Runtime objc4-756.2 objc_class中class_ro_t与class_rw_t源码关系分析

Posted Jsen_Wang


篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Runtime objc4-756.2 objc_class中class_ro_t与class_rw_t源码关系分析相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


struct objc_class : objc_object 
    // Class ISA;
    Class superclass;
    cache_t cache;             // formerly cache pointer and vtable
    class_data_bits_t bits;    // class_rw_t * plus custom rr/alloc flags

    class_rw_t *data()  
	....(以下都是一些set get utils方法,不用细看)


  • objc_class 是一个继承自objc_object 的结构体,所以,他也是一个对象
  • superclass 属性是一个objc_class 类型的指针,指向父类结构体
  • cache 是一个结构体,此属性用来缓存方法,下方看他的源码定义
  • class_data_bits_t 类型的bits 属性通过其uintptr_t bits 属性进行位运算来进行地址定位和一些基本操作.比如获取class_rw_t1地址,获取方法是否为swift等.

class_ro_t 与 class_rw_t 的关系

通过以上class_rw_t注解中提到的文章,我们对两者有个大体的概念,两者都定义了方法列表,协议列表,属性列表等, 我们来看一下为什么要这么做,这么做有什么意义.

class_rw_t 结构体定义

struct class_rw_t 
    // Be warned that Symbolication knows the layout of this structure.
    uint32_t flags;
    uint32_t version;

    const class_ro_t *ro;

    method_array_t methods;
    property_array_t properties;
    protocol_array_t protocols;

    Class firstSubclass;
    Class nextSiblingClass;

    char *demangledName;

    uint32_t index;

    void setFlags(uint32_t set) 
        OSAtomicOr32Barrier(set, &flags);

    void clearFlags(uint32_t clear) 
        OSAtomicXor32Barrier(clear, &flags);

    // set and clear must not overlap
    void changeFlags(uint32_t set, uint32_t clear) 
        assert((set & clear) == 0);

        uint32_t oldf, newf;
            oldf = flags;
            newf = (oldf | set) & ~clear;
         while (!OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32Barrier(oldf, newf, (volatile int32_t *)&flags));

发现: class_rw_t 中包含 class_ro_t 并且为 const 类型

class_ro_t 结构体定义

struct class_ro_t 
    uint32_t flags;
    uint32_t instanceStart;
    uint32_t instanceSize;
#ifdef __LP64__
    uint32_t reserved;

    const uint8_t * ivarLayout;
    const char * name;
    method_list_t * baseMethodList;
    protocol_list_t * baseProtocols;
    const ivar_list_t * ivars;

    const uint8_t * weakIvarLayout;
    property_list_t *baseProperties;

    // This field exists only when RO_HAS_SWIFT_INITIALIZER is set.
    _objc_swiftMetadataInitializer __ptrauth_objc_method_list_imp _swiftMetadataInitializer_NEVER_USE[0];

    _objc_swiftMetadataInitializer swiftMetadataInitializer() const 
        if (flags & RO_HAS_SWIFT_INITIALIZER) 
            return _swiftMetadataInitializer_NEVER_USE[0];
            return nil;

    method_list_t *baseMethods() const 
        return baseMethodList;

    class_ro_t *duplicate() const 
        if (flags & RO_HAS_SWIFT_INITIALIZER) 
            size_t size = sizeof(*this) + sizeof(_swiftMetadataInitializer_NEVER_USE[0]);
            class_ro_t *ro = (class_ro_t *)memdup(this, size);
            ro->_swiftMetadataInitializer_NEVER_USE[0] = this->_swiftMetadataInitializer_NEVER_USE[0];
            return ro;
            size_t size = sizeof(*this);
            class_ro_t *ro = (class_ro_t *)memdup(this, size);
            return ro;

对比class_rw_t我们发现, class_ro_t中多了 const uint8_t * ivarLayout; const char * name; const ivar_list_t * ivars; const uint8_t * weakIvarLayout; 等.

objc_class 初始化的过程中有一个realizeClassWithoutSwift方法代码表示除了他们的关系, 源码如下

static Class realizeClassWithoutSwift(Class cls)


    const class_ro_t *ro;
    class_rw_t *rw;
    Class supercls;
    Class metacls;
    bool isMeta;

    if (!cls) return nil;
    if (cls->isRealized()) return cls;
    assert(cls == remapClass(cls));

    // fixme verify class is not in an un-dlopened part of the shared cache?

    ro = (const class_ro_t *)cls->data();
    if (ro->flags & RO_FUTURE) 
        // This was a future class. rw data is already allocated.
        rw = cls->data();
        ro = cls->data()->ro;
        cls->changeInfo(RW_REALIZED|RW_REALIZING, RW_FUTURE);
        // Normal class. Allocate writeable class data.
        rw = (class_rw_t *)calloc(sizeof(class_rw_t), 1);
        rw->ro = ro;
        rw->flags = RW_REALIZED|RW_REALIZING;

    isMeta = ro->flags & RO_META;

    rw->version = isMeta ? 7 : 0;  // old runtime went up to 6

    // Choose an index for this class.
    // Sets cls->instancesRequireRawIsa if indexes no more indexes are available

    if (PrintConnecting) 
        _objc_inform("CLASS: realizing class '%s'%s %p %p #%u %s%s",
                     cls->nameForLogging(), isMeta ? " (meta)" : "", 
                     (void*)cls, ro, cls->classArrayIndex(),
                     cls->isSwiftStable() ? "(swift)" : "",
                     cls->isSwiftLegacy() ? "(pre-stable swift)" : "");

    // Realize superclass and metaclass, if they aren't already.
    // This needs to be done after RW_REALIZED is set above, for root classes.
    // This needs to be done after class index is chosen, for root metaclasses.
    // This assumes that none of those classes have Swift contents,
    //   or that Swift's initializers have already been called.
    //   fixme that assumption will be wrong if we add support
    //   for ObjC subclasses of Swift classes.
    supercls = realizeClassWithoutSwift(remapClass(cls->superclass));
    metacls = realizeClassWithoutSwift(remapClass(cls->ISA()));

    // Disable non-pointer isa for some classes and/or platforms.
    // Set instancesRequireRawIsa.
    bool instancesRequireRawIsa = cls->instancesRequireRawIsa();
    bool rawIsaIsInherited = false;
    static bool hackedDispatch = false;

    if (DisableNonpointerIsa) 
        // Non-pointer isa disabled by environment or app SDK version
        instancesRequireRawIsa = true;
    else if (!hackedDispatch  &&  !(ro->flags & RO_META)  &&  
             0 == strcmp(ro->name, "OS_object")) 
        // hack for libdispatch et al - isa also acts as vtable pointer
        hackedDispatch = true;
        instancesRequireRawIsa = true;
    else if (supercls  &&  supercls->superclass  &&  
        // This is also propagated by addSubclass() 
        // but nonpointer isa setup needs it earlier.
        // Special case: instancesRequireRawIsa does not propagate 
        // from root class to root metaclass
        instancesRequireRawIsa = true;
        rawIsaIsInherited = true;
    if (instancesRequireRawIsa) 

    // Update superclass and metaclass in case of remapping
    cls->superclass = supercls;

    // Reconcile instance variable offsets / layout.
    // This may reallocate class_ro_t, updating our ro variable.
    if (supercls  &&  !isMeta) reconcileInstanceVariables(cls, supercls, ro);

    // Set fastInstanceSize if it wasn't set already.

    // Copy some flags from ro to rw
    if (ro->flags & RO_HAS_CXX_STRUCTORS) 
        if (! (ro->flags & RO_HAS_CXX_DTOR_ONLY)) 
    // Propagate the associated objects forbidden flag from ro or from
    // the superclass.
    if ((ro->flags & RO_FORBIDS_ASSOCIATED_OBJECTS) ||
        (supercls && supercls->forbidsAssociatedObjects()))

    // Connect this class to its superclass's subclass lists
    if (supercls) 
        addSubclass(supercls, cls);

    // Attach categories

    return cls;


	ro = (const class_ro_t *)cls->data();
    if (ro->flags & RO_FUTURE) 
        // This was a future class. rw data is already allocated.
        rw = cls->data();
        ro = cls->data()->ro;
        cls->changeInfo(RW_REALIZED|RW_REALIZING, RW_FUTURE);
        // Normal class. Allocate writeable class data.
        rw = (class_rw_t *)calloc(sizeof(class_rw_t), 1);
        rw->ro = ro;
        rw->flags = RW_REALIZED|RW_REALIZING;

我们可以知道,一开始bits中一开始存储的class_ro_t , 随后创建了class_rw_t ,并且把class_ro_t赋值给class_rw_t,然后把class_rw_t赋值给bits, 根据上边的源码我们也知道class_ro_t的内容都被const修饰着,所以只可以读,不可以该,但是在运行时我们还可以给class添加方法等操作,都是通过class_rw_t来实现的,realizeClass方法中class_rw_tclass_ro_t的创建和赋值动作也是为了runtime动态化做了准备.


  • objc_class 也是对象
  • objc_class 编译后的方法列表,属性列表,协议列表在class_ro_t中存储,并且大多被const修饰,不能修改,这也是我们为什么不能在运行时像对象中添加属性的原因.
  • objc_class 在运行时初始化的时候,class_ro_tclass_rw_t引用,并赋值了其方法列表和协议列表.此动作让运行时的对象有了对方法和协议进行动态修改的可能.

  1. Runtime objc4-723 objc_class 中有对class_rw_t、class_ro_t详细解析 ↩︎

以上是关于Runtime objc4-756.2 objc_class中class_ro_t与class_rw_t源码关系分析的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Runtime objc4-779.1 Runtime在实际开发中的应用之__attribute__

Runtime objc4-779.1 Runtime在实际开发中的应用之__attribute__

Runtime objc4-723 objc_class

使用objc runtime实现iOS懒加载


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