my spring festival的艺术字怎么写



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my spring festival的艺术字

参考技术A 这几个英文单词,能够给人留下非常生动和优雅的气息,具有自己美好的气质,


英文单词的书写特别留意印刷体(书本上)和手写体的区别,主要有三个字母:大写I J 和小写y。
大写的I (小写为i)和小写的l (大写为L)长得一样,都为一竖。大写的I 在句子中表示“我”。

在书写一线26字母时,出示的一线为四线三格中的第三线。所有的字母都需要贴线写,除了小写的g , j , p , q , y 。

book √ b o o k X
firework √ fire work X
grandmother √ grand mother X

ice cream √ icecream X
skip rope √ skiprope X
二、句子第一个单词的首字母要大写,句尾要有标点,陈述句为. 感叹句为!疑问句为?

*句中“我” I 大写
e.g . Danny, Miss Fang, Mum (mother不需要)
*OK. 中的O和K都是大写
e.g.Class Two, Grade Two
e.g.May, Sunday

1. How are you, Alice?
分析:How are you “你好吗” 句意已完整,所以Alice前要加逗号
2. Good morning, Miss Fang.
分析:Good morning "早上好" 句意已完整,所以Miss Fang前要加逗号
e.g. Are you Kitty?
分析:Are you句意不完整,所以Kitty前不需要加逗号
e.g.Clean the blackboard, please.
Please clean the blackboard.


19位设计师,Kvadrat的画布 | My Canvas@London Design Festival 2017

Kvadrat News

2017年伦敦设计节期间,Kvadrat 在在萨默塞特宫举办 “My Canvas(我的画布)”艺术展,展出来自世界各地的19位设计师的作品。


Works from 19 designers from around the world make up Kvadrat’s exhibition My Canvas at Somerset House during London Design Festival 2017.

19位设计师,Kvadrat的画布 | My Canvas@London Design Festival

9月,伦敦设计节举办期间,Kvadrat 的“我的画布”艺术展将在位于斯特兰德(Strand)的新古典主义风格建筑“萨默塞特宫”举办。


The stately Neoclassical Somerset House at the Strand will form the striking backdrop of My Canvas when Kvadrat joins London Design Festival in September.

19位设计师,Kvadrat的画布 | My Canvas@London Design Festival 2017“我的画布”的名称源于 Kvadrat 主要产品——由著名意大利色彩大师 Giulio Ridolfo 设计的鲜艳、生动又优雅的室内软装面料“Canvas”。


My Canvas pays homage to a Kvadrat staple: the vibrant and elegant upholstery textile Canvas, crafted by renowned Italian colourist Giulio Ridolfo.

19位设计师,Kvadrat的画布 | My Canvas@London Design Festival 2017Kvadrat 邀请设计师们利用当代设计语言演绎他们对“画布”的理解。展览取名“我的画布”寓意每一件作品都传达的个人创意观点。这些作品通过纱线和颜色设计的美丽繁复、纺织品的独特结构或建筑表现,将带你体验一场独特的触觉发现之旅。


In an open brief, Kvadrat invited the designers to create their interpretations of Canvas informed by contemporary design. The exhibition is titled My Canvas, lending itself to the individual creative viewpoint revealed in each piece. Be it the beauty and intricacy of the yarn, the colour palette, the structural properties or architectural expression of the textile, the contributions invite the viewer on a journey of tactile discovery.

19位设计师,Kvadrat的画布 | My Canvas@London Design Festival 2017
19位设计师,Kvadrat的画布 | My Canvas@London Design Festival 2017
19位设计师,Kvadrat的画布 | My Canvas@London Design Festival 2017
19位设计师,Kvadrat的画布 | My Canvas@London Design Festival 2017
19位设计师,Kvadrat的画布 | My Canvas@London Design Festival 2017
19位设计师,Kvadrat的画布 | My Canvas@London Design Festival 2017
19位设计师,Kvadrat的画布 | My Canvas@London Design Festival 2017
19位设计师,Kvadrat的画布 | My Canvas@London Design Festival 2017
19位设计师,Kvadrat的画布 | My Canvas@London Design Festival 2017

“我的画布”的参展设计师包括:Martha Schwindling(德国)、Zeitguised(德国)、BCXSY(荷兰)、Maria Jeglinska(波兰)、Felipe Ribon(法国)、Christien Meindertsma(荷兰)、Judith Seng(德国)、YOY(日本)、Moritz Schmid瑞士)、Cheng-Tsung Feng(台湾)、Atelier Max Lipsey(荷兰)、GamFratesi(丹麦)、Mimi Jung(美国)、Chen Williams(美国)、Jonathan Muecke(美国)、Teruhiro Yanagihara(日本)、Kate Chung Design (台湾)、Stabil(德国)和Butternutten AG(德国)。


Designers selected for My Canvas include Martha Schwindling (Germany), ZEITGUISED (Germany), BCXSY (The Netherlands), Maria Jeglinska (Poland), Felipe Ribon (France), Christien Meindertsma (The Netherlands), Judith Seng (Germany), YOY Idea (Japan), Moritz Schmid (Switzerland), Cheng-Tsung Feng (Taiwan), Atelier Max Lipsey (The Netherlands), GamFratesi (Denmark), Mimi Jung (USA), Chen Chen & Kai Williams (USA), Jonathan Muecke (USA), Teruhiro Yanagihara (Japan), Kate Chung Design (Taiwan), Stabil (Germany) and Butternutten AG (Germany).

 他们的画布,Kvadrat 的画布,东方的画布 

 from Kvadrat to East 

19位设计师,Kvadrat的画布 | My Canvas@London Design Festival 2017

Kate Chung Design (Taiwan)

19位设计师,Kvadrat的画布 | My Canvas@London Design Festival 2017Kate Chung出生于台湾,2003年毕业于米兰Domus Academy。在工作多年积累了丰富经验后,于2009年在香港和Steve Cheng建立工作室,后于2011年搬回台湾。工作室专注于产品设计、室内设计、平面设计等不同领域。


Born in Taiwan, Kate Chung graduated from Domus Academy, Milan, Italy in 2003. After accumulating abundant experiences through work for years, in 2009, Kate Chung and Steve Cheng established a studio in Hong Kong and officially relocated back to Taiwan in 2011. The studio encompasses diverse areas of development including product design, interior design, and graphic design.

19位设计师,Kvadrat的画布 | My Canvas@London Design Festival 2017透过Kate Chung的作品,你能发现都能达到预期的设计效果与简单的理念,追求美与实用间的平衡,不断寻找东方文化以传统与现代融合的创作灵感,将她的设计融入日常生活,运用简约而时尚的方式进行重新诠释。


Mirroring her works, Kate Chung always achieves the desired designs with the philosophy of simplicity with firm and steady pace, Seeking a balance between beauty and utility, Kate is constantly searching for creative inspiration in oriental culture hoping to merge traditional culture with modern, minimalistic and stylish way to reinterpret and integrate her designs into everyday life.

19位设计师,Kvadrat的画布 | My Canvas@London Design Festival 2017

Cheng-Tsung Feng (Taiwan)

19位设计师,Kvadrat的画布 | My Canvas@London Design Festival 20171987年出生于台湾的Cheng Tsung Feng,是一位国际获奖无数的设计师。他的设计从他的生活经历与观察中传递出情感与思想。他以台湾本土竹材料和传统工艺为中心,学习台湾工艺,将经验转化为现代设计。


Born 11th September 1987 in Taiwan, Cheng-Tsung Feng is an international award-winning designer based in Taiwan. His design delivers emotional thoughts from his life experiences and observations. He focus on Taiwan local bamboo material and traditional craft skill; learning from Taiwanese craftsmanship and transform the experience into modern design.

19位设计师,Kvadrat的画布 | My Canvas@London Design Festival 2017

YOY (Japan)

19位设计师,Kvadrat的画布 | My Canvas@London Design Festival 2017来自东京的设计工作室YOY由空间设计师Naoki Ono与产品设计师Yuki Yamamoto于2011年成立,他们的设计主题是创造一个新的空间和物体之间的故事。


YOY is a Tokyo based design studio composed by Naoki Ono, a spatial designer, and Yuki Yamamoto, a product designer. Founded in 2011, their design theme is to create a new story between space and objects.

19位设计师,Kvadrat的画布 | My Canvas@London Design Festival 2017

Teruhiro Yanagihara (Japan)

19位设计师,Kvadrat的画布 | My Canvas@London Design Festival 2017Teruhiro Yanagihara于1976年生于日本香川县。他在2002年成立了自己的设计公司,为全球客户服务,并在诸多设计领域取得成就。他的设计项目跨越文化边界,将当代设计,工业产品与日本手工艺相结合。


Teruhiro Yanagihara was born in 1976, Japan and spent his youth in Kagawa Prefecture. He established his own company in 2002 to develop his own, identifiable vision on design. Ever since, he has been contributing “borderless” designs for national and international clients. His projects cross boundaries and cultures to form encounters between contemporary design, industries and Japanese crafts. Since 2002, Yanagihara has been active in many design fields. 

我的画布 My Canvas

2017年9月18日至24日  18 – 24 September 2017


Somerset House, Terrace Room 1 to 3


London WC2R 1LA

Opening hours


Mon – Tues and Sat – Sun, 11 am – 6 pm


Wed – Fri, 11 am – 8 pm

Kvadrat More

七夕,与Kvadrat艺术相约 | Kvadrat@La Biennale di Venezia 2017

米兰展,看Kvadrat | Salone del Mobile 2017回顾


以上是关于my spring festival的艺术字怎么写的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Cocos Studio中怎么做美术字

春节的英文是Spring Festival, 那“除夕”英文怎么说呢?



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Festival | Spring Festival