Posted 尹正杰

[ ~]# help for for: for NAME [in WORDS ... ] ; do COMMANDS; done Execute commands for each member in a list. The `for\' loop executes a sequence of commands for each member in a list of items. If `in WORDS ...;\' is not present, then `in "$@"\' is assumed. For each element in WORDS, NAME is set to that element, and the COMMANDS are executed. Exit Status: Returns the status of the last command executed. for ((: for (( exp1; exp2; exp3 )); do COMMANDS; done Arithmetic for loop. Equivalent to (( EXP1 )) while (( EXP2 )); do COMMANDS (( EXP3 )) done EXP1, EXP2, and EXP3 are arithmetic expressions. If any expression is omitted, it behaves as if it evaluates to 1. Exit Status: Returns the status of the last command executed. [ ~]# [ ~]#
for 变量 in 值1 值2 值3 ... do 源代码 done
也可以写成一行,案例如下: [ ~]# for i in {1..100};do let sum1+=i;done;echo sum=$sum1; sum=5050 [ ~]#
for (( 初始值;循环控制条件;变量变化 )) do 源代码 done
也可以写成一行,案例如下: [ ~]# for((sum=0,i=1;i<=100;i++));do let sum2+=i;done;echo sum=$sum2 sum=5050 [ ~]#
依次将列表中的元素赋值给“变量名”; 每次赋值后即执行一次循环体; 直到列表中的元素耗尽,循环结束
[ ~]# cat shell/ #!/bin/bash # #******************************************************************** #Author: yinzhengjie #QQ: 1053419035 #Date: 2019-11-25 #FileName: shell/ #URL: #Description: The test script #Copyright notice: original works, no reprint! Otherwise, legal liability will be investigated. #******************************************************************** declare -i count=1 for i in 1 a 3 b 5 c 7 do echo "arg $count is $i" count=count+1 done [ ~]#

[ ~]# bash shell/ arg 1 is 1 arg 2 is a arg 3 is 3 arg 4 is b arg 5 is 5 arg 6 is c arg 7 is 7 [ ~]#
[ ~]# cat shell/ #!/bin/bash # #******************************************************************** #Author: yinzhengjie #QQ: 1053419035 #Date: 2019-11-25 #FileName: shell/ #URL: #Description: The test script #Copyright notice: original works, no reprint! Otherwise, legal liability will be investigated. #******************************************************************** declare -i count=1 for i in {A..z} do echo "arg $count is $i" count=count+1 done [ ~]#

[ ~]# bash shell/ arg 1 is A arg 2 is B arg 3 is C arg 4 is D arg 5 is E arg 6 is F arg 7 is G arg 8 is H arg 9 is I arg 10 is J arg 11 is K arg 12 is L arg 13 is M arg 14 is N arg 15 is O arg 16 is P arg 17 is Q arg 18 is R arg 19 is S arg 20 is T arg 21 is U arg 22 is V arg 23 is W arg 24 is X arg 25 is Y arg 26 is Z arg 27 is [ arg 28 is arg 29 is ] arg 30 is ^ arg 31 is _ arg 32 is ` arg 33 is a arg 34 is b arg 35 is c arg 36 is d arg 37 is e arg 38 is f arg 39 is g arg 40 is h arg 41 is i arg 42 is j arg 43 is k arg 44 is l arg 45 is m arg 46 is n arg 47 is o arg 48 is p arg 49 is q arg 50 is r arg 51 is s arg 52 is t arg 53 is u arg 54 is v arg 55 is w arg 56 is x arg 57 is y arg 58 is z [ ~]#
[ ~]# cat shell/ #!/bin/bash # #******************************************************************** #Author: yinzhengjie #QQ: 1053419035 #Date: 2019-11-25 #FileName: shell/ #URL: #Description: The test script #Copyright notice: original works, no reprint! Otherwise, legal liability will be investigated. #******************************************************************** declare -i count=1 for i in `seq 100 3 200` do echo "arg $count is $i" count=count+1 done [ ~]#

[ ~]# bash shell/ arg 1 is 100 arg 2 is 103 arg 3 is 106 arg 4 is 109 arg 5 is 112 arg 6 is 115 arg 7 is 118 arg 8 is 121 arg 9 is 124 arg 10 is 127 arg 11 is 130 arg 12 is 133 arg 13 is 136 arg 14 is 139 arg 15 is 142 arg 16 is 145 arg 17 is 148 arg 18 is 151 arg 19 is 154 arg 20 is 157 arg 21 is 160 arg 22 is 163 arg 23 is 166 arg 24 is 169 arg 25 is 172 arg 26 is 175 arg 27 is 178 arg 28 is 181 arg 29 is 184 arg 30 is 187 arg 31 is 190 arg 32 is 193 arg 33 is 196 arg 34 is 199 [ ~]#
[ ~]# cat shell/ #!/bin/bash # #******************************************************************** #Author: yinzhengjie #QQ: 1053419035 #Date: 2019-11-25 #FileName: shell/ #URL: #Description: The test script #Copyright notice: original works, no reprint! Otherwise, legal liability will be investigated. #******************************************************************** declare -i count=1 for i in /etc/profile.d/*.sh do echo "arg $count is $i" count=count+1 done [ ~]#

[ ~]# bash shell/ arg 1 is /etc/profile.d/ arg 2 is /etc/profile.d/ arg 3 is /etc/profile.d/ arg 4 is /etc/profile.d/ arg 5 is /etc/profile.d/ arg 6 is /etc/profile.d/ arg 7 is /etc/profile.d/ arg 8 is /etc/profile.d/ arg 9 is /etc/profile.d/ arg 10 is /etc/profile.d/ arg 11 is /etc/profile.d/ [ ~]#
[ ~]# cat shell/ #!/bin/bash # #******************************************************************** #Author: yinzhengjie #QQ: 1053419035 #Date: 2019-11-25 #FileName: shell/ #URL: #Description: The test script #Copyright notice: original works, no reprint! Otherwise, legal liability will be investigated. #******************************************************************** declare -i count=1 for i in $@ do echo "arg $count is $i" count=count+1 done [ ~]#

[ ~]# bash shell/ python java golang shell c++ php arg 1 is python arg 2 is java arg 3 is golang arg 4 is shell arg 5 is c++ arg 6 is php [ ~]#

[ ~]# vim shell/ [ ~]# cat shell/ #!/bin/bash # #******************************************************************** #Author: yinzhengjie #QQ: 1053419035 #Date: 2019-11-25 #FileName: shell/ #URL: #Description: The test script #Copyright notice: original works, no reprint! Otherwise, legal liability will be investigated. #******************************************************************** sum=0 for i in {1..100};do let sum=sum+i done echo "1到100的和为: $sum" [ ~]# bash shell/ 1到100的和为: 5050 [ ~]#

[ ~]# vim shell/ [ ~]# [ ~]# cat shell/ #!/bin/bash # #******************************************************************** #Author: yinzhengjie #QQ: 1053419035 #Date: 2019-11-25 #FileName: shell/ #URL: #Description: The test script #Copyright notice: original works, no reprint! Otherwise, legal liability will be investigated. #******************************************************************** sum=0 for i in {1..100};do let sum=$[sum+i] done echo "1到100的和为: $sum" [ ~]# [ ~]# bash shell/ 1到100的和为: 5050 [ ~]#

[ ~]# vim shell/ [ ~]# cat shell/ #!/bin/bash # #******************************************************************** #Author: yinzhengjie #QQ: 1053419035 #Date: 2019-11-25 #FileName: shell/ #URL: #Description: The test script #Copyright notice: original works, no reprint! Otherwise, legal liability will be investigated. #******************************************************************** sum=0 for i in {1..100};do let sum=$((sum+i)) done echo "1到100的和为: $sum" [ ~]# [ ~]# bash shell/ 1到100的和为: 5050 [ ~]#

[ ~]# vim shell/ [ ~]# [ ~]# cat shell/ #!/bin/bash # #******************************************************************** #Author: yinzhengjie #QQ: 1053419035 #Date: 2019-11-25 #FileName: shell/ #URL: #Description: The test script #Copyright notice: original works, no reprint! Otherwise, legal liability will be investigated. #******************************************************************** declare -i sum=0 for i in {1..100};do sum=sum+i done echo "1到100的和为: $sum" [ ~]# [ ~]# bash shell/ 1到100的和为: 5050 [ ~]#

[ ~]# cat shell/ #!/bin/bash # #******************************************************************** #Author: yinzhengjie #QQ: 1053419035 #Date: 2019-11-25 #FileName: shell/ #URL: #Description: The test script #Copyright notice: original works, no reprint! Otherwise, legal liability will be investigated. #******************************************************************** sum=0 read -t 30 -p "Please enter the start number>>> " StartNumber read -t 30 -p "Please enter an end number>>> " EndNumber for ((i=$StartNumber;i<=$EndNumber;i=i+1)) do sum=$(($sum+$i)) done echo "从$StartNumber加到$EndNumber的总和是:$sum" [ ~]# [ ~]# bash shell/ Please enter the start number>>> 1 Please enter an end number>>> 100 从1加到100的总和是:5050 [ ~]# [ ~]#

[ ~]# cat shell/ #!/bin/bash # #******************************************************************** #Author: yinzhengjie #QQ: 1053419035 #Date: 2019-11-25 #FileName: shell/ #URL: #Description: The test script #Copyright notice: original works, no reprint! Otherwise, legal liability will be investigated. #******************************************************************** sum=1 for i in {9..1} do let sum=(sum+1)*2 done echo "桃子的个数是: $sum" unset sum [ ~]# [ ~]# bash shell/ 桃子的个数是: 1534 [ ~]#

[ ~]# cat shell/ #!/bin/bash # #******************************************************************** #Author: yinzhengjie #QQ: 1053419035 #Date: 2019-11-25 #FileName: shell/ #URL: #Description: The test script #Copyright notice: original works, no reprint! Otherwise, legal liability will be investigated. #******************************************************************** read -p "请输入天数: " day read -p "请输入最后一天剩余个数: " sum let day=day-1 for i in `seq 1 $day` do let sum=(sum+1)*2 done echo "桃子的个数是: $sum" unset sum [ ~]# [ ~]# bash shell/ 请输入天数: 10 请输入最后一天剩余个数: 1 桃子的个数是: 1534 [ ~]# bash shell/ 请输入天数: 32 请输入最后一天剩余个数: 2 桃子的个数是: 8589934590 [ ~]#

[ ~]# ll ~/backup/ total Shell ❀ 函数与数组