
Posted 敲代码的小小酥




 * Copyright 2002-2012 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.beans.factory.config;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Properties;

import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanInitializationException;
import org.springframework.core.Ordered;
import org.springframework.core.PriorityOrdered;
import org.springframework.core.io.support.PropertiesLoaderSupport;
import org.springframework.util.ObjectUtils;

 * Allows for configuration of individual bean property values from a property resource,
 * i.e. a properties file. Useful for custom config files targeted at system
 * administrators that override bean properties configured in the application context.
 * <p>Two concrete implementations are provided in the distribution:
 * <ul>
 * <li>{@link PropertyOverrideConfigurer} for "beanName.property=value" style overriding
 * (<i>pushing</i> values from a properties file into bean definitions)
 * <li>{@link PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer} for replacing "${...}" placeholders
 * (<i>pulling</i> values from a properties file into bean definitions)
 * </ul>
 * <p>Property values can be converted after reading them in, through overriding
 * the {@link #convertPropertyValue} method. For example, encrypted values
 * can be detected and decrypted accordingly before processing them.
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @since 02.10.2003
 * @see PropertyOverrideConfigurer
 * @see PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer
public abstract class PropertyResourceConfigurer extends PropertiesLoaderSupport
		implements BeanFactoryPostProcessor, PriorityOrdered {

	private int order = Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE;  // default: same as non-Ordered

	 * Set the order value of this object for sorting purposes.
	 * @see PriorityOrdered
	public void setOrder(int order) {
		this.order = order;

	public int getOrder() {
		return this.order;

	 * {@linkplain #mergeProperties Merge}, {@linkplain #convertProperties convert} and
	 * {@linkplain #processProperties process} properties against the given bean factory.
	 * @throws BeanInitializationException if any properties cannot be loaded
	public void postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException {
		try {
			Properties mergedProps = mergeProperties();

			// Convert the merged properties, if necessary.

			// Let the subclass process the properties.
			processProperties(beanFactory, mergedProps);
		catch (IOException ex) {
			throw new BeanInitializationException("Could not load properties", ex);

	 * Convert the given merged properties, converting property values
	 * if necessary. The result will then be processed.
	 * <p>The default implementation will invoke {@link #convertPropertyValue}
	 * for each property value, replacing the original with the converted value.
	 * @param props the Properties to convert
	 * @see #processProperties
	protected void convertProperties(Properties props) {
		Enumeration<?> propertyNames = props.propertyNames();
		while (propertyNames.hasMoreElements()) {
			String propertyName = (String) propertyNames.nextElement();
			String propertyValue = props.getProperty(propertyName);
			String convertedValue = convertProperty(propertyName, propertyValue);
			if (!ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(propertyValue, convertedValue)) {
				props.setProperty(propertyName, convertedValue);

	 * Convert the given property from the properties source to the value
	 * which should be applied.
	 * <p>The default implementation calls {@link #convertPropertyValue(String)}.
	 * @param propertyName the name of the property that the value is defined for
	 * @param propertyValue the original value from the properties source
	 * @return the converted value, to be used for processing
	 * @see #convertPropertyValue(String)
	protected String convertProperty(String propertyName, String propertyValue) {
		return convertPropertyValue(propertyValue);

	 * Convert the given property value from the properties source to the value
	 * which should be applied.
	 * <p>The default implementation simply returns the original value.
	 * Can be overridden in subclasses, for example to detect
	 * encrypted values and decrypt them accordingly.
	 * @param originalValue the original value from the properties source
	 * (properties file or local "properties")
	 * @return the converted value, to be used for processing
	 * @see #setProperties
	 * @see #setLocations
	 * @see #setLocation
	 * @see #convertProperty(String, String)
	protected String convertPropertyValue(String originalValue) {
		return originalValue;

	 * Apply the given Properties to the given BeanFactory.
	 * @param beanFactory the BeanFactory used by the application context
	 * @param props the Properties to apply
	 * @throws org.springframework.beans.BeansException in case of errors
	protected abstract void processProperties(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory, Properties props)
			throws BeansException;



Allows for configuration of individual bean property values from a property resource, i.e. a properties file. Useful for custom config files targeted at system administrators that override bean properties configured in the application context.

Two concrete implementations are provided in the distribution:
PropertyOverrideConfigurer for “beanName.property=value” style overriding (pushing values from a properties file into bean definitions)
PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer for replacing “${…}” placeholders (pulling values from a properties file into bean definitions)



Property values can be converted after reading them in, through overriding the convertPropertyValue method. For example, encrypted values can be detected and decrypted accordingly before processing them.




可以看出这几个类都是实现了排序和优先级接口的,所以,它的运行流程就是先解析properties中的key和value。将其存入内存,然后再解析xml中配置的 , 将 p r o p e r t i e s 解 析 的 值 , 替 换 到 {},将properties解析的值,替换到 properties{}中去。这几个类就做了这点儿事情。所以我们在配置数据库连接时好用这种配置,其原理就出自于此。


	 * Convert the given property from the properties source to the value
	 * which should be applied.
	 * <p>The default implementation calls {@link #convertPropertyValue(String)}.
	 * @param propertyName the name of the property that the value is defined for
	 * @param propertyValue the original value from the properties source
	 * @return the converted value, to be used for processing
	 * @see #convertPropertyValue(String)
	protected String convertProperty(String propertyName, String propertyValue) {
		return convertPropertyValue(propertyValue);

	 * Convert the given property value from the properties source to the value
	 * which should be applied.
	 * <p>The default implementation simply returns the original value.
	 * Can be overridden in subclasses, for example to detect
	 * encrypted values and decrypt them accordingly.
	 * @param originalValue the original value from the properties source
	 * (properties file or local "properties")
	 * @return the converted value, to be used for processing
	 * @see #setProperties
	 * @see #setLocations
	 * @see #setLocation
	 * @see #convertProperty(String, String)
	protected String convertPropertyValue(String originalValue) {
		return originalValue;






一文彻底解密Spring 源码之Spring MVC

