我面试了 ChatGPT 的 PM (产品经理)岗位,它几乎得到了这份工作!!!

Posted 禅与计算机程序设计艺术


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了我面试了 ChatGPT 的 PM (产品经理)岗位,它几乎得到了这份工作!!!相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

如何检测人工智能自信但肤浅的答案? How to detect the AI’s confident but shallow answers?

我面试过很多产品经理候选人,其中一种常规面试形式(在 PM 面试循环中非常标准)是产品Sense面试。受到最近推出的 ChatGPT 和 Jackie Bavaro 的以下推文的启发,我决定面试 ChatGPT 的产品经理职位。

I've interviewed a lot of product manager candidates, and one of the regular interview formats (which is pretty standard in a PM interview loop) is the product sense interview .Inspired by the recent launch of ChatGPT and the following tweet by Jackie Bavaro, I decided to interview ChatGPT for a product manager position.

我得到的结果令人印象深刻。ChatGPT 的答案大体上是合理的,并且为“体面”的答案扫清了障碍,当然对于更多初级 PM 候选人来说。事实上,我会说 ChatGPT 在这些答案上的表现优于一般的 PM 候选人。我将在下面重现整个面试记录。

The results that I got were impressive. ChatGPT’s answers were by and large reasonable, and cleared the bar for “decent” answers, certainly for more junior PM candidates. In fact, I would say that ChatGPT outperformed the average PM candidate with these answers. I am reproducing the entire interview below, followed by how I would evaluate these answers, and where ChatGPT fell short of great answers.


下面是未经编辑的 ChatGPT 求职面试。所有的答案都是 ChatGPT 对这个问题的第一反应,除了第一个问题,最初的反应是“我是一个大型语言模型,我没有最喜欢的应用程序。” Trello 的回应是我在第二次尝试时得到的。


The unedited interview

The unedited job interview with ChatGPT is below. All of the answers were ChatGPT’s first response to the question, with the exception of the first question, where the initial response was along the lines of “I am a large language model, I don’t have a favorite app.” The Trello response was what I got on the second try.

For these questions, please pretend that you are a candidate for a product manager position in a software company.


ChatGPT:我最喜欢的移动应用程序是 Trello。我认为它是一个很棒的产品,因为它允许用户以可视化和直观的方式轻松创建和组织他们的任务和项目。该应用程序还提供多种功能,例如将任务分配给团队成员、附加文件和设置截止日期的能力,这有助于改善协作和生产力。此外,Trello 不断更新和改进他们的应用程序,这表明他们致力于提供高质量的用户体验。

Q: What is your favorite mobile app, and why do you consider it a great product?

ChatGPT: My favorite mobile app is Trello. I consider it a great product because it allows users to easily create and organize their tasks and projects in a visual and intuitive way. The app also offers a variety of features such as the ability to assign tasks to team members, attach files, and set deadlines, which helps to improve collaboration and productivity. Additionally, Trello is constantly updating and improving their app, which shows their commitment to providing a high-quality user experience.

问:您如何总结 Trello 正在解决的客户问题?

ChatGPT: Trello 正在以简单有效的方式解决管理和组织任务和项目的问题。该应用程序为用户提供了一个可视化平台来组织他们的任务和项目,从而可以轻松查看需要做什么以及何时完成。这有助于提高协作和生产力,使用户能够专注于重要任务并实现他们的目标。

Q: How would you summarize the customer problem that Trello is solving?

ChatGPT: Trello is solving the problem of managing and organizing tasks and projects in a simple and effective way. The app provides a visual platform for users to organize their tasks and projects, making it easy to see what needs to be done and when. This helps to improve collaboration and productivity, allowing users to focus on the important tasks and achieve their goals.

问:如果您作为产品经理必须为 Trello 创建仪表板,您会跟踪的 3-5 个最重要的指标是什么?

ChatGPT:作为 Trello 的产品经理,我会在仪表板上跟踪以下指标:

  1. 用户参与度:该指标将衡量用户使用该应用程序的频率,包括创建、完成和分配给团队成员的任务数量。

  2. 客户满意度:该指标将通过调查或评级跟踪客户反馈,以确定用户对该应用程序的满意度。

  3. 保留率:该指标将衡量随着时间的推移继续使用该应用程序的用户百分比。

  4. 收入:该指标将跟踪付费订阅或应用内购买产生的收入金额。

  5. 用户获取:该指标将跟踪下载并开始使用该应用程序的新用户数量。

Q: If you had to create a dashboard for Trello as a product manager, what would be the 3–5 most important metrics you would track?

ChatGPT: As a product manager for Trello, I would track the following metrics on a dashboard:

  1. User engagement: This metric would measure how often users are using the app, including the number of tasks created, completed, and assigned to team members.

  2. Customer satisfaction: This metric would track customer feedback through surveys or ratings to determine how satisfied users are with the app.

  3. Retention rate: This metric would measure the percentage of users who continue to use the app over time.

  4. Revenue: This metric would track the amount of revenue generated from paid subscriptions or in-app purchases.

  5. User acquisition: This metric would track the number of new users who download and start using the app.

问:您认为 Trello 产品团队的产品目标是什么?

ChatGPT: Trello 产品团队的产品目标可能包括:

  1. 提高用户参与度:这可能涉及添加新功能或改进现有功能,以使应用程序更有用且使用起来更愉快。

  2. 提高客户满意度:产品团队的目标可能是收集客户反馈并根据其采取行动,以改善用户体验并使应用程序对用户更有价值。

  3. 扩大用户群:产品团队可能专注于通过营销和合作伙伴关系获取新用户,并通过定期更新和支持留住现有用户。

  4. 增加收入:产品团队的目标可能是通过付费订阅或应用内购买产生更多收入,并探索新的货币化机会。

  5. 保持竞争优势:产品团队可以通过不断创新并为用户提供新的和改进的功能来努力保持竞争优势。

Q: What do you think are the product goals for the Trello product team?

ChatGPT: The product goals for the Trello product team may include:

  1. Improving user engagement: This could involve adding new features or improving existing ones to make the app more useful and enjoyable to use.

  2. Increasing customer satisfaction: The product team may aim to gather and act on customer feedback to improve the user experience and make the app more valuable to users.

  3. Growing the user base: The product team may focus on acquiring new users through marketing and partnerships, as well as retaining existing users through regular updates and support.

  4. Increasing revenue: The product team may aim to generate more revenue from paid subscriptions or in-app purchases, as well as exploring new monetization opportunities.

  5. Maintaining a competitive edge: The product team may strive to stay ahead of the competition by constantly innovating and offering new and improved features for users.

问:您认为 Trello 团队认为他们的主要竞争对手是谁?

ChatGPT: Trello 团队可能认为他们的主要竞争对手是其他项目管理和任务管理应用程序,例如 Asana、Basecamp 和 Microsoft To Do。这些应用程序提供相似的功能并针对相似的客户群,因此它们可能被视为直接竞争对手。

Q: Who do you think the Trello team considers their main competitors?

ChatGPT: The Trello team may consider their main competitors to be other project management and task management apps such as Asana, Basecamp, and Microsoft To Do. These apps offer similar features and target a similar customer base, so they may be seen as direct competitors.

问:如果您是 Trello 的产品经理,您会如何考虑确定产品的改进想法?

ChatGPT:作为 Trello 的产品经理,我会考虑通过以下方式确定产品的改进想法

  1. 与用户交谈:我会联系用户,收集他们对应用程序体验的反馈,包括他们喜欢和不喜欢的地方。这将帮助我确定需要改进的地方和要添加的潜在新功能。

  2. 监控用户行为:我会跟踪用户行为以查看用户如何使用该应用程序以及他们可能在哪里遇到挑战或障碍。这将提供对潜在改进的洞察力,这些改进可以使应用程序更加用户友好和有效。

  3. 密切关注竞争对手:我会定期监控竞争对手,看看他们提供了哪些功能和创新,以及 Trello 的比较情况。这将帮助我确定 Trello 可以改进或从竞争中脱颖而出的领域。

  4. 与团队合作:我将与产品团队和其他利益相关者密切合作,集思广益,并根据潜在影响和可行性确定潜在改进的优先级。

  5. 测试和迭代:我会实施一个流程来测试和迭代新的想法和功能,包括收集用户的反馈并根据他们的反馈进行调整。这将有助于确保我们所做的改进有效并符合用户需求。

Q: If you were the product manager for Trello, how would you think about identifying improvement ideas for the product?

ChatGPT: As the product manager for Trello, I would think about identifying improvement ideas for the product in the following ways:

  1. Talking to users: I would reach out to users to gather feedback on their experience with the app, including what they like and dislike about it. This would help me to identify areas for improvement and potential new features to add.

  2. Monitoring user behavior: I would track user behavior to see how users are using the app and where they may be encountering challenges or obstacles. This would provide insight into potential improvements that could make the app more user-friendly and effective.

  3. Keeping an eye on the competition: I would regularly monitor the competition to see what features and innovations they are offering, and how Trello compares. This would help me to identify areas where Trello could improve or differentiate itself from the competition.

  4. Collaborating with the team: I would work closely with the product team and other stakeholders to brainstorm ideas and prioritize potential improvements based on their potential impact and feasibility.

  5. Testing and iterating: I would implement a process for testing and iterating on new ideas and features, including gathering feedback from users and making adjustments based on their feedback. This would help to ensure that the improvements we make are effective and align with user needs.

问:您认为 Trello 产品团队目前最重要的工作目标是什么?

ChatGPT:对于 Trello 产品团队来说,目前可能特别重要的一个目标是提高用户参与度。这可能涉及添加新功能或改进现有功能,以使应用程序对用户更有用和愉悦,这可能会提高满意度和保留率。此外,关注用户参与度可能有助于为公司带来更多收入,因为与该应用程序的互动度更高的用户可能更有可能升级到付费订阅或进行应用程序内购买。

Q: What objective do you think might be the most important for the Trello product team to work on right now?

ChatGPT: One objective that may be particularly important for the Trello product team to work on right now is increasing user engagement. This could involve adding new features or improving existing ones to make the app more useful and enjoyable for users, which would likely lead to increased satisfaction and retention. In addition, focusing on user engagement could help to drive more revenue for the company, as users who are more engaged with the app are likely to be more likely to upgrade to paid subscriptions or make in-app purchases.

问:你能给我一些关于 Trello 产品团队如何提高用户参与度的想法吗?

ChatGPT: Trello 产品团队可以通过实施以下想法来提高用户参与度:

  1. 添加新功能:产品团队可以向应用程序添加新功能,使其对用户来说更有用、更有趣,例如自定义仪表板或为常用任务创建模板的能力。

  2. 改进现有功能:产品团队可以改进现有功能,使它们更加用户友好和有效,例如更容易将任务分配给团队成员或附加文件。

  3. 提供与其他应用程序的集成:产品团队可以探索与用户可能使用的其他应用程序(例如 Slack 或 Google Calendar)的合作伙伴关系和集成,以使 Trello 对用户来说更加方便和有价值。

  4. 举办网络研讨会或培训课程:产品团队可以提供网络研讨会或培训课程,以帮助用户充分利用 Trello,包括使用该应用程序的技巧和最佳实践。

  5. 定期更新和改进应用程序:产品团队可以承诺定期更新和改进应用程序,以使其对用户保持新鲜感和相关性,这将表明他们致力于提供高质量的用户体验。

Q: Can you give me a few ideas how the Trello product team might increase user engagement?

ChatGPT: The Trello product team could increase user engagement by implementing the following ideas:

  1. Adding new features: The product team could add new features to the app that make it more useful and enjoyable for users, such as the ability to customize their dashboard or create templates for frequently used tasks.

  2. Improving existing features: The product team could improve existing features to make them more user-friendly and effective, such as making it easier to assign tasks to team members or attach files.

  3. Offering integrations with other apps: The product team could explore partnerships and integrations with other apps that users may be using, such as Slack or Google Calendar, to make Trello more convenient and valuable for users.

  4. Hosting webinars or training sessions: The product team could offer webinars or training sessions to help users get the most out of Trello, including tips and best practices for using the app.

  5. Regularly updating and improving the app: The product team could commit to regularly updating and improving the app to keep it fresh and relevant for users, which would show their commitment to providing a high-quality user experience.

问:你能稍微扩展一下你为 Trello 添加新功能的想法吗?

以下是 Trello 产品团队可以添加到应用程序的新功能的更多想法:

  1. 添加为任务和项目创建和自定义模板的功能:这将允许用户快速创建遵循特定格式或结构的任务和项目,从而更轻松地组织他们的工作并保持正轨。

  2. 添加跟踪项目预算和费用的功能:这将允许用户输入和跟踪与他们的项目相关的成本,包括费用和资源,从而更容易管理他们的预算并保持在正轨上。

  3. 添加创建和共享报告的能力:这将允许用户生成关于他们的任务和项目的报告,包括进度和完成情况,并与团队成员或利益相关者共享。

  4. 添加管理重复性任务的功能:这将允许用户设置定期重复的任务,例如每周或每月,从而更容易掌握重复性任务并避免错过最后期限。

  5. 添加用于安排和管理会议的功能:这将允许用户安排会议并跟踪会议任务的状态,例如准备议程或发送提醒,从而更容易保持组织和准备会议。

Q: Can you expand a little bit on the ideas for adding new features to Trello that you have?

Here are a few more ideas for new features that the Trello product team could add to the app:

  1. Adding the ability to create and customize templates for tasks and projects: This would allow users to quickly create tasks and projects that follow a specific format or structure, making it easier to organize their work and stay on track.

  2. Adding a feature for tracking project budgets and expenses: This would allow users to input and track the costs associated with their projects, including expenses and resources, making it easier to manage their budgets and stay on track.

  3. Adding the ability to create and share reports: This would allow users to generate reports on their tasks and projects, including progress and completion, and share them with team members or stakeholders.

  4. Adding a feature for managing recurring tasks: This would allow users to set up tasks that repeat on a regular basis, such as weekly or monthly, making it easier to stay on top of recurring tasks and avoid missing deadlines.

  5. Adding a feature for scheduling and managing meetings: This would allow users to schedule meetings and track the status of meeting tasks, such as preparing agendas or sending reminders, making it easier to stay organized and prepared for meetings.






Q: How would you go about prioritizing these ideas?

ChatGPT: To prioritize these ideas, I would start by gathering feedback from users to understand their needs and preferences. This could involve conducting surveys or focus groups to gather input on which features they would find most valuable and useful. I would also consult with the product team and other stakeholders to understand their priorities and potential constraints, such as technical limitations or resource constraints.

Based on this information, I would prioritize the ideas by evaluating their potential impact and feasibility. For example, a feature that would have a significant impact on user engagement and satisfaction, and that is technically feasible and within the team’s resources, would likely be a high priority. On the other hand, a feature that would have a limited impact and would require significant resources and time to implement would be a lower priority.

I would also consider the potential risks and trade-offs associated with each idea, and how they align with the overall goals and strategy of the product. For example, a feature that offers a significant benefit but also introduces new risks or challenges may need to be carefully considered before prioritizing it.

Overall, my approach to prioritizing these ideas would be to gather and evaluate as much information as possible, and use that information to make informed decisions that align with the goals and strategy of the product.

问:当然,鉴于我们实际上并不在 Trello 团队工作,因此我们在这里没有完整的信息。但是,做出合理的假设,您认为哪个想法最有潜力?

聊天GPT:假设 Trello 产品团队专注于提高用户参与度和满意度,我会优先考虑添加为任务和项目创建和自定义模板的功能。此功能可能会对用户参与度和满意度产生重大影响,因为它可以让用户更轻松地组织和管理他们的任务和项目。它还可以提高生产力,因为用户可以快速创建遵循特定结构的任务和项目。就可行性而言,这个想法可能需要适度的开发和测试,但它可以在相对较短的时间内实施,并且没有明显的资源限制。总的来说,这个想法有可能为用户提供重要的价值,并与 Trello 产品团队的目标保持一致。

Q: Of course, we don’t have perfect information here given that we don’t actually work on the Trello team. However, making reasonable assumptions, which is the idea that you think has the highest potential?

ChatGPT: Assuming that the Trello product team is focused on increasing user engagement and satisfaction, I would prioritize the idea of adding the ability to create and customize templates for tasks and projects. This feature would likely have a significant impact on user engagement and satisfaction, as it would make it easier for users to organize and manage their tasks and projects. It could also improve productivity, as users could quickly create tasks and projects that follow a specific structure. In terms of feasibility, this idea would likely require a moderate amount of development and testing, but it could be implemented in a relatively short time frame and without significant resource constraints. Overall, this idea has the potential to provide significant value to users and align with the goals of the Trello product team.


ChatGPT:为了验证添加为任务和项目创建和自定义模板的能力的想法,我将首先进行用户研究以了解此功能的潜在需求和好处。这可能涉及对用户进行调查或焦点小组讨论,以收集有关他们在 Trello 中创建和组织任务和项目的经验的反馈,以及他们对自定义模板能力的兴趣。我还会咨询产品团队和其他利益相关者,以了解他们对这个想法的潜在价值和可行性的看法。

基于这项研究,我将开发该功能的原型或 MVP(最小可行产品),并在一小组用户中进行测试。这将使我能够收集有关该功能的可用性和有效性的更详细的反馈,并在将其推广给更广泛的受众之前进行任何必要的调整。我还会跟踪用户参与度和满意度等指标,以确定该功能对这些关键指标的影响。


Q: How would you validate the idea of adding the ability to create and customize templates for tasks and projects?

ChatGPT: To validate the idea of adding the ability to create and customize templates for tasks and projects, I would start by conducting user research to understand the potential demand and benefits of this feature. This could involve conducting surveys or focus groups with users to gather feedback on their experience with creating and organizing tasks and projects in Trello, and their interest in the ability to customize templates. I would also consult with the product team and other stakeholders to understand their perspectives on the potential value and feasibility of this idea.

Based on this research, I would develop a prototype or MVP (minimum viable product) of the feature and test it with a small group of users. This would allow me to gather more detailed feedback on the usability and effectiveness of the feature, and make any necessary adjustments before rolling it out to a wider audience. I would also track metrics such as user engagement and satisfaction to determine the impact of the feature on these key metrics.

Overall, my approach to validating the idea would be to gather as much information as possible from users and other stakeholders, and use that information to refine and improve the idea before implementing it. This would help to ensure that the feature is well-received and provides value to users.



  1. 用户参与度:我会跟踪用户创建和使用模板的频率,包括创建的模板数量和分配给模板的任务数量。这将帮助我确定是否正在使用该功能以及它是否对用户参与产生积极影响。

  2. 客户满意度:我会通过调查或评分跟踪客户反馈,以确定用户是否对新功能感到满意,以及它如何影响他们使用 Trello 的体验。

  3. 留存率:我会跟踪创建模板的用户的留存率,以确定该功能是否有助于随着时间的推移留住用户。

  4. 收入:我会跟踪该功能对收入的影响,包括付费订阅或应用内购买的任何增长。

  5. 用户获取:我会跟踪功能推出后下载并开始使用 Trello 的新用户数量,以确定该功能是否有助于获取新用户。


Q: If you launched the ability to create and customize templates for tasks and projects, what would be the success measures that you would track?

ChatGPT: If I launched the ability to create and customize templates for tasks and projects, I would track the following success measures:

  1. User engagement: I would track how often users are creating and using templates, including the number of templates created and the number of tasks assigned to templates. This would help me to determine whether the feature is being used and whether it is making a positive impact on user engagement.

  2. Customer satisfaction: I would track customer feedback through surveys or ratings to determine whether users are satisfied with the new feature and how it is impacting their experience with Trello.

  3. Retention rate: I would track the retention rate of users who have created templates, to determine whether the feature is helping to retain users over time.

  4. Revenue: I would track the impact of the feature on revenue, including any increase in paid subscriptions or in-app purchases.

  5. User acquisition: I would track the number of new users who download and start using Trello after the feature is launched, to determine whether the feature is helping to acquire new users.

Overall, these success measures would provide insight into the impact of the feature on key metrics, and help me to determine whether it is achieving the desired results.




以上是关于我面试了 ChatGPT 的 PM (产品经理)岗位,它几乎得到了这份工作!!!的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章





