Hdu5381 the sum of gcd(莫队)

Posted 吃花椒的妙酱


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Hdu5381 the sum of gcd(莫队)相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

[l,r] -> [l-1,r]则增加了l-1对[l,r]的贡献
[l,r] -> [l+1,r]则减少了l对[l,r]的贡献
[l,r] -> [l,r-1]则减少了r对[l,r]的贡献
[l,r] -> [l,r+1]则增加了r对[l,r]的贡献

#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <deque>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
#define _for(i,a,b) for(int i=(a) ;i<=(b) ;i++)
#define _rep(i,a,b) for(int i=(a) ;i>=(b) ;i--)
#define scd(v) scanf("%d",&v)
#define scdd(a,b) scanf("%d %d",&a,&b)
#define endl "\\n"
#define IOS ios::sync_with_stdio(false)
#define pb push_back
#define all(v) v.begin(),v.end()
#define int long long
#define odd(x) x&1
#define mst(v,a) memset(v,a,sizeof(v))
#define lson p<<1 ,l,mid
#define rson p<<1|1,mid+1,r
#define ls p<<1
#define rs p<<1|1
#define fi first
#define se second
#define pii pair<double,double>
#define inf 0x7f7f7f7f
const int N = 3e5 + 5000;
int a[N], ans[N], pos[N];//输入,计数,答案,分块位置
vector<pii > R[N], L[N];
int n, m;
int res = 0;
ll gcd(int a, int b)
    while (b)
        int t = a;
        a = b;
        b = t % b;
    return a;
struct Q
    int l, r, id;
bool cmp(Q a, Q b)//对询问离线
    return pos[a.l] == pos[b.l] ? a.r < b.r : pos[a.l] < pos[b.l];
void ini()
    _rep(i, n, 1)
        int g = a[i];
        int r = i;
        for (pii it : L[i + 1])
            int temp = gcd(it.second, a[i]);
            if (temp != g) L[i].push_back({ r,g });//如果gcd不同就记录
            g = temp;
            r = it.first;
        L[i].push_back({ r,g });//最后一个区间
    _for(i, 1, n)
        int g = a[i];
        int l = i;
        for (pii it : R[i - 1])
            int temp = gcd(it.second, a[i]);
            if (temp != g) R[i].push_back({ l,g });
            g = temp;
            l = it.first;
        R[i].push_back({ l,g });//最后一个区间
int LFT(int l, int r)//l-1,l+1对原来区间的贡献
    int ans = 0;
    int last = l-1;
    for (auto it : L[l])
        int pos = it.first;
        int g = it.second;
        if (pos <= r)
            ans += (pos-last) * g;
            ans += (r - last) * g;
        last = pos;
    return ans;
int RGT(int l, int r)//r-1,r+1,对区间的贡献
    int ans = 0;
    int last = r+1;
    for (auto it : R[r])
        int pos = it.first;
        int g = it.second;
        if (pos >= l)
            ans += -(pos - last) * g;
            ans += -(l - last) * g;
        last = pos;
    return ans;
void solve()//莫队
    sort(q + 1, q + 1 + m, cmp);
    int l = 1, r = 0;//左右指针,区间一开始不存在
    _for(i, 1, m)
       // cout << q[i].l << " lr " << q[i].r << endl;
        while (q[i].l < l) res += LFT(--l, r);//左界左移
        while (q[i].r > r) res += RGT(l, ++r);//右界右移
        while (q[i].l > l) res -= LFT(l++, r);//左界右移
        while (q[i].r < r) res -= RGT(l, r--);//右界左移
        ans[q[i].id] = res;
    _for(i, 1, m) cout << ans[i] << endl;
signed main()
    int T; cin >> T;
    while (T--)
        cin >> n;
        int siz = sqrt(n);
        _for(i, 1, n) cin >> a[i], pos[i] = i / siz;//输入然后分块
        cin >> m;
        _for(i, 1, m)
            int x, y;
            cin >> x >> y;
            q[i] = { x,y,i };
        _for(i, 0, n+1) L[i].clear(), R[i].clear(), ans[i] = 0, pos[i] = 0, q[i] = { 0,0,0 };
        res = 0;

以上是关于Hdu5381 the sum of gcd(莫队)的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

hdu 5381 The sum of gcd 2015多校联合训练赛#8莫队算法

(预处理+莫队算法)HDU - 5381 The sum of gcd

HDU - 5381 The sum of gcd(莫队/线段树区间合并)

HDU - 5381 The sum of gcd(莫队/线段树区间合并)

HDOJ 5381 The sum of gcd 莫队算法

hdu 5381 The sum of gcd(线段树+gcd)