
Posted 胜天半月子



一、First Day

  • 例句
  1. I’ve been working with this-amazing organization called Covenant House for the last seven years.(过去的七年里,我一直和一个叫Covenant House了不起的组织合作)
  2. It’s-an-organization that provides vital support and services to young people overcoming homelessness.(这是一个为年轻人克服无家可归问题,提供至关重要的支持和服务的组织)
  3. And they have-a presence-in 31 cities-across the U.S.,Canada,and Latin America.(他们在美国、加拿大、拉丁美洲的31个城市都有业务)

  • 单词解读

    not getting ang younger:老了,年龄大了,岁月不饶人,没有时间做某事

    have a presence in :有一个存在

二、Second Day

  • 例句
  1. I watched the “Spider-Man :Into the Spider-Verse” movie.(我看了电影蜘蛛侠平行宇宙)
  2. By the way,one of the coolest movies-I’ve ever seen.(顺便说一下,这是我看过最酷的电影之一)
  3. Visually,I’ve never seen animation like that.(视觉上,我从未看过那样的动画制作)

  • 单词解读

    Visual : 看得见的;可视化;看的
    Visually : 视觉地;在视觉上地;直观地

三、Third Day

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  1. What do you hope people take-away from this?(你希望人们从这个电影中得到什么?)
  2. Um…Art is-impportant in-our lives.I don’t think people emphasize that-enough.(艺术在我们的生活中很重要,我认为人们对这一点的强调还不够)
  3. I’m really inspired by James Baldwin the writer. Have you heard-of him?Don’t lie.I have heard-of James Baldwin(我真的受到James Baldwin的启发,你听说过他吗?不要撒谎哦。我听说过James Baldwin)
  4. He’s … was-a great source-of-inspiration for me growing-up,and he was-a great source-of-a inspiration for the show.(他是我成长过程中的重要灵感来源,也是这部剧的重要灵感来源)

  • 单词解读
    take-away from :从…拿走;剥夺,使丧失;减损
    take someone’s side :支持 偏袒

enough is enough:够了够了;适可而止;够了就是够了

now and then:偶尔;时而;不时


四、Fourth Day

  • 例句
  1. To date,you know, we’ve donated-all the profits from-our website to buying relief needs,relief supplies for those-on the front lines.(迄今为止,我们已经将网站所有的收益捐给前线人员用于采购物资)
  2. So,thus far,we’ve donated-about 2000 masks.(目前,我们大约捐赠了两万个口罩)
  3. We’ve bought lunch for nurses and people in the ER-emergency rooms at various hospitals and we continue to support.(我们为各个医院急诊室的护士和人们买了午餐,我们还会一如既往的继续支持)

  • 单词解读
    to date:到目前为止;迄今;迄今为止
    relief :救济;减轻;解除

    on the front lines:在前线;第一现场
    mask :掩饰;掩藏

    nurse:n. 护士;保姆
    v. 培养;看护;喂奶;吃奶


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[英语] 何凯文每日英语第267句