数据分析之美 决策树R语言实现



篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了数据分析之美 决策树R语言实现相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

数据分析之美:决策树R语言实现R语言实现决策树1 准备数据[plain] view plain copy > install packages("tree") > library(tree)

参考技术A 数据分析之美:决策树R语言实现
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> install.packages("tree")
> library(tree)
> library(ISLR)
> attach(Carseats)
> High=ifelse(Sales<=8,"No","Yes") //set high values by sales data to calssify
> Carseats=data.frame(Carseats,High) //include the high data into the data source
> fix(Carseats)
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> tree.carseats=tree(High~.-Sales,Carseats)
> summary(tree.carseats)

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//output training error is 9%
Classification tree:
tree(formula = High ~ . - Sales, data = Carseats)
Variables actually used in tree construction:
[1] "ShelveLoc" "Price" "Income" "CompPrice" "Population"
[6] "Advertising" "Age" "US"
Number of terminal nodes: 27
Residual mean deviance: 0.4575 = 170.7 / 373
Misclassification error rate: 0.09 = 36 / 400
3. 显示决策树
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> plot(tree . carseats )
> text(tree .carseats ,pretty =0)
4.Test Error

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//prepare train data and test data
//We begin by using the sample() function to split the set of observations sample() into two halves, by selecting a random subset of 200 observations out of the original 400 observations.
> set . seed (1)
> train=sample(1:nrow(Carseats),200)
> Carseats.test=Carseats[-train,]
> High.test=High[-train]
//get the tree model with train data
> tree. carseats =tree (High~.-Sales , Carseats , subset =train )
//get the test error with tree model, train data and predict method
//predict is a generic function for predictions from the results of various model fitting functions.
> tree.pred = predict ( tree.carseats , Carseats .test ,type =" class ")
> table ( tree.pred ,High. test)
High. test
tree. pred No Yes
No 86 27
Yes 30 57
> (86+57) /200
[1] 0.715

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Next, we consider whether pruning the tree might lead to improved results. The function cv.tree() performs cross-validation in order to cv.tree() determine the optimal level of tree complexity; cost complexity pruning is used in order to select a sequence of trees for consideration.

For regression trees, only the default, deviance, is accepted. For classification trees, the default is deviance and the alternative is misclass (number of misclassifications or total loss).
We use the argument FUN=prune.misclass in order to indicate that we want the classification error rate to guide the cross-validation and pruning process, rather than the default for the cv.tree() function, which is deviance.

If the tree is regression tree,
> plot(cv. boston$size ,cv. boston$dev ,type=’b ’)
> set . seed (3)
> cv. carseats =cv. tree(tree .carseats ,FUN = prune . misclass ,K=10)
//The cv.tree() function reports the number of terminal nodes of each tree considered (size) as well as the corresponding error rate(dev) and the value of the cost-complexity parameter used (k, which corresponds to α.
> names (cv. carseats )
[1] " size" "dev " "k" " method "
> cv. carseats
$size //the number of terminal nodes of each tree considered
[1] 19 17 14 13 9 7 3 2 1
$dev //the corresponding error rate
[1] 55 55 53 52 50 56 69 65 80
$k // the value of the cost-complexity parameter used
[1] -Inf 0.0000000 0.6666667 1.0000000 1.7500000
2.0000000 4.2500000
[8] 5.0000000 23.0000000
$method //miscalss for classification tree
[1] " misclass "
attr (," class ")
[1] " prune " "tree. sequence "

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//plot the error rate with tree node size to see whcih node size is best
> plot(cv. carseats$size ,cv. carseats$dev ,type=’b ’)

Note that, despite the name, dev corresponds to the cross-validation error rate in this instance. The tree with 9 terminal nodes results in the lowest cross-validation error rate, with 50 cross-validation errors. We plot the error rate as a function of both size and k.
> prune . carseats = prune . misclass ( tree. carseats , best =9)
> plot( prune . carseats )
> text( prune .carseats , pretty =0)

//get test error again to see whether the this pruned tree perform on the test data set
> tree.pred = predict ( prune . carseats , Carseats .test , type =" class ")
> table ( tree.pred ,High. test)
High. test
tree. pred No Yes
No 94 24
Yes 22 60
> (94+60) /200
[1] 0.77






# 训练模型
# rpart参考文档
set.seed(42) # 固定交叉验证结果
fit_dt_reg <- rpart(
  form_reg, # formula
  data = traindata,
  method = "anova", # 回归
  # 回归模型无parms参数
  control = rpart.control(cp = 0.005)
# 原始回归树
# 复杂度相关数据

# 后剪枝
fit_dt_reg_pruned <- prune(fit_dt_reg, cp = cp1SE)

# 变量重要性数值
# 变量重要性图示
varimpdata <-
  data.frame(importance = fit_dt_reg_pruned$variable.importance)

以上是关于数据分析之美 决策树R语言实现的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章






R语言逻辑回归(Logistic Regression)回归决策树随机森林信用卡违约分析信贷数据集|附代码数据