s linear infinite;  
109 }  
110 .loading.complete:before{  
111   display: none;  
112 }  


小程序下拉加载闪烁 跳动



微信小程序 loading 详解及实例代码

微信小程序 scroll-view 上滑没有加载更多问题
