adb push报错‘read-only file system‘

Posted feiniao8651


篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了adb push报错‘read-only file system‘相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


@echo off
adb root
adb push hosts /etc/

adb已经获取到root权限,当尝试替换/etc/hosts文件,在执行adb push命令时,报错:read-only file system。

adb: error: failed to copy 'hosts' to '/etc/hosts': remote Read-only file system


adb root
adb shell mount -o remount /system
adb push hosts /etc/

以上是关于adb push报错‘read-only file system‘的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

adb pull 和adb push后Read-Only file system的解决方法

adb push 失败提示 ‘Read-only file system’

我的手机,在使用 adb push 命令的时候提示 **** Read-only file system. 怎么获取手机的操作权限?

adb传输文件报错couldn‘t create file:Read-only file system

adb传输文件报错couldn‘t create file:Read-only file system

adb传输文件报错couldn‘t create file:Read-only file system