






在人海茫茫中,母亲的手在空中挥起,是她在寻找我。在离别的车站,我的手在胸前挥动,牵动着我与母亲心中的眷恋。 正在读初三的我,因为要上晚自习,所以在工作岗位忙碌了一天的母亲,必须每天到校门口给我送饭。那天刚打完下课铃,我便一个箭步往校门口跑,可是当我走到楼下时,我就慌了。

九年级八百多个学生一齐往校门口涌。时不时会被几个粗鲁的同学撞到,踩到。 终于在这跌跌撞撞中,我被这人流推到了校门口,可提着饭碗的家长和迫不及待的同学将校门死死地包围住,里三层,外三层。我踮着脚在人流外焦急地寻找母亲的身影。 忽然,在人海茫茫中,一只手在空中举起。那只手不大却很白,手腕上戴着那条我送给妈妈的手镯,格外显眼。我确定,那只挥动着的手是母亲的手。我坚定地朝那只手的方向走去。依晰中,我听到母亲在呼唤我的名字。终于她出现在我的眼前。她一只手提着饭盒,一只手在空中舞动,用焦急的目光在四处寻找。我叫了她一声。她立刻找到了我。连忙笑着放下空中的手将饭盒递给我,说:“人真多,我怕找不着你。” 我打开饭盒,一股夹杂着菜香的热气向我涌来,模糊中,我又想起了母亲在空中挥动的,寻找着我的手,心中充满了幸福滋味。

还记得那一次,我参加学校组织的“走近农村”的集体活动。妈妈送我到车站上车,我特意坐在靠窗的位置,我不知不觉地把手抬到胸前,对着窗外的母亲挥手,母亲立马点头示意,那是我第一次离开母亲,心中像打翻了调味瓶,五味杂陈。 母亲挥动着的手,使我在茫然中找到目标。我的挥手,寄托了我对母亲的依念。在那一次次挥手之间,我和母亲更加地了解彼此。


阴沉的天气,乌云将本该洁白的月光染成了灰色。一阵寒风忽起,吹歪了几棵纤细的小树。灰光照映在妈妈青灰色的脸庞上…… “怎么还没回来?你这一会儿都一个小时了!”我不知道这是妈妈第几次对着电话吼,只知她是一次比一次大声。我无奈地坐在一旁,心里默默地祈祷着爸爸快回家,别让妈妈如此着急。

突然,一阵缓慢的敲门声响起。妈妈的脸上闪过一丝惊喜,正欲起身去开门。但刚迈出一步便停了下来,脸色又阴沉了下来,对我挥手道:“去,给你爸开门!”起身走向门口,我分明看到了妈妈稍缓的面容。 爸爸摇晃着走进来了。一抬头便撞见妈妈手叉腰间,阴沉地看着他。爸爸竟被这架式吓倒在了地上。这滑稽的样子倒让妈妈的脸上闪过一丝微笑。 我连忙走上去扶爸爸,但他却挥了挥手示意让我走开,从地上慢慢地爬起来,呼呼地说:“我没醉!不用你扶!” 爸爸终于勉强站了起来,左摇右摆地倒在了沙发上,一声不响地睡着了。妈妈也没闲着,立刻小跑着上前去,望着爸爸像烂泥般躺在沙发上,眼角有了些无奈和关心,但又不失急切地道:“怎么又喝了这么多?不是说不再拼命地喝了吗?为什么就不懂得珍惜自己的身体?……

”妈妈的\'嘴抽噎了起来,我连忙前去制止。还顺便将电视频道调到了音乐频道,但愿这平和的音乐能使我们大家的心都能平静下来。 好不容易使场面缓和下来,不争气的爸爸竟又开始睡眼惺惺。我急中生智,冲到厨房为爸爸倒醒酒茶。可到厨房才突然意识到:我哪会冲什么醒酒茶啊! 正当我一愁莫展之时,妈妈走了进来。她看到我的窘样仿佛顿时明白了我的心思,一把把我推出去,道:“等你弄好了,你爸酒都自然醒了!我来!”我愣了愣,恍然明白了妈妈的意思,微笑地走了……






  有关职业的英语作文篇1:What do you think of money or jo?

  As we know, most of the material things in our daily life have to be bought with money. But money is not all-powerful. There are many things which money cannot buy, such as time.

  There are twenty-four hours in a day. Sometimes when we are very happy, we wish that the period of happiness would last longer. But no matter what we do, or how much money we are willing to pay, we cannot make a day last longer than twenty-four hours. On the other hand, when we are unhappy, money cannot make the unhappy time pass away more quickly, nor can it bring us a day without sadness and worries. We may be rich, but our money can't bring back our lost time. As the saying goes, “Time past cannot be called back.”

  Here we can say very clearly that money can buy a lot of things, but never time. So money, after all, is not all-powerful.

  有关职业的英语作文篇2:On the Choice of Career

  In recent years, there is no consensus of opinions among college students about choice of career. Some students are in favor of the view that when choosing a job, interest plays the key part and should be thought about firstly; while others take a completely different side, firmly believing that prosperity is more worthwhile.

  People holding the first view think that interest will result in more happiness and satisfaction at work, with which they could work in a more relaxing way and make progress more easily. Otherwise, they will suffer from depression due to lack of interest. However, holders of the second view argue that one should pay more attention to the career prosperity while making a choice, which will surely lead to prosperity of a person himself sooner or later. Therefore, they believe that it is career prosperity that counts most.

  Personally, I deem that prosperity is the right element to think about because career prosperity can bring about one's success both in career and in life. In this sense, only career prosperity can bring a person happiness and satisfaction in the long run.

  有关职业的英语作文篇3:High Salary Brings You More

  Finding a job is a paramount incident for almost everyone, what kind of job we should choose has perplexed people so much as well. Some people would take a job with high salary while others may prefer a job with a promising future, which has already sparked a heated debate among us. As for me, I prefer a high-paying job, and this idea is supported by three reasons.

  First of all, why we try to find a job? The answer is that we want to live a better life. And what a job with a high salary can bring us; certainly it is an affluent life. Since we are engaged in improving our living standard, why not take it. On the other hand, we don't have to worry about how to get through every day. Also there is no way for us to meet ends with. On the contrary, we can buy whatever we want and travel wherever you like. Not only can it board our horizon, but we can have a good mood.

  Some people may argue that a promising job will provide you with a

  brighter future, but I have to say that so dose a job with a high salary. At least that fits in my uncle Mr. Frade, born in a poor family, a man who didn't receive much education and went to another city to make a living at the age of 18. He worked as a builder which is regarded as ahiah-paying job at that time. After some time, he earned some money. He invested his money in stock; learned more about architecture with it at the same time. And now he has his own company. As we can see, if we have a high salary, we can bestow the money to do many things to improve ourselves, which promises us a bright future. So there is no need for us to work so hard but to earn so little.

  Now I've stated it clearly why I would rather take a high-paying job. High salary can offer you a better life, more pleasure, and even a bright future. It's wiser to find a job with a high salary.

  有关职业的英语作文篇4:My ideal career

  My ideal career Everybody has his or her dream and career. Different person has different ideas in choosing their career.For me, to be a teacher is my ideal career. Because when I was still a little child in the primary school,I found it was so great to be a teacher. And my grandpa and grandma are all teacher. In my heart i think teacher can teach students various of knowledges, not only teach them how to be good at study, but also how to be a good person. A good teacher can lead his students onto the right road, avoiding makeing mistakes. What's more, to be a teacher could contribute a lot both to their students and to the society. It is so wonderful . Now i am a college student , after graduated from school , i have to find a job, start my career,if i become a teacher,on the one hand ,i can live in campus to share many things with my students,on the other hand ,the pay of this career is well. A teacher is the model of his students. A teacher will always love her students as same as her children.So i must study hand to learn a lot of knowledge and learn how to get on well with others. To be a teacher should be fun but challenging. If i have chance one day, i will choose teacher as my career. My Ideal Job There are various kinds of jobs in the world, but different people are attracted by different jobs because everyone has his own interest and destination, many people consider an ideal job as a means of making more money and living more comfortably, it may sound reasonable because money is the foundation of life. As far as my ideal job is concerned, I think I want to be a psychologist, I have made up my mind to do what I really want to so that I can realize my ideal, I believe interest is of the utmost importance in choosing a job, I have been interested in psychology for a long time, so I want to be a psychologist in the future, I think being a psychologist can help lots of people lead a happier life. However, it isn't easy for me to become a qualified psychologist and many people around me think that it's unrealistic to me. Nevertheless, I'll make every effort to gain much more knowledge, patience, methods, etc. to live up to the name of a qualified psychologist. I believe my dream will come true someday. What is an ideal job? Different person will give a different answer I guess. As for me, a job in a university is ideal. Reasons are as follows: Firstly, a pace of an academic calendar is appreciated, which means I could usually enjoy two rest days every week, not to mention a summer vacation and a winter vacation every year. I will have enough time to accompany my family, and to refresh myself. Secondly, I personally own a great adoration of teachers. They exert their most energy to search a vague essence of the world. They set up beacons in an initial stage of confused students’ life besides. How important a child to a family! How important a teacher to a society is! Their work is meaningful, and they deserve all the adoration. I wish I could take service with them. Thirdly, I like to be around the young. All bread is not baked in one oven. Sparks flow up from communications between different souls and stimulate both. In addition, I could have an opportunity to keep on learning with them. Suppose working in a university, every year would be a new year for me. Fortune favors a prepared mind. So, I will do my best to qualify myself for the ideal job. A year’s plan starts with spring, just now. Different people choose different jobs according to their interests and ability. My ideal job is to be a teacher. There are some reasons for my choice. First of all, a teacher’s job is very important because a teacher can provide students with knowledge. And meanwhile I can also learn a lot from students. Secondly, to be a teacher may enable me to feel always young to be with young people all the time. That will be a great pleasure. The job will allow me a lot of freedom to choose my way of teaching. I like to make students both learned and creative. I will be satisfied with the progress my students make every day, and I’ll be proud of them. In addition, I can develop my hobbies in my spare time. And I really enjoy the summer vacation and winter vacation during which I will go sightseeing? However, it is not easy to be a qualified teacher. A good teacher needs knowledge, enthusiasm and patience. So, first of all, I must study hard to learn as much as possible. Second, I must acquire a habit of being patient. Third, I must learn some good methods. It doesn’t follow that a teacher with rich knowledge can make himself understood. Perhaps students may still be puzzled when they don’t understand what he says at all. In a word, teaching is a demanding job. I will live up to the qualifications for a teacher.? Every person has his own ideal job. Some people wish to be doctors, while others want to be teachers and so on. As far as I am concerned, I have been dreaming of being a guide for a long time. First, my major is the management of tourism, so I want to get a job about tourism. Secondly, good guides are knowledgeable and amiable, meanwhile, they have wide vision. Finally, guide can constantly expand his knowledge and understand lots of customs about different cultures and countries. To achieve my dream of being a qualified guide, I have to make sufficient preparations. Fro one thing, I must learn my specialty well and travel at my spare time, just as the saying goes: “Seeing is believing.” For another, I should enhance my eloquence so that I can express the allusion about the view clearly. What’s more important, I should control my mood freely and treat every traveler kindly. Being a good guide is difficult, but I believe if I endeavor to do the things in all hands. I’ll be successful sooner or later. Examples:::: 总起:my ideal job is working in … position, …company My ideal career China has an old saying: Ma

  Male feared into the wrong line, female feared marries the wrong man. It clearly shows that the importance of career for a people. I have different ideas about my career in different periods. In high school, I once wanted to be a teacher for the atmosphere of school is not so complex and I can get one sort of satisfaction when my students make progress. It’s also a result of my families’ influence. My grandma always told me that being a teacher is a pleasurable job and it is known by the “iron rice bowl”. As time goes, I find that teacher is not a suitable career for me. The key of teaching is to explain. For most college graduates, they have mastered enough knowledge. But not every one has the ability to make others understand his or her expression clearly. Obviously, I am weak in expressing. Then an article shocked me. A boy is so introversive and weak in personality from childhood. His father tried to change this situation, but he failed. But the boy became one of the most famous writers all over the world later. And his name is Kafka. Why can Kafka succeed? Because he found the shoe that suits his to wear, the disposition of his introversion, cowardly, sensitivity, as it happens is engaged in literary creation aptly. So we are all ingenious if we find the right career. Entering the college, I often think about that problem and I think that being a woman in advertising is a good choice. Nowadays advertisements spread themselves around every corner. Although we meet advertisements everyday, most of us run away for those boring and unimaginative pictures. Apart that, it is also the main way that people promote their products or service. If made more dedicatedly, it can become more popular. Creation, humor and imagination is needed in an excellent advertisement, that’s what a career I have been looking for a long time. The most exciting is that I will get great pleasure from those creative images and videos which can bring customers visual and spiritual enjoyment. In order to become a successful Ad designer, I have a plenty of work to do. For example, a good grasp of plane formation, color formation and Three Dimensional Composition. At the same time, some useful tools are necessary such as Photoshop, Illustrator and CorelDraw. For an outstanding advertising designer, the main aim of his work is to attract others’ attention. So a good knowledge of customer psychology has the necessity. I am sure that opportunity is open to those well prepared for it. I can be a good advertising designer one day.

  有关职业的英语作文篇5:On College Students' Career Planning

  Nowadays, the number of students is growing rapidly, so a lot of colleges have paid more attention to college students' career planning. It seems that this phenomenon is becoming a trend.

  With the development of society, more and more teenagers have opportunities to be educated. It is good for our society. However, a negative problem is coming with this phenomenon. This phenomenon brings more and more pressure on positions. The number of students who cannot find jobs is growing constantly. So this trend follows a logical of thought, and it may do benefit college students.

  As far as I am concerned, we should study our majority well and after this we can try our best to expand our horizons. For example, we can learn some social skills or take in lessons from our failure.

  Only we make a college student's career planning and spare no efforts to make it true, can we succeed.






