
Posted Lainey❤




 11. Container With Most Water

 15. 3Sum

 16. 3Sum Closest

 18. 4Sum   ★★

 31. Next Permutation

 33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array    ★

 34. Search for a Range

 39. Combination Sum   ★★

 40. Combination Sum II

 48. Rotate Image

 54. Spiral Matrix

 55. Jump Game  ★★

 56. Merge Intervals

 59. Spiral Matrix II

 62. Unique Paths

 63. Unique Paths II

 64. Minimum Path Sum

 73. Set Matrix Zeroes  ★

 74. Search a 2D Matrix

 75. Sort Colors

 78. Subsets  ★★

 79. Word Search  ★

 80. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II

 81. Search in Rotated Sorted Array II  ★

 90. Subsets II

 105. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal   ★★

 106. Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal

 120. Triangle

 152. Maximum Product Subarray  ★★

 153. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array  ★

 162. Find Peak Element   ★

 209. Minimum Size Subarray Sum   ★★

 216. Combination Sum III

 228. Summary Ranges

 229. Majority Element II   ★★

 238. Product of Array Except Self ★

 287. Find the Duplicate Number  ★★

 289. Game of Life  ★★

 380. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)   ★

 442. Find All Duplicates in an Array ★★

 495. Teemo Attacking

 560. Subarray Sum Equals K  ★

 565. Array Nesting

 611. Valid Triangle Number

 621. Task Scheduler  ★★

 667. Beautiful Arrangement II

 670. Maximum Swap ★

 713. Subarray Product Less Than K ★

 714. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee ★★★

 718. Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray

 729. My Calendar I

 731. My Calendar II    ★









 11.Container With Most Water【Medium】    返回目录






Tip:如果不采用两边移动的话,就是要进行两两遍历,也就是O(n2), 两边移动就是O(n) 


 1 def maxArea(self, height):
 2         """
 3         :type height: List[int]
 4         :rtype: int
 5         """
 6         i = 0
 7         j = len(height)-1
 8         maxarea = 0
 9         while i < j:
10             maxarea = max((j-i)*min(height[i],height[j]), maxarea)
11             if height[i] < height[j]:
12                 i += 1
13             else:
14                 j -= 1
15         return maxarea








15. 3Sum【Medium】    返回目录


Given an array S of n integers, are there elements abc in S such that a + b + c = 0? Find all unique triplets in the array which gives the sum of zero


做2Sum的时候用的是hash算法O(N)就可以做完,那么这个3Sum其实就是一个O(N)的2Sum, 于是乎就是O(N*N)的算法





 1 def threeSum(self, nums):
 2         """
 3         :type nums: List[int]
 4         :rtype: List[List[int]]
 5         """
 6         length = len(nums)
 7         if length < 3:
 8             return []
 9         result = []
10         nums.sort()
11         for i in range(length-2):
12             if i>0 and nums[i]==nums[i-1]:
13                 continue
14             hash_table = {}
15             res = 0-nums[i] 
16             for j in range(i+1,len(nums)):
17                 if j>3 and nums[j]==nums[j-3]:
18                     continue
19                 if nums[j] in hash_table:
20                     result.append([nums[i],res-nums[j],nums[j]])
21                     hash_table.pop(nums[j])
22                 else:
23                     hash_table[res-nums[j]] = nums[j]
24         return result




但是面对大量重复数字的时候,出现很多问题, 比如[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [-4,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3]





 1 def threeSum(self, nums):
 2         """
 3         :type nums: List[int]
 4         :rtype: List[List[int]]
 5         """
 6         length = len(nums)
 7         if length < 3:
 8             return []
 9         result = []
10         nums.sort()
11         for i in range(length-2):
12             if i>0 and nums[i]==nums[i-1]:
13                 continue
14             res = 0 - nums[i]
15             low = i+1
16             high = length-1
17             while(low < high):
18                 if(nums[low]+nums[high]==res):
19                     result.append([nums[i],nums[low],nums[high]])
20                     while(low<high and nums[low]==nums[low+1]):
21                         low += 1
22                     while(low<high and nums[high]==nums[high-1]):
23                         high -= 1
24                     low +=1
25                     high -=1
26                 else:
27                     if(nums[low]+nums[high]<res):
28                         low += 1
29                     else:
30                         high -= 1
31         return result









16. 3Sum Closest【Medium】     返回目录





Tips:如果算法的时间复杂度为O(N*N), 那么最好事先就先排序,排好序之后就没有必要hash了,本来两头遍历复杂度也为O(N)


 1 def threeSumClosest(self, nums, target):
 2         """
 3         :type nums: List[int]
 4         :type target: int
 5         :rtype: int
 6         """
 7         nums.sort()
 8         min_diff = float("inf")
 9         for i in range(len(nums)):
10             res = target-nums[i]
11             low,high = i+1,len(nums)-1
12             while low < high:
13                 diff = nums[low]+nums[high]-res
14                 if diff == 0:
15                     return target
16                 if abs(diff) < min_diff:
17                     min_diff = abs(diff)
18                     result = nums[i]+nums[low]+nums[high]
19                 if diff > 0:
20                     high -= 1
21                 else:
22                     low += 1
23         return result   





 18. 4Sum【Medium】    返回目录








 1 def fourSum(self, nums, target):
 2         """
 3         :type nums: List[int]
 4         :type target: int
 5         :rtype: List[List[int]]
 6         """
 7         nums.sort()
 8         res = []
 9         if len(nums)<4 or 4*nums[0]>target or 4*nums[-1]<target:
10             return res
11         for i in range(len(nums)):
12             if i>0 and nums[i]==nums[i-1]:
13                 continue
14             if nums[i] + 3*nums[-1] < target:
15                 continue
16             if 4*nums[i] > target:
17                 break
18             if 4*nums[i] == target:
19                 if i+3<len(nums) and nums[i+3]==nums[i]:
20                     res.append([nums[i],nums[i],nums[i],nums[i]])
21                 break
22             res.extend(self.threeSum(nums[i+1:],target-nums[i],nums[i]))
23         return res
25     def threeSum(self,nums,target,a):
26         res = []
27         if len(nums)<3 or 3*nums[0]>target or 3*nums[-1]<target:
28             return res
29         for i in range(len(nums)):
30             if i>0 and nums[i]==nums[i-1]:
31                 continue
32             if nums[i] + 2*nums[-1] < target:
33                 continue
34             if 3*nums[i] > target:
35                 break
36             if 3*nums[i] == target:
37                 if i+2<len(nums) and nums[i+2] == nums[i]:
38                     res.append([a,nums[i],nums[i],nums[i]])
39                 break
40             res.extend(self.twoSum(nums[i+1:],target-nums[i],a,nums[i]))
41         return res
43     def twoSum(self,nums,target,a,b):
44         res = []
45         if len(nums)<2 or 2*nums[0]>target or 2*nums[-1]<target:
46             return res
47         i,j = 0,len(nums)-1
48         while i<j:
49             sum_temp = nums[i]+nums[j]
50             if sum_temp == target:
51                 res.append([a,b,nums[i],nums[j]])
52                 i += 1
53                 j -= 1
54             elif sum_temp > target:
55                 j -= 1
56             else:
57                 i += 1
58             while i>0 and i<len(nums) and nums[i]==nums[i-1]:
59                 i += 1
60             while j>0 and j<len(nums)-1 and nums[j]==nums[j+1]:
61                 j -= 1
62         return res





31. Next Permutation【Medium】   返回目录




[1,2,3] --> [1,3,2], [2,1,3], [2,3,1], [3,1,2], [3,2,1] --> [1,2,3]




1 2 7 4 3 1   -->    1 3 1 2 4 7 


1 2 7 4 3 1         然后从后面往前找到第一个大于2的数字,也就是3,这里是想说第二个位置2后面的已经全排列完了,可以换成3了

1 3 7 4 2 1   换成三后面的又要重新进行全排列,全排列最后一个是逆序,第一个是顺序,所以只需要将3后面的翻转一下就可以

1 3 1 2 4 7


 1 def nextPermutation(self, nums):
 2         """
 3         :type nums: List[int]
 4         :rtype: void Do not return anything, modify nums in-place instead.
 5         """
 6         a = -1
 7         for i in range(len(nums)-1,0,-1):
 8             if nums[i] > nums[i-1]:
 9                 a = i-1
10                 break
11         if a==-1:
12             return nums.reverse()
13         b = a+1
14         for j in range(len(nums)-1,a,-1):
15             if nums[j]>nums[a]:
16                 b = j
17                 break
18         nums[a],nums[b] = nums[b],nums[a]
19         i,j = a+1,len(nums)-1
20         while i<j:
21             nums[i],nums[j] = nums[j],nums[i]
22             i += 1
23             j -= 1




33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array【Medium】   返回目录






直接暴力搜索,O(N)  我以为会超时,结果Accepted    可以没有利用到给定数组的特性,如果是升序数组的话可以用二分法是O(logN), 所以可以设计一个改进版二分法来处理这个问题


a)mid如果在左边 :  target在mid左  high=mid-1    target在mid右  low=mid+1

b)mid如果在右边 :   target在mid左  high=mid-1    target在mid右  low=mid+1


code:(暴力法)     beat  16.87%

 1 def search(self, nums, target):
 2         """
 3         :type nums: List[int]
 4         :type target: int
 5         :rtype: int
 6         """
 7         for i in range(len(nums)):
 8             if nums[i] == target:
 9                 return i
10         return -1


code:(改进二分法)     beat 25.32%

 1 def search(self, nums, target):
 2         """
 3         :type nums: List[int]
 4         :type target: int
 5         :rtype: int
 6         """
 7         if len(nums) < 1:
 8             return -1
 9         low,high = 0, len(nums)-1
10         while(low<high):
11             mid = (low + high) // 2 
12             if nums[mid] == target:
13                 return mid
14             if nums[low] <= nums[mid]:
15                 if target >= nums[low] and target < nums[mid]:
16                     high = mid - 1
17                 else:
18                     low = mid + 1
19             else:
20                 if target > nums[mid] and target <= nums[high]:
21                     low = mid + 1
22                 else:
23                     high = mid -1
24         if nums[low] == target:
25             return low
26         else:
27             return -1





34. Search for a Range 【Medium】    返回目录







code:  beat 21.43%


 1 def searchRange(self, nums, target):
 2         """
 3         :type nums: List[int]
 4         :type target: int
 5         :rtype: List[int]
 6         """
 7         if len(nums) < 1:
 8             return [-1,-1]
 9         low,high = 0,len(nums)-1
10         if nums[0]>target or nums[-1]<target:
11             return [-1,-1]
12         while(low <= high):
13             mid = (low+high)//2
14             if nums[mid] < target:
15                 low = mid + 1
16             elif nums[mid] == target: 
17                 b = mid
18                 high = mid - 1
19             else:
20                 high = mid - 1
21         if nums[high+1] != target:
22             return [-1,-1]
23         a = high+1
24         high = len(nums)-1
25         while(low <= high):
26             mid = (low+high)//2
27             if nums[mid] > target:
28                 high = mid - 1
29             else:
30                 low = mid + 1
31         return [a,low-1]






39. Combination Sum 【Medium】  返回目录





搜索+回溯  这道题很经典,理清楚怎么递归和回溯很重要







code:    参考的别人写的代码     beat 69.7% (大神就是厉害)

 1   def combinationSum(self, candidates, target):
 2         """
 3         :type candidates: List[int]
 4         :type target: int
 5         :rtype: List[List[int]]                             
 6         """
 7         res = []
 8         self.dfs(candidates,target,0,[],res)
 9         return res
10     def dfs(self,nums,target,index,path,res):
11         if target<0:
12             return 
13         elif target==0:
14             res.append(path)
15             return
16         else:
17             for i in range(index,len(nums)):
18                 self.dfs(nums,target-nums[i],i,path+[nums[i]],res)




code:   beat 68.18%

 1 def combinationSum(self, candidates, target):
 2         """
 3         :type candidates: List[int]
 4         :type target: int
 5         :rtype: List[List[int]]                             
 6         """
 7         res = []
 8         self.dfs(candidates,target,0,[],res)
 9         return res
10     def dfs(self,nums,target,index,path,res):
11         if target<0:
12             return 
13         elif target==0:
14             res.append(path[:])
15             return
16         else:
17             for i in range(index,len(nums)):
18                 path.append(nums[i])
19                 self.dfs(nums,target-nums[i],i,path,res)
20                 path.pop()


而且我今天还对python中的赋值机制进行了深入的学习,起因是第14行代码 如果直接写成 res.append(path)的话,后面修改path是在原地址上修改,起不到保存结果的作用,所以用path[:]切片操作,相当于创建了一个新的对象进行保存,就可以让代码正常运行了

学习链接是: https://my.oschina.net/leejun2005/blog/145911  这个博客解释得相当清楚



40. Combination Sum II 【Medium】  返回目录



题目:  同39  只是要求一个数只能用一次,所以只是循环的时候要求index+1,具体细节看39题

code:   beat 73.81%

 1   def combinationSum2(self, candidates, target):
 2         """
 3         :type candidates: List[int]
 4         :type target: int
 5         :rtype: List[List[int]]
 6         """
 7         res = []
 8         candidates.sort()
 9         print(candidates)
10         self.dfs(candidates,target,[],0,res)
11         return res
12     def dfs(self,nums,target,path,index,res):
13         if target<0:
14             return
15         elif target==0:
16             res.append(path)
17             return
18         else:
19             for i in range(index,len(nums)):
20                 if i>index and nums[i]==nums[i-1]:
21                     continue
22                 self.dfs(nums,target-nums[i],path+[nums[i]],i+1,res)





48. Rotate Image 【Medium】   返回目录









code:  beat 70.69%  完全自己写的,好有成就感哈哈哈~

1 def rotate(self, matrix):
2         """
3         :type matrix: List[List[int]]
4         :rtype: void Do not return anything, modify matrix in-place instead.
5         """
6         n = len(matrix)-1
7         for i in range(n//2+1):
8             for j in range(n-2*i):
9                 matrix[i][i+j],matrix[i+j][n-i],matrix[n-i][n-i-j],matrix[n-i-j][i] = matrix[n-i-j][i],matrix[i][i+j],matrix[i+j][n-i],matrix[n-i][n-i-j]




code:     比我的解法简单太多了,膜拜大神

 1 def rotate(self, matrix):
 2         """
 3         :type matrix: List[List[int]]
 4         :rtype: void Do not return anything, modify matrix in-place instead.
 5         """
 6         \'\'\'
 7         clockwise rotate
 8 以上是关于leetcode解题笔记--part1--array的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

LeetCode 解题笔记字符串

LeetCode 解题笔记字符串

LeetCode 解题笔记字符串

LeetCode笔记:Weekly Contest 275

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