
Posted mutourend



1. 引言

NEAR为基于sharding的Layer 1扩容方案。与以太坊类似,为account-based system。



  • 1)blockchain 层:用于支撑runtime that processes transactions differently,具有不同的虚拟机(如RISC-V),具有不同的fees。可通过account trie来了解account和validators。除此之外,并不直接操作accounts。
  • 2)runtime 层:为交易的来源之处。对区块链层是否采用分片技术,采用何种共识,以及是否作为区块链的一部分运行均无需感知。runtime层本质上为a complex set of rules on what to do with accounts based on the information from the transactions and the receipts。runtime层需深入理解the concept of account。


  • 1)Transactions:代表区块链用户发起的请求,如send assets,create account,execute a method等。Transactions在Near节点之外创建,用户通过RPC或网络通信提交。
  • 2)Receipts:代表内部结构,可将receipt想象成是a message which is used inside a message-passing system。Receipts由runtime根据交易创建,或者是处理其他receipts产生的结果。

blockchain层并不会创建或处理transactions和receipts,blockchain层仅passing them around and feeding them to a runtime。


  • 1)Sharding:runtime层并不知道其被用于a sharded blockchain,如,其不知道the trie it works on is only a part of the overall blockchain state。
  • 2)Blocks or chunks:runtime不知道其处理的receipts包含了a chunk,而其输出的receipt将被用于其它chunks。从runtime角度看,其consumes and outputs batches of transactions and receipts。
  • 3)Consensus:runtime本身是不知道state是如何维护一致性的。
  • 4)Communication:runtime并不知道当前网络拓扑。Receipt仅有一个receiver_id(a recipient account),但并不知道目标shard,因此需要由blockchain层来路由特定的receipt。

fees and rewards被利索地封装在runtime层。blockchain 层可通过计算the tokens-to-gas exchange rate and the inflation来间接了解fees and rewards信息。

2. NEAR中的账号模型

NEAR采用account names系统(类似于域名),Account ID类似于用户名。如mutourend.near。

Account ID需遵循以下规则:【正则表达式为^(([a-z\\d]+[\\-_])*[a-z\\d]+\\.)*([a-z\\d]+[\\-_])*[a-z\\d]+$

  • 最小长度为2,最大长度为64
  • 可通过.来分隔
  • 小写字母之间可以-_分隔
  • 长度若为64,且包含的都是lowercase hex characters,则该Account ID为implicit account ID。如98793cd91a3f870fb126f66285808c7e094afcfc4eda8a970f6648cdf0dbd6de为implicit account ID。

单一account的data会分配在同一shard中,具体的account data有:

  • Balance:为locked balance + unlocked balance之和。
  • Locked balance (for staking)
  • Code of the contract:一个account仅可有一个合约(为WebAssembly)。合约需 由account owner明确部署 或 在account creation过程中部署。A contract can be executed by anyone who calls a method on your account. A contract has access to the storage on your account.
  • Key-value storage of the contract:每个account都有其自己的strorage,为persistent key-value trie。Keys以字典顺序排序。该storage仅可由该 account上的合约修改。
  • Access keys:每个access key都由一个唯一的public key标识。该public key可用于对交易验签。每个access key包含了一个唯一的nonce来differentiate or order transactions signed with this access key。可分为full permission access key 和 function call permission access key。【每个account可有0个或多个access key。】
  • Postponed ActionReceipts
  • Received DataReceipts

2.1 system account

system为一种特殊的账号,仅用于表示refund receipts。对于refund receipts,可设置其predecessor_id为system来标记其为a refund receipt。用户无法创建或访问system account。事实上,该account不存在state中。

2.2 implicit account

implicit account 类似于比特币、以太坊账号。
本地生成ED25519 key-pair,以其公钥的lowercase hex representation来表示account ID。即ED25519 Public key is 32 bytes that maps to 64 characters account ID。

如 base58表示的公钥BGCCDDHfysuuVnaNVtEhhqeT4k9Muyem3Kpgq2U1m9HX,其对应的account ID为98793cd91a3f870fb126f66285808c7e094afcfc4eda8a970f6648cdf0dbd6de

具有implicit account ID的account仅可用于send a transaction/receipt with a single Transfer action to the implicit account ID receiver:

  • 该account将由该account ID创建。
  • 该account由一个新的full access key with the ED25519-curve public key of decode_hex(account_id) and nonce 0
  • 该account balance将have a transfer balance deposited to it。

为了避免劫持,implicit account无法通过CreateAccount action来创建。

Once an implicit account is created it acts as a regular account until it’s deleted.

3. NEAR中的合约

可参看 NEAR Non-fungible Token (NFT) 步骤进行操作,部署示例NFT 合约。


[1] NEAR Protocol Specification


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