
Posted 看,未来



rax VS trie

对于这个rax,那我们可更不陌生了,我觉得它就是把 trie 进行一个变种、压缩、强化。

关于 trie,字典树,咱也是手写过的:数据结构(12)-- 前缀树(字典树、Trie)


 * 假设要存三个字符串:foo, footer, foobar
 * 这是一个没有压缩的结构
 *              (f) ""
 *                \\
 *                (o) "f"
 *                  \\
 *                  (o) "fo"
 *                    \\
 *                  [t   b] "foo"
 *                  /     \\
 *         "foot" (e)     (a) "foob"
 *                /         \\
 *      "foote" (r)         (r) "fooba"
 *              /             \\
 *    "footer" []             [] "foobar"

 *  我们进行一下压缩:
 *                  ["foo"] ""
 *                     |
 *                  [t   b] "foo"
 *                  /     \\
 *        "foot" ("er")    ("ar") "foob"
 *                 /          \\
 *       "footer" []          [] "foobar"
 * redis中基本就是这个样子

 * 如果我们再插入一个first:
 *                    (f) ""
 *                    /
 *                 (i o) "f"
 *                 /   \\
 *    "firs"  ("rst")  (o) "fo"
 *              /        \\
 *    "first" []       [t   b] "foo"
 *                     /     \\
 *           "foot" ("er")    ("ar") "foob"
 *                    /          \\
 *          "footer" []          [] "foobar"
 * 那就变成了这个样子

RAX不仅可以存储字符串,同时还可以为这个字符串设置一个值,也就是 key-value。


typedef struct rax 
    raxNode *head;	//指向头结点的指针
    uint64_t numele;	//元素个数(key的个数)
    uint64_t numnodes;	//节点个数
 rax;	//rax代表一个Rax树

typedef struct raxNode 
    uint32_t iskey:1;  //当前节点是否包含一个key,占用一个字节
    uint32_t isnull:1; //当前key对应的value是否为空,占用一个字节
    uint32_t iscompr:1;//当前节点是否为压缩节点,占用一个字节
    uint32_t size:29;  //压缩节点压缩的字符串长度 或 非压缩节点的子节点个数,占用29个字节
    /* Data layout is as follows:
     * If node is not compressed we have 'size' bytes, one for each children
     * character, and 'size' raxNode pointers, point to each child node.
     * Note how the character is not stored in the children but in the
     * edge of the parents:
     * [header iscompr=0][abc][a-ptr][b-ptr][c-ptr](value-ptr?)
     * if node is compressed (iscompr bit is 1) the node has 1 children.
     * In that case the 'size' bytes of the string stored immediately at
     * the start of the data section, represent a sequence of successive
     * nodes linked one after the other, for which only the last one in
     * the sequence is actually represented as a node, and pointed to by
     * the current compressed node.
     * [header iscompr=1][xyz][z-ptr](value-ptr?)
     * Both compressed and not compressed nodes can represent a key
     * with associated data in the radix tree at any level (not just terminal
     * nodes).
     * If the node has an associated key (iskey=1) and is not NULL
     * (isnull=0), then after the raxNode pointers poiting to the
     * children, an additional value pointer is present (as you can see
     * in the representation above as "value-ptr" field).
    unsigned char data[];
 raxNode;	//raxNode代表Rax中的一个节点

为了实现Rax树的遍历,redis提供了 RaxStack、raxIterator 两种结构。

/* Stack data structure used by raxLowWalk() in order to, optionally, return
 * a list of parent nodes to the caller. The nodes do not have a "parent"
 * field for space concerns, so we use the auxiliary stack when needed. */
typedef struct raxStack 
    void **stack; /* Points to static_items or an heap allocated array. */
    size_t items, maxitems; /* Number of items contained and total space. */
    /* Up to RAXSTACK_STACK_ITEMS items we avoid to allocate on the heap
     * and use this static array of pointers instead. */
    void *static_items[RAX_STACK_STATIC_ITEMS];	//这是一个数组,其中的每一个元素都指向一个存储路径
    int oom; /* True if pushing into this stack failed for OOM at some point. */
 raxStack;	//用于存储从根节点到当前节点的路径
typedef struct raxIterator 
    int flags;				//选择范围在下面
    rax *rt;                /* Radix tree we are iterating. */
    unsigned char *key;     //当前遍历到的key
    void *data;             /* Data associated to this key. */
    size_t key_len;         /* Current key length. */
    size_t key_max;         /* Max key len the current key buffer can hold. */
    unsigned char key_static_string[RAX_ITER_STATIC_LEN];	//当key较大时,会从堆空间申请内存
    raxNode *node;          /* Current node. Only for unsafe iteration. */
    raxStack stack;         /* Stack used for unsafe iteration. */
    raxNodeCallback node_cb; /* Optional node callback. Normally set to NULL. */
 raxIterator;	//用于遍历Rax树中所有的key
#define RAX_ITER_JUST_SEEKED (1<<0)
/* Iterator was just seeked. Return current element for the first iteration and clear the flag. */
#define RAX_ITER_EOF (1<<1)    /* End of iteration reached. */
#define RAX_ITER_SAFE (1<<2)   /* Safe iterator, allows operations while iterating. But it is slower. */





/* Low level function that walks the tree looking for the string
 * 's' of 'len' bytes. The function returns the number of characters
 * of the key that was possible to process: if the returned integer
 * is the same as 'len', then it means that the node corresponding to the
 * string was found (however it may not be a key in case the node->iskey is
 * zero or if simply we stopped in the middle of a compressed node, so that
 * 'splitpos' is non zero).
 * Otherwise if the returned integer is not the same as 'len', there was an
 * early stop during the tree walk because of a character mismatch.
 * The node where the search ended (because the full string was processed
 * or because there was an early stop) is returned by reference as
 * '*stopnode' if the passed pointer is not NULL. This node link in the
 * parent's node is returned as '*plink' if not NULL. Finally, if the
 * search stopped in a compressed node, '*splitpos' returns the index
 * inside the compressed node where the search ended. This is useful to
 * know where to split the node for insertion.
 * Note that when we stop in the middle of a compressed node with
 * a perfect match, this function will return a length equal to the
 * 'len' argument (all the key matched), and will return a *splitpos which is
 * always positive (that will represent the index of the character immediately
 * *after* the last match in the current compressed node).
 * When instead we stop at a compressed node and *splitpos is zero, it
 * means that the current node represents the key (that is, none of the
 * compressed node characters are needed to represent the key, just all
 * its parents nodes). */
static inline size_t raxLowWalk(rax *rax, unsigned char *s, size_t len, raxNode **stopnode, raxNode ***plink, int *splitpos, raxStack *ts) 
    raxNode *h = rax->head;
    raxNode **parentlink = &rax->head;

    size_t i = 0; /* Position in the string. */
    size_t j = 0; /* Position in the node children (or bytes if compressed).*/
    while(h->size && i < len) 
        debugnode("Lookup current node",h);
        unsigned char *v = h->data;

        if (h->iscompr) 
            for (j = 0; j < h->size && i < len; j++, i++) 
                if (v[j] != s[i]) break;
            if (j != h->size) break;
            /* Even when h->size is large, linear scan provides good
             * performances compared to other approaches that are in theory
             * more sounding, like performing a binary search. */
            for (j = 0; j < h->size; j++) 
                if (v[j] == s[i]) break;
            if (j == h->size) break;

        if (ts) raxStackPush(ts,h); /* Save stack of parent nodes. */
        raxNode **children = raxNodeFirstChildPtr(h);
        if (h->iscompr) j = 0; /* Compressed node only child is at index 0. */
        parentlink = children+j;
        j = 0; /* If the new node is non compressed and we do not
                  iterate again (since i == len) set the split
                  position to 0 to signal this node represents
                  the searched key. */
    debugnode("Lookup stop node is",h);
    if (stopnode) *stopnode = h;
    if (plink) *plink = parentlink;
    if (splitpos && h->iscompr) *splitpos = j;
    return i;



int raxGenericInsert(rax *rax, unsigned char *s, size_t len, void *data, void **old, int overwrite) 
    size_t i;
    int j = 0; /* Split position. If raxLowWalk() stops in a compressed
                  node, the index 'j' represents the char we stopped within the
                  compressed node, that is, the position where to split the
                  node for insertion. */
    raxNode *h, **parentlink;

    debugf("### Insert %.*s with value %p\\n", (int)len, s, data);
    i = raxLowWalk(rax,s,len,&h,&parentlink,&j,NULL);

    /* If i == len we walked following the whole string. If we are not
     * in the middle of a compressed node, the string is either already
     * inserted or this middle node is currently not a key, but can represent
     * our key. We have just to reallocate the node and make space for the
     * data pointer. */
    if (i == len && (!h->iscompr || j == 0 /* not in the middle if j is 0 */)) 
        debugf("### Insert: node representing key exists\\n");
        /* Make space for the value pointer if needed. */
        if (!h->iskey || (h->isnull && overwrite)) 
            h = raxReallocForData(h,data);
            if (h) memcpy(parentlink,&h,sizeof(h));
        if (h == NULL) 
            errno = ENOMEM;
            return 0;

        /* Update the existing key if there is already one. */
        if (h->iskey) 
            if (old) *old = raxGetData(h);
            if (overwrite) raxSetData(h,data);
            errno = 0;
            return 0; /* Element already exists. */

        /* Otherwise set the node as a key. Note that raxSetData()
         * will set h->iskey. */
        return 1; /* Element inserted. */

    /* If the node we stopped at is a compressed node, we need to
     * split it before to continue.
     * Splitting a compressed node have a few possible cases.
     * Imagine that the node 'h' we are currently at is a compressed
     * node contaning the string "ANNIBALE" (it means that it represents
     * nodes A -> N -> N -> I -> B -> A -> L -> E with the only child
     * pointer of this node pointing at the 'E' node, because remember that
     * we have characters at the edges of the graph, not inside the nodes
     * themselves.
     * In order to show a real case imagine our node to also point to
     * another compressed node, that finally points at the node without
     * children, representing 'O':
     *     "ANNIBALE" -> "SCO" -> []
     * When inserting we may face the following cases. Note that all the cases
     * require the insertion of a non compressed node with exactly two
     * children, except for the last case which just requires splitting a
     * compressed node.
     * 1) Inserting "ANNIENTARE"
     *               |B| -> "ALE" -> "SCO" -> []
     *     "ANNI" -> |-|
     *               |E| -> (... continue algo ...) "NTARE" -> []
     * 2) Inserting "ANNIBALI"
     *                  |E| -> "SCO" -> []
     *     "ANNIBAL" -> |-|
     *                  |I| -> (... continue algo ...) []
     * 3) Inserting "AGO" (Like case 1, but set iscompr = 0 into original node)
     *            |N| -> "NIBALE" -> "SCO" -> []
     *     |A| -> |-|
     *            |G| -> (... continue algo ...) |O| -> []
     * 4) Inserting "CIAO"
     *     |A| -> "NNIBALE" -> "SCO" -> []
     *     |-|
     *     |C| -> (... continue algo ...) "IAO" -> []
     * 5) Inserting "ANNI"
     *     "ANNI" -> "BALE" -> "SCO" -> []
     * The final algorithm for insertion covering all the above cases is as
     * follows.
     * ============================= ALGO 1 =============================
     * For the above cases 1 to 4, that is, all cases where we stopped in
     * the middle of a compressed node for a character mismatch, do:
     * Let $SPLITPOS be the zero-based index at which, in the
     * compressed node array of characters, we found the mismatching
     * character. For example if the node contains "ANNIBALE" and we add
     * "ANNIENTARE" the $SPLITPOS is 4, that is, the index at which the
     * mismatching character is found.
     * 1. Save the current compressed node $NEXT pointer (the pointer to the
     *    child element, that is always present in compressed nodes).
     * 2. Create "split node" having as child the non common letter
     *    at the compressed node. The other non common letter (at the key)
     *    will be added later as we continue the normal insertion algorithm
     *    at step "6".
     * 3a. IF $SPLITPOS == 0:
     *     Replace the old node with the split node, by copying the auxiliary
     *     data if any. Fix parent's reference. Free old node eventually
     *     (we still need its data for the next steps of the algorithm).
     * 3b. IF $SPLITPOS != 0:
     *     Trim the compressed node (reallocating it as well) in order to
     *     contain $splitpos characters. Change chilid pointer in order to link
     *     to the split node. If new compressed node len is just 1, set
     *     iscompr to 0 (layout is the same). Fix parent's reference.
     * 4a. IF the postfix len (the length of the remaining string of the
     *     original compressed node after the split character) is non zero,
     *     create a "postfix node". If the postfix node has just one character
     *     set iscompr to 0, otherwise iscompr to 1. Set the postfix node
     *     child pointer to $NEXT.
     * 4b. IF the postfix len is zero, just use $NEXT as postfix pointer.
     * 5. Set child[0] of split node to postfix node.
     * 6. Set the split node as the current node, set current index at child[1]
     *    and continue insertion algorithm as usually.
     * ============================= ALGO 2 =============================
     * For case 5, that is, if we stopped in the middle of a compressed
     * node but no mismatch was found, do:
     * Let $SPLITPOS be the zero-based index at which, in the
     * compressed node array of characters, we stopped iterating because
     * there were no more keys character to match. So in the example of
     * the node "ANNIBALE", addig the string "ANNI", the $SPLITPOS is 4.
     * 1. Save the current compressed node $NEXT pointer (the pointer to the
     *    child element, that is always present in compressed nodes).
     * 2. Create a "postfix node" containing all the characters from $SPLITPOS
     *    to the end. Use $NEXT as the postfix node child pointer.
     *    If the postfix node length is 1, set iscompr to 0.
     *    Set the node as a key with the associated value of the new
     *    inserted key.
     * 3. Trim the current node to contain the first $SPLITPOS characters.
     *    As usually if the new node length is just 1, set iscompr to 0.
     *    Take the iskey / associated value as it was in the orignal node.
     *    Fix the parent's reference.
     * 4. Set the postfix node as the only child pointer of the trimmed
     *    node created at step 1.

    /* ------------------------- ALGORITHM 1 --------------------------- */
    if (h->iscompr && i != len) 
        debugf("ALGO 1: Stopped at compressed node %.*s (%p)\\n",
            h->size, h->data, (void*)h);
        debugf("Still to insert: %.*s\\n", (int)(len-i), s+i);
        debugf("Splitting at %d: '%c'\\n", j, ((char*)h->data)[j]);
        debugf("Other (key) letter is '%c'\\n", s[i]);

        /* 1: Save next pointer. */
        raxNode **childfield = raxNodeLastChildPtr(h);
        raxNode *next;
        debugf("Next is %p\\n", (void*)next);
        debugf("iskey %d\\n", h->iskey);
        if (h->iskey) 
            debugf("key value is %p\\n", raxGetData(h));

        /* Set the length of the additional nodes we will need. */
        size_t trimmedlen = j;
        size_t postfixlen = h->size - j - 1;
        int split_node_is_key = !trimmedlen && h->iskey && !h->isnull;
        size_t nodesize;

        /* 2: Create the split node. Also allocate the other nodes we'll need
         *    ASAP, so that it will be simpler to handle OOM. */
        raxNode *splitnode = raxNewNode(1, split_node_is_key);
        raxNode *trimmed = NULL;
        raxNode *postfix = NULL;

        if (trimmedlen) 
            nodesize = sizeof(raxNode)+trimmedlen+raxPadding(trimmedlen)+
            if (h->iskey && !h->isnull) nodesize += sizeof(void*);
            trimmed = rax_malloc(nodesize);

        if (postfixlen) 
            nodesize = sizeof(raxNode)+postfixlen+raxPadding(postfixlen)+
            postfix = rax_malloc(nodesize);

        /* OOM? Abort now that the tree is untouched. */
        if (splitnode == NULL ||
            (trimmedlen && trimmed == NULL) ||
            (postfixlen && postfix == NULL))
            errno = ENOMEM;
            return 0;
        splitnode->data[0] = h->data[j];

        if (j == 0) 
            /* 3a: Replace the old node with the split node. */
            if (h->iskey) 
                void *ndata = raxGetData(h);
            /* 3b: Trim the compressed node. */
            trimmed->size = j;
            trimmed->iscompr = j > 1 ? 1 : 0;
            trimmed->iskey = h->iskey;
            trimmed->isnull = h->isnull;
            if (h->iskey && !h->isnull) 
                void *ndata = raxGetData(h);
            raxNode **cp = raxNodeLastChildPtr(trimmed);
            parentlink = cp; /* Set parentlink to splitnode parent. */

        /* 4: Create the postfix node: what remains of the original
         * compressed node after the split. */
        if (postfixlen) 
            /* 4a: create a postfix node. */
            postfix->iskey = 0;
            postfix->isnull = 0;
            postfix->size = postfixlen;
            postfix->iscompr = postfixlen > 1;
            raxNode **cp = raxNodeLastChildPtr(postfix);
            /* 4b: just use next as postfix node. */





redis源码学习紧凑列表 listpack,t_hash的御用底层结构

redis源码学习紧凑列表 listpack,t_hash的御用底层结构
