
Posted nanke_yh




1 原理步骤

2 测试效果

3 小结

4 完整代码




1 原理步骤



【图像预处理】 Harris角点检测器原理及C++实现_Cai Yichao的博客-CSDN博客

Harris角点检测算法 - 简书 (jianshu.com)

OpenCV——角点检测原理分析(Harris,Shi-Tomasi、亚像素级角点检测) - 灰信网(软件开发博客聚合) (freesion.com)


double *I   = new double[width*height];
double *Ix  = NULL;
double *Ix2 = new double[width*height];
double *Iy  = NULL;
double *Iy2 = new double[width*height];
double *Ixy = new double[width*height];

double *Ix2_ = NULL;
double *Iy2_ = NULL;
double *Ixy_ = NULL;
double *cim = new double[width*height];

//double *mx  = new double[width*height];
//bool *corner = new bool[width*height];

for(int i = 0; i < height; i++)

	for(int j = 0; j < width; j++)
		I[i * width + j] = (double)buffer[i * width + j];		

//                     第一步:利用差分算子对图像进行滤波
double dx[9] = -1,0,1,-1,0,1,-1,0,1;
Ix = mbys(I,width,height,dx,3,3);

double dy[9] = -1,-1,-1,0,0,0,1,1,1;
Iy = mbys(I,width,height,dy,3,3);

for(int i = 0; i < height; i++)

	for(int j = 0; j < width; j++)
		Ix2[i * width + j] = Ix[i * width + j]*Ix[i * width + j];
		//Ix2[i * width + j] = pow(Ix[i * width + j],2);
		Iy2[i * width + j] = Iy[i * width + j]*Iy[i * width + j];
		Ixy[i * width + j] = Ix[i * width + j]*Iy[i * width + j];




//                  第二步:对Ix2/Iy2/Ixy进行高斯平滑,以去除噪声
// const int GaussWindow=5;	
// const double GaussSigma=0.08;
double *g = new double[GaussWindow * GaussWindow];
for(int i = 0;i < GaussWindow;i++)

	for(int j = 0;j < GaussWindow;j++)
		g[i * GaussWindow + j] = exp(-((i - int(GaussWindow/2))*(i - int(GaussWindow/2)) + (j - int(GaussWindow/2)) * (j - int(GaussWindow/2)))/(2 * GaussSigma));
		//g[i * GaussWindow + j] = exp(-(pow(double(i - int(GaussWindow/2)),2) + pow(double(j - int(GaussWindow/2)),2))/(2 * GaussSigma ));

// 高斯函数前的常数可以不用计算,会在归一化的过程中给消去
double total = 0;
for(int i = 0;i < GaussWindow * GaussWindow;i++)

	total += g[i];//将所有的值进行相加

for(int i = 0;i < GaussWindow;i++)

	for(int j = 0;j < GaussWindow;j++)
		g[i * GaussWindow + j] /= total;//进行归一化 

Ix2_ = mbys(Ix2,width,height,g,GaussWindow,GaussWindow);
Iy2_ = mbys(Iy2,width,height,g,GaussWindow,GaussWindow);
Ixy_ = mbys(Ixy,width,height,g,GaussWindow,GaussWindow);





//                        第三步:计算角点量
//计算cim:即cornerness of image,我们把它称做‘角点量’
for(int i = 0; i < height; i++)

	for(int j = 0; j < width; j++)
		cim[i * width + j] = (Ix2_[i * width + j]*Iy2_[i * width + j] - Ixy_[i * width + j]*Ixy_[i * width + j])/(Ix2_[i * width + j] + Iy2_[i * width + j] + FLT_EPSILON); 


//                 第四步:进行局部非极大值抑制以获得最终角点
const int size = 5;
int r = size/2;//局部半径
double max = -10000;//最大值
double dmax;//局部最大值
Pt object;
for(int i = 0; i < width*height; i++)

	if(cim[i] > max)  
		max = cim[i];//统计最大值

int nRow = 0,nCol = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < height; i++)

	for(int j = 0; j < width; j++)
		dmax = 0;			
		for (int n = -r;n <= r;n++)
			for (int m = -r;m <= r;m++)
				nRow = i + n < height ?  i + n : height - 1;
				nRow = nRow > 0 ? nRow : 0;
				nCol = j + m < width ? j + m : width - 1;
				nCol = nCol > 0 ? nCol: 0;
				if (cim[nRow * width + nCol] > dmax)
					dmax = cim[nRow * width + nCol];//局部最大
		if(dmax > thresh && cim[i * width + j] == dmax)  
			object.x = j;
			object.y = i;
			//corner[i * width + j] = 1;


        以上也可参考基于自适应三角剖分的DMZ Ⅱ相机影像配准融合技术研究 - 中国知网 (cnki.net)

2 测试效果








3 小结

  1. 针对简单的图像,提取的角点较为准确,但是获得的点坐标均为整数,会存在误差,后续可以采用最小二乘等方法处理获得亚像素精度的点坐标。
  2. 对于复杂图像,提取的角点数量多但也存在错误点,这个需要调整和设置具体的参数值。
  3. 对于算法中出现的参数设置,相对比较难控制。文中主要控制阈值,阈值越大,得到的点越少,角点也越准确,但这需要根据具体图像设置。

4 完整代码



*function description: 滤波处理
*input parameter: double * ptImg,int width,int height  输入影像
*				  double *filterBuf,int winW,int winH  滤波器
*return: 滤波后影像
double * mbys(double * ptImg,int width,int height,double *filterBuf,int winW,int winH)

	if (ptImg == NULL || filterBuf == NULL)
		return NULL;
	double * result = new double[width * height];
	memset(result, 0, width * height * sizeof(double));  

	int fbw = winW/2;
	int fbh = winH/2;
	int twidth = width - fbw;
	int theight = height - fbh;
	for(int i = fbh;i < theight;i++)
		for(int j = fbw;j < twidth;j++) 
			double a = 0;
			for(int m = 0;m < winH;m++)
				for(int n = 0;n < winW;n++)
					int ph = i + m - fbh;
					int pw = j + n - fbw;
					a += ptImg[ph*width+pw]*filterBuf[m*winW+n];//每个元素和窗体函数遍历相加
			result[i*width+j] = a;
	return result;


*function description:提取图像harris特征点
*input parameter:ImgTyp*buffer,int width,int height 输入影像
*				 int GaussWindow,double GaussSigma  高斯参数
*				 double thresh,vector<Pt>&corners   阈值和角点
*return: int
int Harris(ImgTyp*buffer,int width,int height,int GaussWindow,double GaussSigma,double thresh,vector<Pt>&corners)

	if (buffer == NULL)
		return -1;
	double *I   = new double[width*height];
	double *Ix  = NULL;
	double *Ix2 = new double[width*height];
	double *Iy  = NULL;
	double *Iy2 = new double[width*height];
	double *Ixy = new double[width*height];

	double *Ix2_ = NULL;
	double *Iy2_ = NULL;
	double *Ixy_ = NULL;
	double *cim = new double[width*height];

	//double *mx  = new double[width*height];
	//bool *corner = new bool[width*height];

	for(int i = 0; i < height; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < width; j++)
			I[i * width + j] = (double)buffer[i * width + j];		
	//                     第一步:利用差分算子对图像进行滤波
	double dx[9] = -1,0,1,-1,0,1,-1,0,1;
	Ix = mbys(I,width,height,dx,3,3);

	double dy[9] = -1,-1,-1,0,0,0,1,1,1;
	Iy = mbys(I,width,height,dy,3,3);

	for(int i = 0; i < height; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < width; j++)
			Ix2[i * width + j] = Ix[i * width + j]*Ix[i * width + j];
			//Ix2[i * width + j] = pow(Ix[i * width + j],2);
			Iy2[i * width + j] = Iy[i * width + j]*Iy[i * width + j];
			Ixy[i * width + j] = Ix[i * width + j]*Iy[i * width + j];
	//                  第二步:对Ix2/Iy2/Ixy进行高斯平滑,以去除噪声
	// const int GaussWindow=5;	
	// const double GaussGaussSigma=0.08;
	double *g = new double[GaussWindow * GaussWindow];
	for(int i = 0;i < GaussWindow;i++)
		for(int j = 0;j < GaussWindow;j++)
			g[i * GaussWindow + j] = exp(-((i - int(GaussWindow/2))*(i - int(GaussWindow/2)) + (j - int(GaussWindow/2)) * (j - int(GaussWindow/2)))/(2 * GaussSigma));
			//g[i * GaussWindow + j] = exp(-(pow(double(i - int(GaussWindow/2)),2) + pow(double(j - int(GaussWindow/2)),2))/(2 * GaussSigma ));

	// 高斯函数前的常数可以不用计算,会在归一化的过程中给消去
	double total = 0;
	for(int i = 0;i < GaussWindow * GaussWindow;i++)
		total += g[i];//将所有的值进行相加
	for(int i = 0;i < GaussWindow;i++)
		for(int j = 0;j < GaussWindow;j++)
			g[i * GaussWindow + j] /= total;//进行归一化 

	Ix2_ = mbys(Ix2,width,height,g,GaussWindow,GaussWindow);
	Iy2_ = mbys(Iy2,width,height,g,GaussWindow,GaussWindow);
	Ixy_ = mbys(Ixy,width,height,g,GaussWindow,GaussWindow);

	//                        第三步:计算角点量
	//计算cim:即cornerness of image,我们把它称做‘角点量’
	for(int i = 0; i < height; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < width; j++)
			cim[i * width + j] = (Ix2_[i * width + j]*Iy2_[i * width + j] - Ixy_[i * width + j]*Ixy_[i * width + j])/(Ix2_[i * width + j] + Iy2_[i * width + j] + FLT_EPSILON); 

	//                 第四步:进行局部非极大值抑制以获得最终角点
	const int size = 5;
	int r = size/2;//局部半径
	double max = -10000;//最大值
	double dmax;//局部最大值
	Pt object;
	for(int i = 0; i < width*height; i++)
		if(cim[i] > max)  
			max = cim[i];
	if (thresh > max)
		thresh = max*0.1;
	if (thresh < max*0.1)
		thresh = max*0.1;
	int nRow = 0,nCol = 0;
	for(int i = 0; i < height; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < width; j++)
			dmax = 0;			
			for (int n = -r;n <= r;n++)
				for (int m = -r;m <= r;m++)
					nRow = i + n < height ?  i + n : height - 1;
					nRow = nRow > 0 ? nRow : 0;
					nCol = j + m < width ? j + m : width - 1;
					nCol = nCol > 0 ? nCol: 0;
					if (cim[nRow * width + nCol] > dmax)
						dmax = cim[nRow * width + nCol];//局部最大
			if(dmax > thresh && cim[i * width + j] == dmax)  
				object.x = j;
				object.y = i;
				//corner[i * width + j] = 1;
	delete []g;		  g=NULL;
	delete []I;		  I=NULL;
	delete []Ix;	  Ix=NULL;
	delete []Ix2;	  Ix2=NULL;
	delete []Iy;	  Iy=NULL;
	delete []Iy2;	  Iy2=NULL;
	delete []Ixy;	  Ixy=NULL;

	delete []Ix2_;	  Ix2_=NULL;
	delete []Iy2_;	  Iy2_=NULL;
	delete []Ixy_;	  Ixy_=NULL;
	delete []cim;	  cim=NULL;
	//delete []mx;	  mx=NULL;
	//delete []corner;corner=NULL;
	return 0;


void HarrisTest(const char* fileName,char* savepath)

	if (fileName == NULL)
	int width,height;
	ImgTyp* srcImg = OpenImage(fileName,width,height);
	int rect = Harris(srcImg,width,height,5,0.08,500,points);//Harris角点提取参数可设置
	int num = points.size();
	if (num > 0)
		ImgTyp** resultImg = new ImgTyp*[3];//为了输出显示,三波段彩色构造
		for (int n = 0;n < 3;n++)
			resultImg[n] = new ImgTyp[width*height];
		for (int i = 0 ;i < num;i++)
			int x = points.at(i).x;
			int y = points.at(i).y;
			resultImg[0][y*width+x] = 255;
			resultImg[1][y*width+x] = 0;
			resultImg[2][y*width+x] = 0;//红色点标记角点位置
		for (int j = 0 ; j < 3;j++)
			delete[] resultImg[j];
			resultImg[j] = NULL;
		delete[] resultImg;
		resultImg = NULL;


struct Pt

	int x;
	int y;






