
Posted 文恒




1、Your task is to design a static (i.e., single image) visualization
2、Which effectively communicates the data and provide a short write-up describing your design
3、While you must use the data set given, note that you are free to transform the data as you see fit
4、You are also free to incorporate external data as you see fit
5、Your chart image should be interpretable without recourse to your short write-up
6、Do not forget to include title, axis labels or legends as needed

* 清晰地展示三种抗生素对16种细菌的不同效果
* 突出在Positive Gram与Positive Gram最有效的抗生素
* 涉及两种对象(抗生素与细菌),一种属性(Gram Staning)
* 数据的波动幅度较大(0.001 ~ 870),分组数据有不同的波动范围
3、尝试的可视化形式(最后选择Split Bars):
* Stacked Bars
* Lines Chart
* Column Chart

* 同心圆模式(他人作品)


1、The values in the table represent the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)
2、The reaction of the bacteria to Gram staining is described by the covariate “gram staining”
3、Bacteria that are stained dark blue or violet are Gram-positive,Otherwise, they are Gram-negative
4、Which drug worked most effectively for which bacterial infection

BacteriaPenicilinStreptomycinStreptomycinGram Staining
Aerobacter aerogenes87011.6negative
Brucella abortus120.02negative
Brucella anthracis0.0010.010.007positive
Diplococcus pneumoniae0.0051110positive
Escherichia coli1000.40.1negative
Klebsiella pneumoniae8501.21negative
Mycobacterium tuberculosis80052negative
Proteus vulgaris30.10.1negative
Pseudomonas aeruginosa85020.4negative
Salmonella (Eberthella) typhosa10.40.008negative
Salmonella schottmuelleri100.80.09negative
Staphylococcus albus0.0070.10.001positive
Staphylococcus aureus0.030.030.001positive
Streptococcus fecalis110.1positive
Streptococcus hemolyticus0.0011410positive
Streptococcus viridans0.0051040positive

It illustrates the most effective antibiotic on negative or positive gram
Showing the effectiveness of three antibiotics on 16 different bacteria


归一化 FFT 幅度以模仿 WMP

数据可视化 Assignment 1 Python实现矩阵映射与归一化

数据可视化 Assignment 1 Python实现矩阵映射与归一化

数据可视化 Assignment 1 Python实现矩阵映射与归一化

数据可视化 Assignment 1 Python实现矩阵映射与归一化

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