libtorch c++ 使用预训练权重(以resnet为例)

Posted Mr.Q


篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了libtorch c++ 使用预训练权重(以resnet为例)相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

任务: 识别猫咪。


1. 直接使用

1.1 获取预训练权重

 1.2 libtorch直接使用pt权重

2. 间接使用

2.1 BasicBlock

2.2 实现ResNet

2.3 BottleNeck

1. 直接使用

1.1 获取预训练权重


import torch
import torchvision.models as models
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np

# input
image ="E:\\\\code\\\\c++\\\\libtorch_models\\\\data\\\\cat.jpg")  # 图片发在了build文件夹下
image = image.resize((224, 224), Image.ANTIALIAS)
image = np.asarray(image)
image = image / 255.0
image = torch.Tensor(image).unsqueeze_(dim=0)  # (b,h,w,c)
image = image.permute((0, 3, 1, 2)).float()  # (b,h,w,c) -> (b,c,h,w)

# model
model = models.resnet18(pretrained=True)
model = model.eval()
resnet = torch.jit.trace(model, torch.rand(1, 3, 224, 224))

# infer
output = resnet(image)
max_index = torch.max(output, 1)[1].item()
print(max_index)  # ImageNet1000类的类别序号'')


 1.2 libtorch直接使用pt权重

使用接口torch::jit::load 即可载入权重并获取resnet18模型。



#include <iostream>
#include <opencv.hpp>

int main()

	// load weights and model.
	auto resnet18 = torch::jit::load("E:\\\\code\\\\c++\\\\libtorch_models\\\\weights\\\\");
	assert(module != nullptr);;

	// pre
	cv::Mat image = cv::imread("E:\\\\code\\\\c++\\\\libtorch_models\\\\data\\\\cat.jpg");
	cv::resize(image, image, cv::Size(224, 224));
	torch::Tensor tensor_image = torch::from_blob(, 224, 224,3 , torch::kByte);
	tensor_image = torch::unsqueeze(tensor_image, 0).permute( 0,3,1,2 ).to(torch::kCUDA).to(torch::kFloat).div(255.0);  // (b,h,w,c) -> (b,c,h,w)
	std::cout << tensor_image.options() << std::endl;
	std::vector<torch::jit::IValue> inputs;

	// infer
	auto output = resnet18.forward(inputs).toTensor();
	auto max_result = output.max(1, true);  
	auto max_index = std::get<1>(max_result).item<float>();
	std::cout << max_index << std::endl;

	return 0;

2. 间接使用

间接使用是指基于libtorch c++ 复现一遍resnet网络,再利用前面得到的权重,初始化模型。输出结果依然是283.

#include <iostream>
#include "resnet.h"  // libtorch实现的resnet
#include <opencv.hpp>

int main()

	// load weights and model.
	ResNet resnet = resnet18(1000);  // orig net
	torch::load(resnet, "E:\\\\code\\\\c++\\\\libtorch_models\\\\weights\\\\");  // load weights.
	assert(resnet != nullptr);

	// pre
	cv::Mat image = cv::imread("E:\\\\code\\\\c++\\\\libtorch_models\\\\data\\\\cat.jpg");
	cv::resize(image, image, cv::Size(224, 224));
	torch::Tensor tensor_image = torch::from_blob(,  224, 224,3 , torch::kByte);
	tensor_image = torch::unsqueeze(tensor_image, 0).permute( 0,3,1,2 ).to(torch::kCUDA).to(torch::kFloat).div(255.0);  // (b,h,w,c) -> (b,c,h,w)
	std::cout << tensor_image.options() << std::endl;

	// infer
	auto output = resnet->forward(tensor_image);
	auto max_result = output.max(1, true);
	auto max_index = std::get<1>(max_result).item<float>();
	std::cout << max_index << std::endl;
	return 0;


2.1 BasicBlock



// resnet18 and resnet34
class BasicBlockImpl : public torch::nn::Module 
	BasicBlockImpl(int64_t in_channels, int64_t out_channels, int64_t stride, torch::nn::Sequential downsample);
	torch::Tensor forward(torch::Tensor x);
	torch::nn::Sequential downsample nullptr ;
	torch::nn::Conv2d conv1 nullptr ;
	torch::nn::BatchNorm2d bn1 nullptr ;
	torch::nn::Conv2d conv2 nullptr ;
	torch::nn::BatchNorm2d bn2 nullptr ;

// other resnet using BottleNeck
class BottleNeckImpl : public torch::nn::Module 
	BottleNeckImpl(int64_t in_channels, int64_t out_channels, int64_t stride,
		torch::nn::Sequential downsample, int groups, int base_width);
	torch::Tensor forward(torch::Tensor x);
	torch::nn::Sequential downsample nullptr ;
	torch::nn::Conv2d conv1 nullptr ;
	torch::nn::BatchNorm2d bn1 nullptr ;
	torch::nn::Conv2d conv2 nullptr ;
	torch::nn::BatchNorm2d bn2 nullptr ;
	torch::nn::Conv2d conv3 nullptr ;
	torch::nn::BatchNorm2d bn3 nullptr ;
// conv3x3+bn+relu, conv3x3+bn, 
// downsample: 用来对原始输入进行下采样.
// stride: 控制是否下采样,stride=2则是下采样,且downsample将用于对原始输入进行下采样.
BasicBlockImpl::BasicBlockImpl(int64_t in_channels, int64_t out_channels, int64_t stride, torch::nn::Sequential downsample) 
	this->downsample = downsample;
	conv1 = torch::nn::Conv2d(torch::nn::Conv2dOptions(in_channels, out_channels, 3).stride(stride).padding(1).bias(false));
	bn1 = torch::nn::BatchNorm2d(torch::nn::BatchNorm2dOptions(out_channels));
	conv2 = torch::nn::Conv2d(torch::nn::Conv2dOptions(out_channels, out_channels, 3).stride(1).padding(1).bias(false));
	bn2 = torch::nn::BatchNorm2d(torch::nn::BatchNorm2dOptions(out_channels));

	register_module("conv1", conv1);
	register_module("bn1", bn1);
	register_module("conv2", conv2);
	register_module("bn2", bn2);
	if (!downsample->is_empty()) 
		register_module("downsample", downsample);

torch::Tensor BasicBlockImpl::forward(torch::Tensor x) 
	torch::Tensor identity = x.clone();

	x = conv1->forward(x);  // scale/2. or keep scale unchange.
	x = bn1->forward(x);
	x = torch::relu(x);

	x = conv2->forward(x);
	x = bn2->forward(x);

	// 加入x的维度减半,则原始输入必须也减半。
	if (!downsample->is_empty()) identity = downsample->forward(identity);

	x += identity;
	x = torch::relu(x);
	return x;

2.2 实现ResNet




// out_channels: 每一个block输出的通道数。
// blocks: 每个layer包含的blocks数.
torch::nn::Sequential ResNetImpl::_make_layer(int64_t out_channels, int64_t blocks, int64_t stride) 
	// 1, downsampe: stride or channel
	torch::nn::Sequential downsample;
	if (stride != 1 || this->in_channels != out_channels * expansion)   // 步长等于2,或者输入通道不等于输出通道,则都是接conv操作,改变输入x的维度
		downsample = torch::nn::Sequential(
			torch::nn::Conv2d(torch::nn::Conv2dOptions(this->in_channels, out_channels * this->expansion, 1).stride(stride).padding(0).groups(1).bias(false)),
			torch::nn::BatchNorm2d(out_channels * this->expansion)
	// 2, layers: first is downsample and others are conv with 1 stride.
	torch::nn::Sequential layers;
	if (this->is_basic) 
		layers->push_back(BasicBlock(this->in_channels, out_channels, stride, downsample));  // 控制是否下采样
		this->in_channels = out_channels;  // 更新输入通道,以备下次使用
		for (int64_t i = 1; i < blocks; i++)   // 剩余的block都是in_channels == out_channels. and stride = 1. 
			layers->push_back(BasicBlock(this->in_channels, this->in_channels, 1, torch::nn::Sequential()));  // 追加多个conv3x3,且不改变维度
		layers->push_back(BottleNeck(this->in_channels, out_channels, stride, downsample, this->groups, this->base_width));
		this->in_channels = out_channels * this->expansion;  // 更新输入通道,以备下次使用
		for (int64_t i = 1; i < blocks; i++)   // 剩余的block都是in_channels == out_channels. and stride = 1. 
			layers->push_back(BottleNeck(this->in_channels, this->in_channels, 1, torch::nn::Sequential(), this->groups, this->base_width));
	return layers;


class ResNetImpl : public torch::nn::Module 
	ResNetImpl(std::vector<int> layers, int num_classes, std::string model_type,
		int groups, int width_per_group);
	torch::Tensor forward(torch::Tensor x);
	torch::nn::Sequential _make_layer(int64_t in_channels, int64_t blocks, int64_t stride = 1);
	int expansion = 1;  // 通道扩大倍数,resnet50会用到
	bool is_basic = true;  // 是BasicBlock,还是BottleNeck
	int in_channels = 64;  // 记录输入通道数
	int groups = 1, base_width = 64;
	torch::nn::Conv2d conv1 nullptr ;
	torch::nn::BatchNorm2d bn1 nullptr ;
	torch::nn::Sequential layer1 nullptr ;
	torch::nn::Sequential layer2 nullptr ;
	torch::nn::Sequential layer3 nullptr ;
	torch::nn::Sequential layer4 nullptr ;
	torch::nn::Linear fc nullptr ;
// layers: resnet18:  2, 2, 2, 2 , resnet34:  3, 4, 6, 3 , resnet50:  3, 4, 6, 3 ;
ResNetImpl::ResNetImpl(std::vector<int> layers, int num_classes = 1000, std::string model_type = "resnet18", int groups = 1, int width_per_group = 64) 
	if (model_type != "resnet18" && model_type != "resnet34")  // 即不使用BasicBlock,使用BottleNeck
		this->expansion = 4;
		is_basic = false;
	this->groups = groups;  // 1
	this->base_width = base_width;  // 64
	this->conv1 = torch::nn::Conv2d(torch::nn::Conv2dOptions(3, 64, 7).stride(2).padding(3).groups(1).bias(false));  // scale/2
	this->bn1 = torch::nn::BatchNorm2d(torch::nn::BatchNorm2dOptions(64));
	this->layer1 = torch::nn::Sequential(_make_layer(64, layers[0]));  // stride=1, scale and channels unchange
	this->layer2 = torch::nn::Sequential(_make_layer(128, layers[1], 2)); // stride=2, scale/2. channels double
	this->layer3 = torch::nn::Sequential(_make_layer(256, layers[2], 2)); // stride=2, scale/2. channels double
	this->layer4 = torch::nn::Sequential(_make_layer(512, layers[3], 2)); // stride=2, scale/2. channels double

	this->fc = torch::nn::Linear(512 * this->expansion, num_classes);
	register_module("conv1", conv1);
	register_module("bn1", bn1);
	register_module("layer1", layer1);
	register_module("layer2", layer2);
	register_module("layer3", layer3);
	register_module("layer4", layer4);
	register_module("fc", fc);

torch::Tensor ResNetImpl::forward(torch::Tensor x) 
	// 1,先是两次下采样. (b,3,224,224) -> (b,64,56,56)
	x = conv1->forward(x);  // (b,3,224,224)->(b,64,112,112)
	x = bn1->forward(x);
	x = torch::relu(x);  // feature 1
	x = torch::max_pool2d(x, 3, 2, 1);  // k=3,s=2,p=1. (b,64,112,112)->(b,64,56,56)

	x = layer1->forward(x);  // feature 2. (b,64,56,56)
	x = layer2->forward(x);  // feature 3. (b,128,28,28)
	x = layer3->forward(x);  // feature 4. (b,256,14,14)
	x = layer4->forward(x);  // feature 5. (b,512,7,7)
	x = torch::adaptive_avg_pool2d(x, 1, 1);  // (b,512,1,1)
	//x = torch::avg_pool2d(x, 7, 1);  // (b,512,1,1)
	x = x.view( x.sizes()[0], -1 );  // (b,512)
	x = fc->forward(x); // (b,1000)
	return torch::log_softmax(x, 1);  // score (负无穷,0]


// 创建不同resnet分类网络的函数
ResNet resnet18(int64_t num_classes) 
	std::vector<int> layers =  2, 2, 2, 2 ;
	ResNet model(layers, num_classes, "resnet18");
	return model;

ResNet resnet34(int64_t num_classes) 
	std::vector<int> layers =  3, 4, 6, 3 ;
	ResNet model(layers, num_classes, "resnet34");
	return model;

2.3 BottleNeck




(1)BottleNeck0: stride=1, only 4*channels;

(2)BottleNeck1: stride=1, only 4*channels;

(3)BottleNeck2: stride=2, 4*channels and scales/2

// other resnet using BottleNeck
class BottleNeckImpl : public torch::nn::Module 
	BottleNeckImpl(int64_t in_channels, int64_t out_channels, int64_t stride,
		torch::nn::Sequential downsample, int groups, int base_width);
	torch::Tensor forward(torch::Tensor x);
	torch::nn::Sequential downsample nullptr ;
	torch::nn::Conv2d conv1 nullptr ;
	torch::nn::BatchNorm2d bn1 nullptr ;
	torch::nn::Conv2d conv2 nullptr ;
	torch::nn::BatchNorm2d bn2 nullptr ;
	torch::nn::Conv2d conv3 nullptr ;
	torch::nn::BatchNorm2d bn3 nullptr ;
// stride: 控制是否下采样,stride=2则是下采样,且downsample将用于对原始输入进行下采样.
// conv1x1+bn+relu, conv3x3+bn+relu, conv1x1+bn+relu
BottleNeckImpl::BottleNeckImpl(int64_t in_channels, int64_t out_channels, int64_t stride,
	torch::nn::Sequential downsample, int groups, int base_width) 
	this->downsample = downsample;
	// 64 * (64 / 64) / 1 = 64, 128 * (64 / 64) / 1 = 128, 128 * (64 / 64) / 2 = 64.
	int width = int(out_channels * (base_width / 64.)) * groups;  // 64 * (64/64) / 1. 当前的输出通道数

	// 1x1 conv
	conv1 = torch::nn::Conv2d(torch::nn::Conv2dOptions(in_channels, width, 1).stride(1).padding(0).groups(1).bias(false));
	bn1 = torch::nn::BatchNorm2d(torch::nn::BatchNorm2dOptions(width));
	// 3x3 conv
	conv2 = torch::nn::Conv2d(torch::nn::Conv2dOptions(width, width, 3).stride(stride).padding(1).groups(groups).bias(false));
	bn2 = torch::nn::BatchNorm2d(torch::nn::BatchNorm2dOptions(width));
	// 1x1 conv
	conv3 = torch::nn::Conv2d(torch::nn::Conv2dOptions(width, out_channels * 4, 1).stride(1).padding(0).groups(1).bias(false));
	bn3 = torch::nn::BatchNorm2d(torch::nn::BatchNorm2dOptions(out_channels * 4));

	register_module("conv1", conv1);
	register_module("bn1", bn1);
	register_module("conv2", conv2);
	register_module("bn2", bn2);
	register_module("conv3", conv3);
	register_module("bn3", bn3);

	if (!downsample->is_empty()) 
		register_module("downsample", downsample);

torch::Tensor BottleNeckImpl::forward(torch::Tensor x) 
	torch::Tensor identity = x.clone();

	// conv1x1+bn+relu
	x = conv1->forward(x); 
	x = bn1->forward(x);
	x = torch::relu(x);
	// conv3x3+bn+relu
	x = conv2->forward(x);  // if stride==2, scale/2
	x = bn2->forward(x);
	x = torch::relu(x);
	// conv1x1+bn+relu
	x = conv3->forward(x);  // double channels
	x = bn3->forward(x);

	if (!downsample->is_empty()) identity = downsample->forward(identity);

	x += identity;
	x = torch::relu(x);

	return x;

以上是关于libtorch c++ 使用预训练权重(以resnet为例)的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

libtorch (pytorch c++) 教程

libtorch (pytorch c++) 教程

libtorch (pytorch c++) 教程


