Posted Zeroes
2.ESPlorer v0.2.0-rc6
修改init.lua文件,可参看NodeMCU-HTTP-Server Example

-- init.lua --------------------- -- wifi --------------------- print(\'Setting up WIFI...\') wifi.setmode(wifi.STATION) wifi.sta.config(\'WX401901\', \'smyh1234\') wifi.sta.autoconnect(1) tmr.alarm(1, 1000, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, function() if wifi.sta.getip() == nil then print(\'Waiting for IP ...\') else print(\'IP is \' .. wifi.sta.getip()) tmr.stop(1) end end) -- Serving static files dofile(\'httpServer.lua\') httpServer:listen(80) -- Custom API -- Get text/html httpServer:use(\'/welcome\', function(req, res) res:send(\'Hello \' .. -- /welcome?name=doge end) -- Get file httpServer:use(\'/doge\', function(req, res) res:sendFile(\'doge.jpg\') end) -- Get json httpServer:use(\'/json\', function(req, res) res:type(\'application/json\') res:send(\'{"doge": "smile"}\') end) -- Redirect httpServer:use(\'/redirect\', function(req, res) res:redirect(\'doge.jpg\') end)
修改成 wifi.setmode(wifi.STATIONAP) 模式,出现了内存不足的错误,无视它。
E:M 248
not enough memory
stack traceback:
[C]: in function \'dofile\'
init.lua:22: in main chunk
[C]: in function \'dofile\'
stdin:1: in main chunk
现在NodeMCU有两个IP,一个是作为STATION的192.168.100.100,另外一个是作为AP的192.168.4.1,这时在无线列表中会多出一个AI-THINKER_AC72F4,用手机或电脑连上后浏览器中输入http:// 也可以看到页面。
首先,删除上一步中上传的测试文件 404.html和doge.jpg
httpServer:use(\'/config\', function(req, res) if req.query.ssid ~= nil and req.query.pwd ~= nil then wifi.sta.config(req.query.ssid, req.query.pwd) status = \'STA_CONNECTING\' status_sleep=0 tmr.alarm(TMR_WIFI, 1000, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, function() status_sleep=status_sleep+1 --当设置的账号密码错误时,定时器不会停止,所以这里添加了超时检查 if(status_sleep==10) then res:type(\'application/json\') res:send(\'{"status":"timeout"}\') tmr.stop(TMR_WIFI) end if status ~= \'STA_CONNECTING\' then res:type(\'application/json\') res:send(\'{"status":"\' .. status .. \'"}\') tmr.stop(TMR_WIFI) end end) end end) -- Get json httpServer:use(\'/scanap\', function(req, res) wifi.sta.getap(function(table) local aptable = {} for ssid,v in pairs(table) do local authmode, rssi, bssid, channel = string.match(v, "([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)") aptable[ssid] = { authmode = authmode, rssi = rssi, bssid = bssid, channel = channel } end res:type(\'application/json\')
--原来是cjson.encode(aptable),因为构建固件时没有找到cjson用了sjson,所以这里改成sjson res:send(sjson.encode(aptable)) end) end)
* Sending index.html
* Finished index.html
PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (httpServer.lua:77: not connected)

-- init.lua ---------------------- --define --------------------- IO_BLINK = 4 TMR_WIFI = 4 TMR_BLINK = 5 TMR_BTN = 6 gpio.mode(IO_BLINK, gpio.OUTPUT) --------------------- -- blink --------------------- blink = nil tmr.register(TMR_BLINK, 100, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, function() gpio.write(IO_BLINK, blink.i % 2) tmr.interval(TMR_BLINK, blink[blink.i + 1]) blink.i = (blink.i + 1) % #blink end) function blinking(param) if type(param) == \'table\' then blink = param blink.i = 0 tmr.interval(TMR_BLINK, 1) running, _ = tmr.state(TMR_BLINK) if running ~= true then tmr.start(TMR_BLINK) end else tmr.stop(TMR_BLINK) gpio.write(IO_BLINK, param or gpio.LOW) end end --------------------- -- wifi --------------------- print(\'Setting up WIFI...\') wifi.setmode(wifi.STATIONAP ) wifi.sta.config(\'WX401901\', \'smyh1234\') wifi.sta.autoconnect(1) tmr.alarm(1, 1000, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, function() if wifi.sta.getip() == nil then print(\'Waiting for IP ...\') else print(\'IP is \' .. wifi.sta.getip()) tmr.stop(1) end end) status=nil wifi.sta.eventMonReg(wifi.STA_WRONGPWD, function() blinking({100, 100 , 100, 500}) status = \'STA_WRONGPWD\' print(status) end) wifi.sta.eventMonReg(wifi.STA_APNOTFOUND, function() blinking({2000, 2000}) status = \'STA_APNOTFOUND\' print(status) end) wifi.sta.eventMonReg(wifi.STA_CONNECTING, function(previous_State) blinking({300, 300}) status = \'STA_CONNECTING\' print(status) end) wifi.sta.eventMonReg(wifi.STA_GOTIP, function() blinking() status = \'STA_GOTIP\' print(status, wifi.sta.getip()) end) wifi.sta.eventMonStart(1000) --------------------- -- http --------------------- dofile(\'httpServer.lua\') httpServer:listen(80) httpServer:use(\'/config\', function(req, res) if req.query.ssid ~= nil and req.query.pwd ~= nil then wifi.sta.config(req.query.ssid, req.query.pwd) status = \'STA_CONNECTING\' status_sleep=0 tmr.alarm(TMR_WIFI, 1000, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, function() status_sleep=status_sleep+1 if(status_sleep==10) then res:type(\'application/json\') res:send(\'{"status":"timeout"}\') tmr.stop(TMR_WIFI) end if status ~= \'STA_CONNECTING\' then res:type(\'application/json\') res:send(\'{"status":"\' .. status .. \'"}\') tmr.stop(TMR_WIFI) end end) end end) -- Get json httpServer:use(\'/scanap\', function(req, res) wifi.sta.getap(function(table) local aptable = {} for ssid,v in pairs(table) do local authmode, rssi, bssid, channel = string.match(v, "([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+)") aptable[ssid] = { authmode = authmode, rssi = rssi, bssid = bssid, channel = channel } end res:type(\'application/json\') res:send(sjson.encode(aptable)) end) end)
本文是在NodeMCU之旅(三):响应配置按钮、NodeMCU之旅(四):实现Web配置页面 基础之上的学习过程,感谢原作者。
基于MacOS搭建ESP8266 NodeMCU CP2102开发环境