
Posted weixin_ancenhw



摘 要
本次毕业设计开发了一个新的学生成绩管理系统,使用了Python语言和mysql数据库技术。利用 Python 语言数据处理的灵活性,系统可以有序地处理学生的成绩,减少枯燥的重复性工作,还能提高高校的办学效率。教师可以更准确地了解学生对知识的理解情况,再结合下一节课的内容与重点,从而在质量上进行调整,进而全面提升教学质量,主要由管理员登录、学生登录这两个模块组成系统。学生登录模块面向学生群体,该模块主要有两个功能,分别是成绩查询和考勤信息查询,管理员登录模块主要面向学校的管理人员,登录后可选择的功能包括学生成绩信息管理、学生成绩排名信息管理、用户信息管理以及考勤信息管理。

关键词: 学生成绩;学生信息;Python;学生成绩管理系统;程序设计
Today, computer technology is constantly improving, computer processing information faster, more accurate, more convenient. As the proportion of students’grades in all grades is on the rise, more resources should be devoted to it. Therefore, colleges and universities should reform the system of students’grades properly so as to make students’grades more convenient and convenient. Therefore, the student achievement management is in each university teaching process the indispensable link. Because the school teaching situation not only through the management of student achievement, all the school year teaching tasks also through it to reflect. In the era of high development of science and technology, the use of new programming language to monitor and manage students’achievements has advantages that the traditional programming language does not have. Using the new management system, not only can effectively avoid a lot of repetitive work, but also can achieve data sharing, standardize teaching management, so as to improve management efficiency and level.
This graduation project can handle students’achievements in an orderly way, enable the user to change the tedious manual work at a glance, and improve the working efficiency of teachers and the overall working level of the school. The teacher can also adjust the quality according to the students’situation, the content of the next lesson, the focus of the lecture and so on. The administrator login module includes a student score management module, a student score ranking module, a user information management module and an attendance information module.
This article has carried on the full preparation to the entire system, after the preliminary investigation and the system development goal and the significance, has chosen the related development tool, thus, requirements analysis, system planning, system design, program writing, system test, system trial run and system maintenance are carried out to ensure the normal operation of each functional module, this system has already satisfied the basic student result information management function, believed that it may effectively serve for the teacher and the schoolmates.

Keywords: Student Grade;student information;Python; Student grade management system
目 录
序 言 1
第一章 系统需求分析 2
1.1系统开发目标 2
1.2系统需求分析 2
1.3系统可行性分析 3
1.4研究意义 4
第二章 开发资源配置及系统分析 5
2.1 开发工具 5
2.1.1 Python语言简介 5
2.1.2 MySQL数据库简介 5
2.1.3开发工具的选择 6
2.2功能模块介绍 6
2.2.1登录功能模块 6
2.2.2成绩查询及修改功能模块 6
2.3数据库功能模块及设计 7
2.3.1数据库功能模块及设计 7
2.3.2数据库逻辑设计 9
2.4系统功能用例图 11
第三章 系统的界面设计与实现 12
3.1 登入界面设计 12
3.2 管理员登录界面设计 13
3.3 管理员端操作界面 14
3.4 学生端操作页面 15
3.5 学生成绩管理界面 17
3.6 用户信息管理界面 19
3.7 考勤信息操作界面 22
3.8 学生成绩查询界面 24
3.9 学生考勤信息查询界面 24
第四章 系统测试 26
4.1 登陆功能测试 26
4.2查询功能测试 26
4.3信息更改功能测试 27
4.4成绩展示功能测试 27
第五章 结论与展望 29
5.1 总结 29
5.2 展望 29








