



(New high/New low):These alerts appear any time there is a print for a higher or lower price than the rest of the day. Highs and lows are reset once a day at a time determined by the exchange.
When the alerts server sees a new high, it looks for the most recent day before today when the price was higher than it is now. It reports the day when this happened, and the high for that day as resistance. For a new low, the server looks for the most recent day when the price was lower than the current price. It reports the low for that day as support. Note: This is a very simple version of support and resistance based only on daily highs and lows. Several alerts listed below implement more advanced algorithms for finding support and resistance.
These alerts are related to the Position in Range filters. Use these filters to make other alert types sensitive to highs and lows.
(New high ask/New low bid):These alerts appear any time the ask price goes higher or the bid price goes lower than any time today. These are reset at the same time as the highs and lows. These alerts are never reported in the 30 seconds before or 60 seconds after the open.

New high(filtered) New low (filtered) New high ask(filtered) New low bid(filtered):These alerts are a subset of their unfiltered counterparts. When the price quickly changes several times in a row, only one of these alerts willappear. The unfiltered alerts appear once every time the price changes.
Typically no more than one alert per stock will appear each minute. However, if a stock price changes by more basis points than expected, new alerts will be displayed more often. The cutoff point for each symbol is automatically chosen based on volatility.
Daytraders often prefer to display the unfiltered versions of these alerts on a large set of stocks. The effect is to create a window where the user can quickly see if the market as a whole is moving up or down. Other traders prefer to see fewer, more interesting alerts. For that effect, select these filtered versions of the alerts. Some people create two or more alert windows, some with filtered alerts and some with unfiltered alerts.

(新高/新低) :这些盘面特征出现表示比之前的交易日,有一个更高或更低的价格。高点和低点被重置,每天一次的时间确定汇率。
(新高要求/新低价竞标) :这些警示出现任何时候卖出价高于或不用买入价低于不用任何时间今天。这些都是重启的同时,在高点和低点。这些警示从未报告的前30秒或60秒后开放。
(新高(过滤)新低点(过滤)新的高要求(过滤)新低价竞标(过滤) ) :这些警示的一个子集,其过滤的对应。当价格迅速变化几次连续,只有其中的一个警示willappear 。过滤警示一次出现时,价格的变动。
参考技术A (新高/新低) :这些警示出现任何时候有一个打印的更高或更低的价格比其他的一天。高点和低点被重置每天一次的时间所确定的汇率。
(新高要求/新低价竞标) :这些警示出现任何时候卖出价高于或不用买入价低于不用任何时间今天。这些都是重启的同时,在高点和低点。这些警示从未报告的前30秒或60秒后开放。
(新高(过滤)新低点(过滤)新的高要求(过滤)新低价竞标(过滤) ) :这些警示的一个子集,其过滤的对应。当价格迅速变化几次连续,只有其中的一个警示willappear 。过滤警示一次出现时,价格的变动。
参考技术B 晕,为什么不搞中文的来看啊,找英文谁懂啊?楼上的翻释也太强了,P服啊!!!


Issues with Context Classloaders
Since Java 1.2, the Class.forName(String) mechanism has been largely superseded by context classloading. As such, most modern class libraries use a context classloader. In the discussion below, we show how Eclipse transparently converts the use of context classloaders into something equivalent to Class.forName (String). Doing this allows the buddy loading and Dynamic-Import mechanisms described above to be used to eliminate ClassNotFoundExceptions and NoClassDefFoundErrors.
Each Java Thread has an associated context classloader field that contains a classloader. The classloader in this field is set, typically by the application container, to match the context of this current execution. That is, the field contains a classloader that has access to the classes related to the current execution (e.g., Web request being processed). Libraries such as log4j access and use the context classloader with the updated AppenderHelper code pattern below:

By default, the context classloader is set to be the normal Java application classloader. That is, the use of the context classloader in normal Java application scenarios is equivalent to using Class.forName(String) and there is only one classloader, the application classloader. When running inside Eclipse, however, the code pattern outlined above fails because:
•By default, Eclipse does not consult the application classloader. Eclipse-based applications put their code on dynamic plug-in classpaths rather than on the normal Java application classpath.
•Eclipse cannot detect plug-in context switches and set the context classloader as required. That is, there is no way to tell when execution context shifts from one plug-in to the next as is done in Web application servers.
These characteristics, combined with the compositional nature of Eclipse, mean that the value of the context classloader field is seldom useful.
Clients can, however, explicitly set the context classloader before calling libraries that use the context classloader. The snippet below shows an example of calling log4j using this approach:
First the current context classloader is saved. The context classloader is then set to an appropriate value for the current execution and log4j is called. log4j's AppenderHelper uses the context classloader, so in this case, it uses the client's classloader (e.g., this.getClass().getClassLoader()). When the operation is finished, the original context classloader is restored.
这是计算机Eclipse的书籍中的关于插件和打包那部分的外文词汇,其中的Chapter N是指书中第N章。这些是专业词汇的翻译,我要的是通顺的、尽量正确的中文译文。。。。谢谢大家!

由于爪哇1.2 , Class.forName (弦乐)的机制已基本取代了背景classloading 。因此,最现代化的类库使用类加载器的范畴。在下文的讨论,我们将展示如何转换Eclipse的透明的使用范围classloaders成相当于Class.forName (字符串) 。这样做可以让好友装货和动态的进口机制如上所述,用来消除ClassNotFoundExceptions和NoClassDefFoundErrors 。
每个Java线程有相关的背景类加载器领域,其中包含类加载器。在类加载器在这方面设置,一般是通过集装箱的应用,以符合这一背景下当前执行。也就是说,外地包含一个类加载器已获得有关课程到目前执行的(例如, Web请求正在处理中) 。图书馆如log4j访问和使用类加载器的背景与更新AppenderHelper代码模式如下:

默认情况下,背景类装载器将是正常的Java应用类加载器。这就是,使用类加载器的范围内正常的Java应用情景等于使用Class.forName (弦乐)和只有一个类加载器,应用类加载器。当运行在Eclipse的,但代码模式上文所述失败,因为:
•默认情况下, Eclipse的不协商的应用类加载器。基于Eclipse的应用程序将其代码的动态插件classpaths ,而不是正常的Java应用程序类路径。
• Eclipse的无法检测插件上下文切换,并设置背景类装载器的要求。也就是说,没有办法告诉当执行方面的变化从一个插件下的工作是在Web应用服务器。
这些特点,再加上成分性质的Eclipse ,意味着价值的领域范畴类加载器,很少有用的。
一是目前的情况下类装载器被保存。背景类加载器,然后设置为一个适当的值为目前的执行和log4j被称为。 log4j的AppenderHelper使用类加载器的背景,所以在这种情况下,它使用客户端的类加载器(例如, this.getClass ( ) 。 getClassLoader ( ) ) 。当手术完成后,原来的类加载器的范围内得到恢复。
参考技术A sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111




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