Posted 曾小福气

1 #!/bin/bash 2 PRICE=$(expr $RANDOM % 1000) 3 #PRICE=100 4 TIMES=10 5 USETIMES=0 6 LEFT=0 7 RIGHT=999 8 echo "商品的实际价格为0-999,猜猜看是多少?你最多有10次机会哦!" 9 while [[ $TIMES -gt 0 ]] # [ $TIMES -gt 0 ] 10 do 11 read -p "请输入您猜测的价格数字(为一整数): " INT 12 let TIMES-- 13 let USETIMES++ 14 if [ $INT -eq $PRICE ];then 15 echo "恭喜您答对了,实际价格是$PRICE" 16 echo "您总共猜测了$USETIMES次" 17 #TIMES=0 18 break 19 elif [ $INT -gt $PRICE ];then 20 RIGHT=$INT 21 echo "猜高了!您还有$TIMES次机会,提示:价格位于$LEFT到$RIGHT之间。" 22 else 23 LEFT=$INT 24 echo "猜低了!您还有$TIMES次机会,提示:价格位于$LEFT到$RIGHT之间。" 25 fi 26 done
类C语言风格的bash shell脚本

#!/bin/bash for ((integer=1;integer<=5;integer++)) do echo "$integer" done echo "-------------------------" sum=0 for ((i=1;i<=100;i=i+2)) do let "sum+=i" done echo "sum=$sum" echo "------------------------" LIMIT=5 for ((a = 1, b = 5;a <= LIMIT;a++,b--)) do let "temp=a-b" echo "$a-$b=$temp" done
1 BEGIN{ 2 for(n=1;n<=5;n++) 3 print "2^"n,2**n 4 } 5 ###awk -f for.awk
1 [[email protected] ~]$ vim shell_scripts.sh 2 3 [ -f aaaaa ]&&echo "aaaaa is a file" ||echo "aaaaa is a directory" 4 [ 10 -gt 10 ] && echo "10 is greater than 10" || echo "10 is not greater than 10" 5 echo $? 6 [ 10 -eq 10 ] 7 echo $? 8 FreeMem=`free -m | grep cache: |awk ‘{print $3}‘` 9 echo $FreeMem
1 [[email protected] shell_script]$ cat quiz 2 #!/bin/bash 3 #remove the # on the following line to turn on debugging 4 #set -o xtrace 5 6 #========================== 7 function initialize (){ 8 trap ‘summarize;exit 0‘ INT #Handle user interrupts 9 num_ques=0 #Number of questions asked so far 10 num_correct=0 #Number answered correctly so far 11 first_time=true #true until first question is asked 12 cd ${QUIZDIR:=~/quiz} || exit 2 13 } 14 15 #========================= 16 function choose_subj (){ 17 subjects=($(ls)) 18 PS3="Choose a subject for the quiz from the preceding list:" 19 select Subject in ${subjects[*]};do 20 if [[ -z "$Subject" ]];then 21 echo "No subject chosen. Bye." >&2 22 exit 1 23 fi 24 echo $Subject 25 return 0 26 done 27 } 28 29 #=========================== 30 function exchange (){ 31 temp_value=${questions[$1]} 32 questions[$1]=${questions[$2]} 33 questions[$2]=$temp_value 34 } 35 36 #=========================== 37 function scramble (){ 38 declare -i index quescount 39 questions=($(ls)) 40 quescount=${#questions[*]} #Number of elements 41 ((index=quescount-1)) 42 while [[ $index > 0 ]];do 43 ((target=RANDOM % index)) 44 exchange $target $index 45 ((index -= 1)) 46 done 47 } 48 49 #========================== 50 function ask (){ 51 exec 3<$1 52 read -u3 ques || exit 2 53 read -u3 num_opts || exit 2 54 55 index=0 56 choices=() 57 while (( index < num_opts )) ; do 58 read -u3 next_choice || exit 2 59 choices=("${choices[@]}" "$next_choice") 60 ((index += 1 )) 61 done 62 read -u3 correct_answer || exit 2 63 exec 3<&- 64 65 if [[ $first_time = true ]];then 66 first_time=false 67 echo -e "You may press the interrupt key at any time to quit.\n" 68 fi 69 70 PS3=$ques" " #Make $ques the prompt for select 71 #and add some spaces for legibility 72 select answer in "${choices[@]}";do 73 if [[ -z "$answer" ]];then 74 echo "Not a valid choice.Please choose again." 75 elif [[ "$answer" = "$correct_answer" ]];then 76 echo ‘Correct!‘ 77 return 1 78 else 79 echo "No,the answer is $correct_answer." 80 return 0 81 fi 82 done 83 } 84 85 #========================= 86 function summarize (){ 87 echo #skip a line 88 if ((num_ques == 0 ));then 89 echo "You did not answer any questions" 90 exit 0 91 fi 92 93 ((percent=num_correct*100/num_ques)) 94 echo "You answered $num_correct questions correctly,out of \ 95 $num_ques total questions." 96 echo "Your score is $percent percent." 97 } 98 99 #============================ 100 # main program 101 initialize #Step 1 in top-level design 102 103 subject=$(choose_subj) #Step 2 104 [[ $? -eq 0 ]] || exit 2 #If no valid choice,exit 105 106 cd $subject || exit 2 #Step 3 107 echo #skip a line 108 scramble #step 4 109 110 for ques in ${questions[*]};do #step 5 111 ask $ques 112 result=$? 113 (( num_ques=numques+1 )) 114 if [[ $result == 1 ]];then 115 (( num_correct +=1 )) 116 fi 117 echo #skip a line between questions 118 sleep ${QUIZDELAY:=1} 119 done 120 121 122 summarize #step 6 123 exit 0
[[email protected] shell_script]$ cd ..
[[email protected] ~]$ ll quiz/
总用量 40
drwxrwxr-x. 2 zengqingfu zengqingfu 4096 3月 17 10:23 art
drwxrwxr-x. 2 zengqingfu zengqingfu 4096 3月 17 10:25 biology
drwxrwxr-x. 2 zengqingfu zengqingfu 4096 3月 17 10:25 chemistry
drwxrwxr-x. 2 zengqingfu zengqingfu 4096 3月 17 10:25 Chinese
drwxrwxr-x. 2 zengqingfu zengqingfu 4096 3月 17 10:23 engineering
drwxrwxr-x. 2 zengqingfu zengqingfu 4096 3月 17 10:25 english
drwxrwxr-x. 2 zengqingfu zengqingfu 4096 3月 17 10:26 history
drwxrwxr-x. 2 zengqingfu zengqingfu 4096 3月 17 10:33 math
drwxrwxr-x. 2 zengqingfu zengqingfu 4096 3月 17 10:26 physics
drwxrwxr-x. 2 zengqingfu zengqingfu 4096 3月 17 10:24 politics