
Posted zf04295




public class XssFilter implements Filter

     * 排除链接
    public List<String> excludes = new ArrayList<>();

    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException
//        String tempExcludes = filterConfig.getInitParameter("excludes");
//        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(tempExcludes))
//            String[] url = tempExcludes.split(",");
//            for (int i = 0; url != null && i < url.length; i++)
//                excludes.add(url[i]);

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain)
            throws IOException, ServletException
        HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) request;
        HttpServletResponse resp = (HttpServletResponse) response;
//        if (handleExcludeURL(req, resp))
//            chain.doFilter(request, response);
//            return;
        XssHttpServletRequestWrapper xssRequest = new XssHttpServletRequestWrapper((HttpServletRequest) request);
        chain.doFilter(xssRequest, response);

    private boolean handleExcludeURL(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        String url = request.getServletPath();
        String method = request.getMethod();
        // GET DELETE 不过滤
        if (method == null || method.matches("GET") || method.matches("DELETE"))
            return true;
        return true;

    public void destroy()



public class XssHttpServletRequestWrapper extends HttpServletRequestWrapper

     * @param request
    public XssHttpServletRequestWrapper(HttpServletRequest request)

    public String[] getParameterValues(String name)
        String[] values = super.getParameterValues(name);
        if (values != null)
            int length = values.length;
            String[] escapseValues = new String[length];
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                // 防xss攻击和过滤前后空格
                escapseValues[i] = EscapeUtil.clean(values[i]).trim();
            return escapseValues;
        return super.getParameterValues(name);

    public ServletInputStream getInputStream() throws IOException
        // 非json类型,直接返回
        if (!isJsonRequest())
            return super.getInputStream();

        // 为空,直接返回
        String json = IOUtils.toString(super.getInputStream(), "utf-8");
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(json))
            return super.getInputStream();

        // xss过滤
        json = EscapeUtil.clean(json).trim();
        final byte[] jsonBytes = json.getBytes("utf-8");
        final ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(jsonBytes);
        return new ServletInputStream()
            public int available() throws IOException
                return jsonBytes.length;
            public int read() throws IOException
                return bis.read();

     * 是否是Json请求
    public boolean isJsonRequest()
        String header = super.getHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE);
        return StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(header, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE);


package common.util;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

 * 转义和反转义工具类 
 * @author ruoyi
public class EscapeUtil

    public static final String RE_html_MARK = "(<[^<]*?>)|(<[\\\\s]*?/[^<]*?>)|(<[^<]*?/[\\\\s]*?>)";

    private static final char[][] TEXT = new char[64][];

        for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
            TEXT[i] = new char[]  (char) i ;

        // special HTML characters
        TEXT['\\''] = "&#039;".toCharArray(); // 单引号
        TEXT['"'] = "&#34;".toCharArray(); // 双引号
        TEXT['&'] = "&#38;".toCharArray(); // &符
        TEXT['<'] = "&#60;".toCharArray(); // 小于号
        TEXT['>'] = "&#62;".toCharArray(); // 大于号

     * 转义文本中的HTML字符为安全的字符
     * @param text 被转义的文本
     * @return 转义后的文本
    public static String escape(String text)
        return encode(text);

     * 还原被转义的HTML特殊字符
     * @param content 包含转义符的HTML内容
     * @return 转换后的字符串
    public static String unescape(String content)
        return decode(content);

     * 清除所有HTML标签,但是不删除标签内的内容
     * @param content 文本
     * @return 清除标签后的文本
    public static String clean(String content)
        return new HTMLFilter().filter(content);

     * Escape编码
     * @param text 被编码的文本
     * @return 编码后的字符
    private static String encode(String text)
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(text))
            return StringUtils.EMPTY;

        final StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder(text.length() * 6);
        char c;
        for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++)
            c = text.charAt(i);
            if (c < 256)
                if (c < 16)
                tmp.append(Integer.toString(c, 16));
                if (c <= 0xfff)
                    // issue#I49JU8@Gitee
                tmp.append(Integer.toString(c, 16));
        return tmp.toString();

     * Escape解码
     * @param content 被转义的内容
     * @return 解码后的字符串
    public static String decode(String content)
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(content))
            return content;

        StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder(content.length());
        int lastPos = 0, pos = 0;
        char ch;
        while (lastPos < content.length())
            pos = content.indexOf("%", lastPos);
            if (pos == lastPos)
                if (content.charAt(pos + 1) == 'u')
                    ch = (char) Integer.parseInt(content.substring(pos + 2, pos + 6), 16);
                    lastPos = pos + 6;
                    ch = (char) Integer.parseInt(content.substring(pos + 1, pos + 3), 16);
                    lastPos = pos + 3;
                if (pos == -1)
                    lastPos = content.length();
                    tmp.append(content.substring(lastPos, pos));
                    lastPos = pos;
        return tmp.toString();

    public static void main(String[] args)
        String html = "<script>alert(document.cookie());</script>";
        String escape = EscapeUtil.escape(html);
        // String html = "<scr<script>ipt>alert(\\"XSS\\")</scr<script>ipt>";
        // String html = "<123";
        // String html = "123>";
        System.out.println("clean: " + EscapeUtil.clean(html));
        System.out.println("escape: " + escape);
        System.out.println("unescape: " + EscapeUtil.unescape(escape));


package common.util;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * HTML过滤器,用于去除XSS漏洞隐患。
 * @author ruoyi
public final class HTMLFilter

     * regex flag union representing /si modifiers in php
    private static final int REGEX_FLAGS_SI = Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL;
    private static final Pattern P_COMMENTS = Pattern.compile("<!--(.*?)-->", Pattern.DOTALL);
    private static final Pattern P_COMMENT = Pattern.compile("^!--(.*)--$", REGEX_FLAGS_SI);
    private static final Pattern P_TAGS = Pattern.compile("<(.*?)>", Pattern.DOTALL);
    private static final Pattern P_END_TAG = Pattern.compile("^/([a-z0-9]+)", REGEX_FLAGS_SI);
    private static final Pattern P_START_TAG = Pattern.compile("^([a-z0-9]+)(.*?)(/?)$", REGEX_FLAGS_SI);
    private static final Pattern P_QUOTED_ATTRIBUTES = Pattern.compile("([a-z0-9]+)=([\\"'])(.*?)\\\\2", REGEX_FLAGS_SI);
    private static final Pattern P_UNQUOTED_ATTRIBUTES = Pattern.compile("([a-z0-9]+)(=)([^\\"\\\\s']+)", REGEX_FLAGS_SI);
    private static final Pattern P_PROTOCOL = Pattern.compile("^([^:]+):", REGEX_FLAGS_SI);
    private static final Pattern P_ENTITY = Pattern.compile("&#(\\\\d+);?");
    private static final Pattern P_ENTITY_UNICODE = Pattern.compile("&#x([0-9a-f]+);?");
    private static final Pattern P_ENCODE = Pattern.compile("%([0-9a-f]2);?");
    private static final Pattern P_VALID_ENTITIES = Pattern.compile("&([^&;]*)(?=(;|&|$))");
    private static final Pattern P_VALID_QUOTES = Pattern.compile("(>|^)([^<]+?)(<|$)", Pattern.DOTALL);
    private static final Pattern P_END_ARROW = Pattern.compile("^>");
    private static final Pattern P_BODY_TO_END = Pattern.compile("<([^>]*?)(?=<|$)");
    private static final Pattern P_XML_CONTENT = Pattern.compile("(^|>)([^<]*?)(?=>)");
    private static final Pattern P_STRAY_LEFT_ARROW = Pattern.compile("<([^>]*?)(?=<|$)");
    private static final Pattern P_STRAY_RIGHT_ARROW = Pattern.compile("(^|>)([^<]*?)(?=>)");
    private static final Pattern P_AMP = Pattern.compile("&");
    private static final Pattern P_QUOTE = Pattern.compile("\\"");
    private static final Pattern P_LEFT_ARROW = Pattern.compile("<");
    private static final Pattern P_RIGHT_ARROW = Pattern.compile(">");
    private static final Pattern P_BOTH_ARROWS = Pattern.compile("<>");

    // @xxx could grow large... maybe use sesat's ReferenceMap
    private static final ConcurrentMap<String, Pattern> P_REMOVE_PAIR_BLANKS = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    private static final ConcurrentMap<String, Pattern> P_REMOVE_SELF_BLANKS = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

     * set of allowed html elements, along with allowed attributes for each element
    private final Map<String, List<String>> vAllowed;
     * counts of open tags for each (allowable) html element
    private final Map<String, Integer> vTagCounts = new HashMap<>();

     * html elements which must always be self-closing (e.g. "<img />")
    private final String[] vSelfClosingTags;
     * html elements which must always have separate opening and closing tags (e.g. "<b></b>")
    private final String[] vNeedClosingTags;
     * set of disallowed html elements
    private final String[] vDisallowed;
     * attributes which should be checked for valid protocols
    private final String[] vProtocolAtts;
     * allowed protocols
    private final String[] vAllowedProtocols;
     * tags which should be removed if they contain no content (e.g. "<b></b>" or "<b />")
    private final String[] vRemoveBlanks;
     * entities allowed within html markup
    private final String[] vAllowedEntities;
     * flag determining whether comments are allowed in input String.
    private final boolean stripComment;
    private final boolean encodeQuotes;
     * flag determining whether to try to make tags when presented with "unbalanced" angle brackets (e.g. "<b text </b>"
     * becomes "<b> text </b>"). If set to false, unbalanced angle brackets will be html escaped.
    private final boolean alwaysMakeTags;

     * Default constructor.
    public HTMLFilter()
        vAllowed = new HashMap<>();

        final ArrayList<String> a_atts = new ArrayList<>();
        vAllowed.put("a", a_atts);

        final ArrayList<String> img_atts = new ArrayList<>();
        vAllowed.put("img", img_atts);

        final ArrayList<String> no_atts = new ArrayList<>();
        vAllowed.put("b", no_atts);
        vAllowed.put("strong", no_atts);
        vAllowed.put("i", no_atts);
        vAllowed.put("em", no_atts);

        vSelfClosingTags = new String[]  "img" ;
        vNeedClosingTags = new String[]  "a", "b", "strong", "i", "em" ;
        vDisallowed = new String[] ;
        vAllowedProtocols = new String[]  "http", "mailto", "https" ; // no ftp.
        vProtocolAtts = new String[]  "src", "href" ;
        vRemoveBlanks = new String[]  "a", "b", "strong", "i", "em" ;
        vAllowedEntities = new String[]  "amp", "gt", "lt", "quot" ;
        stripComment = true;
        encodeQuotes = true;
        alwaysMakeTags = false;

     * Map-parameter configurable constructor.
     * @param conf map containing configuration. keys match field names.
    public HTMLFilter(final Map<String, Object> conf)

        assert conf.containsKey("vAllowed") : "configuration requires vAllowed";
        assert conf.containsKey("vSelfClosingTags") : "configuration requires vSelfClosingTags";
        assert conf.containsKey("vNeedClosingTags") : "configuration requires vNeedClosingTags";
        assert conf.containsKey("vDisallowed") : "configuration requires vDisallowed";
        assert conf.containsKey("vAllowedProtocols") : "configuration requires vAllowedProtocols";
        assert conf.containsKey("vProtocolAtts") : "configuration requires vProtocolAtts";
        assert conf.containsKey("vRemoveBlanks") : "configuration requires vRemoveBlanks";
        assert conf.containsKey("vAllowedEntities") : "configuration requires vAllowedEntities";

        vAllowed = Collections.unmodifiableMap((HashMap<String, List<String>>) conf.get("vAllowed"));
        vSelfClosingTags = (String[]) conf.get("vSelfClosingTags");
        vNeedClosingTags = (String[]) conf.get("vNeedClosingTags");
        vDisallowed = (String[]) conf.get("vDisallowed");
        vAllowedProtocols = (String[]) conf.get("vAllowedProtocols");
        vProtocolAtts = (String[]) conf.get("vProtocolAtts");
        vRemoveBlanks = (String[]) conf.get("vRemoveBlanks");
        vAllowedEntities = (String[]) conf.get("vAllowedEntities");
        stripComment = conf.containsKey("stripComment") ? (Boolean) conf.get("stripComment") : true;
        encodeQuotes = conf.containsKey("encodeQuotes") ? (Boolean) conf.get("encodeQuotes") : true;
        alwaysMakeTags = conf.containsKey("alwaysMakeTags") ? (Boolean) conf.get("alwaysMakeTags") : true;

    private void reset()

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------
    // my versions of some PHP library functions
    public static String chr(final int decimal)
        return String.valueOf((char) decimal);

    public static String htmlSpecialChars(final String s)
        String result = s;
        result = regexReplace(P_AMP, "&amp;", result);
        result = regexReplace(P_QUOTE, "&quot;", result);
        result = regexReplace(P_LEFT_ARROW, "&lt;", result);
        result = regexReplace(P_RIGHT_ARROW, "&gt;", result);
        return result;

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------

     * given a user submitted input String, filter out any invalid or restricted html.
     * @param input text (i.e. submitted by a user) than may contain html
     * @return "clean" version of input, with only valid, whitelisted html elements allowed
    public String filter(final String input)
        String s = input;

        s = escapeComments(s);

        s = balanceHTML(s);

        s = checkTags(s);

        s = processRemoveBlanks(s);

        // s = validateEntities(s);

        return s;

    public boolean isAlwaysMakeTags()
        return alwaysMakeTags;

    public boolean isStripComments()
        return stripComment;

    private String escapeComments(final String s)
        final Matcher m = P_COMMENTS.matcher(s);
        final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        if (m.find())
            final String match = m.group(1); // (.*?)
            m.appendReplacement(buf, Matcher.quoteReplacement("<!--" + htmlSpecialChars(match) + "-->"));

        return buf.toString();

    private String balanceHTML(String s)
        if (alwaysMakeTags)
            // try and form html
            s = regexReplace(P_END_ARROW, "", s);
            // 不追加结束标签
            s = regexReplace(P_BODY_TO_END, "<$1>", s);
            s = regexReplace(P_XML_CONTENT, "$1<$2", s);

            // escape stray brackets
            s = regexReplace(P_STRAY_LEFT_ARROW, "&lt;$1", s);
            s = regexReplace(P_STRAY_RIGHT_ARROW, "$1$2&gt;<", s);

            // the last regexp causes '<>' entities to appear
            // (we need to do a lookahead assertion so that the last bracket can
            // be used in the next pass of the regexp)
            s = regexReplace(P_BOTH_ARROWS, "", s);

        return s;

    private String checkTags(String s)
        Matcher m = P_TAGS.matcher(s);

        final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        while (m.find())
            String replaceStr = m.group(1);
            replaceStr = processTag(replaceStr);
            m.appendReplacement(buf, Matcher.quoteReplacement(replaceStr));

        // these get tallied in processTag
        // (remember to reset before subsequent calls to filter method)
        final StringBuilder sBuilder = new StringBuilder(buf.toString());
        for (String key : vTagCounts.keySet())
            for (int ii = 0; ii < vTagCounts.get(key); ii++)
        s = sBuilder.toString();

        return s;

    private String processRemoveBlanks(final String s)
        String result = s;
        for (String tag : vRemoveBlanks)
            if (!P_REMOVE_PAIR_BLANKS.containsKey(tag))
                P_REMOVE_PAIR_BLANKS.putIfAbsent(tag, Pattern.compile("<" + tag + "(\\\\s[^>]*)?></" + tag + ">"));
            result = regexReplace(P_REMOVE_PAIR_BLANKS.get(tag), "", result);
            if (!P_REMOVE_SELF_BLANKS.containsKey(tag))
                P_REMOVE_SELF_BLANKS.putIfAbsent(tag, Pattern.compile("<" + tag + "(\\\\s[^>]*)?/>"));
            result = regexReplace(P_REMOVE_SELF_BLANKS.get(tag), "", result);

        return result;

    private static String regexReplace(final Pattern regex_pattern, final String replacement, final String s)
        Matcher m = regex_pattern.matcher(s);
        return m.replaceAll(replacement);

    private String processTag(final String s)
        // ending tags
        Matcher m = P_END_TAG.matcher(s);
        if (m.find())
            final String name = m.group(1).toLowerCase();
            if (allowed(name))
                if (!inArray(name, vSelfClosingTags))
                    if (vTagCounts.containsKey(name))
                        vTagCounts.put(name, vTagCounts.get(name) - 1);
                        return "</" + name + ">";

        // starting tags
        m = P_START_TAG.matcher(s);
        if (m.find())
            final String name = m.group(1).toLowerCase();
            final String body = m.group(2);
            String ending = m.group(3);

            // debug( "in a starting tag, name='" + name + "'; body='" + body + "'; ending='" + ending + "'" );
            if (allowed(name))
                final StringBuilder params = new StringBuilder();

                final Matcher m2 = P_QUOTED_ATTRIBUTES.matcher(body);
                final Matcher m3 = P_UNQUOTED_ATTRIBUTES.matcher(body);
                final List<String> paramNames = new ArrayList<>();
                final List<String> paramValues = new ArrayList<>();
                while (m2.find())
                    paramNames.add(m2.group(1)); // ([a-z0-9]+)
                    paramValues.add(m2.group(3)); // (.*?)
                while (m3.find())
                    paramNames.add(m3.group(1)); // ([a-z0-9]+)
                    paramValues.add(m3.group(3)); // ([^\\"\\\\s']+)

                String paramName, paramValue;
                for (int ii = 0; ii < paramNames.size(); ii++)
                    paramName = paramNames.get(ii).toLowerCase();
                    paramValue = paramValues.get(ii);

                    // debug( "paramName='" + paramName + "'" );
                    // debug( "paramValue='" + paramValue + "'" );
                    // debug( "allowed? " + vAllowed.get( name ).contains( paramName ) );

                    if (allowedAttribute(name, paramName))
                        if (inArray(paramName, vProtocolAtts))
                            paramValue = processParamProtocol(paramValue);
                        params.append(' ').append(paramName).append("=\\\\\\"").append(paramValue).append("\\"");

                if (inArray(name, vSelfClosingTags))
                    ending = " /";

                if (inArray(name, vNeedClosingTags))
                    ending = "";

                if (ending == null || ending.length() < 1)
                    if (vTagCounts.containsKey(name))
                        vTagCounts.put(name, vTagCounts.get(name) + 1);
                        vTagCounts.put(name, 1);
                    ending = " /";
                return "<" + name + params + ending + ">";
                return "";

        // comments
        m = P_COMMENT.matcher(s);
        if (!stripComment && m.find())
            return "<" + m.group() + ">";

        return "";

    private String processParamProtocol(String s)
        s = decodeEntities(s);
        final Matcher m = P_PROTOCOL.matcher(s);
        if (m.find())
            final String protocol = m.group(1);
            if (!inArray(protocol, vAllowedProtocols))
                // bad protocol, turn into local anchor link instead
                s = "#" + s.substring(protocol.length() + 1);
                if (s.startsWith("#//"))
                    s = "#" + s.substring(3);

        return s;

    private String decodeEntities(String s)
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();

        Matcher m = P_ENTITY.matcher(s);
        while (m.find())
            final String match = m.group(1);
            final int decimal = Integer.decode(match).intValue();
            m.appendReplacement(buf, Matcher.quoteReplacement(chr(decimal)));
        s = buf.toString();

        buf = new StringBuffer();
        m = P_ENTITY_UNICODE.matcher(s);
        while (m.find())
            final String match = m.group(1);
            final int decimal = Integer.valueOf(match, 16).intValue();
            m.appendReplacement(buf, Matcher.quoteReplacement(chr(decimal)));
        s = buf.toString();

        buf = new StringBuffer();
        m = P_ENCODE.matcher(s);
        while (m.find())
            final String match = m.group(1);
            final int decimal = Integer.valueOf(match, 16).intValue();
            m.appendReplacement(buf, Matcher.quoteReplacement(chr(decimal)));
        s = buf.toString();

        s = validateEntities(s);
        return s;

    private String validateEntities(final String s)
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();

        // validate entities throughout the string
        Matcher m = P_VALID_ENTITIES.matcher(s);
        while (m.find())
            final String one = m.group(1); // ([^&;]*)
            final String two = m.group(2); // (?=(;|&|$))
            m.appendReplacement(buf, Matcher.quoteReplacement(checkEntity(one, two)));

        return encodeQuotes(buf.toString());

    private String encodeQuotes(final String s)
        if (encodeQuotes)
            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
            Matcher m = P_VALID_QUOTES.matcher(s);
            while (m.find())
                final String one = m.group(1); // (>|^)
                final String two = m.group(2); // ([^<]+?)
                final String three = m.group(3); // (<|$)
                // 不替换双引号为&quot;,防止json格式无效 regexReplace(P_QUOTE, "&quot;", two)
                m.appendReplacement(buf, Matcher.quoteReplacement(one + two + three));
            return buf.toString();
            return s;

    private String checkEntity(final String preamble, final String term)

        return ";".equals(term) && isValidEntity(preamble) ? '&' + preamble : "&amp;" + preamble;

    private boolean isValidEntity(final String entity)
        return inArray(entity, vAllowedEntities);

    private static boolean inArray(final String s, final String[] array)
        for (String item : array)
            if (item != null && item.equals(s))
                return true;
        return false;

    private boolean allowed(final String name)
        return (vAllowed.isEmpty() || vAllowed.containsKey(name)) && !inArray(name, vDisallowed);

    private boolean allowedAttribute(final String name, final String paramName)
        return allowed(name) && (vAllowed.isEmpty() || vAllowed.get(name).contains(paramName));




TP5框架 《防sql注入、防xss攻击》




