Posted 嵌入式大杂烩
“简 介: 完整的开源代码以及移植说明正在整理当中。建立共同的生态圈,使得更多人加入应用模块中,丰其羽翼、壮其筋骨。让更多非专业人士体会编程快乐。
: MM32,MicroPython,OLED
01 夸下海口
这个男人(MindMotion, 苏勇),在10月17在上海一家火锅店 边吃饭,边回想当年参加智能车竞赛[1] 的时候,边夸下海口,今年能够让同学们在MindMotion单片机上使用MicroPython开发车模作品。
时间过去了一个多月了,他在原来空空荡荡的 MicroPython内核上,针对MM32F3277单片机实现了那些功能呢?
下面是使用 dir(machine) 看到的主要功能。
MicroPython v1.16 on 2021-11-25; MB_F3270 with MM32F3277G7P
>>> import machine
>>> dir(machine)
['__name__', 'ADC', 'DAC', 'PWM', 'Pin', 'SDCard', 'SPI', 'SoftI2C', 'SoftSPI', 'UART', 'freq', 'mem16', 'mem32', 'mem8']
02 冰箱装大象
一、MM32F3277 MicroPython
具有I2C接口 OLED接入MCU非常简单。只需要两根信号线便可以。在 MindMotion MM32F3277 SoftI2C功能测试[2] 测试了OLED通过I2C接入MM32F3277 的 SoftI2C控制端口,通过MicroPython显示字符信息。
转换完之后,便可以将其编码成1024 个字节,传送到MicroPython刷新到OLED中,或者将数据存储在文件中,预先存储在SD卡中,由MicroPython读取显示。
filename = os.path.join(gifdir, '%04d.BMP'%i)
img = cv2.imread(filename)[:,:,::-1]
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
edge = cv2.Canny(gray, 100, 200)
imgshape = shape(img)
imgcrop = img[imgshape[0]//2-64:imgshape[0]//2+64,
imgcrop = cv2.resize(imgcrop, dsize=(128, 64), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
def oleddata(d):
outd = []
d[d!=0] = 1
h,w = shape(d)
line = h//8
c12 = [2**i for i in range(8)]
for i in range(line):
startline = i*8
endline = startline+8
for j in range(w):
data = d[startline:endline, j]
num = sum([x*y for x,y in zip(data, c12)])
return outd
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然后将GIF.TXT 存入SD卡中。
pltgif = PlotGIF()
outfile = open(r'd:\\temp\\gif.txt', 'w')
for i in range(gifpage):
filename = os.path.join(gifdir, '%04d.BMP'%i)
img = cv2.imread(filename)[:,:,::-1]
imgshape = shape(img)
imgcrop = img[imgshape[0]//2-64:imgshape[0]//2+64,
imgcrop = cv2.resize(imgcrop, dsize=(128, 64), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
gray = cv2.cvtColor(imgcrop, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
edge = cv2.Canny(gray, 80, 200)
data = oleddata(edge)
strdata = ''
for d in data:
strdata = strdata + '%02x'%d
strdata = strdata + '\\n'
from machine import SoftI2C,Pin
import utime
import i2coled
scl = Pin('PA0')
sda = Pin('PA1')
i2c = SoftI2C(scl, sda, freq=400000)
oled = i2coled.SSD1306_I2C(128, 64, i2c, addr=0x3c)
oled.setstring(0, 0, 'HELLO')
print("Receive OLED and show...")
count = 0
while True:
count = 0
with open('gif.txt', 'r') as f:
for l in f:
for i in range(1024):
num = int(l[i*2:i*2+2], 16)
oled.buffer[count] = num
count += 1
count = 0
03 开源在即
边吃饭,边回想当年参加智能车竞赛: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA5NjQyNjc2NQ&mid=2452244579&idx=1&sn=4c2327f742c0db6373950a8ca389a769&chksm=876ea601b0192f179c59fed9a2486615a5ede984da6e7bad9773daad65221fc0ce9f94e1455b&token=426555167&lang=zh_CN#rd*
[2]MindMotion MM32F3277 SoftI2C功能测试: https://zhuoqing.blog.csdn.net/article/details/121538923
测试逐飞的MM32F3277 MicroPython开发板的基本功能
设计带有SD卡的 MM32F3277 MicroPython 实验板