#!/bin/bash #author wangning #date 2017-7-15 #qq 1198143315 #Email [email protected] ############################### define color ############################## red="\033[31m" green="\033[32m" yellow="\033[33m" color="\033[0m" ################################## menu function ######################### menu(){ echo -e " ========================= please select number 1-16 ,add ip 10.0.2.x or delete ip 10.0.2.x $green 1.add ip $color $red 2.delete ip $color $yellow 3.exit $color ========================= " } ################################ jude integer function ######################### jude_integer(){ read -p "please select 1 or 2 or 3:" num1 clear expr $num1 + 1 &>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo -e "please input a $yellow integer number $color" continue 1 fi } ############################### configure ip address function ###################### config_ip(){ if [ -z $num1 ];then echo -e "$yellow Can‘t be empty $color" elif [ $num1 -gt 3 ];then echo -e "you must input a number $yellow less than 4 $color" elif [ $num1 -eq 1 ];then read -p "please input number 1-16 add ip:" num2 ip addr add 10.0.2.${num2}/24 dev eth0:$num2 if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo -e "$green the ip 10.0.2.$num2 has added successful $color" else echo -e "$red the ip 10.0.2.$num2 has added failed $color" fi elif [ $num1 -eq 2 ];then read -p "please input number 1-16 delete ip:" num3 ip addr del 10.0.2.${num3}/24 dev eth0:$num3 if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo -e "$green the ip 10.0.2.$num3 has deleted successful $color" else echo -e "$red the ip 10.0.2.$num3 has deteted failed $color" fi elif [ $num1 -eq 3 ];then exit 0 fi } ################################### main function ############################### main(){ while true do menu jude_integer config_ip done } main
本文出自 “飞奔的骆驼” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://wn2100.blog.51cto.com/9915310/1947971