LeetCode Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists
Posted Dylan_Java_NYC
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了LeetCode Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
Suppose Andy and Doris want to choose a restaurant for dinner, and they both have a list of favorite restaurants represented by strings.
You need to help them find out their common interest with the least list index sum. If there is a choice tie between answers, output all of them with no order requirement. You could assume there always exists an answer.
Example 1:
Input: ["Shogun", "Tapioca Express", "Burger King", "KFC"] ["Piatti", "The Grill at Torrey Pines", "Hungry Hunter Steakhouse", "Shogun"] Output: ["Shogun"] Explanation: The only restaurant they both like is "Shogun".
Example 2:
Input: ["Shogun", "Tapioca Express", "Burger King", "KFC"] ["KFC", "Shogun", "Burger King"] Output: ["Shogun"] Explanation: The restaurant they both like and have the least index sum is "Shogun" with index sum 1 (0+1).
- The length of both lists will be in the range of [1, 1000].
- The length of strings in both lists will be in the range of [1, 30].
- The index is starting from 0 to the list length minus 1.
- No duplicates in both lists.
把list1的element 和对应的index放进HashMap<String, Integer> hm中. 再iterate list2, 如果list2的element在hm中比较index相加是否比minIndexSum小,若比minIndexSum小,清空res重新加, 更新minIndexSum. 若相等直接加进res中.
Time Complexity: O(list1.length + list2.length)
Space: O(list1.length).
AC Java:
1 class Solution { 2 public String[] findRestaurant(String[] list1, String[] list2) { 3 List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>(); 4 int minIndexSum = Integer.MAX_VALUE; 5 HashMap<String, Integer> hm = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); 6 for(int i = 0; i<list1.length; i++){ 7 hm.put(list1[i], i); 8 } 9 10 for(int j = 0; j<list2.length; j++){ 11 if(hm.containsKey(list2[j])){ 12 int i = hm.get(list2[j]); 13 if(i+j < minIndexSum){ 14 res.clear(); 15 res.add(list2[j]); 16 minIndexSum = i+j; 17 }else if(i+j == minIndexSum){ 18 res.add(list2[j]); 19 } 20 } 21 } 22 23 return res.toArray(new String[res.size()]); 24 } 25 }
以上是关于LeetCode Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
[LeetCode] 599. Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists
[leetcode-599-Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists]
LeetCode 599. Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists
leetcode-599-Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists